
Defines functions get_quality is.Request as.Request.environment as.Request.Request as.Request

Documented in as.Request is.Request

#' HTTP Request Handling
#' This class wraps all functionality related to extracting information from a
#' http request. Much of the functionality is inspired by the Request class in
#' Express.js, so [the documentation](https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req)
#' for this will complement this document. As `reqres` is build on top of the
#' [Rook specifications](https://github.com/jeffreyhorner/Rook/blob/a5e45f751/README.md)
#' the `Request` object is initialized from a Rook-compliant object. This will
#' often be the request object provided by the `httpuv` framework. While it
#' shouldn't be needed, the original Rook object is always accessible and can be
#' modified, though any modifications will not propagate to derived values in
#' the `Request` object (e.g. changing the `HTTP_HOST` element of the Rook
#' object will not change the `host` field of the `Request` object). Because of
#' this, direct manipulation of the Rook object is generally discouraged.
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @section Initialization:
#' A new 'Request'-object is initialized using the \code{new()} method on the
#' generator:
#' \strong{Usage}
#' \tabular{l}{
#'  \code{req <- Request$new(rook, trust = FALSE)}
#' }
#' \strong{Arguments}
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'  \code{rook} \tab  \tab The rook request that the new object should wrap\cr
#'  \code{trust} \tab  \tab Is this request trusted blindly. If `TRUE` `X-Forwarded-*` headers will be returned when querying host, ip, and protocol
#' }
#' @section Fields:
#' The following fields are accessible in a `Request` object:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`trust`}{A logical indicating whether the request is trusted. *Mutable*}
#'  \item{`method`}{A string indicating the request method (in lower case, e.g.
#'  'get', 'put', etc.). *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`body`}{An object holding the body of the request. This is an empty
#'  string by default and needs to be populated using the `set_body()` method
#'  (this is often done using a body parser that accesses the Rook$input
#'  stream). *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`cookies`}{Access a named list of all cookies in the request. These
#'  have been URI decoded. *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`headers`}{Access a named list of all headers in the request. In order
#'  to follow R variable naming standards `-` have been substituted with `_`.
#'  Use the `get_header()` method to lookup based on the correct header name.
#'  *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`host`}{Return the domain of the server given by the "Host" header if
#'  `trust == FALSE`. If `trust == true` returns the `X-Forwarded-Host` instead.}
#'  \item{`ip`}{Returns the remote address of the request if `trust == FALSE`.
#'  if `trust == TRUE` it will instead return the first value of the
#'  `X-Forwarded-For` header. *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`ips`}{If `trust == TRUE` it will return the full list of ips in the
#'  `X-Forwarded-For` header. If `trust == FALSE` it will return an empty
#'  vector. *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`protocol`}{Returns the protocol (e.g. 'http') used for the request.
#'  If `trust == TRUE` it will use the value of the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header.
#'  *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`root`}{The mount point of the application receiving this request. Can
#'  be empty if the application is mounted on the server root. *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`path`}{The part of the url following the root. Defines the local
#'  target of the request (independent of where it is mounted). *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`url`}{The full URL of the request. *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`query`}{The query string of the request (anything following "?" in
#'  the URL) parsed into a named list. The query has been url decoded and "+"
#'  has been substituted with space. Multiple queries are expected to be
#'  separated by either "&" or "|". *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`querystring`}{The unparsed query string of the request, including
#'  "?". If no query string exists it will be `""` rather than `"?"`}
#'  \item{`xhr`}{A logical indicating whether the `X-Requested-With` header
#'  equals `XMLHttpRequest` thus indicating that the request was performed using
