
Defines functions bootWhite gradDtcopula OPGtcopula hesseTcopula boot.IR obs.stat boot.stat f_rho_nu f_nu f_rho BiCopGofTest

Documented in BiCopGofTest

#' Goodness-of-Fit Test for Bivariate Copulas
#' This function performs a goodness-of-fit test for bivariate copulas, either
#' based on White's information matrix equality (White, 1982) as introduced by
#' Huang and Prokhorov (2011) or based on Kendall's process
#' (Wang and Wells, 2000; Genest et al., 2006). It computes the test statistics
#' and p-values.
#' `method = "white"`:\cr This goodness-of fit test uses the information
#' matrix equality of White (1982) and was investigated by Huang and Prokhorov
#' (2011). The main contribution is that under correct model specification the
#' Fisher Information can be equivalently calculated as minus the expected
#' Hessian matrix or as the expected outer product of the score function. The
#' null hypothesis is \deqn{ H_0: \boldsymbol{H}(\theta) +
#' \boldsymbol{C}(\theta) = 0 } against the alternative \deqn{ H_0:
#' \boldsymbol{H}(\theta) + \boldsymbol{C}(\theta) \neq 0 , } where
#' \eqn{\boldsymbol{H}(\theta)} is the expected Hessian matrix and
#' \eqn{\boldsymbol{C}(\theta)} is the expected outer product of the score
#' function. For the calculation of the test statistic we use the consistent
#' maximum likelihood estimator \eqn{\hat{\theta}} and the sample counter parts
#' of \eqn{\boldsymbol{H}(\theta)} and \eqn{\boldsymbol{C}(\theta)}. The
#' correction of the covariance-matrix in the test statistic for the
#' uncertainty in the margins is skipped. The implemented tests assumes that
#' where is no uncertainty in the margins. The correction can be found in Huang
#' and Prokhorov (2011). It involves two-dimensional integrals.\cr WARNING: For
#' the t-copula the test may be unstable. The results for the t-copula
#' therefore have to be treated carefully.\cr \cr `method = "kendall"`:\cr
#' This copula goodness-of-fit test is based on Kendall's process as
#' proposed by Wang and Wells (2000). For computation of p-values, the
#' parametric bootstrap described by Genest et al. (2006) is used. For
#' rotated copulas the input arguments are transformed and the goodness-of-fit
#' procedure for the corresponding non-rotated copula is used.
#' @param u1,u2 Numeric vectors of equal length with values in \eqn{[0,1]}.
#' @param family An integer defining the bivariate copula family: \cr
#' `0` = independence copula \cr
#' `1` = Gaussian copula \cr
#' `2` = Student t copula (t-copula) (only for `method = "white"`; see details)\cr
#' `3` = Clayton copula \cr
#' `4` = Gumbel copula \cr
#' `5` = Frank copula \cr
#' `6` = Joe copula \cr
#' `7` = BB1 copula (only for `method = "kendall"`)\cr
#' `8` = BB6 copula (only for `method = "kendall"`)\cr
#' `9` = BB7 copula (only for `method = "kendall"`)\cr
#' `10` = BB8 copula (only for `method ="kendall"`)\cr
#' `13` = rotated Clayton copula (180 degrees; ``survival Clayton'') \cr
#' `14` = rotated Gumbel copula (180 degrees; ``survival Gumbel'') \cr
#' `16` = rotated Joe copula (180 degrees; ``survival Joe'') \cr
#' `17` = rotated BB1 copula (180 degrees; ``survival BB1'';
#' only for `method = "kendall"`)\cr
#' `18` = rotated BB6 copula (180 degrees; ``survival BB6'';
#' only for `method = "kendall"`)\cr
#' `19` = rotated BB7 copula (180 degrees; ``survival BB7'';
#' only for `method = "kendall"`)\cr
#' `20` = rotated BB8 copula (180 degrees; ``survival BB8'';
#' only for `method = "kendall"`)\cr
#' `23` = rotated Clayton copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `24` = rotated Gumbel copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `26` = rotated Joe copula (90 degrees) \cr
#' `27` = rotated BB1 copula (90 degrees; only for `method = "kendall"`) \cr
#' `28` = rotated BB6 copula (90 degrees; only for `method = "kendall"`) \cr
#' `29` = rotated BB7 copula (90 degrees; only for `method = "kendall"`) \cr
