
## tests for functions in MP_distances.R


## Tests for imputing values in matrices

test_that("MPimputeNAs removes NAs from matrices or data frames", {
  ## create a test object
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,NA), B=c(NA, 4, 5))

  ## impute using mean from entire matrix
  output = MPimputeNAs(xx)
  expected = cbind(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(3, 4, 5))
  expect_equal(output, expected)
  ## impute by columns
  output2 = cbind(apply(xx, 2, MPimputeNAs))
  expected2 = cbind(A=c(1,2,1.5), B=c(4.5, 4, 5))
  expect_equal(output2, expected2)

test_that("MPimputeNAs removes infinite values from matrices or data frames", {
  ## create a test object
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,Inf), B=c(-Inf, 4, 5))

  ## impute using mean from entire matrix
  output = MPimputeNAs(xx)
  expected = cbind(A=c(1,2,5), B=c(1, 4, 5))
  expect_equal(output, expected)

test_that("MPimputeNAs removes infinite values from matrices (edge cases)", {
  ## create a test object with all bad values
  xx = cbind(A=c(Inf,Inf), B=c(-Inf, Inf))

  ## imputing here normalizes the values into 0,1 range
  output = suppressWarnings(MPimputeNAs(xx))
  expected = cbind(A=c(1, 1), B=c(0, 1))
  expect_equal(output, expected)

test_that("MPimputeNAs remove all-NA values from matrices (edge cases)", {
  ## create a test object with all bad values
  xx = cbind(A=c(NA,NA), B=c(NA, NA))

  ## imputing here normalizes the values into 0,1 range
  output = MPimputeNAs(xx)
  expected = cbind(A=c(0, 0), B=c(0, 0))
  expect_equal(output, expected)

## Tests for individual distance functions

test_that("classic euclidean/canberra/manhattan distances (easy cases)", {
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(2,3,4), C=c(3,4,5))
  rownames(xx) = letters[1:3]
  ## compute standard distances
  output_euclidean = dist.euclidean(xx)
  expected_euclidean = dist(xx, method="euclidean")
  output_manhattan = dist.manhattan(xx)
  expected_manhattan = dist(xx, method="manhattan")
  output_canberra = dist.canberra(xx)
  expected_canberra = dist(xx, method="canberra")
  ## specialized functions and stats:: functions should give same results
  expect_equal(output_euclidean, expected_euclidean, check.attributes=FALSE)
  expect_equal(output_manhattan, expected_manhattan, check.attributes=FALSE)
  expect_equal(output_canberra, expected_canberra, check.attributes=FALSE)

test_that("classic euclidean/canberra/manhattan distances (cases with NAs)", {
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,NA), B=c(2,Inf,4), C=c(3,4,5))
  rownames(xx) = letters[1:3]
  ## compute distances
  output_euclidean = dist.euclidean(xx)
  output_manhattan = dist.manhattan(xx)
  output_canberra = dist.canberra(xx)
  ## outputs should be all numeric without infinite values
  ## for euclidean
  expect_equal(sum(is.na(output_euclidean)), 0)
  expect_equal(sum(!is.finite(output_euclidean)), 0)
  ## for manhattan
  expect_equal(sum(is.na(output_manhattan)), 0)
  expect_equal(sum(!is.finite(output_manhattan)), 0)
  ## for canberra
  expect_equal(sum(is.na(output_canberra)), 0)
  expect_equal(sum(!is.finite(output_canberra)), 0)

test_that("create distance functions based on a pearson/spearman", {
  ## make a larger dataset so that spearman does not complain
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(2,3,4), C=c(3,4,5), D=11:13,
             E=c(6, 2, 8), F=c(1, 1, 0), G=c(1,4,1), H=c(0, 3, 8))
  xx = rbind(xx, -xx[3,])
  rownames(xx) = letters[1:4]
  cor.cd = as.numeric(cor.test(xx[3,], xx[4,])$estimate)
  ## compute pearson distances (directional)
  out.pearson.1 = as.matrix(MPdistFactory("pearson")(xx))
  out.pearson.2 = as.matrix(dist.pearson(xx))
  expect_equal(out.pearson.1, out.pearson.2)
  expect_gt(sum(out.pearson.1), 0)
  expect_equal(out.pearson.1["c","d"], 1-cor.cd)
  ## compute pearson distances (non-directional)
  out.pearson.3 = as.matrix(MPdistFactory("pearson", directional=FALSE)(xx))
  out.pearson.4 = as.matrix(dist.pearson(xx, directional=FALSE))
  expect_equal(out.pearson.3, out.pearson.4)
  expect_gt(sum(out.pearson.3), 0)
  ## test correctness of value
  expect_equal(out.pearson.3["c", "d"], 1-abs(cor.cd))

  ## compute spearman distances (directional)
  out.spearman.1 = MPdistFactory("spearman")(xx)
  out.spearman.2 = dist.spearman(xx)
  expect_equal(as.matrix(out.spearman.1), as.matrix(out.spearman.2))
  expect_gt(sum(out.spearman.1), 0)