#'  a JavaScript library such as jQuery. *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`secure`}{A logical indicating whether the request was performed using
#'  a secure connection, i.e. `protocol == 'https'`. *Immutable*}
#'  \item{`origin`}{The original object used to create the `Request` object. As
#'  `reqres` currently only works with rook this will always return the original
#'  rook object. *Immutable*, though the content of the rook object itself might
#'  be manipulated as it is an environment.}
#'  \item{`response`}{If a `Response` object has been created for this request
#'  it is accessible through this field. *Immutable*}
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' The following methods are available in a `Request` object:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`set_body(content)`}{Sets the content of the request body. This method
#'  should mainly be used in concert with a body parser that reads the
#'  `rook$input` stream}
#'  \item{`set_cookies(cookies)`}{Sets the cookies of the request. The cookies
#'  are automatically parsed and populated, so this method is mainly available
#'  to facilitate cookie signing and encryption}
#'  \item{`get_header(name)`}{Get the header of the specified name.}
#'  \item{`accepts(types)`}{Given a vector of response content types it returns
#'  the preferred one based on the `Accept` header.}
#'  \item{`accepts_charsets(charsets)`}{Given a vector of possible character
#'  encodings it returns the preferred one based on the `Accept-Charset`
#'  header.}
#'  \item{`accepts_encoding(encoding)`}{Given a vector of possible content
#'  encodings (usually compression algorithms) it selects the preferred one
#'  based on the `Accept-Encoding` header. If there is no match it will return
#'  `"identity"` signaling no compression.}
#'  \item{`accepts_language(language)`}{Given a vector of possible content
#'  languages it selects the best one based on the `Accept-Language` header.}
#'  \item{`is(type)`}{Queries whether the body of the request is in a given
#'  format by looking at the `Content-Type` header. Used for selecting the best
#'  parsing method.}
#'  \item{`respond()`}{Creates a new `Response` object from the request}
#'  \item{`parse(..., autofail = TRUE)`}{Based on provided parsers it selects
#'  the appropriate one by looking at the `Content-Type` header and assigns the
#'  result to the request body. A parser is a function accepting a raw vector,
#'  and a named list of additional directives,
#'  and returns an R object of any kind (if the parser knows the input to be
#'  plain text, simply wrap it in [rawToChar()]). If the body is compressed, it
#'  will be decompressed based on the `Content-Encoding` header prior to passing
#'  it on to the parser. See [parsers] for a list of pre-supplied parsers.
#'  Parsers are either supplied in a named list or as named arguments to the
#'  parse method. The names should correspond to mime types or known file
#'  extensions. If `autofail = TRUE` the response will be set with the correct
#'  error code if parsing fails. `parse()` returns `TRUE` if parsing was
#'  successful and `FALSE` if not}
#'  \item{`parse_raw(autofail = TRUE)`}{This is a simpler version of the
#'  `parse()` method. It will attempt to decompress the body and set the `body`
#'  field to the resulting raw vector. It is then up to the server to decide how
#'  to handle the payload. It returns `TRUE` if successful and `FALSE`
#'  otherwise.}
#'  \item{`as_message()`}{Prints a HTTP representation of the request to the
#'  output stream.}
#' }
#' @seealso [`Response`] for handling http responses
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.flag has_attr is.error
#' @importFrom stringi stri_match_first_regex stri_trim_both stri_split_fixed stri_split_regex
#' @importFrom urltools url_decode
#' @importFrom brotli brotli_decompress
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fake_rook <- fiery::fake_request(
#'   'http://example.com/test?id=34632&question=who+is+hadley',
#'   content = 'This is an elaborate ruse',
#'   headers = list(
#'     Accept = 'application/json; text/*',
#'     Content_Type = 'text/plain'
#'   )
#' )
#' req <- Request$new(fake_rook)
#' # Get full URL
#' req$url
#' # Get list of query parameters
#' req$query
#' # Test if content is text
#' req$is('txt')
#' # Perform content negotiation for the response
#' req$accepts(c('html', 'json', 'txt'))
#' # Cleaning up connections
#' rm(fake_rook, req)
#' gc()
Request <- R6Class('Request',
  public = list(
    initialize = function(rook, trust = FALSE) {
      self$trust <- trust
      private$ORIGIN <- rook
