# These utils might be used by basepop, interp_coh, OPAG, mig_resid*,
# and potentially others.
#' Extract Lx estimates from WPP2019. Mainly an util function for other ones.
#' @description We extract `Lx` from `wpp2019`, interpolated to exact dates. Different methods available.
#' A vector of countries can handle, but with an unique sex. Row names are not indicative of countries.
#' @param nLx numeric. either `NULL` or a numeric vector of lifetable exposure. If it's the second then we just pass it back.
#' @param location vector. UN Pop Div `LocName` or `LocID`
#' @param gender character. `"male"`, `"female"`, or `"both"`
#' @param nLxDatesIn numeric. Vector of three decimal dates produced by (or passed through) `basepop_five()`
#' @param method character. Could be `"linear"`, `"exponential"`, or `"power"`
#' @return numeric matrix of `nLx` with `length(nLxDatesIn)` and abridged ages in rows.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @importFrom fertestr is_LocID
#' @examples
#' # life expectancy calculated from Lx downloaded from WPP19. Using names or codes.
#' Lxs_name <- downloadnLx(nLx=NULL, location = "Argentina",
#' gender = "both", nLxDatesIn = 1950:2030)
#' Lxs_code <- downloadnLx(nLx=NULL, location = "32",
#' gender = "both", nLxDatesIn = 1950:2030)
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(1950:2030, as.numeric(colSums(Lxs_name)), xlab = "Year", ylab="e0")
#' lines(1950:2030, as.numeric(colSums(Lxs_code)))
#' }
#' # life expectancy for different countries
#' Lxs_countries <- downloadnLx(nLx=NULL, location = c("Argentina","Brazil","Uruguay"),
#' gender = "both", nLxDatesIn = 1950:2025)
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(1950:2025, as.numeric(colSums(Lxs_countries[1:22,])),
#' t="l", xlab = "Year", ylab="e0", ylim = c(40,80))
#' lines(1950:2025, as.numeric(colSums(Lxs_countries[23:44,])), col=2)
#' lines(1950:2025, as.numeric(colSums(Lxs_countries[45:64,])), col=3)
#' legend("bottomright",c("Argentina","Brazil","Uruguay"),lty=1,col=1:3)
#' }
downloadnLx <- function(nLx, location, gender, nLxDatesIn, method="linear") {
verbose <- getOption("basepop_verbose", TRUE)
if (!is.null(nLx)) {
# TR: ensure colnames passed
nLx <- as.matrix(nLx)
colnames(nLx) <- nLxDatesIn
n <- nrow(nLx)
Age <- c(0,1,seq(5,(n-2)*5,by=5))
rownames(nLx) <- Age
if (is.null(nLx)){
# stop/warnings
if (is.null(location)){
stop("You need to provide a location to download the data for nLx")
if (!any(fertestr::is_LocID(location))) {
location_code <- fertestr::get_location_code(location)
} else {
location_code <- as.integer(location)
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("Downloading nLx data for ", location, ", years ", paste(nLxDatesIn,collapse=", "), ", gender ", gender), sep = "\n")
cat("Careful, extrapolating beyond range 1950-2025")
# handle sex
sex_code <- ifelse(tolower(gender) == "both", "b",
ifelse(tolower(gender) == "female", "f",
ifelse(tolower(gender) == "male", "m", NA)))
Sex_mortlaws <- ifelse(sex_code == "b", "total", tolower(gender))
stopifnot(`Invalid sex name, please set it to 'both', 'male' or 'female'` = !is.na(sex_code))
# initial data
lt_wpp19 <-DemoToolsData::WPP2019_lt
# filter and matrix shape
lt_ctry <- lt_wpp19[lt_wpp19$LocID %in% location_code &
lt_wpp19$Sex %in% sex_code,] %>% as.data.frame() %>%
stats::reshape(data = .,
direction = "wide", idvar = c("LocID","AgeStart","Sex"),
timevar = "Year", v.names = "mx", drop = c("AgeSpan","lx"))
# intert/extrap rates and built life tables for each combination location/Sex/Year
out <- cbind(lt_ctry[,c(1:3)],
seq(1953,2023,5), as.numeric(nLxDatesIn),
extrap = TRUE, method = method) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
) %>%
split(., list(lt_ctry$LocID, lt_ctry$Sex)) %>%
Age <- X[["AgeStart"]]
apply(X[,-c(1:3)] %>%
as.data.frame()%>% stats::setNames(as.character(nLxDatesIn)), 2,
# MortalityLaws::LifeTable(x = Age,
# mx = S,
# lx0 = 1,
# sex = Sex_mortlaws)$lt$Lx
Age = Age,
radix = 1,
}) %>%
do.call("rbind", .)
