
Defines functions treeMap.positions treeMap tlsNormalize tlsCrop tlsSample nnFilter writeTLS readTLS setTLS splitByIndex rangeMeans tfMatrix planeAngle tlsCylinder setHeaderTLS cleanFields hasField las2xyz toLAS sizeCheck preCheck plot.cylinder hasAttribute setAttribute isLAS

Documented in nnFilter readTLS setTLS tlsCrop tlsNormalize tlsSample treeMap treeMap.positions writeTLS

# ===============================================================================
# Developers:
# Tiago de Conto - tdc.florestal@gmail.com -  https://github.com/tiagodc/
# COPYRIGHT: Tiago de Conto, 2020
# This piece of software is open and free to use, redistribution and modifications
# should be done in accordance to the GNU General Public License >= 3
# Use this software as you wish, but no warranty is provided whatsoever. For any
# comments or questions on TreeLS, please contact the developer (prefereably through my github account)
# If publishing any work/study/research that used the tools in TreeLS,
# please don't forget to cite the proper sources!
# Enjoy!
# ===============================================================================

#' @import data.table
#' @import lidR
#' @import magrittr
#' @import rgl
#' @import dismo
#' @import deldir
#' @import nabor
#' @import glue
#' @useDynLib TreeLS, .registration = TRUE


X = Y = Z = Classification = TreePosition = TreeID = Stem = Segment = gpstime = AvgHeight = Radius = N = Curvature = Verticality = MeanDist = PX = PY = PZ = h_radius = PointID = VoxelID = StemID = EigenVector13 = EigenVector23 = EigenVector33 = Votes = absRatio = clt = r = v = x = y = NULL



isLAS = function(las){
  if(class(las)[1] != 'LAS')
    stop('input data must be a LAS object - checkout ?setTLS')

setAttribute = function(obj, attribute_name){
  attr(obj, TLS_MARKER) = attribute_name

hasAttribute = function(obj, attribute_name){
  tlsatt = attr(obj, TLS_MARKER)
  bool = is.null(tlsatt) || tlsatt != attribute_name

plot.cylinder = function(x_center = 0, y_center = 0, h_bottom = 0, h_top = 1, radius = 0.5, color = 'yellow'){

  axis = matrix(c(
    rep(x_center, 2),
    rep(y_center, 2),
    seq(h_bottom, h_top, length.out = 2)
  ), ncol = 3, byrow = F)

  cyl = cylinder3d(axis, radius = radius)

  mesh = shade3d(addNormals(subdivision3d(cyl, depth = 0)), col = color)
  # mesh = shade3d(cyl, col=col)

#' @importFrom utils head
preCheck = function(las){


  has_class = "Classification" %in% names(las@data)

    message('no Classification field found in the dataset')


    has_ground = any(las$Classification == 2)

      mean_ground = las$Z[ las$Classification == 2 ] %>% mean(na.rm=T) %>% abs
      if(mean_ground > 0.2)
        message("point cloud apparently not normalized")
    } else {
      n = ifelse(nrow(las@data) > 1000, 1000, nrow(las@data))
      mean_ground = las$Z %>% sort %>% head(n) %>% median %>% abs
      if(mean_ground > 1)
        message("point cloud apparently not normalized")


#' @importFrom benchmarkme get_ram
sizeCheck = function(las, n_new_fields, bytes=8){
  n = nrow(las@data)
  mem = sum(gc(full=TRUE)[,2])
  ram = as.double(get_ram()) / 1000000
  malloc = n * n_new_fields * bytes / 1000000
  can_malloc = ram - mem - malloc
  if(can_malloc < 0){
    paste('adding', n_new_fields, 'columns to the las object is not possible - not enough RAM available') %>% stop
  }else if((can_malloc / ram) < 0.1){
    paste('adding', n_new_fields, 'columns to the las object will take more than 90% of the available RAM') %>% warning

toLAS = function(data_matrix, column_names=NULL){

  if(ncol(data_matrix) < 3)
    stop('data_matrix must have at least 3 columns')

  data_matrix %<>% as.data.table


    if(length(column_names) != ncol(data_matrix))
      stop('data_matrix must have the same number of columns as in column_names')

    checkXYZ = c('X', 'Y', 'Z') %in% column_names

      stop('X, Y and Z must be declared explicitly in column_names (in uppercase)')

    colnames(data_matrix) = column_names

  } else {

    if(ncol(data_matrix) > 3)
      message('converting first three columns only (assumed XYZ coordinates)')

    data_matrix = data_matrix[,1:3]
    colnames(data_matrix) = c('X', 'Y', 'Z')


  data_matrix = suppressMessages(data_matrix %>% LAS %>% setHeaderTLS)

las2xyz = function(las){

  if(class(las)[1] != "LAS")
    stop("las must be a LAS object")

  las = las@data[,c('X','Y','Z')] %>% as.matrix

hasField = function(las, field_name){
  if(class(las)[1] == 'LAS') las = las@data
  any(colnames(las) == field_name) %>% return()

cleanFields = function(las, field_names){
  is_las = class(las)[1] == 'LAS'
  for(i in field_names){
    temp = if(is_las) las@data[,i,with=F] else las[,i,with=F]
    temp = unlist(temp)
    temp[is.na(temp) | is.nan(temp) | is.infinite(temp) | is.null(temp)] = ifelse(is.logical(temp), F, 0)
    if(is_las) las@data[,i] = temp else las[,i] = temp

setHeaderTLS = function(las, x_scale = 0.0001, y_scale = 0.0001, z_scale = 0.0001){

  if(class(las)[1] != "LAS")
    stop("las must be a LAS object")

  if(las@header@PHB$`X scale factor` < x_scale)
    x_scale = las@header@PHB$`X scale factor`

  if(las@header@PHB$`Y scale factor` < y_scale)
    y_scale = las@header@PHB$`Y scale factor`

  if(las@header@PHB$`Z scale factor` < z_scale)
    z_scale = las@header@PHB$`Z scale factor`

  return(suppressMessages(las_rescale(las, x_scale, y_scale, z_scale)))

