
Defines functions check_estimability extract_fixed fit_tmb

Documented in check_estimability extract_fixed fit_tmb

#' Fit TMB model using nlminb
#' Runs optimization on the TMB model using \code{\link[stats:nlminb]{stats::nlminb}}.
#' If specified, takes additional Newton steps and calculates standard deviations.
#' Internal function called by \code{\link{fit_wham}}.
#' @param model Output from \code{\link[TMB:MakeADFun]{TMB::MakeADFun}}.
#' @param n.newton Integer, number of additional Newton steps after optimization. Default = \code{3}.
#' @param do.sdrep T/F, calculate standard deviations of model parameters? See \code{\link[TMB]{TMB::sdreport}}. Default = \code{TRUE}.
#' @param do.check T/F, check if model parameters are identifiable? Runs internal \code{check_estimability}, originally provided by https://github.com/kaskr/TMB_contrib_R/TMBhelper. Default = \code{TRUE}.
#' @param save.sdrep T/F, save the full \code{\link[TMB]{TMB::sdreport}} object? If \code{FALSE}, only save \code{\link[TMB:summary.sdreport]{summary.sdreport)}} to reduce model object file size. Default = \code{FALSE}.
#' @return \code{model}, appends the following:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{model$opt}}{Output from \code{\link[stats:nlminb]{stats::nlminb}}}
#'     \item{\code{model$date}}{System date}
#'     \item{\code{model$dir}}{Current working directory}
#'     \item{\code{model$rep}}{model$report()}
#'     \item{\code{model$TMB_version}}{Version of TMB installed}
#'     \item{\code{model$parList}}{List of parameters, \code{model$env$parList()}}
#'     \item{\code{model$final_gradient}}{Final gradient, \code{model$gr()}}
#'     \item{\code{model$sdrep}}{Estimated standard deviations for model parameters, \code{\link[TMB:sdreport]{TMB::sdreport}} or \code{\link[TMB:summary.sdreport]{summary.sdreport)}}}
#'   }
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_wham}}, \code{\link{retro}}, \code{TMBhelper::check_estimability}
fit_tmb = function(model, n.newton=3, do.sdrep=TRUE, do.check=FALSE, save.sdrep=FALSE)
  model$opt <- stats::nlminb(model$par, model$fn, model$gr, control = list(iter.max = 1000, eval.max = 1000))
  if(n.newton){ # Take a few extra newton steps
    # print("is n.newton")
    tryCatch(for(i in 1:n.newton) { 
      g <- as.numeric(model$gr(model$opt$par))
      h <- stats::optimHess(model$opt$par, model$fn, model$gr)
      model$opt$par <- model$opt$par - solve(h, g)
      model$opt$objective <- model$fn(model$opt$par)
    }, error = function(e) {model$err <<- conditionMessage(e)}) # still want fit_tmb to return model if newton steps error out
  #assigning model$err already does the below if statement.
  #if(exists("err", inherits = FALSE)){
  #  model$err <- err # store error message to print out in fit_wham
  #  rm("err")
  #model$env$parList() gives error when there are no random effects
  is.re = length(model$env$random)>0
  fe = model$opt$par
  if(is.re) model$env$last.par.best[-c(model$env$random)] = fe
  else  model$env$last.par.best = fe
  #fe = model$env$last.par.best
  #if(is.re) fe = fe[-c(model$env$random)]
  Gr = model$gr(fe)
    if(any(Gr > 0.01)){
      df <- data.frame(param = names(fe),
                       MLE = fe,
                       gr.at.MLE = Gr)
      ind.hi <- which(Gr > 0.01)
      model$badpar <- df[ind.hi,]
      warning(paste("","Some parameter(s) have high gradients at the MLE:","",
        paste(capture.output(print(model$badpar)), collapse = "\n"), sep="\n"))
    } else {
      test <- check_estimability(model)
      if(length(test$WhichBad) > 0){
        bad.par <- as.character(test$BadParams$Param[test$BadParams$Param_check=='Bad'])
        bad.par.grep <- grep(bad.par, test$BadParams$Param)
        model$badpar <- test$BadParams[bad.par.grep,]
        warning(paste("","Some fixed effect parameter(s) are not identifiable.",
          "Consider 1) removing them from the model by fixing input$par and input$map = NA, or",
          "2) changing your model configuration.","",
          paste(capture.output(print(test$BadParams[bad.par.grep,])), collapse = "\n"), sep="\n"))    

