
Defines functions catv empty grepf grepv h1 h2 h3 lengrep lenu linechars lst mtrx newv namesV namesT namesF namesNA nlist nvec p0 pluck pluck1 pluck2 today x2df

Documented in catv empty grepf grepv h1 h2 h3 lengrep lenu linechars lst mtrx namesF namesNA namesT namesV newv nlist nvec p0 pluck pluck1 pluck2 today x2df

# Collection of functions with short names - general purpose

#' Write a message to the console, but only if in verbose mode
#' The name is short for: (cat) when in (v)erbose mode
#' @param ... arguments to write out
#' @param verbose logical or NA, logical values turn verbose mode
#' on and off; a value of NA implies that verbose mode is inferred
#' from a "verbose" variable in a parent environment or from global
#' options.
#' @export
catv = function(..., verbose=detect.verbose()) {
  if (verbose) {

#' evaluate if object is empty (length 0)
#' The name is short for: object is (empty)
#' @param x object, vector, list, matrix
#' @return logical value, TRUE if object is of length zero
#' @export
empty = function(x) {

#' Pattern matching inside text files
#' Reads contents of all files in a directory and matches a pattern line-by-line.
#' The name is short for: (grep) inside (f)iles
#' @param pattern character, pattern to look for
#' @param path directory to look in
#' @param file.pattern pattern to consider among the files
#' @param ... other parameters passed on to list.files()
#' @export
grepf = function(pattern, path=".", file.pattern=NULL, ...) {
  allfiles = list.files(path, full.names=TRUE, pattern=file.pattern, ...)
  allfiles = allfiles[!dir.exists(allfiles)]
  if (length(allfiles)==0) {
  result = setNames(as.list(allfiles), allfiles)
  result = lapply(result, function(filepath) {
    filedata = readLines(filepath)
    hits = grep(pattern, filedata)
    if (length(hits)==0) {
      return (NA)
    data.frame(line.number=hits, line.content=filedata[hits],
  result[sapply(result, function(x) { !identical(NA, x) })]

#' Pattern matching 
#' This is a wrapper for grep. By default it returns the matching
#' values as opposed to the indeces where the hits occur.
#' The name is short for: (grep) returning (v)alues.
#' @param pattern character, pattern to look for
#' @param x character vector, object wherein to look for the pattern
#' @param value logical, set to T to return the values in that
#' match the pattern
#' @param ... parameters passed on to grep
#' @export
grepv = function(pattern, x, value=T, ...) {
  base::grep(pattern, x, value=value, ...)

#' Return first element 
#' The name is short for: (h)ead with n=(1)
#' @param x vector, matrix, data-frame, or nany object that can be
#' processed by head()
#' @param ... parameters passed on to head
#' @export
h1 = function(x, ...) {
  head(x, n=1, ...)

#' Return second element 
#' The name is short for: (h)ead with n=(2)
#' @param x vector, matrix, data-frame, or any object that can be
#' processed by head()
#' @param ... parameters passed on to head
#' @export
h2 = function(x, ...) {
  head(x, n=2, ...)

#' Return third element 
#' The name is short for: (h)ead with n=(3)
#' @param x vector, matrix, data-frame, or any object that can be
#' processed by head()
#' @param ... parameters passed on to head
#' @export
h3 = function(x, ...) {
  head(x, n=3, ...)

#' length of grep result
#' @param pattern character string with a grep pattern
#' @param x character vector to search in
#' @param ... any other arguments passed on to grep()
#' @return integer, length of grep result
#' @export
lengrep = function(pattern, x, ...) {
  length(grep(pattern, x, ...))