#' @importFrom stats runif
tlsCylinder = function(n=10000, h=100, radius=30, deviation=0){

  radius = runif(n, radius-deviation, radius+deviation)

  z=runif(n = n, min = 0, max = h)

  angs = runif(n, 0, 2*pi)
  x = sin(angs)*radius
  y = cos(angs)*radius

  return(cbind(x,y,z) %>% toLAS)

#' @importFrom stats cov
planeAngle = function(xyz, axis='z'){

  e = eigen(cov(xyz))
  if(axis != 'z') e$vectors[3,3] = 0

  global_axis = if(axis == 'z') c(0,0,1) else if(axis=='x') c(1,0,0) else c(0,1,0)

  angle = (( e$vectors[,3] %*% global_axis ) / ( sqrt(sum(e$vectors[,3]^2)) * sqrt(sum(global_axis^2)) )) %>%
    as.double %>% acos


rotationMatrix = function (ax, ay, az){

  Rx = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, cos(ax), sin(ax), 0, -sin(ax), cos(ax)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
  Ry = matrix(c(cos(ay), 0, -sin(ay), 0, 1, 0, sin(ay), 0, cos(ay)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
  Rz = matrix(c(cos(az), sin(az), 0, -sin(az), cos(az), 0, 0, 0, 1), ncol = 3, byrow = T)

  mat = Rz %*% Ry %*% Rx


tfMatrix = function(ax, ay, az, x, y, z){

  mat = rotationMatrix(ax, ay, az) %>%
    rbind(0) %>% cbind(c(x,y,z,1))


rangeMeans = function(X,Y,Z){
  meds = apply(cbind(X,Y,Z), 2, function(x) sum(range(x))/2) %>% t %>% as.data.table
  names(meds) = c('PX','PY','PZ')

splitByIndex = function(las, var='Z', max_size = 1E6){

  npts = nrow(las@data)
  zclass = 0

  if(npts > max_size){
    nparts = ceiling(npts/max_size)
    probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1/nparts)
    probs = probs[probs > 0 & probs < 1]
    zqts = quantile(las[[var]], probs) %>% as.double
    hs = c(min(las[[var]])-1, zqts, max(las$Z)+1)
    zclass = cut(las[[var]], hs) %>% as.integer


#' (Re-)Create a \code{LAS} object depending on the input's type
#' @description Reset the input's header if it is a \code{LAS} object, or generate a new \code{LAS} from a table-like input. For more information, checkout \code{\link[lidR:LAS]{lidR::LAS}}.
#' @param cloud \code{LAS}, \code{data.frame}, \code{matrix} or similar object to be converted.
#' @template param-colnames
#' @template return-las
#' @examples
#' cloud = matrix(runif(300, 0, 10), ncol=3)
#' cloud = setTLS(cloud)
#' summary(cloud)
#' @export
setTLS = function(cloud, col_names=NULL){

  if(class(cloud)[1] == 'LAS'){
    cloud = setHeaderTLS(cloud)
    cloud = toLAS(cloud, col_names)


#' Import a point cloud file into a LAS object
#' @description Wrapper to read point cloud files straight into LAS objects. Reads \emph{las} or \emph{laz} files with \code{\link[lidR:readLAS]{readLAS}}, \emph{ply} files with \code{\link[rlas:read.las]{read.las}} and other file formats with \code{\link[data.table:fread]{fread}} (txt, xyz, 3d or any other table like format).
#' @param file file path.
#' @template param-colnames
#' @param ... further arguments passed down to \code{readLAS}, \code{read.las} or \code{fread}.
#' @template return-las
#' @examples
#' cloud = matrix(runif(300), ncol=3)
#' file = tempfile(fileext = '.txt')
#' fwrite(cloud, file)
#' tls = readTLS(file)
#' summary(tls)
#' @importFrom rlas read.las
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export
readTLS = function(file, col_names=NULL, ...){

  format = sub('.+\\.(.+$)', '\\1', file) %>% tolower

  if(format %in% c('laz', 'las')){

    las = readLAS(file, ...) %>% setHeaderTLS

  }else if(format == 'ply'){

    las = LAS(read.las(file, ...)) %>% setHeaderTLS


    las = fread(file, ...) %>% toLAS(col_names)



#' Export \emph{TreeLS} point clouds to las/laz files
#' @description Wrapper to \code{\link[lidR:writeLAS]{writeLAS}}. This function automatically adds new data columns as extra bytes
#' to the written las/laz file using \code{\link[lidR:add_lasattribute]{add_lasattribute}} internally.
#' @template param-las
#' @param file file path.
#' @param col_names column names from \emph{las} that you wish to export. If left empty, all columns not listed among
#' \code{\link[lidR:LAS]{the standard LAS attributes}} are added to the file.
#' @param index \code{logical} - write lax file also.
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file) %>% fastPointMetrics#'
#' tls_file = tempfile(fileext = '.laz')
#' writeTLS(tls, tls_file)
#' up_tls = readTLS(tls_file)
#' summary(up_tls)
#' @export
writeTLS = function(las, file, col_names=NULL, index=FALSE){


  fields = names(las@data)
  fields = fields[!(fields %in% DEFAULT_LASATTRIBUTES)]

    if(!all(col_names %in% names(las@data))){
      stop("col_names must have only names that exist in las")
    fields = col_names

  for(f in fields){
    las = add_lasattribute(las, las@data[,f,with=F] %>% unlist %>% as.double, f, f)

  writeLAS(las, file, index)

#' Nearest neighborhood point filter
#' @description Remove isolated points from a \code{LAS} point cloud based on their neighborhood distances.
#' @template param-las
#' @param d \code{numeric} - search radius.
#' @param n \code{numeric} - number of neighbors within \code{d} distance a point must have to be kept in the output.
#' @template return-las
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "spruce.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file)
#' nrow(tls@data)
#' nn_tls = nnFilter(tls, 0.05, 3)
#' nrow(nn_tls@data)
#' @importFrom nabor knn
#' @export
nnFilter = function(las, d = 0.05, n = 2){


  if(d <= 0)
    stop('d must be a number larger than 0')

  if(n <= 0 )
    stop('d must be an integer larger than 0')

  sizeCheck(las, n)

  rnn = knn(las %>% las2xyz, k = n+1)$nn.dists[,-1]

  keep = rep(T, nrow(las@data))
  for(i in 1:ncol(rnn)){
    keep = keep & rnn[,i] < d

  las = filter_poi(las, keep)