  model$date = Sys.time()
  model$dir = getwd()
  model$rep <- model$report()
  # model$TMB_version = packageVersion("TMB")
  ver <- sessioninfo::package_info() %>% as.data.frame %>% dplyr::filter(package=="TMB") %>% dplyr::select(loadedversion, source) %>% unname
  model$TMB_version <- paste0(ver, collapse=" / ")
  model$parList = model$env$parList(x = fe)
  model$final_gradient = Gr

  # if(do.sdrep & !exists("err")) # only do sdrep if no error
  if(do.sdrep) # only do sdrep if no error
    model$sdrep <- try(TMB::sdreport(model))
    model$is_sdrep = !is.character(model$sdrep)
    if(model$is_sdrep) model$na_sdrep = any(is.na(summary(model$sdrep,"fixed")[,2])) else model$na_sdrep = NA
    if(!save.sdrep) model$sdrep <- summary(model$sdrep) # only save summary to reduce model object size
  } else {
    model$is_sdrep = FALSE
    model$na_sdrep = NA


#' Extract fixed effects
#' Originally provided by https://github.com/kaskr/TMB_contrib_R/TMBhelper 
#' Internal function called by \code{\link{check_estimability}}.
#' \code{extract_fixed} extracts the best previous value of fixed effects, in a way that works for both mixed and fixed effect models
#' @param obj, The compiled object
#' @return A vector of fixed-effect estimates

extract_fixed = function( obj ){
  if( length(obj$env$random)==0 ){
    Return = obj$env$last.par.best
    Return = obj$env$last.par.best[-c(obj$env$random)]
  return( Return )

#' Check for identifiability of fixed effects
#' Originally provided by https://github.com/kaskr/TMB_contrib_R/TMBhelper 
#' Internal function called by \code{\link{fit_tmb}}.
#' \code{check_estimability} calculates the matrix of second-derivatives of the marginal likelihood
#' w.r.t. fixed effects, to see if any linear combinations are not estimable (i.e. cannot be
#' uniquely estimated conditional upon model structure and available data, e.g., resulting
#' in a likelihood ridge and singular, non-invertable Hessian matrix)
#' @param obj The compiled object
#' @param h optional argument containing pre-computed Hessian matrix
#' @return A tagged list of the hessian and the message

#' @export
check_estimability = function( obj, h ){

  # Extract fixed effects
  ParHat = extract_fixed( obj )

  # Check for problems
  Gr = obj$gr( ParHat )
  if( any(Gr>0.01) ) stop("Some gradients are high, please improve optimization and only then use `Check_Identifiable`")

  # Finite-different hessian
  List = NULL
    List[["Hess"]] = optimHess( par=ParHat, fn=obj$fn, gr=obj$gr )
    List[["Hess"]] = h

  # Check eigendecomposition
  List[["Eigen"]] = eigen( List[["Hess"]] )
  List[["WhichBad"]] = which( List[["Eigen"]]$values < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) )

  # Check result
  if( length(List[["WhichBad"]])==0 ){
    # print message
    message( "All parameters are estimable" )
    # Check for parameters
    RowMax = apply( List[["Eigen"]]$vectors[,List[["WhichBad"]],drop=FALSE], MARGIN=1, FUN=function(vec){max(abs(vec))} )
    List[["BadParams"]] = data.frame("Param"=names(obj$par), "MLE"=ParHat, "Param_check"=ifelse(RowMax>0.1, "Bad","OK"))
    # print message
    print( List[["BadParams"]] )

  # Return
  return( invisible(List) )
timjmiller/wham documentation built on April 28, 2024, 5:39 a.m.