#' `30` = rotated BB8 copula (90 degrees; only for `method = "kendall"`) \cr
#' `33` = rotated Clayton copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `34` = rotated Gumbel copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `36` = rotated Joe copula (270 degrees) \cr
#' `37` = rotated BB1 copula (270 degrees; only for `method = "kendall"`) \cr
#' `38` = rotated BB6 copula (270 degrees; only for `method = "kendall"`) \cr
#' `39` = rotated BB7 copula (270 degrees; only for `method = "kendall"`) \cr
#' `40` = rotated BB8 copula (270 degrees; only for `method = "kendall"`)
#' @param par Copula parameter (optional).
#' @param par2 Second parameter for bivariate t-copula (optional); default:
#' `par2 = 0`.
#' @param max.df Numeric; upper bound for the estimation of the degrees of
#' freedom parameter of the t-copula (default: `max.df = 30`).
#' @param method A string indicating the goodness-of-fit method:\cr
#' `"white"` = goodness-of-fit test based on White's information matrix
#' equality (default) \cr
#' `"kendall"` = goodness-of-fit test based on Kendall's process
#' @param B Integer; number of bootstrap samples (default: `B = 100`).
#' For `B = 0` only the the test statistics are returned.\cr WARNING: If
#' `B` is chosen too large, computations will take very long.
#' @param obj `BiCop` object containing the family and parameter
#' specification.
#' @return For `method = "white"`: \item{p.value}{Asymptotic p-value.}
#' \item{statistic}{The observed test statistic.}\cr
#' For `method ="kendall"`
#' \item{p.value.CvM}{Bootstrapped p-value of the goodness-of-fit
#' test using the Cramer-von Mises statistic (if `B > 0`).}
#' \item{p.value.KS}{Bootstrapped p-value of the goodness-of-fit test using the
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic (if `B > 0`).} \item{statistic.CvM}{The
#' observed Cramer-von Mises test statistic.} \item{statistic.KS}{The observed
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic.}
#' @author Ulf Schepsmeier, Wanling Huang, Jiying Luo, Eike Brechmann
#' @seealso [BiCopDeriv2()], [BiCopDeriv()],
#' [BiCopIndTest()], [BiCopVuongClarke()]
#' @references
#' Huang, W. and A. Prokhorov (2014). A goodness-of-fit test for copulas.
#' Econometric Reviews, 33 (7), 751-771.
#' Wang, W. and M. T. Wells (2000). Model selection and semiparametric
#' inference for bivariate failure-time data. Journal of the American
#' Statistical Association, 95 (449), 62-72.
#' Genest, C., Quessy, J. F., and Remillard, B. (2006). Goodness-of-fit
#' Procedures for Copula Models Based on the Probability Integral Transformation.
#' Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 33(2), 337-366.
#' Luo J. (2011). Stepwise estimation of D-vines with arbitrary specified
#' copula pairs and EDA tools. Diploma thesis, Technische Universitaet
#' Muenchen.\cr <https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/?id=1079291>.
#' White, H. (1982) Maximum likelihood estimation of misspecified models,
#' Econometrica, 50, 1-26.
#' @examples
#' # simulate from a bivariate Clayton copula
#' \dontshow{set.seed(123)}
#' simdata <- BiCopSim(100, 3, 2)
#' u1 <- simdata[,1]
#' u2 <- simdata[,2]
#' # perform White's goodness-of-fit test for the true copula
#' BiCopGofTest(u1, u2, family = 3)
#' # perform White's goodness-of-fit test for the Frank copula
#' \donttest{BiCopGofTest(u1, u2, family = 5)}
#' # perform Kendall's goodness-of-fit test for the true copula
#' BiCopGofTest(u1, u2, family = 3, method = "kendall", B=50)
#' # perform Kendall's goodness-of-fit test for the Frank copula
#' \donttest{BiCopGofTest(u1, u2, family = 5, method = "kendall", B=50)}
BiCopGofTest <- function(u1, u2, family, par = 0, par2 = 0, method = "white", max.df = 30,
                         B = 100, obj = NULL) {
    if (method == "White")
        method <- "white"
    if (method == "Kendall")
        method <- "kendall"