# combination as rowname
rownames(out) <- lt_ctry$AgeStart
#' Extract ASFR estimates from WPP2019. Mainly an util function for other ones.
#' @description We extract `ASFRx` from `wpp2019`, interpolated to exact dates. Different methods available.
#' A vector of countries can handle, but with an unique sex. Row names are not indicative of countries.
#' @param Asfrmat numeric.
#' @param location vector. UN Pop Div `LocName` or `LocID`
#' @param AsfrDatesIn numeric. Vector of decimal dates.
#' @param method character. Could be `"linear"`, `"exponential"`, or `"power"`
#' @return numeric matrix interpolated asfr
#' @export
#' @importFrom fertestr get_location_code
#' @importFrom fertestr is_LocID
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @examples
#' # Total fertility ratio calculated from ASFRx downloaded from WPP19.
#' # See `downloadnLx` for analogous examples on multiple countries or using codes instead of names.
#' ASFR_Arg <- downloadAsfr(Asfrmat = NULL, location = "Argentina", AsfrDatesIn = 1950:2025)
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(1950:2025, as.numeric(colSums(ASFR_Arg))*5, xlab = "Year", ylab="TFR", ylim=c(1.5,4), t="l")
#' }
downloadAsfr <- function(Asfrmat, location = NULL, AsfrDatesIn, method="linear") {
verbose <- getOption("basepop_verbose", TRUE)
if (!is.null(Asfrmat)) {
# TR: can we assume colnames are AsfrDatesIn ?
# stop/warnings
if (is.null(location)){
stop("You need to provide a location to download the data for Asfrmat")
if (!any(fertestr::is_LocID(location))) {
location_code <- fertestr::get_location_code(location)
}else {
location_code <- as.integer(location)
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("Downloading ASFR data for ", location, ", years ", paste(AsfrDatesIn,collapse=", ")), sep = "\n")
cat("Careful, extrapolating beyond range 1950-2025")
# initial data
asfr_wpp19 <-DemoToolsData::WPP2019_asfr
# spread format
asfr_ctry <- asfr_wpp19[asfr_wpp19$LocID %in% location_code,] %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
stats::reshape(direction = "wide", idvar = c("LocID","AgeStart"),
timevar = "Year", v.names = "ASFR")
# interp/extrap
out <- interp(asfr_ctry[,-c(1:3)], seq(1953,2023,5),
extrap = TRUE, method = method) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
stats::setNames(as.character(AsfrDatesIn)) %>%
# combination as rowname
rownames(out) <- asfr_ctry$AgeStart
#' Extract SRB estimates from WPP2019
#' @description We use the `WPP2019_births` dataset from `DemoToolsData` for the sex ratio at birth. Births from WPP 2019 were graduates to single year totals.
#' @param SRB sex ratio at birth. Either `NULL`, a scalar to assume constant, or a vector of length 3, assumed.
#' @param location UN Pop Div `LocName` or `LocID`
#' @param DatesOut numeric vector of three decimal dates produced by `basepop_ive()`
#' @param verbose logical, shall we send optional messages to the console?
#' @return numeric vector with three SRB estimates
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
downloadSRB <- function(SRB, location, DatesOut, verbose = TRUE){
if (!is.null(SRB)) {
if (length(SRB) > 3) stop("SRB can only accept three dates at maximum")
rep_times <- 3 - length(SRB)
SRB <- c(SRB, rep(SRB, times = rep_times))
return(stats::setNames(SRB[1:3], DatesOut))
if (length(DatesOut) > 3) stop("SRB can only accept three dates at maximum")
WPP2019_births <- DemoToolsData::WPP2019_births
SRB_default <- round((1 - .4886) / .4886, 3)
if (! is_Loc_available(location)) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste(location, "not available in DemoToolsData::WPP2019_births\n"))
cat(paste("Assuming SRB to be", SRB_default, "\n"))
return(stats::setNames(rep(SRB_default, 3), DatesOut))
if (verbose){
cat(paste0("\nbirths not provided. Downloading births for ", loc_message(location), ", for years between ", round(DatesOut[1], 1), " and ", round(DatesOut[length(DatesOut)], 1), "\n"))
LocID <- get_LocID(location)
ind <- WPP2019_births$LocID == LocID &
WPP2019_births$Year %in% floor(DatesOut)
years_srb <- WPP2019_births[ind, "Year", drop = TRUE]
SRB <- stats::setNames(WPP2019_births[ind, "SRB", drop = TRUE], years_srb)
if (length(SRB) == 0) return(stats::setNames(rep(SRB_default, 3), DatesOut))
DatesOut <- floor(DatesOut)
yrs_present <- DatesOut %in% years_srb
if (any(!yrs_present)) {
yrs_not_present <- mean(SRB[as.character(DatesOut[yrs_present])])
yrs_not_present <- stats::setNames(rep(yrs_not_present, sum(!yrs_present)), DatesOut[!yrs_present])
SRB <- c(SRB, yrs_not_present)
SRB <- SRB[order(as.numeric(names(SRB)))]
#' extract births from wpp2019
#' @param births `NULL` or else a vector of births to simply return
#' @param yrs_births vector of years to extract
#' @param location UN Pop Dov `LocName` or `LocID`
#' @param sex `"male"`, `"female"`, or `"both"`
#' @param verbose logical, shall we send optional messages to the console?