#' Get number of unique elements in a vector
#' The name is short for: (len)th of (u)nique(x)
#' @param x vector
#' @export
lenu = function(x) {    

#' Count characters-per-line in files
#' The name is short for: (line) (char)acters
#' @param path character, directory path
#' @param file.pattern character, filename match pattern
#' @param min.chars interger, minimal number of characters on a line.
#' Shorter lines will be omitted from the output
#' @return list, each element summarizing line lengths in one file
#' @export
linechars = function(path=".", file.pattern=NULL, min.chars=0) {    
  allfiles = list.files(path, full.names=TRUE, pattern=file.pattern)
  allfiles = allfiles[!dir.exists(allfiles)]
  if (length(allfiles)==0) {
  result = setNames(as.list(allfiles), allfiles)
  result = lapply(result, function(filepath) {
    filedata = readLines(filepath)
    counts = data.frame(line.number=seq_along(filedata),
  # avoid displaying empty tables
  result[vapply(result, nrow, integer(1))>0]

#' Collect objects into a named list
#' The names is short for: (l)i(st) from named entities
#' @param ... several arguments
#' @return a named list holding to input objects
#' @examples
#' a = 4
#' b = 3
#' lst(a, b)
#' @export
lst = function(...) {
  # fetch the arguments as a list
  result = list(...)
  # identify all the labels
  labels = as.character(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
  # transfer the labels that are not present in "data"
  if (length(names(result))==0) {
    wolabs = rep(TRUE, length(result))
  } else {
    wolabs = names(result)==""
  names(result)[wolabs] = labels[wolabs]

#' Creates a matrix with row and column names
#' Compared to matrix(), this function has simpler syntax
#' for creating a matrix with names, especially only 
#' column names.
#' The name mtrx is short for (m)a(tr)i(x).
#' @param data data vector, contents of the matrix
#' @param row.names character vector, row names
#' @param col.names character vector, column names
#' @param nrow integer, number of rows
#' @param ncol integer, number of columns
#' @param byrow logical, determines fill direction
#' @export
mtrx = function(data=NA, row.names=NULL, col.names=NULL, 
  nrow=NULL, ncol=NULL, byrow=FALSE) {

  if (!is.null(nrow) & !is.null(row.names)) {
    if (length(row.names)!=nrow) {
      stop("mtrx: number of rows do not match\n")
  if (!is.null(ncol) & !is.null(col.names)) {
    if (length(col.names)!=ncol) {
      stop("mtrx: number of cols do not match\n")

  if (is.null(ncol)) {
    ncol = length(col.names)
  if (is.null(nrow)) {
    nrow = length(row.names)
  ans = matrix(data, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=byrow)
  colnames(ans) = col.names
  rownames(ans) = row.names

#' Create new empty object
#' This is a wrapper for vector() followed by setting names
#' The name is short for: (new) (v)ector 
#' @param mode character, specifies what kind of vector to create
#' @param length integer, length of vector to create
#' @param names character, vector of names to create
#' @export
newv = function(mode="list", length=0, names=NULL) {

  ## handle length and names parameters
  if (!is.null(names)) {
    if (length==0) {
      length = length(names)
    } else {
      if (length!=length(names)) {
        stop("newv: specified length and names are not consistent\n")

  ## create the object
  ans = base::vector(mode, length)
  ## possibly name the elements
  if (!is.null(names)) {
    names(ans) = names

#' Get element names in a vector that hold given values
#' The name is short for: (names) of elements with given (V)alues 
#' @param x vector 
#' @param v vector of value within x to look for
#' @export
namesV = function(x, v) {    
  if (is.null(names(x))) {
    stop("namesV: input does not have names\n")
  names(x[x %in% v])

#' Get element names in a vector that hold value TRUE
#' This function is a derivative of namesV
#' @param x logical vector
#' @export
namesT = function(x) {
  if (class(x)!="logical") {
    stop("namesT: input x must be logical, instead it is of class ", class(x), "\n")
  namesV(x, TRUE)

#' Get element names in a vector that hold value FALSE
#' This function is a derivative of namesV
#' @param x logical vector
#' @export
namesF = function(x) {
  if (class(x)!="logical") {
    stop("namesT: input x must be logical, instead it is of class ", class(x), "\n")
  namesV(x, FALSE)

#' Get element names in a vector that are NA
#' This function is a derivative of namesV
#' @param x vector
#' @export
namesNA = function(x) {    
  namesV(x, NA)