    args <- preproc(c(as.list(environment()), call = match.call()),
                    na.txt = " Only complete observations are used.")
    list2env(args, environment())

    ## sanity checks for family and parameters
    if (!(family %in% allfams[-tawns]))
        stop("Copula family not implemented.")
    if (par != 0)
        BiCopCheck(family, par, par2)
    if (family == 2 && method == "kendall")
        stop("The goodness-of-fit test based on Kendall's process is not ", "
             implemented for the t-copula.")
    if (family %in% c(7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40) &&
        method == "white")
        stop("The goodness-of-fit test based on White's information matrix ",
             "equality is not implemented for the BB copulas.")

    T <- length(u1)

    if (method == "white") {
        # Step 1: maximum likelihood estimation
        if (family == 2) {
            if (par == 0) {
                pars <- BiCopEst(u1, u2, family = family, method = "mle", max.df = max.df)
                theta <- pars$par
                nu <- pars$par2
            } else {
                theta <- par
                nu <- par2
        } else {
            nu <- 0
            theta <- BiCopEst(u1, u2, family = family, method = "mle")$par

        # Step 2: Calculation of Hesse and gradient and D

        if (family == 2) {
            Dprime <- matrix(0, 3, T)
            Vt <- array(0, dim = c(3, 3, T))
            Bt <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2, T))
            grad <- c(0, 0)
            gradD <- gradDtcopula(u1, u2, theta, nu)
            for (t in 1:T) {
                # Hesse matrix
                H <- hesseTcopula(u1[t], u2[t], theta, nu)
                Hprime <- as.vector(H[lower.tri(H, diag = TRUE)])

                ## outer product of gradient
                C <- OPGtcopula(u1[t], u2[t], family, theta, nu)
                Cprime <- as.vector(C[lower.tri(C, diag = TRUE)])

                ## D_t
                Dprime[, t] <- Hprime + Cprime
                Bt[,,t] <- H  # brauche ich noch fuer Vt

                tmp <- Dprime[,t]-gradD%*%solve(Bt[,,t])%*%grad
                Vt[, , t] <- (tmp) %*% t(tmp)
                #vt[,,t] <- Dprime[,t] %*% t(Dprime[,t])
            D <- apply(Dprime, 1, mean)
            V0 <- apply(Vt, c(1, 2), mean)
        } else {
            b <- BiCopPDF(u1, u2, family, theta, nu)
            d <- BiCopDeriv2(u1, u2, family, theta, nu, deriv="par")/b
            D <- mean(d)

            eps <- 0.0001
            b_eps1 <- BiCopPDF(u1, u2, family, theta-eps, nu, check.pars = FALSE)
            d_eps1 <- BiCopDeriv(u1, u2, family, theta-eps, nu, deriv="par",
                                 check.pars = FALSE)/b_eps1
            gradD_1 <- mean(d_eps1)
            b_eps2 <- BiCopPDF(u1, u2, family, theta+eps, nu, check.pars = FALSE)
            d_eps2 <- BiCopDeriv(u1, u2, family, theta+eps, nu, deriv="par",
                                 check.pars = FALSE)/b_eps2
            gradD_2 <- mean(d_eps2)
            gradD <- (gradD_2-gradD_1)/(2*eps)

            tmp1 <- BiCopDeriv(u1, u2, family, theta, nu, deriv="par")
            tmp2 <- tmp1/b^2
            tmp3 <- -tmp2 + d
            H <- mean(tmp3)
            Vt <- (d-gradD/H*tmp1/b)^2

            #Vt <- (d)^2
            V0 <- mean(Vt)

        # Teststatistik und p-Wert
        if (family == 2) {
            handle <- try(solve(V0), TRUE)
            if (is.null(dim(handle)))
                handle <- ginv(V0)
            test <- T * (t(D) %*% handle %*% D)
            pvalue <- 1 - pchisq(test, df = length(D))
        } else {
            test <- T * D * solve(V0) * D
            pvalue <- 1 - pchisq(test, df = 1)

        if(B == 0){  # asymptotic p-value
            out <- list(statistic = test, p.value = pvalue)
        } else {
            test_boot <- bootWhite(family, theta, nu, B, N=length(u1))
            test_boot <- test_boot[!is.na(test_boot)]
            pvalue <- mean(test_boot >= as.numeric(test))
            out <- list(statistic = test, p.value = pvalue)

    } else if (method == "IR") {
        # Information ratio GOF Step 1: maximum likelihood estimation
        if (family == 2) {
            if (par == 0) {
                pars <- BiCopEst(u1,
                                 family = family,
                                 method = "mle",
                                 max.df = max.df)
                theta <- pars$par
                nu <- pars$par2
            } else {
                theta <- par
                nu <- par2
        } else {
            nu <- 0
            theta <- BiCopEst(u1,
                              family = family,
                              method = "mle")$par

        # Step 2: Calculation of Hesse and gradient
        if (family == 2) {
            grad <- c(0, 0)
            rho_teil <- f_rho(u1, u2, theta, nu)
            nu_teil <- f_nu(u1, u2, theta, nu)
            rho_nu_teil <- f_rho_nu(u1, u2, theta, nu)
            H <- matrix(c(rho_teil, rho_nu_teil, rho_nu_teil, nu_teil), 2, 2)  # Hesse matrix
            grad[1] <- BiCopDeriv(u1,
                                  family = family,
                                  par = theta,
                                  par2 = nu,
                                  deriv = "par",
                                  log = TRUE,
                                  check.pars = FALSE)
            grad[2] <- BiCopDeriv(u1,
                                  family = family,
                                  par = theta,
                                  par2 = nu,
                                  deriv = "par2",
                                  log = TRUE,
                                  check.pars = FALSE)
            C <- grad %*% t(grad)
        } else {
            d <- rep(0, T)
            for (t in 1:T) {
                b <- BiCopPDF(u1[t],
                              check.pars = FALSE)
                d[t] <- BiCopDeriv2(u1[t],
                                    family = family,
                                    par = theta,
                                    par2 = nu,
                                    deriv = "par",
                                    check.pars = FALSE)/b
            H <- mean(d)
            C <- BiCopDeriv(u1,
                            family = family,
                            par = theta,
                            par2 = nu,
                            deriv = "par",
                            log = TRUE,
                            check.pars = FALSE)
        Phi <- -solve(H) %*% C
        IR <- trace(Phi)/dim(H)[1]  #Zwischenergebnis