#' Resample a point cloud
#' @description Applies a sampling algorithm to reduce a point cloud's density. Sampling methods are prefixed by \code{smp}.
#' @template param-las
#' @param method point sampling algorithm. Currently available: \code{\link{smp.voxelize}} and \code{\link{smp.randomize}}
#' @template return-las
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file)
#' nrow(tls@data)
#' ### sample points systematically from a 3D voxel grid
#' vx = tlsSample(tls, smp.voxelize(0.05))
#' nrow(vx@data)
#' ### sample half of the points randomly
#' rd = tlsSample(tls, smp.randomize(0.5))
#' nrow(rd@data)
#' @export
tlsSample = function(las, method = smp.voxelize()){


  if(!hasAttribute(method, 'tls_sample_mtd'))
    stop('invalid method: check ?tlsSample')

  las %<>% filter_poi(method(las))


#' Point cloud cropping
#' @description Returns a cropped point cloud of all points inside or outside specified boundaries of circle or square shapes.
#' @template param-las
#' @param x,y \code{numeric} -  X and Y center coordinates of the crop region.
#' @param len \code{numeric} -  if \code{circle = TRUE}, \code{len} is the circle's radius, otherwise it is the side length of a square.
#' @param circle \code{logical} -  crops a circle (if \code{TRUE}) or a square.
#' @param negative \code{logical} - if \code{TRUE}, returns all points **outside** the specified circle/square perimeter.
#' @template return-las
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine_plot.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file)
#' tls = tlsCrop(tls, 2, 3, 1.5, TRUE, TRUE)
#' plot(tls)
#' tls = tlsCrop(tls, 5, 5, 5, FALSE, FALSE)
#' plot(tls)
#' @export
tlsCrop = function(las, x, y, len, circle=TRUE, negative=FALSE){


    stop('x must be Numeric')

    stop('y must be Numeric')

  if(length(x) != 1)
    stop('x must of length 1')

  if(length(y) != 1)
    stop('y must of length 1')

    stop('len must be Numeric')

  if(len <= 0)
    stop('len must be a positive number')

  if(length(len) != 1)
    stop('len must of length 1')

    stop('circle must be Logical')

  if(length(circle) != 1)
    stop('circle must of length 1')

    stop('negative must be Logical')

  if(length(negative) != 1)
    stop('negative must of length 1')

  bool = RCropCloud(las %>% las2xyz, x, y, len, circle, negative)
  las %<>% filter_poi(bool)



#' Normalize a TLS point cloud
#' @description Fast normalization of TLS point clouds based on a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the ground points. If the input's ground points are not yet classified, the \code{\link[lidR:csf]{csf}} algorithm is applied internally.
#' @template param-las
#' @param min_res \code{numeric} - minimum resolution of the DTM used for normalization, in point cloud units.
#' @param keep_ground \code{logical} - if \code{FALSE} removes the ground points from the output.
#' @template return-las
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine_plot.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file)
#' plot(tls)
#' rgl::axes3d(col='white')
#' tls = tlsNormalize(tls, 0.5, FALSE)
#' plot(tls)
#' rgl::axes3d(col='white')
#' @importFrom raster raster extent res<-
#' @export
tlsNormalize = function(las, min_res=.25, keep_ground=TRUE){


  if(min_res <= 0)
    stop('res must be a positive number')

  if(!any(las$Classification == 2)){
    message('no ground points found, performing ground segmentation')
    las = classify_ground(las, csf(class_threshold = 0.05, cloth_resolution = 0.05), last_returns = F)

  res = area(las) / nrow(las@data[Classification == 2])
  res = ifelse(res < min_res, min_res, res)

  grid = las %>% extent %>% raster
  res(grid) = res

  dtm = grid_terrain(las, res = grid, algorithm = knnidw(), full_raster=TRUE)
  las = normalize_height(las, dtm, na.rm=TRUE, Wdegenerated = TRUE)

  if(!keep_ground) las = filter_poi(las, Classification != 2)



#' Map tree occurrences from TLS data
#' @description Estimates tree occurrence regions from a \strong{normalized} point cloud. Tree mapping methods are prefixed by \code{map}.
#' @template param-las
#' @param method tree mapping algorithm. Currently available: \code{\link{map.hough}}, \code{\link{map.eigen.knn}}, \code{\link{map.eigen.voxel}} and \code{\link{map.pick}}.
#' @param merge \code{numeric} - parameter passed down to \code{\link{treeMap.merge}} (if \code{merge > 0}).
#' @param positions_only \code{logical} - if \code{TRUE} returns only a 2D tree map as a \code{data.table}.
#' @return signed \code{LAS} or \code{data.table}.
#' @template example-tree-map
#' @export
treeMap = function(las, method = map.hough(), merge=0.2, positions_only=FALSE){


  if(!hasAttribute(method, 'tls_map_mtd'))
    stop('invalid method: check ?treeMap')


  if(hasField(las, 'Classification'))
    las %<>% filter_poi(Classification != 2)

  map = method(las)

  if(merge > 0){
    map = treeMap.merge(map, merge)

    map = treeMap.positions(map, FALSE)


#' Convert a tree map to a 2D \code{data.table}
#' @description Extracts the tree XY positions from a \emph{treeMap} output.
#' @param map object generated by \code{\link{treeMap}}.
#' @param plot \code{logical} - plot the tree map?
#' @return signed \code{data.table} of tree IDs and XY coordinates.
#' @template example-tree-map
#' @export
treeMap.positions = function(map, plot=TRUE){

  if(!hasAttribute(map, 'tree_map') && !hasAttribute(map, 'tree_map_dt'))
    stop('map is not a tree_map object: check ?treeMap')

  if(hasAttribute(map, 'tree_map_dt')){
    pos = map
    if(hasField(map, 'TreePosition')){
      map %<>% filter_poi(TreePosition)

    pos = map@data[,.(X=median(X), Y=median(Y)),by=TreeID]
    pos = pos[order(TreeID)]

    pos %<>% setAttribute('tree_map_dt')

    pos %$% plot(Y ~ X, cex=3, pch=20, main='tree map', xlab='X', ylab='Y')