      private$METHOD <- tolower(rook$REQUEST_METHOD)
      private$HEADERS <- private$get_headers(rook)
      if (is.null(rook$HTTP_HOST)) {
        private$HOST <- paste(rook$SERVER_NAME, rook$SERVER_PORT, sep = ':')
      } else {
        private$HOST <- rook$HTTP_HOST
      private$PROTOCOL <- rook$rook.url_scheme
      private$ROOT <- rook$SCRIPT_NAME
      private$PATH <- rook$PATH_INFO
      private$QUERYSTRING <- rook$QUERY_STRING
      if (private$QUERYSTRING != '') {
        private$QUERYSTRING <- paste0('?', sub('^\\?', '', private$QUERYSTRING))
      private$IP <- rook$REMOTE_ADDR
      private$QUERY <- private$parse_query(private$QUERYSTRING)

      private$COOKIES <- private$parse_cookies()
    print = function(...) {
      cat('A HTTP request\n')
      cat('Trusted: ', if (self$trust) 'Yes' else 'No', '\n', sep = '')
      cat(' Method: ', self$method, '\n', sep = '')
      cat('    URL: ', self$url, '\n', sep = '')
    set_body = function(content) {
      private$BODY <- content
    set_cookies = function(cookies) {
      private$COOKIES <- cookies
    accepts = function(types) {
      accept <- private$format_mimes(self$headers$Accept)
      if (is.null(accept)) return(types[1])
      full_types <- private$format_types(types)
      ind <- private$get_format_spec(full_types, accept)
      if (is.null(ind)) return(NULL)
    accepts_charsets = function(charsets) {
      accept <- private$format_charsets(self$headers$Accept_Charset)
      if (is.null(accept)) return(charsets[1])
      ind <- private$get_charset_spec(tolower(charsets), accept)
      if (is.null(ind)) return(NULL)
    accepts_encoding = function(encoding) {
      acc_enc <- self$get_header('Accept-Encoding')
      if (is.null(acc_enc)) acc_enc <- 'identity'
      accept <- private$format_encodings(acc_enc)
      ind <- private$get_encoding_spec(tolower(encoding), accept)
      if (is.null(ind)) return('identity')
    accepts_language = function(language) {
      accept <- private$format_languages(self$headers$Accept_Language)
      if (is.null(accept)) return(language[1])
      ind <- private$get_language_spec(tolower(language), accept)
      if (is.null(ind)) return(NULL)
    is = function(type) {
      accept <- self$get_header('Content-Type')
      if (is.null(accept)) return(NULL)
      accept <- trimws(strsplit(accept, ';')[[1]])[1]
      content <- private$format_mimes(accept)
      full_type <- private$format_types(type)
      if (nrow(full_type) == 0) return(FALSE)
      !is.null(private$get_format_spec(full_type, content))
    get_header = function(name) {
      self$headers[[gsub('-', '_', name)]]
    respond = function() {
      if (is.null(self$response)) {
      } else {
    parse = function(..., autofail = TRUE) {
      if (!private$has_body()) return(TRUE)

      parsers <- list(...)
      if (is.list(..1)) {
        first_parsers <- names(parsers)[-1]
        parsers <- modifyList(..1, list(...)[-1])
        first_parsers <- names(parsers) %in% first_parsers
        parsers <- c(parsers[first_parsers], parsers[!first_parsers])
      assert_that(has_attr(parsers, 'names'))

      type <- self$get_header('Content-Type')
      if (is.null(type)) return(FALSE)
      directives <- trimws(strsplit(type, ';')[[1]])[-1]
      directives <- strsplit(directives, '=')
      directives <- structure(
        lapply(directives, `[`, 2),
        names = lapply(directives, `[`, 1)

      success <- FALSE
      for (i in names(parsers)) {
        if (self$is(i)) {
          content <- private$get_body()
          content <- try(private$unpack(content))
          if (is.error(content)) {
            if (autofail) self$response$status_with_text(400L)
          content <- try(parsers[[i]](content, directives))
          if (!is.error(content)) {
            private$BODY <- content
            success <- TRUE
      if (!success && autofail && !is.null(self$response)) {
    parse_raw = function(autofail = TRUE) {
      content <- private$get_body()
      content <- try(private$unpack(content))
      if (is.error(content)) {
        if (autofail) self$response$status_with_text(400L)
      private$BODY <- content
    as_message = function() {
      cat(toupper(self$method), ' ', self$root, self$path, self$querystring, ' ', toupper(self$protocol), '/1.1\n', sep = '')
      if (is.null(self$get_header('Host'))) {
        cat('Host: ', self$host, '\n', sep = '')
      headers <- split_headers(self$headers)
      body <- rawToChar(private$get_body())
      if (body == '') {
        cat('<No Body>\n')
      } else {
        body <- gsub('\n', '\\\\n', body)
        body <- gsub('\t', '\\\\t', body)
        cat(substr(body, 1, 77), if (nchar(body) > 77) '...\n' else '\n', sep = '')
