
# TODO: Add comment
# Author: Thomas

blast.pdb <- function(seq, database="pdb") {
	## Run NCBI blastp on a given 'seq' sequence against a given 'database'
	if(!is.vector(seq)) {
		stop("Input 'seq' should be a single sequence as a single or multi element character vector")
	seq <- paste(seq, collapse="")
	if( !(database %in% c("pdb", "nr", "swissprot")) )
		stop("Option database should be one of pdb, nr or swissprot")
	##- Submit
	urlput <- paste("http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/Blast.cgi?CMD=Put&DATABASE=",
	txt <- scan(urlput, what="raw", sep="\n", quiet=TRUE)
	rid <- sub("^.*RID = " ,"",txt[ grep("RID =",txt) ])
	cat(paste(" Searching ... please wait (updates every 5 seconds) RID =",rid,"\n "))
	##- Retrive results via RID code (note 'Sys.sleep()')
	urlget <- paste("http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Get",
			"&RID=",rid, sep="")
	raw  <- read.csv(urlget,
			header = FALSE, sep = ",", quote="\"", dec=".",
			fill = TRUE, comment.char="")
	## Check for job completion (retrive html or cvs?)
	html <- 1
	while(length(html) == 1) {
		cat("."); Sys.sleep(5)
		raw  <- try(read.csv(urlget,
						header = FALSE, sep = ",", quote="\"", dec=".",
						fill = TRUE, comment.char=""), silent=TRUE)
		if(class(raw)=="try-error") { stop("No hits found: thus no output generated") }
		html <- grep("DOCTYPE", raw[1,])
	colnames(raw) <- c("queryid", "subjectids", "identity", "positives",
			"alignmentlength", "mismatches", "gapopens",
			"q.start", "q.end", "s.start", "s.end",
			"evalue", "bitscore")
	## expand 'raw' for each hit in 'subjectids' (i.e. split on ";")
	rawm <- as.matrix(raw)
	eachsubject <- strsplit(rawm[,"subjectids"],";")
	subjectids  <- unlist(eachsubject)
	n.subjects  <- sapply(eachsubject, length)
	rawm <- apply(rawm, 2, rep, times=n.subjects)
	rawm[,"subjectids"] <- subjectids
	## parse ids
	all.ids <- strsplit(subjectids, "\\|")
	gi.id  <- sapply(all.ids, '[', 2)
	pdb.id <- paste(sapply(all.ids, '[', 4),"_",sapply(all.ids, '[', 5),sep="")
	## N.B. hack: zero evalues to arbirtrly high value!!
	mlog.evalue <- -log(as.numeric(rawm[,"evalue"]))
	mlog.evalue[is.infinite(mlog.evalue)] <- -log(1e-308)
	cat(paste("\n Reporting",length(pdb.id),"hits\n"))
	output <- list(bitscore=  as.numeric(rawm[,"bitscore"]),
			evalue =  as.numeric(rawm[,"evalue"]),
			mlog.evalue = mlog.evalue,
			gi.id = gi.id,
			pdb.id = pdb.id,
			hit.tbl = rawm,
			raw = raw)
	class(output) <- "blast"
thomasp85/pepmaps documentation built on May 31, 2019, 11:15 a.m.