#' Merge tree coordinates too close on \code{treeMap} outputs.
#' @description Check all tree neighborhoods and merge TreeIDs which are too close in a \code{treeMap}'s object.
#' @param map object generated by \code{\link{treeMap}}.
#' @param d \code{numeric} - distance threshold.
#' @details
#' The \code{d} parameter is a relative measure of close neighbors. Sorting all possible pairs by distance from a tree map,
#' the merge criterion is that none of the closest pairs should be distant less than the next closest pair's distance minus \code{d}.
#' This method is useful when merging forked stems or point clusters from plots with too much understory, especially if those are
#' from forest stands with regularly spaced trees.
#' @importFrom nabor knn
#' @export
treeMap.merge = function(map, d=.2){

  if( !(hasAttribute(map, 'tree_map') || hasAttribute(map, 'tree_map_dt')) )
    stop('map is not a tree_map object: check ?treeMap')

  if(d < 0)
    stop('d must be a positive number')

  is_data_table = hasAttribute(map, 'tree_map_dt')
  nxy = if(is_data_table) map else treeMap.positions(map, plot = F)
  if(nrow(nxy) <= 1) return(map)
  nn = knn(nxy[,-1], k=2)
  dst = nn$nn.dists[,2] %>% sort %>% unique
  step = dst[-1] - dst[-length(dst)]
  lg_step = which(step > d)
  lg_step = lg_step[ lg_step/length(step) < .5 ]

  if(length(lg_step) == 0) return(map)

  lg_step = 1:max(lg_step)

  id_step = which(nn$nn.dists[,2] %in% dst[lg_step])
  id_mat = nn$nn.idx[id_step,]

  if(nrow(id_mat) == 0) return(map)

  for(rid in 1:nrow(id_mat)){
    idx = id_mat[rid,]
      map[TreeID == nxy$TreeID[idx[2]],]$TreeID = nxy$TreeID[idx[1]]
      map@data[TreeID == nxy$TreeID[idx[2]],]$TreeID = nxy$TreeID[idx[1]]


#' Classify individual tree regions in a point cloud
#' @description Assigns \code{TreeID}s to a \code{LAS} object based on coordinates extracted from a
#' \code{\link{treeMap}} object. Tree region segmentation methods are prefixed by \code{trp}.
#' @template param-las
#' @param map object generated by \code{\link{treeMap}}.
#' @param method tree region algorithm. Currently available: \code{\link{trp.voronoi}} and \code{\link{trp.crop}}.
#' @template return-las
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine_plot.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file) %>%
#'   tlsNormalize %>%
#'   tlsSample
#' map = treeMap(tls, map.hough())
#' tls = treePoints(tls, map, trp.crop(circle=FALSE))
#' x = plot(tls, size=1)
#' add_treePoints(x, tls, size=2)
#' add_treeIDs(x, tls, color='yellow', cex=2)
#' @export
treePoints = function(las, map, method = trp.voronoi()){


  if(hasAttribute(map, 'tree_map_dt')){
    # map = map
  }else if(hasAttribute(map, 'tree_map')){
    map %<>% treeMap.positions(F)
    stop('map is not a tree_map object: check ?treeMap')

  if( map$TreeID %>% duplicated %>% any )
    stop('input map must have unique TreeIDs')

  if(!hasAttribute(method, 'tpt_mtd'))
    stop('invalid method: check ?treePoints')

  las %<>% method(map)


#' Stem points classification
#' @description Classify stem points of all trees in a \strong{normalized} point cloud. Stem denoising methods are prefixed by \code{stm}.
#' @template param-las
#' @param method stem denoising algorithm. Currently available: \code{\link{stm.hough}}, \code{\link{stm.eigen.knn}} and \code{\link{stm.eigen.voxel}}.
#' @template return-las
#' @examples
#' ### single tree
#' file = system.file("extdata", "spruce.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file) %>%
#'   tlsNormalize %>%
#'   stemPoints(stm.hough(h_base = c(.5,2)))
#' plot(tls, color='Stem')
#' ### entire forest plot
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine_plot.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file) %>%
#'   tlsNormalize %>%
#'   tlsSample
#' map = treeMap(tls, map.hough())
#' tls = treePoints(tls, map, trp.crop(circle=FALSE))
#' tls = stemPoints(tls, stm.hough(pixel_size = 0.03))
#' tlsPlot(tls)
#' @export
stemPoints = function(las, method = stm.hough()){


  if(!hasField(las, 'TreeID')){
    rg = apply(las@data[,1:2], 2, function(x) max(x) - min(x)) %>% as.double

    if(any(rg > 10))
      message("point cloud unlikely a single tree (XY extents too large) - check ?tlsCrop or ?treePoints")

  if(max(las$Z) < 0)
    stop('input Z coordinates are all negative')

  if(!hasAttribute(method, 'stem_pts_mtd'))
    stop('invalid method: check ?stemPoints')

  if(abs(min(las$Z)) > 0.5)
    warning('point cloud apparently not normalized')

  las = method(las)
  las@data[is.na(Stem)]$Stem = FALSE
  las@data$Stem %<>% as.logical



#' Stem segmentation
#' @description Measure stem segments from a point cloud with assigned stem points. Stem segmentation methods are prefixed by \code{sgt}.
#' @template param-las
#' @param method stem segmentation algorithm. Currently available: \code{\link{sgt.ransac.circle}}, \code{\link{sgt.ransac.cylinder}}, \code{\link{sgt.irls.circle}}, \code{\link{sgt.irls.cylinder}} and \code{\link{sgt.bf.cylinder}}.
#' @return signed \code{data.table} of stem segments.
#' @details
#' All stem segmentation algorithms return estimations for every stem \code{Segment} of every \code{TreeID}
#' (if the input \code{LAS} has multiple trees). For more details and a list of all outputs for each method check
#' the sections below.
#' @template section-ransac
#' @template section-irls
#' @template section-circlefit
#' @template section-cylinderfit
#' @template section-brute-force
#' @template reference-liang
#' @template reference-olofsson
#' @template reference-thesis
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file) %>%
#'   tlsNormalize
#' tls = stemPoints(tls, stm.hough())
#' sgt = stemSegmentation(tls, sgt.ransac.circle(n=20))
#' tlsPlot(tls, sgt)
#' }
#' @export
stemSegmentation = function(las, method=sgt.ransac.circle()){


  if(!hasAttribute(method, 'stem_sgmt_mtd'))
    stop('invalid method: check ?stemSegmentation')