  active = list(
    trust = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) return(private$TRUST)
      private$TRUST <- value
    method = function() {
    body = function() {
    cookies = function() {
    headers = function() {
    host = function() {
      if (self$trust && !is.null(self$headers$X_Forwarded_Host)) {
      } else {
    ip = function() {
      if (self$trust && !is.null(self$headers$X_Forwarded_For)) {
      } else {
    ips = function() {
      if (self$trust && !is.null(self$headers$X_Forwarded_For)) {
      } else {
    protocol = function() {
      if (self$trust && !is.null(self$headers$X_Forwarded_Proto)) {
      } else {
    root = function() {
    path = function() {
    url = function() {
      paste0(self$protocol, '://',
    query = function() {
    querystring = function() {
    xhr = function() {
      xhr <- self$get_header('X-Requested-With')
      !is.null(xhr) && xhr == 'XMLHttpRequest'
    secure = function() {
      self$protocol == 'https'
    origin = function() {
    response = function(res) {
      if (missing(res)) return(private$RESPONSE)
      if (!is.null(private$RESPONSE)) {
        stop('Response can only be assigned once', call. = FALSE)
      stopifnot(inherits(res, 'Response'))
      if (!identical(self, res$request)) {
        stop('response can only be set to an object responding to this request', call. = FALSE)
      private$RESPONSE <- res
  private = list(
    HOST = NULL,
    ROOT = NULL,
    PATH = NULL,
    IP = NULL,
    BODY = NULL,

    parse_cookies = function() {
      if (is.null(self$headers$Cookie)) return(list())
      cookies <- stri_trim_both(stri_split_regex(self$headers$Cookie, ";(?=\\s*[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'()*+-.\\/:<>?@\\[\\]^_`{|}~]{1,})")[[1]])
      cookies <- unlist(stri_split_fixed(cookies, '=', n = 2))
        as.list(url_decode(cookies[c(FALSE, TRUE)])),
        names = cookies[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
    parse_query = function(query) {
      if (query == '') return(list())
      query <- url_decode(query)
      query <- sub('^\\?', '', query)
      query <- gsub('\\+', ' ', query)
      query <- strsplit(unlist(strsplit(query, '&|;')), '=')
      ans <- list()
      for (i in query) {
        ans[[i[1]]] <- append(ans[[i[1]]], i[2])
      lapply(ans, type.convert, as.is = TRUE)
    get_headers = function(rook) {
      vars <- ls(rook)
      headers <- vars[grepl('^HTTP_', vars)]
      ans <- lapply(headers, function(head) {
        strsplit(rook[[head]], split = ',\\s?')[[1]]
      names(ans) <- gsub("(^|_)([[:alpha:]])", "\\1\\U\\2",
                         tolower(sub('^HTTP_', '', headers)),
                         perl = TRUE)
    format_mimes = function(type) {
      if (is.null(type) || length(type) == 0) return(NULL)
      type <- stri_match_first_regex(tolower(type), '^\\s*([^\\s\\/;]+)\\/([^;\\s]+)\\s*(?:;(.*))?$')
      type <- as.data.frame(type, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(type) <- c('full', 'main', 'sub', 'q')
      type$q <- get_quality(type$q)
    format_charsets = function(charsets) {
      if (is.null(charsets) || length(charsets) == 0) return(NULL)
      charsets <- stri_match_first_regex(tolower(charsets), '^\\s*([^\\s;]+)\\s*(?:;(.*))?$')
      charsets <- as.data.frame(charsets, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(charsets) <- c('full', 'main', 'q')
      charsets$q <- get_quality(charsets$q)
    format_encodings = function(encodings) {
      if (is.null(encodings) || length(encodings) == 0) return(NULL)
      encodings <- stri_match_first_regex(tolower(encodings), '^\\s*([^\\s;]+)\\s*(?:;(.*))?$')
      encodings <- as.data.frame(encodings, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(encodings) <- c('full', 'main', 'q')
      encodings$q <- get_quality(encodings$q)
      if (!'identity' %in% encodings$main) {
        encodings  <- rbind(
          data.frame(full = 'identity;q=0', main = 'identity', q = min(encodings$q), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    format_languages = function(lang) {
      if (is.null(lang) || length(lang) == 0) return(NULL)
      lang <- stri_match_first_regex(tolower(lang), '^\\s*([^\\s\\-;]+)(?:-([^\\s;]+))?\\s*(?:;(.*))?$')
      lang <- as.data.frame(lang, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(lang) <- c('full', 'main', 'sub', 'q')
      lang$q <- get_quality(lang$q)
      lang$complete <- paste0(lang$main, ifelse(is.na(lang$sub), '', paste0('-', lang$sub)))
    format_types = function(formats) {
      ext <- !grepl('/', formats)
      format_ind <- rep(NA_integer_, length(formats))