        # Bootstrap procedure
        if (B == 0) {
            out <- list(IR = IR, p.value = NULL)
        } else {
            IR_boot <- boot.IR(family, theta, nu, B, length(u1))
            sigma2 <- var(IR_boot)
            IR_new <- ((IR - 1)/sqrt(sigma2))^2
            IR_boot <- ((IR_boot - 1)/sqrt(sigma2))^2
            p.value <- mean(IR_boot >= IR_new)

            out <- list(IR = IR, p.value = p.value)

    } else if (method == "kendall") {
        if (family %in% c(13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)) {
            u1 <- 1 - u1
            u2 <- 1 - u2
            family <- family - 10
        } else if (family %in% c(23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)) {
            u1 <- 1 - u1
            family <- family - 20
        } else if (family %in% c(33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40)) {
            u2 <- 1 - u2
            family <- family - 30

        # estimate paramemter for different copula family from (u,v)
        param <- suppressWarnings({
            BiCopEst(u1, u2, family = family)

        ostat <- obs.stat(u1, u2, family, param)

        if (B == 0) {
            # no bootstrap

            sn.obs <- ostat$Sn
            tn.obs <- ostat$Tn
            out <- list(Sn = sn.obs, Tn = tn.obs)

        } else {
            #bstat <- list()
            numError <- 0
            sn.boot <- rep(0, B)
            tn.boot <- rep(0, B)
            # TODO: for-loop as apply
            for (i in 1:B) {
                ax <- try({tmp <- boot.stat(u1, u2, family, param)}, silent = TRUE)
                if(inherits(ax, "try-error")){
                    sn.boot[i] <- NA
                    tn.boot[i] <- NA
                    numError <- numError + 1
                } else {
                    sn.boot[i] <- tmp$sn
                    tn.boot[i] <- tmp$tn
            if(numError > 0){
                warning(paste("In the calculation of the p-values for the copula
goodness-of-fit test based on Kendall's process
errors occured in", numError, "of", B, "bootstraps which were suppressed.
The erroneous bootstraps were deleted. Note that this may cause erroneous p-values.
This may be an indicator for copula misspecification.
Most probably Kendall's tau is close to zero.
Consider an independence test first."))

            # sn.boot <- rep(0, B)
            # tn.boot <- rep(0, B)
            # for (i in 1:B) {
            #     sn.boot[i] <- bstat[[i]]$sn
            #     tn.boot[i] <- bstat[[i]]$tn
            # }
            # clean bootstrap samples
            sn.boot <- sn.boot[!is.na(sn.boot)]
            tn.boot <- tn.boot[!is.na(tn.boot)]
            B.sn <- length(sn.boot)
            B.tn <- length(tn.boot)

            sn.obs <- ostat$Sn
            tn.obs <- ostat$Tn

            # k<-as.integer((1-level)*B) sn.critical <- sn.boot[k] # critical value of test
            # at level 0.05 tn.critical <- tn.boot[k] # critical value of test at level 0.05

            pv.sn <- sapply(sn.obs,
                            function(x) (1/B.sn) * length(which(sn.boot[1:B.sn] >= x)))  # P-value of Sn
            pv.tn <- sapply(tn.obs,
                            function(x) (1/B.tn) * length(which(tn.boot[1:B.tn] >= x)))  # P-value of Tn

            out <- list(p.value.CvM = pv.sn,
                        p.value.KS = pv.tn,
                        statistic.CvM = sn.obs,
                        statistic.KS = tn.obs)

    } else {
        stop("Method not implemented")



# sub functions for the calculation of the Hessian matrix of the t-copula

f_rho <- function(u1, u2, par, par2) {
    a <- .C("diff2lPDF_rho_tCopula",
            as.double(c(par, par2)),
            as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
            PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]


f_nu <- function(u1, u2, par, par2) {
    a <- .C("diff2lPDF_nu_tCopula_new",
            as.double(c(par, par2)),
            as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
            PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]


f_rho_nu <- function(u1, u2, par, par2) {
    a <- .C("diff2lPDF_rho_nu_tCopula_new",
            as.double(c(par, par2)),
            as.double(rep(0, length(u1))),
            PACKAGE = "VineCopula")[[6]]