#' @return vector of births
#' @export
#' @importFrom fertestr is_LocID
#' @importFrom fertestr get_location_code
fetch_wpp_births <- function(births, yrs_births, location, sex, verbose) {
# fetch WPP births if not provided by user
if (is.null(births) | length(births) == 0) {
# load WPP births
requireNamespace("DemoToolsData", quietly = TRUE)
WPP2019_births <- DemoToolsData::WPP2019_births
# filter out location and years
ind <- WPP2019_births$LocID == get_LocID(location) &
WPP2019_births$Year %in% yrs_births
b_filt <- WPP2019_births[ind, ]
bt <- b_filt$TBirths
SRB <- b_filt$SRB
# extract births depending on sex
if (sex == "both") births <- bt
if (sex == "male") births <- bt * SRB / ( 1 + SRB)
if (sex == "female") births <- bt / (SRB + 1)
if (verbose){
cat(paste0("\nbirths not provided. Downloading births for ", loc_message(location), ", gender: ", "`", sex, "`, years: ",paste(yrs_births,collapse = ", "), "\n"))
interp_coh_download_mortality <- function(location, sex, date1, date2, OAnew = 100, verbose){
. <- NULL
date1 <- dec.date(date1)
date2 <- dec.date(date2)
year1 <- floor(date1) + 1
year2 <- floor(date2)
year_seq <- year1:year2
dates_out <- c(dec.date(date1), year_seq)
if (verbose){
cat(paste0("\nlxMat not provided. Downloading lxMat for ", loc_message(location), ", gender: ", "`", sex, "`, for years between ", round(date1, 1), " and ", round(date2, 1), "\n"))
PX <- suppressMessages(lapply(dates_out,fertestr::FetchLifeTableWpp2019,
locations = location,
sex = sex)) %>%
}) %>%
lapply(lt_a2s_chunk, OAnew = OAnew) %>%
#1 - X$nqx
lt_id_Ll_S(X$nLx, X$lx, X$Age, X$AgeInt, N = 1)
}) %>%
dimnames(PX) <- list(0:OAnew, dates_out)
PX[PX > 1] <- 1
# discount first and last periods.
f1 <- diff(dates_out)[1]
f2 <- date2 - floor(date2)
# assume linear px change within age class
PX[, 1] <- PX[, 1] ^f1
PX[,ncol(PX)] <- PX[, ncol(PX)] ^f2
loc_message <- function(location){
cds <- DemoToolsData::WPP_codes
if (fertestr::is_LocID(location)){
LocName <- get_LocName(location)
LocID <- location
} else {
LocID <- get_LocID(location)
LocName <- location
paste0(LocName," (LocID = ",LocID,")")
get_LocID <- function(location){
if (fertestr::is_LocID(location)){
} else {
cds <- DemoToolsData::WPP_codes
ind <- cds$LocName == location
if (!any(ind)){
stop("requested LocName not found")
LocID <- cds[ind,"LocID"] %>% c()
get_LocName <- function(location){
if (fertestr::is_LocID(location)){
cds <- DemoToolsData::WPP_codes
ind <- cds$LocID == location
if (!any(ind)){
stop("requested LocID not found")
LocName <- cds[ind,"LocName"] %>% c()
} else {
is_Loc_available <- function(location){
isID <- fertestr::is_LocID(location)
cds <- DemoToolsData::WPP_codes
if (isID){
out <- location %in% cds$LocID
} else {
out <- location %in% cds$LocName
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