#' Filter points based on the \code{gpstime} field
#' @description This is a simple wrapper to \code{\link[lidR:filter_poi]{filter_poi}} that takes as input relative values instead of absolute time stamps for filtering \code{LAS} object based on the gpstime. This function is particularly useful to check narrow intervals of point cloud frames from mobile scanning data.
#' @template param-las
#' @param from,to \code{numeric} - gpstime percentile thresholds (from 0 to 1) to keep points in between.
#' @template return-las
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
gpsTimeFilter = function(las, from=0, to=1){


  if(!hasField(las, 'gpstime'))
    stop('LAS object has no gpstime field')

  if(length(from) != 1 || from < 0 || from > 1)
    stop('from must be a single value between 0 and 1')

  if(length(to) != 1 || to < 0 || to > 1)
    stop('to must be a single value between 0 and 1')

  if(to <= from)
    stop('to must be larger than from')

  if(all(las@data$gpstime == las@data$gpstime[1])){
    message('all observations have the same gpstime stamp - no filtering performed')

  qts = las@data$gpstime %>% quantile(c(from, to), na.rm=T)
  las %<>% filter_poi(gpstime >= qts[1] & gpstime <= qts[2])



#' Rotate point cloud to fit a horizontal ground plane
#' @description Check for ground points and rotates the point cloud aligning its ground surface to a horizontal plane (XY).
#' This function is especially useful for point clouds not georeferenced or generated through mobile scanning,
#' which might present a tilted coordinate system.
#' @template param-las
#' @template return-las
#' @export
tlsRotate = function(las){


  ground = las@data[,c('X','Y','Z')] %>%
    toLAS %>%
    classify_ground(csf(class_threshold = .2), F) %>%
    filter_poi(Classification == 2)

  center = ground@data[,.(median(X), median(Y))] %>% as.double
  ground = tlsCrop(ground, center[1], center[2], 5) %>% las2xyz

  az = planeAngle(ground, 'z')
  ax = planeAngle(ground, 'x')
  ay = planeAngle(ground, 'y')

  rz = ifelse(az > pi/2, pi-az, -az)
  rx = ifelse(ay < pi/2, -ax, ax)

  rot = rotationMatrix(0, rz, rx) %>% as.matrix
  xy_back = rotationMatrix(0,0,-rx) %>% as.matrix

  minXYZ = apply(las@data[,1:3], 2, min) %>% as.double

  las@data$X = las@data$X - minXYZ[1]
  las@data$Y = las@data$Y - minXYZ[2]
  las@data$Z = las@data$Z - minXYZ[3]

  las@data[,c('X','Y','Z')] = (las2xyz(las) %*% rot) %*% xy_back %>% as.data.table

  las@data$X = las@data$X + minXYZ[1]
  las@data$Y = las@data$Y + minXYZ[2]
  las@data$Z = las@data$Z + minXYZ[3]


#' Simple operations on point cloud objects
#' @description Apply transformations to the XYZ axes of a point cloud.
#' @template param-las
#' @param xyz \code{character} vector of length 3 - \code{LAS}' columns to be reassigned as XYZ, respectively.
#' Use minus signs to mirror an axis` coordinates - more details in the sections below.
#' @param bring_to_origin \code{logical} - force point cloud origin to match \code{c(0,0,0)}? If \code{TRUE},
#' clears the header of the \code{LAS} object.
#' @param rotate  \code{logical} - rotate the point cloud to align the ground points horizontally (as in \code{\link{tlsRotate}})?
#' @template return-las
#' @section XYZ Manipulation:
#' The \code{xyz} argument can take a few different forms. It is useful for shifting axes positions in a point cloud or
#' to mirror an axis' coordinates. All axes characters can be entered in lower or uppercase and also be preceded
#' by a minus sign ('-') to reverse its coordinates.
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file)
#' bbox(tls)
#' range(tls$Z)
#' ### swap the Y and Z axes
#' zy = tlsTransform(tls, c('x', 'z', 'y'))
#' bbox(zy)
#' range(zy$Z)
#' ### return an upside down point cloud
#' ud = tlsTransform(tls, c('x', 'y', '-z'))
#' bbox(ud)
#' range(ud$Z)
#' plot(zy)
#' ### mirror all axes, then set the point cloud's starting point as the origin
#' rv = tlsTransform(tls, c('-x', '-y', '-z'), bring_to_origin=TRUE)
#' bbox(rv)
#' range(rv$Z)
#' @export
tlsTransform = function(las, xyz = c('X', 'Y', 'Z'), bring_to_origin = FALSE, rotate = FALSE){


  xyz %<>% toupper

  if(typeof(xyz) != 'character' || length(xyz) != 3)
    stop('xyz must be of type character and have length of exactly 3')

    stop('bring_to_origin must be logical')

    stop('rotate must be logical')

  XYZ = lapply(xyz, function(i){
    temp =
      if(i == 'X'){
      }else if(i == '-X'){
      }else if(i == 'Y'){
      }else if(i == '-Y'){
      }else if(i == 'Z'){
      }else if(i == '-Z'){

    if(temp %>% is.null)
      stop('invalid input in xyz:' %>% paste(i))

  }) %>% do.call(what = cbind) %>% as.data.table

  las@data[,1:3] = XYZ

    las %<>% tlsRotate()

    las = LAS(las@data)

    mincoords = las@data[,.(min(X), min(Y), min(Z))] %>% as.double

    las@data$X = las@data$X - mincoords[1]
    las@data$Y = las@data$Y - mincoords[2]
    las@data$Z = las@data$Z - mincoords[3]