      formats[ext] <- sub('^[.]', '', formats[ext])
      format_ind[ext] <- mimes_ext$index[match(formats[ext], mimes_ext$ext)]
      format_ind[!ext] <- match(formats[!ext], mimes$name)
      mimes[na.omit(format_ind), ]
    get_format_spec = function(format, accepts) {
      f_split <- strsplit(format$name, '/')
      spec <- do.call(rbind, lapply(f_split, function(n) {
        spec <- ifelse(n[1] == accepts$main, 4, ifelse(accepts$main == '*', 0, NA))
        spec <- spec + ifelse(n[2] == accepts$sub, 2, ifelse(accepts$sub == '*', 0, NA))
        win <- order(spec, accepts$q, -seq_along(spec), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
        if (is.na(spec[win])) {
          c(NA, NA)
        } else {
          c(spec[win], win)
      if (all(is.na(spec[, 1]))) return(NULL)
      order(accepts$q[spec[,2]], spec[,1], -spec[,2], -seq_along(f_split), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
    get_charset_spec = function(charset, accepts) {
      spec <- do.call(rbind, lapply(charset, function(n) {
        spec <- ifelse(n == accepts$main, 1, ifelse(accepts$main == '*', 0, NA))
        win <- order(spec, accepts$q, -seq_along(spec), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
        if (is.na(spec[win])) {
          c(NA, NA)
        } else {
          c(spec[win], win)
      if (all(is.na(spec[, 1]))) return(NULL)
      order(accepts$q[spec[,2]], spec[,1], -spec[,2], -seq_along(charset), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
    get_encoding_spec = function(encoding, accepts) {
      spec <- do.call(rbind, lapply(encoding, function(n) {
        spec <- ifelse(n == accepts$main, 1, ifelse(accepts$main == '*', 0, NA))
        win <- order(spec, accepts$q, -seq_along(spec), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
        if (is.na(spec[win])) {
          c(NA, NA)
        } else {
          c(spec[win], win)
      if (all(is.na(spec[, 1]))) return(NULL)
      order(accepts$q[spec[,2]], spec[,1], -spec[,2], -seq_along(encoding), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
    get_language_spec = function(lang, accepts) {
      l_split <- strsplit(lang, '-')
      spec <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(lang), function(i) {
        spec <- ifelse(lang[i] == accepts$complete, 4, NA)
        spec <- ifelse(is.na(spec) & lang[i] == accepts$main, 2, NA)
        spec <- ifelse(is.na(spec) & l_split[[i]][1] == accepts$complete, 1, NA)
        spec <- ifelse(is.na(spec) & accepts$complete == '*', 0, NA)
        win <- order(spec, accepts$q, -seq_along(spec), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
        if (is.na(spec[win])) {
          c(NA, NA)
        } else {
          c(spec[win], win)
      if (all(is.na(spec[, 1]))) return(NULL)
      order(accepts$q[spec[,2]], spec[,1], -spec[,2], -seq_along(lang), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
    unpack = function(raw) {
      compression <- self$get_header('Content-Encoding')
      if (is.null(compression)) return(raw)
      compression <- rev(trimws(strsplit(compression, ',')[[1]]))
      Reduce(function(l, r) {
          identity = l,
          br = brotli_decompress(l),
          gzip =,
          "x-gzip" = {
            con <- gzcon(rawConnection(l))
            l <- readBin(con, raw(), length(l))
          deflate = memDecompress(l, type = 'gzip'),
          stop('Unsupported compression', call. = FALSE)
      }, x = compression, init = raw)
    has_body = function() {
      first <- private$ORIGIN$rook.input$read(1)
      length(first) != 0
    get_body = function() {
      body <- private$ORIGIN$rook.input$read()
#' @rdname Request
#' @usage as.Request(x, ...)
#' @param x An object coercible to a `Request`.
#' @param ... Parameters passed on to `Request$new()`
#' @return A `Request` object (for `as.Request()`) or a logical indicating whether
#' the object is a `Request` (for `is.Request()`)
#' @export
as.Request <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
as.Request.Request <- function(x, ...) x
#' @export
as.Request.environment <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.null(x[['rook.version']])) {
    stop('Must be a Rook object', call. = FALSE)
  Request$new(x, ...)
#' @rdname Request
#' @usage is.Request(x)
#' @export
is.Request <- function(x) inherits(x, 'Request')
#' @importFrom stringi stri_extract_first_regex
get_quality <- function(q) {
  q <- stri_extract_first_regex(q, 'q=([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+')
  q <- as.numeric(sub('q=', '', q))
  q[is.na(q)] <- 1
thomasp85/reqres documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 8:12 a.m.