# sub functions for the Kendall GOF

boot.stat <- function(u, v, fam, param) {

    n <- length(u)
    t <- seq(1, n)/(n + 1e-04)
    kt <- rep(0, n)

    # estimate paramemter for different copula family from (u,v)
    # param <- suppressWarnings({
    #     BiCopEst(u, v, family = fam)
    # })
    # calulate k(t) and kn(t) of bootstrap sample data
    if (fam == 1) {
        # normal
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 1, param$par, param$par2)  # generate data for the simulation of K(t)
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)  # parameter estimation of sample data
        sim <- BiCopSim(10000, 1, sam.par$par, sam.par$par2)  # generate data for the simulation of theo. K(t)
        cormat <- matrix(c(1, param$par, param$par, 1), 2, 2)
        dcop <- rep(0, 10000)
        for (i in 1:10000) dcop[i] <- pmvnorm(upper = c(qnorm(sim[i, 1]),
                                                        qnorm(sim[i, 2])),
                                              corr = cormat)
        kt <- sapply(t,
                     function(x) (1/10000) * length(which(dcop[1:10000] <= x)))  # simulate K(t) of sample data
    if (fam == 2) {
        # t
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, fam, param$par, param$par2)  # generate data for the simulation of K(t)
        sam.par <- suppressWarnings({
            BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)
        })  # parameter estimation of sample data
        sim <- BiCopSim(10000, fam, sam.par$par, sam.par$par2)  # generate data for the simulation of theo. K(t)

        # par2 muss auf einen Integer gesetzt werden f?r mvtnorm
        param$par2 <- round(param$par2)

        cormat <- matrix(c(1, param$par, param$par, 1), 2, 2)
        dcop <- rep(0, 10000)
        for (i in 1:10000) dcop[i] <- pmvt(upper = c(qt(sim[i, 1], df = param$par2),
                                                     qt(sim[i, 2], df = param$par2)),
                                           corr = cormat,
                                           df = param$par2)
        kt <- sapply(t, function(x) (1/10000) * length(which(dcop[1:10000] <= x)))  # simulate K(t) of sample data
    } else if (fam == 3) {
        # Clayton
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 3, param$par)  # generate sample data
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)$par  # estimate parameter of sample data
        kt <- t + t * (1 - t^sam.par)/sam.par
    } else if (fam == 4) {
        # gumbel
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 4, param$par)  # generate sample data
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)$par  # estimate parameter of sample data
        kt <- t - t * log(t)/(sam.par)
    } else if (fam == 5) {
        # frank
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 5, param$par)  # generate sample data
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)$par  # estimate parameter of sample data
        kt <- t + log((1 - exp(-sam.par))/(1 - exp(-sam.par * t))) * (1 - exp(-sam.par * t))/(sam.par * exp(-sam.par * t))
    } else if (fam == 6) {
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 6, param$par)  # generate sample data
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)$par  # estimate parameter of sample data
        kt <- t - (log(1 - (1 - t)^sam.par) * (1 - (1 - t))^sam.par)/(sam.par * (1 - t)^(sam.par - 1))
    } else if (fam == 7) {
        # BB1
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 7, param$par, param$par2)  # generate sample data
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)  # estimate parameter of sample data
        theta <- sam.par$par
        delta <- sam.par$par2
        kt <- t + 1/(theta * delta) * (t^(-theta) - 1)/(t^(-1 - theta))
    } else if (fam == 8) {
        # BB6
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 8, param$par, param$par2)  # generate sample data
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)  # estimate parameter of sample data
        theta <- sam.par$par
        delta <- sam.par$par2
        kt <- t + log(-(1 - t)^theta + 1) * (1 - t - (1 - t)^(-theta) + (1 - t)^(-theta) * t)/(delta * theta)
    } else if (fam == 9) {
        # BB7
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 9, param$par, param$par2)  # generate sample data
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)  # estimate parameter of sample data
        theta <- sam.par$par
        delta <- sam.par$par2
        kt <- t + 1/(theta * delta) * ((1 - (1 - t)^theta)^(-delta) - 1)/((1 - t)^(theta - 1) * (1 - (1 - t)^theta)^(-delta - 1))
    } else if (fam == 10) {
        # BB8
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, 10, param$par, param$par2)  # generate sample data
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = fam)  # estimate parameter of sample data
        theta <- sam.par$par
        delta <- sam.par$par2
        kt <- t + log(((1 - t * delta)^theta - 1)/((1 - delta)^theta - 1)) * (1 - t * delta - (1 - t * delta)^(-theta) + (1 - t * delta)^(-theta) * t * delta)/(theta * delta)