#' Point cloud circle fit
#' @description Fits a 2D horizontally-aligned circle on a set of 3D points.
#' @template param-las
#' @param method method for estimating the circle parameters. Currently available: \code{"qr"}, \code{"nm"}, \code{"irls"} and \code{"ransac"}.
#' @template param-n-ransac
#' @template param-inliers
#' @template param-conf
#' @template param-n-best
#' @return vector of parameters
circleFit = function(las, method = 'irls', n=5, inliers=.8, conf=.99, n_best = 0){
  if(nrow(las@data) < 3) return(NULL)
  if(method == 'ransac' & nrow(las@data) <= n) method = 'qr'
  pars = cppCircleFit(las %>% las2xyz, method, n, conf, inliers, n_best)
  pars[3] = pars[3]
  names(pars)[1:4] = c('X','Y','radius', 'err')
  if(length(pars) == 5) names(pars)[5] = 'err2'
  pars = pars %>% t %>% as.data.frame

#' Point cloud cylinder fit
#' @description Fits a cylinder on a set of 3D points.
#' @template param-las
#' @param method method for estimating the cylinder parameters. Currently available: \code{"nm"}, \code{"irls"}, \code{"ransac"} and \code{"bf"}.
#' @template param-n-ransac
#' @template param-inliers
#' @template param-conf
#' @param max_angle \code{numeric} - used when \code{method == "bf"}. The maximum tolerated deviation, in degrees, from an absolute vertical line (Z = c(0,0,1)).
#' @template param-n-best
#' @return vector of parameters
cylinderFit = function(las, method = 'ransac', n=5, inliers=.9, conf=.95, max_angle=30, n_best=20){
  if(nrow(las@data) < 3) return(NULL)
  if(method == 'ransac' & nrow(las@data) <= n) method = 'nm'
  pars = cppCylinderFit(las %>% las2xyz, method, n, conf, inliers, max_angle, n_best)
  if(method == 'bf'){
    pars[3] = pars[3]
    names(pars) = c('x','y','radius', 'err', 'ax', 'ay')
    pars[5] = pars[5]
    pars %<>% c(apply(las@data[,.(X,Y,Z)], 2, function(x) sum(range(x))/2) %>% as.double)
    names(pars) = c('rho','theta','phi', 'alpha', 'radius', 'err', 'px', 'py', 'pz')
  pars = pars %>% t %>% as.data.frame

#' Point cloud cylinder/circle fit
#' @description Fits a 3D cylinder or 2D circle on a set of 3D points, retrieving the optimized parameters.
#' @param stem_segment \code{NULL} or a \code{\link[lidR:LAS]{LAS}} object with a single stem segment. When \code{NULL} returns a parameterized function to be used as input in other functions (e.g. \code{\link{tlsInventory}}).
#' @param shape \code{character}, either \code{"circle"} or \code{"cylinder"}.
#' @param algorithm optimization method for estimating the shape's parameters. Currently available: \code{"ransac"}, \code{"irls"}, \code{"nm"}, \code{"qr"} (circle only) ,\code{"bf"} (cylinder only).
#' @template param-n-ransac
#' @template param-conf
#' @template param-inliers
#' @template param-n-best
#' @template param-z-dev
#' @details
#' The \code{ransac} and \code{irls} methods are \emph{robust}, which means they estimate the circle/cylinder parameters in a way
#' that takes into consideration outlier effects (noise). If the input data is already noise free,
#' the \code{nm} or \code{qr} algorithms can be used with as good reliability, while being much faster.
#' @template section-circlefit
#' @template section-cylinderfit
#' @template section-ransac
#' @template section-irls
#' @template section-brute-force
#' @template reference-liang
#' @template reference-olofsson
#' @template reference-thesis
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file)
#' segment = filter_poi(tls, Z > 1 & Z < 2)
#' pars = shapeFit(segment, shape='circle', algorithm='irls')
#' segment@data %$% plot(Y ~ X, pch=20, asp=1)
#' pars %$% points(X,Y,col='red', pch=3, cex=2)
#' pars %$% lines(c(X,X+Radius),c(Y,Y), col='red',lwd=2,lty=2)
#' @export
shapeFit = function(stem_segment=NULL, shape='circle', algorithm='ransac', n=10, conf=0.95, inliers=0.9, n_best = 10, z_dev = 30){

  ls_shapes = c('circle', 'cylinder')
  ls_algo   = c('ransac', 'irls', 'nm', 'qr', 'bf')

  if(!(shape %in% ls_shapes)){
    stop(glue::glue("'{shape}' not available. Enter a valid shape name."))

  if(!(algorithm %in% ls_algo)){
    stop(glue::glue("'{algorithm}' not available. Enter a valid algorithm name."))

  if(algorithm == 'qr' && shape == 'cylinder'){
    stop('qr algorithm only available for circle shapes')
  }else if(algorithm == 'bf' && shape == 'circle'){
    stop('bf algorithm only available for cylinder shapes')

  params = list(
    n = n,
    conf = conf,
    inliers = inliers,
    n_best = n_best,
    z_dev = z_dev

  for(i in names(params)){
    val = params[[i]]

      stop( i %>% paste('must be Numeric') )

    if(length(val) > 1)
      stop( i %>% paste('must be of length 1') )

    if(val <= 0)
      stop( i %>% paste('must be positive') )

  if(shape == 'circle'){
    func = function(las){
      fit = circleFit(las, algorithm, n, inliers, conf, n_best)
      fit = fit[1:4]
      colnames(fit) = c('X', 'Y', 'Radius', 'Error')
  }else if(shape == 'cylinder'){
    func = function(las){
      fit = cylinderFit(las, algorithm, n, inliers, conf, z_dev, n_best)
        colnames(fit) = c('X', 'Y', 'Radius', 'Error', 'DX', 'DY')
      } else {
        colnames(fit)[5:9] = c('Radius', 'Error', 'PX', 'PY', 'PZ')

  func %<>% setAttribute('shape_fit_method')