  ## compute spearman distances (non-directional)
  out.spearman.3 = MPdistFactory("spearman", directional=FALSE)(xx)
  out.spearman.4 = dist.spearman(xx, directional=FALSE)
  expect_equal(as.matrix(out.spearman.3), as.matrix(out.spearman.4))
  expect_gt(sum(out.spearman.3), 0)

test_that("create distance functions based on a dbscan", {
  ## make a larger dataset so that spearman does not complain
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(2,3,4), C=c(3,4,5), D=11:13,
             E=c(6, 2, 8), F=c(1, 1, 0), G=c(1,4,1), H=c(0, 3, 8))
  xx = rbind(xx, -xx[3,])
  rownames(xx) = letters[1:4]
  ## compute pearson distances (directional)
  out.dbscan = as.matrix(MPdistFactory("dbscan")(xx))
  expect_gt(sum(out.dbscan), 0)  

test_that("create distance functions based on a name (non-correlation)", {
  ## make a larger dataset so that spearman does not complain
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,3), B=c(2,3,4), C=c(3,4,5), D=11:13,
             E=c(6, 2, 8), F=c(1, 1, 0), G=c(1,4,1), H=c(0, 3, 8))
  rownames(xx) = letters[1:3]
  ## compute pc1 distances
  out.pc1.1 = MPdistFactory("pc1")(xx)
  out.pc1.2 = dist.pc1(xx)
  expect_equal(as.matrix(out.pc1.1), as.matrix(out.pc1.2))
  expect_gt(sum(out.pc1.1), 0)
  ## compute log2-transformed values
  out.log2.1 = MPdistFactory("log2euclidean")(xx)
  out.log2.2 = dist.log2euclidean(xx)
  expect_equal(as.matrix(out.log2.1), as.matrix(out.log2.2))
  expect_gt(sum(out.log2.1), 0)

test_that("tests for distances based on clustering", {
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,3,4,5), B=c(2,3,4,5,3), C=c(3,4,5,1,0), D=11:15)
  rownames(xx) = letters[1:5]
  ## compute distances
  output_clustreg = dist.clust(xx, clust.alt=FALSE)
  output_clustalt = dist.clust(xx, clust.alt=TRUE)
  output_pamreg = dist.clust(xx, clust.method="pam", clust.alt=FALSE)
  output_pamalt = dist.clust(xx, clust.method="pam", clust.alt=TRUE)
  ## tests are naive, should have non-zero values
  expect_gt(sum(output_clustreg), 0)
  expect_gt(sum(output_clustalt), 0)
  expect_gt(sum(output_pamreg), 0)
  expect_gt(sum(output_pamalt), 0)  

  ## the reg and alt should have different distances
  expect_gt(sum(abs(output_clustreg-output_clustalt)), 0)
  expect_gt(sum(abs(output_pamreg-output_pamalt)), 0)

  ## cannot have too many clusters
  expect_error(dist.clust(xx, clust.k=10))

test_that("tests for distances based on clustering without rownames", {
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,3,4,5), B=c(2,3,4,5,3), C=c(3,4,5,1,0), D=11:15)
  output = dist.clust(xx, clust.alt=FALSE)
  output_matrix = as.matrix(output)
  ## the dist function will create sample names using integers
  expect_equal(colnames(output_matrix), rownames(output_matrix))
  expect_equal(colnames(output_matrix), as.character(1:5))

test_that("dist.clust works with different clust.weights", {
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,3,4,5), B=c(2,3,4,5,3), C=c(3,4,5,1,0), D=11:15)
  out1 = as.matrix(dist.clust(xx, clust.alt=FALSE))
  out2 = as.matrix(dist.clust(xx, clust.weight=NA))
  ## the dist function will create sample names using integers
  expect_gt(sum(abs(out1-out2)), 0)

test_that("based on dbscan", {
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,2,3,4,5), B=c(2,3,4,5,3), C=c(3,4,5,1,0))
  xx = data.frame(rbind(xx, xx+20))
  rownames(xx) = letters[1:10]
  ## compute distances
  output.00 = dist.dbscan(xx, eps=5, clust.weight=0)
  output.05 = dist.dbscan(xx, eps=5, clust.weight=1)
  output.NA = dist.dbscan(xx, eps=5, clust.weight=NA)
  ## the answers should be different
  ## adding clust.weight will increase distances
  expect_gt(sum(output.05), sum(output.00))
  ## using clust.weight NA should give acceptable results (not equal to previous)
  expect_gt(sum(output.NA), 0)
  expect_gt(abs(sum(output.NA)-sum(output.00)), 0)

  ## dbscan should work on matrix as well as data frame
  yy = as.matrix(xx)
  rownames(yy) = NULL
  output.yy = dist.dbscan(yy, eps=5, clust.weight=0)
  expect_equal(sum(output.00), sum(output.yy))

test_that("hamming distance", {
  xx = cbind(A=c(1,1,2,2,20), B=c(1,1,20,20,1))
  rownames(xx) = letters[1:5]
  result = dist.hamming(xx)
  expected = matrix(0, ncol=5, nrow=5)
  colnames(expected) = rownames(expected) = letters[1:5]
  expected["a", ] = c(0,0,2,2,1)
  expected["b", ] = c(0,0,2,2,1)
  expected["c", ] = c(2,2,0,0,2)
  expected["d", ] = c(2,2,0,0,2)
  expected["e", ] = c(1,1,2,2,0)
  expect_equal(as.matrix(result), expected)

test_that("hamming distance with characters and factors", {
  ## data (similar to previous example, but with characters and factors)
  xx1 = cbind(A=c("x","x","y","y","z"), B=c("x","x","z","z","x"))
  rownames(xx1) = letters[1:5]
  result1 = dist.hamming(xx1)
  result2 = dist.hamming(as.data.frame(xx1))
  ## one expected object
  expected = matrix(0, ncol=5, nrow=5)
  colnames(expected) = rownames(expected) = letters[1:5]
  expected["a", ] = c(0,0,2,2,1)
  expected["b", ] = c(0,0,2,2,1)
  expected["c", ] = c(2,2,0,0,2)
  expected["d", ] = c(2,2,0,0,2)
  expected["e", ] = c(1,1,2,2,0)
  ## both computed distances should match expected
  expect_equal(as.matrix(result1), expected)
  expect_equal(as.matrix(result2), expected)
tkonopka/MultiPattern documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:45 p.m.