    # calculate emp. Kn
    w <- rep(0, n)
    w[1:n] <- mapply(function(x, y) (1/n) * length(which(x > sam[, 1] & y > sam[, 2])),
                     sam[, 1],
                     sam[, 2])
    w <- sort(w)
    kn <- rep(0, n)
    kn <- sapply(t, function(x) (1/n) * length(which(w[1:n] <= x)))

    # calculate test statistic Sn
    Sn1 <- 0
    Sn2 <- 0
    for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
        Sn1 <- Sn1 + ((kn[j])^2 * (kt[j + 1] - kt[j]))
        Sn2 <- Sn2 + (kn[j]) * ((kt[j + 1])^2 - (kt[j])^2)
    sn <- n/3 + n * Sn1 - n * Sn2
    # calculation of test statistics Tn
    tm <- matrix(0, n - 1, 2)
    # mit i=0
    for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
        tm[j, 1] <- abs(kn[j] - kt[j])
    # mit i=1
    for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
        tm[j, 2] <- abs(kn[j] - kt[j + 1])
    tn <- max(tm) * sqrt(n)

    sn <- sort(sn)  # vector of ordered statistic Sn
    tn <- sort(tn)  # vector of ordered statistic Tn
    out <- list(sn = sn, tn = tn)

obs.stat <- function(u, v, fam, param) {

    n <- length(u)
    t <- seq(1, n)/(n + 1e-04)
    kt <- rep(0, n)

    # estimate paramemter for different copula family from (u,v)
    # param <- suppressWarnings({
    #     BiCopEst(u, v, family = fam)
    # })

    # calculate observed K(t) of (u,v)
    kt.obs <- rep(0, n)
    if (fam == 1) {
        sim <- BiCopSim(10000, 1, param$par)  # generate data for the simulation of K(t)
        cormat <- matrix(c(1, param$par, param$par, 1), 2, 2)
        dcop <- rep(0, 10000)
        # TODO: for-loop as apply
        for (i in 1:10000) dcop[i] <- pmvnorm(upper = c(qnorm(sim[i, 1]),
                                                        qnorm(sim[i, 2])),
                                              corr = cormat)
        kt.obs <- sapply(t,
                         function(x) (1/10000) * length(which(dcop[1:10000] <= x)))  # simulate K(t) of sample data
    } else if (fam == 2) {
        sim <- BiCopSim(10000, 2, param$par, param$par2)  # generate data for the simulation of K(t)
        cormat <- matrix(c(1, param$par, param$par, 1), 2, 2)
        dcop <- rep(0, 10000)
        # TODO: for-loop as apply
        for (i in 1:10000) dcop[i] <- pmvt(upper = c(qt(sim[i, 1], df = param$par2),
                                                     qt(sim[i, 2], df = param$par2)),
                                           corr = cormat,
                                           df = param$par2)
        kt.obs <- sapply(t,
                         function(x) (1/10000) * length(which(dcop[1:10000] <= x)))  # simulate K(t) of sample data
    } else if (fam == 3) {
        kt.obs <- t + t * (1 - t^param$par)/param$par
    } else if (fam == 4) {
        kt.obs <- t - t * log(t)/(param$par)
    } else if (fam == 5) {
        kt.obs <- t + log((1 - exp(-param$par))/(1 - exp(-param$par * t))) * (1 - exp(-param$par * t))/(param$par * exp(-param$par * t))
    } else if (fam == 6) {
        kt.obs <- t - (log(1 - (1 - t)^param$par) * (1 - (1 - t))^param$par)/(param$par * (1 - t)^(param$par - 1))
    } else if (fam == 7) {
        theta <- param$par
        delta <- param$par2
        kt.obs <- t + 1/(theta * delta) * (t^(-theta) - 1)/(t^(-1 - theta))
    } else if (fam == 8) {
        theta <- param$par
        delta <- param$par2
        kt.obs <- t + log(-(1 - t)^theta + 1) * (1 - t - (1 - t)^(-theta) + (1 - t)^(-theta) * t)/(delta * theta)
    } else if (fam == 9) {
        theta <- param$par
        delta <- param$par2
        kt.obs <- t + 1/(theta * delta) * ((1 - (1 - t)^theta)^(-delta) - 1)/((1 - t)^(theta - 1) * (1 - (1 - t)^theta)^(-delta - 1))
    } else if (fam == 10) {
        theta <- param$par
        delta <- param$par2
        kt.obs <- t + log(((1 - t * delta)^theta - 1)/((1 - delta)^theta - 1)) * (1 - t * delta - (1 - t * delta)^(-theta) + (1 - t * delta)^(-theta) * t * delta)/(theta * delta)
    # calculation of observed Kn
    w <- rep(0, n)
    w[1:n] <- mapply(function(x, y) (1/n) * length(which(x > u & y > v)), u, v)

    w <- sort(w)
    kn.obs <- rep(0, n)
    kn.obs <- sapply(t, function(x) (1/n) * length(which(w[1:n] <= x)))