#' Extract forest inventory metrics from a point cloud
#' @description Estimation of diameter and height tree-wise for normalized point clouds with assigned stem points.
#' @template param-las
#' @param dh \code{numeric} - height layer (above ground) to estimate stem diameters, in point cloud units.
#' @param dw \code{numeric} - height layer width, in point cloud units.
#' @param hp \code{numeric} - height percentile to extract per tree (0-1). Use 1 for top height, i.e. the highest point.
#' @param d_method parameterized \code{\link{shapeFit}} function, i.e. method to use for diameter estimation.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine_plot.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file) %>%
#'   tlsNormalize %>%
#'   tlsSample
#' map = treeMap(tls, map.hough())
#' tls = treePoints(tls, map, trp.crop(circle=FALSE))
#' tls = stemPoints(tls, stm.hough())
#' dmt = shapeFit(shape = 'circle', algorithm='ransac', n=20)
#' inv = tlsInventory(tls, d_method = dmt)
#' tlsPlot(tls, inv)
#' }
#' @export
tlsInventory = function(las, dh = 1.3, dw = 0.5, hp = 1, d_method = shapeFit(shape = 'circle', algorithm='ransac', n=15, n_best = 20)){


  if(!hasField(las, 'Stem')){
    stop("las must be a normalized point cloud with highlighted stem points ('Stem' field) - see ?stemPoints")

  params = list(
    dh = dh,
    dw = dw,
    hp = hp

  for(i in names(params)){
    val = params[[i]]

      stop( i %>% paste('must be Numeric') )

    if(length(val) > 1)
      stop( i %>% paste('must be of length 1') )

    if(val <= 0)
      stop( i %>% paste('must be positive') )

  if(!hasAttribute(d_method, 'shape_fit_method')){
    stop('d_method must be a parameterized shapeFit function')

  hfunc = function(Z,p) as.double(quantile(Z, p))
  dfunc = function(X,Y,Z){ if(length(X) < 3) return(NULL); d_method(suppressMessages(LAS(data.table(X,Y,Z)))) }

  dlas = filter_poi(las, Stem & Z > (dh - dw/2) & Z < (dh + dw/2))

  if(hasField(las, 'TreeID')){
    h = las@data[TreeID > 0, .(H = hfunc(Z, hp)), by='TreeID']
    d = dlas@data[,dfunc(X,Y,Z),by=TreeID]
    dh_tab = merge(d,h,by='TreeID')[order(TreeID)]
  } else {
    dh_tab = dlas@data %$% dfunc(X,Y,Z)
    dh_tab$H= hfunc(las$Z, hp)

  dh_tab$h_radius = dh
  dh_tab %<>% setAttribute('tls_inventory_dt')


#' Plot \emph{TreeLS} outputs
#' @description Plot the outputs of \emph{TreeLS} methods on the same scene using \code{rgl}.
#' @param ... in \code{tlsPlot}: any object returned from a \emph{TreeLS} method. In the \code{add_*} methods: parameters passed down to 3D plotting \code{rgl} functions.
#' @param fast \code{logical}, use \code{TRUE} to plot spheres representing tree diameters or \code{FALSE} to plot detailed 3D cylinders.
#' @param tree_id \code{numeric} - plot only the tree matching this tree id.
#' @param segment \code{numeric} - plot only stem segments matching this segment id.
#' @param x output from \code{\link[lidR:plot]{plot}} or \code{tlsPlot}
#' @template param-las
#' @param color_func color palette function used in \code{add_treePoints}.
#' @param stems_data_table,inventory_data_table \code{data.table} objects generated by \code{stemSegmentation} and \code{tlsInventory}.
#' @param color color of 3D objects.
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file) %>%
#'   tlsNormalize %>%
#'   stemPoints(stm.hough())
#' dmt = shapeFit(shape = 'circle', algorithm='ransac', n=20)
#' inv = tlsInventory(tls, d_method = dmt)
#' ### quick plot
#' tlsPlot(tls, inv)
#' ### customizable plots
#' x = plot(tls)
#' add_stemPoints(x, tls, color='red', size=3)
#' add_tlsInventory(x, inv, color='yellow')
#' add_segmentIDs(x, tls, color='white', cex=2, pos=4)
#' @export
tlsPlot = function(..., fast=FALSE, tree_id = NULL, segment = NULL){

  .tls_dots_list = as.list(match.call(expand.dots = F))[['...']]

  for(i in 1:length(.tls_dots_list)){
    obj = .tls_dots_list[[i]] %>% as.character %>% get
    tp = class(obj)[1]
    if(!(tp %in% c('LAS', 'data.table', 'data.frame'))){
      stop('input data must be either LAS or data.table objects.')
    .tls_dots_list[[i]] = obj

  seg_ids = FALSE
  tree_ids = FALSE
  pt_cex = 1.5

  tid_plot = function(obj){
    if(tree_ids || !is.null(tree_id)) return(tree_ids)
    if(!hasField(obj, 'TreeID') || !hasField(obj, 'X')) return(tree_ids)
    add_treeIDs(0, obj, color='yellow')

  sid_plot = function(obj){
    if(tree_ids || seg_ids || !hasField(obj, 'X')) return(seg_ids)
    add_segmentIDs(0, obj, color='yellow', pos=4)

  h_plot = function(las){
    colors = set.colors(las$Z, lidR::height.colors(50))
    rgl.points(las %>% las2xyz, color=colors, size=pt_cex)


  for(las in .tls_dots_list){
    if(class(las)[1] == 'LAS'){

      if(hasField(las, 'TreeID') && !is.null(tree_id)){
        las = filter_poi(las, TreeID == tree_id)

      if(hasField(las, 'Segment') && !is.null(segment)){
        las = filter_poi(las, Segment == segment)

      if(hasField(las, 'Stem')){
        add_stemPoints(0, las, color='white', size=pt_cex)
        if(hasField(las, 'TreeID')) add_treePoints(0, las, size=pt_cex) else h_plot(las)
        tree_ids = tid_plot(las)
        seg_ids = sid_plot(las)
      }else if(hasAttribute(las, 'tree_map')){
        add_treeMap(0, las, color='yellow')
        tree_ids = tid_plot(las)
      }else if(hasField(las, 'TreeID')){
        add_treePoints(0, las, size=pt_cex)
        tree_ids = tid_plot(las)
      pt_cex = pt_cex + .5

      if(hasField(las, 'TreeID') && !is.null(tree_id)){
        las = las[TreeID == tree_id]

      if(hasField(las, 'Segment') && !is.null(segment)){
        las = las[Segment == segment]

      if(hasAttribute(las, 'tls_inventory_dt')){
        add_tlsInventory(0, las, fast=fast)
        tree_ids = tid_plot(las)
      }else if(hasAttribute(las, 'single_stem_dt') || hasAttribute(las, 'multiple_stems_dt')){
        add_stemSegments(0, las, fast=fast)
        tree_ids = tid_plot(las)
        seg_ids = sid_plot(las)
      }else if(hasAttribute(las, 'tree_map_dt')){
        add_treeMap(0, las, color='yellow')
        tree_ids = tid_plot(las)