#' Create a named list using an existing object or data frame
#' The name is short for: (n)amed (list)
#' @param x object, can be vector, matrix, or data.frame
#' @param values.col character, identifies source of values for the list
#' @param names.col charcter, identifies source of names for the list
#' @return named list
#' @examples
#' nlist(c("a", "b", "c"))
#' nlist(values=c(1,2,3), names=c("x", "y", "z"))
#' @export
nlist = function(x=NULL, values.col=NULL, names.col=NULL) {
  xnames = xval = NULL
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    ## handle when first input is matrix-like
    if (class(x)=="matrix" | class(x)=="data.frame") {
      if (is.null(names.col)) {
      # check that relevant columns exist
      check.col = function(z) {
        if (is.null(z) | !(z %in% colnames(x))) {
          stop("nvec: invalid column name ", z, "\n")
      xnames = x[, names.col]
      xval = x[, values.col]
    } else {
      xval = x
      xnames = x
  } else {
    ## handle using values and names separately
    if (is.null(values.col)) {
      stop("x and values cannot both be null\n")
    } else {
      if (is.null(names.col)) {
        names.col = values.col
      xval = values.col
      xnames = names.col
  setNames(as.list(xval), xnames)

#' Create a named vector using two columns in a data-frame
#' The name is short for: (n)amed (vec)tor
#' @param x data frame
#' @param values.col character, column in x used for vector values
#' @param names.col character, column in x used for vector names
#' @return named vector
#' @examples
#' df = data.frame(A=letters[1:4], B=c(4,2,3,1))
#' nvec(df, "B", "A")
#' @export
nvec = function(x, values.col=NULL, names.col=NULL) {
  # check that relevant columns exist
  check.col = function(z) {
    if (is.null(z) | !(z %in% colnames(x))) {
      stop("nvec: invalid column name ", z, "\n")
  # check that names are unique
  if (length(unique(x[, names.col])) != nrow(x)) {
    stop("nvec: names are not unique\n")
  # the proper calculation
  setNames(x[, values.col], x[, names.col])

#' Concatenate strings
#' This is an exact copy of paste0, just the name is shorter
#' @param ... passed on to paste0
#' @export
p0 = function(...) {

#' Extract a component from an object
#' @param x object - either vector, list, matrix, etc
#' @param n integer or string that identifies a part of x
#' @param type string, identifies 
#' @export
pluck = function(x, n, type=c("auto", "character", "integer", "numeric", "logical",
                              "list", "matrix", "data.frame")) {
  type = match.arg(type)
  if (type=="auto") {
    pluck(x, n, class(x))
  } else if (type %in% c("vector", "character", "integer", "numeric", "logical")) {
  } else if (type=="list") {
  } else if (type=="matrix" | type=="data.frame") {

#' Extract the first component from an object
#' @param x object - either vector, list, matrix, etc
#' @param type string, see pluck() for details
#' @export
pluck1 = function(x, type=class(x)) {
  pluck(x, 1, type)

#' Extract the second component from an object
#' @param x object - either vector, list, matrix, etc
#' @param type string, see pluck() for details
#' @export
pluck2 = function(x, type=class(x)) {
  pluck(x, 2, type)

#' Get a string with today's date, e.g. 20171126
#' @param sep character - separating character between year, month, day
#' @export
today = function(sep="") {
  today.format = paste("%Y", "%m", "%d", sep=sep)
  format(Sys.time(), today.format)

#' convert an object to a data.frame
#' The names is short for: convert (x) (to) a (d)ata (f)frame. Useful for
#' generating transparency levels.
#' @param x object, could be a matrix, data.table, etc. 
#' @param stringsAsFactors logical, convert character-columns to factors or not
#' @export
x2df = function(x, stringsAsFactors=F) {
  cx = class(x)[1]
  if (cx=="data.frame") {
  saf = stringsAsFactors
  # special cases
  # perhaps convert a named vector into a one-row data frame
  if (cx %in% c("numeric", "integer", "logical", "character", "factor")) {
    if (!is.null(names(x))) {
      if (length(names(x))==length(x)) {
        result = matrix(x, ncol=length(x))
        colnames(result) = names(x)
        rownames(result) = NULL
        return(x2df(result, saf))
  # the default behavior is to apply data.frame() 
  data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=saf)        
tkonopka/shrt documentation built on March 5, 2020, 2:51 p.m.