    # calculation of observed value Sn
    Sn1 <- 0
    Sn2 <- 0
    for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
        Sn1 <- Sn1 + ((kn.obs[j])^2 * (kt.obs[j + 1] - kt.obs[j]))
        Sn2 <- Sn2 + (kn.obs[j]) * ((kt.obs[j + 1])^2 - (kt.obs[j])^2)
    Sn <- n/3 + n * Sn1 - n * Sn2  # observed Sn

    # calculation of observed Tn
    tn.obs <- matrix(0, n - 1, 2)
    # mit i=0
    for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
        tn.obs[j, 1] <- abs(kn.obs[j] - kt.obs[j])
    # mit i=1
    for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
        tn.obs[j, 2] <- abs(kn.obs[j] - kt.obs[j + 1])
    Tn <- max(tn.obs) * sqrt(n)
    out <- list(Sn = Sn, Tn = Tn)


# boot.IR
# bootstrap for IR
# @param family copula family
# @param theta first copula parameter
# @param nu second copula parameter
# @param B number of bootstraps
# @param n Number of observations
# @return IR vector of test statistics
# @author Ulf Schepsmeier

boot.IR <- function(family, theta, nu, B, n) {
    # theta und nu sind die geschaetzten Parameter
    IR <- rep(0, B)
    # TODO: for-loop as apply
    for (i in 1:B) {
        sam <- BiCopSim(n, family, theta, nu)
        sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = family)  # parameter estimation of sample data
        if (family == 2) {
            theta2 <- sam.par[1]
            nu2 <- sam.par[2]
            grad <- c(0, 0)
            rho_teil <- f_rho(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], theta2, nu2)
            nu_teil <- f_nu(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], theta2, nu2)
            rho_nu_teil <- f_rho_nu(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], theta2, nu2)
            H <- matrix(c(rho_teil, rho_nu_teil, rho_nu_teil, nu_teil), 2, 2)  # Hesse matrix
            grad[1] <- BiCopDeriv(sam[, 1],
                                  sam[, 2],
                                  family = family,
                                  par = theta2,
                                  par2 = nu2,
                                  deriv = "par",
                                  log = TRUE,
                                  check.pars = FALSE)
            grad[2] <- BiCopDeriv(sam[, 1],
                                  sam[, 2],
                                  family = family,
                                  par = theta2,
                                  par2 = nu2,
                                  deriv = "par2",
                                  log = TRUE,
                                  check.pars = FALSE)
            C <- grad %*% t(grad)
        } else {
            theta2 <- sam.par
            nu2 <- 0
            d <- rep(0, T)
            # TODO: for-loop as apply
            for (t in 1:T) {
                b <- BiCopPDF(sam[t, 1], sam[t, 2], family, theta2, nu2)
                d[t] <- BiCopDeriv2(sam[t, 1],
                                    sam[t, 2],
                                    family = family,
                                    par = theta2,
                                    par2 = nu2,
                                    deriv = "par",
                                    check.pars = FALSE)/b
            H <- mean(d)
            C <- BiCopDeriv(sam[, 1],
                            sam[, 2],
                            family = family,
                            par = theta2,
                            par2 = nu2,
                            deriv = "par",
                            log = TRUE,
                            check.pars = FALSE)
        Phi <- -solve(H) %*% C
        IR[i] <- trace(Phi)/dim(H)[1]


## sub-functions

# hesseTcopula
# This small function calculates the Hessian matrix for the t-copula
# @param u1 first copula argument
# @param u2 second copula argument
# @param theta first copula parameter
# @param nu second copula parameter
# @return H Hesse matrix for the t-copula
# @author Ulf Schepsmeier

hesseTcopula <- function(u1, u2, theta, nu){
    rho_teil <- f_rho(u1, u2, theta, nu)
    nu_teil <- f_nu(u1, u2, theta, nu)
    rho_nu_teil <- f_rho_nu(u1, u2, theta, nu)
    H <- matrix(c(rho_teil, rho_nu_teil, rho_nu_teil, nu_teil), 2, 2)

# OPGtcopula
# This small function calculates the outer product of gradient for the t-copula
# @param u1 first copula argument
# @param u2 second copula argument
# @param family copula family (here Student's t copula = 2)
# @param theta first copula parameter
# @param nu second copula parameter
# @return C outer product of gradient
# @author Ulf Schepsmeier

OPGtcopula <- function(u1, u2, family, theta, nu){
    grad <- numeric(2)
    # gradient
    grad[1] <- mean(BiCopDeriv(u1,
                               family = family,
                               par = theta,
                               par2 = nu,
                               deriv = "par",
                               log = TRUE,
                               check.pars = FALSE))
    grad[2] <- mean(BiCopDeriv(u1,
                               family = family,
                               par = theta,
                               par2 = nu,
                               deriv = "par2",
                               log = TRUE,
                               check.pars = FALSE))