#' EXPERIMENTAL: Point cloud multiple circle fit
#' @description Search and fit multiple 2D circles on a point cloud layer from a single tree, i.e. a forked stem segment.
#' @param dlas \code{\link[lidR:LAS]{LAS}} object.
#' @template param-pixel-size
#' @template param-max-d
#' @param votes_percentile \code{numeric} - use only estimates with more votes than \code{votes_percentile}.
#' @template param-min-density
#' @param plot \code{logical} - plot the results?
#' @importFrom stats kmeans dist
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @export
shapeFit.forks = function(dlas, pixel_size = .02, max_d = .4, votes_percentile = .7, min_density = .25, plot=FALSE){


  params = list(
    pixel_size = pixel_size,
    max_d = max_d,
    votes_percentile = votes_percentile,
    min_density = min_density

  for(i in names(params)){
    val = params[[i]]

      stop( i %>% paste('must be Numeric') )

    if(length(val) > 1)
      stop( i %>% paste('must be of length 1') )

    if(val <= 0)
      stop( i %>% paste('must be positive') )

  hg = getHoughCircle(dlas %>% las2xyz, pixel_size, rad_max = max_d/2, min_den = min_density, min_votes = 2) %>% do.call(what=rbind) %>% as.data.table
  names(hg) = c('x','y','r','v')
  hg = hg[v > quantile(v, votes_percentile)]
  hg$clt = 1

  hough_clusters = hg
  centers = hg[v == max(v)] %>% apply(2,mean) %>% t %>% as.data.table

  k = 2
    km = kmeans(hg[,1:3], k)
    hg$clt = km$cluster
    mxs = hg[,.(x=mean(x), y=mean(y), r=mean(r), v=mean(v)), by=clt]
    dst = mxs[,c('x','y')] %>% dist
    combs = combn(nrow(mxs), 2)
    rst = apply(combs, 2, function(x){mxs$r[x[1]] + mxs$r[x[2]]}) - pixel_size
    is_forked = all(min(dst) > rst)

    if(!is_forked) break

    hough_clusters$clt = km$cluster
    centers = mxs[,.(x=mean(x),y=mean(y),r=mean(r),v=mean(v)),by=clt][order(clt)]
    centers$ssRatio = (km$withinss / km$size) / min(km$withinss / km$size)
    centers$nRatio = km$size / max(km$size)
    centers$absRatio = centers$ssRatio / centers$nRatio
    v_ratio = centers %$% ifelse(min(absRatio) > 5, absRatio, 5)
    centers = centers[absRatio <= v_ratio][order(-v)]

    plot(dlas$Y ~ dlas$X, cex=.5, asp=1, pch=20, ylab='Y', xlab='X')#, ...)
    vcols = set.colors(hough_clusters$v, height.colors(hough_clusters$v %>% unique %>% length))
    vcols = set.colors(hough_clusters$clt, height.colors(hough_clusters$clt %>% unique %>% length))
    points(hough_clusters$x, hough_clusters$y, col=vcols, pch=20, cex=1)

  estimates = data.frame()
  dlas@data$StemID = 0
  for(i in 1:nrow(centers)){
    temp = centers[i]

    dsts = dlas@data %$% sqrt( (X - temp$x)^2 + (Y - temp$y)^2 )
    pts = dsts < temp$r + 2*pixel_size & dlas@data$StemID == 0
    dlas@data$StemID[pts] = i

    cld = filter_poi(dlas, StemID == i)
    est = circleFit(cld, 'ransac', n=15, inliers = .7, n_best = 30)
    if(is.null(est)) next

    dst = cld@data %$% sqrt( (X - est$X)^2 + (Y - est$Y)^2 )
    rad = est$radius
    thickness = ifelse(rad/2 > pixel_size, pixel_size,  rad/2)

    inner = dst <= thickness
    area_inner = pi*thickness^2
    den_inner = (inner %>% which %>% length) / area_inner

    strip = dst > (rad - thickness/2) & dst < (rad + thickness/2)
    area_strip = pi*((rad + thickness/2)^2 - (rad - thickness/2)^2)
    den_strip = (strip %>% which %>% length) / area_strip

    outer = dst < (rad + thickness) & dst >= (rad + thickness/2)
    area_outer = pi*((rad + thickness)^2 - (rad + thickness/2)^2)
    den_outer = (outer %>% which %>% length) / area_outer

    est$ratioInner = den_inner / den_strip
    est$ratioOuter = den_outer / den_strip
    est$StemID = i
    est$TreeID = dlas$TreeID[1]
    est$score = 1

    if(est$ratioInner > 1){
      est$score = 3
    }else if(est$ratioInner > .8 | est$ratioOuter > .8){
      est$score = 2

    estimates %<>% rbind(est)

      cld@data %$% points(X,Y, col=ifelse(strip, 'darkblue', ifelse(inner | outer, 'darkred', 'black')), cex=.75, pch=20)

      angs = seq(0,pi*2,length.out = 36)
      xh = temp$x + cos(angs) * temp$r
      yh = temp$y + sin(angs) * temp$r

      xr = est$X + cos(angs) * est$radius
      yr = est$Y + sin(angs) * est$radius

      legend('topright', lty=c(1,1), lwd=2, col=c('orange', 'green'), legend = c('Hough Transform', 'RANSAC circle'))

  check = estimates$score == 3
    estimates = estimates[ estimates$score < 3 ,]

tiagodc/TreeLS documentation built on June 29, 2023, 7:40 p.m.