    ## outer product of gradient
    C <- grad %*% t(grad)

# gradDtcopula
# derivative of D (i.e. gradD) for the t-copula
# @param u1 first copula argument
# @param u2 second copula argument
# @param theta first copula parameter
# @param nu second copula parameter
# @return gradD gradient of D
# @author Ulf Schepsmeier

gradDtcopula <- function(u1, u2, theta, nu){
    eps <- 0.001
    H_theta_eps_plus <- hesseTcopula(u1, u2, theta+eps, nu)
    H_theta_eps_minus <- hesseTcopula(u1, u2, theta-eps, nu)
    H_nu_eps_plus <- hesseTcopula(u1, u2, theta, nu+eps)
    H_nu_eps_minus <- hesseTcopula(u1, u2, theta, nu-eps)
    C_theta_eps_plus <- OPGtcopula(u1, u2, family=2, theta=(theta+eps), nu=nu)
    C_theta_eps_minus <- OPGtcopula(u1, u2, family=2, theta=(theta-eps), nu=nu)
    C_nu_eps_plus <- OPGtcopula(u1, u2, family=2, theta=theta, nu=(nu+eps))
    C_nu_eps_minus <- OPGtcopula(u1, u2, family=2, theta=theta, nu=(nu-eps))

    Hprime_theta_eps_plus <- as.vector(H_theta_eps_plus[lower.tri(H_theta_eps_plus, diag = TRUE)])
    Hprime_theta_eps_minus <- as.vector(H_theta_eps_minus[lower.tri(H_theta_eps_minus, diag = TRUE)])
    Hprime_nu_eps_plus <- as.vector(H_nu_eps_plus[lower.tri(H_nu_eps_plus, diag = TRUE)])
    Hprime_nu_eps_minus <- as.vector(H_nu_eps_minus[lower.tri(H_nu_eps_minus, diag = TRUE)])
    Cprime_theta_eps_plus <- as.vector(C_theta_eps_plus[lower.tri(C_theta_eps_plus, diag = TRUE)])
    Cprime_theta_eps_minus <- as.vector(C_theta_eps_minus[lower.tri(C_theta_eps_minus, diag = TRUE)])
    Cprime_nu_eps_plus <- as.vector(C_nu_eps_plus[lower.tri(C_nu_eps_plus, diag = TRUE)])
    Cprime_nu_eps_minus <- as.vector(C_nu_eps_minus[lower.tri(C_nu_eps_minus, diag = TRUE)])

    Dprime_theta_eps_plus <- Hprime_theta_eps_plus + Cprime_theta_eps_plus
    Dprime_theta_eps_minus <- Hprime_theta_eps_minus + Cprime_theta_eps_minus
    Dprime_nu_eps_plus <- Hprime_nu_eps_plus + Cprime_nu_eps_plus
    Dprime_nu_eps_minus <- Hprime_nu_eps_minus + Cprime_nu_eps_minus

    gradD_theta <- (Dprime_theta_eps_minus - Dprime_theta_eps_plus)/(2*eps)
    gradD_nu <- (Dprime_nu_eps_minus - Dprime_nu_eps_plus)/(2*eps)

    gradD <- cbind(gradD_theta, gradD_nu)

# bootWhite
# This small function provides the code to calculated bootstrapped p-values
# for the White test.
# @param family copula family
# @param theta first copula parameter
# @param nu second copula parameter
# @param B number of bootstraps
# @param N number of observations
# @return testStat
# @author Ulf Schepsmeier

bootWhite <- function(family, theta, nu, B, N){
    testStat <- rep(0, B)
    numError <- 0
    # TODO: for-loop as apply
    for(i in 1:B){
        ax <- try({
            sam <- BiCopSim(N, family, theta, nu)
            sam.par <- BiCopEst(sam[, 1], sam[, 2], family = family)  # parameter estimation of sample data
            testStat[i] <- BiCopGofTest(u1 = sam[,1], u2 = sam[,2], family = family,
                                        par = sam.par$par, par2 = sam.par$par2, method = "White",
                                        B = 0)$statistic
        }, silent = TRUE)
        if(inherits(ax, "try-error")){
            testStat[i] <- NA
            numError <- numError + 1
    if(numError > 0){
        warning(paste("In the calculation of the p-values for the copula
goodness-of-fit test based on White's test
errors occured in ", numError, "of", B, "bootsrtaps which were suppressed.
The erroneous bootstraps were deleted. Note that this may cause erroneous p-values.
This may be an indicator for copula misspecification.
Most probably Kendall's tau is close to zero.
Consider an independence test first."))

tnagler/VineCopula documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 7:10 a.m.