opts_chunk$set(message=F, warning=F)

This vignette helps users with the network fitting function spacemap and its output and visualization in R.


The spaceMap model is a conditional graphical model for learning networks with two-types of nodes. Two distinct data (node) types are input to the model: One labeled as $x$'s (predictor variables) that can be continuous, discrete, or categorical; another labeled as $y$'s that are continuous response variables. The output is a network containing $x-y$ and $y-y$ edges, but not $x-x$ edges.

spaceMap has been used to identify which genomic alterations ($x$) disrupt which protein ($y$) pathways, while simultaneously accounting for the interactions among the proteins in the bcpls application. The model may also be applied to other high-dimensional data types and to applications beyond integrative genomics.


We use simulation data sim1 to illustrate how to fit the spaceMap model. sim1 contains $N=150$ i.i.d. samples of $P=14$ predictor variables ($x$) and $Q=171$ response variables ($y$) generated under a Gaussian Graphical Model. The corresponding network has 4 prominent $x$-hubs, each perturbing ~13 $y$ variables, and two prominent $y$-hubs. More details of this simulation can be found in the sim1 documentation.

We load the sim1 R object, containing the $N\times Q$ response matrix $\bf Y$, the $N\times P$ predictor matrix $\bf X$, and the true network.


The following discusses input parameters and model output.

Fitting spacemap

Tuning parameters

Tuning parameters $\lambda_1, \lambda_2$ (corresponding to the arguments lam1 and lam2) control the overall sparsity of the $y-y$ and $x-y$ edges in the network, respectively. Tuning parameter $\lambda_3$ (corresponding to argument lam3) encourages selection of $x$-hub -- $x$ node that influences many $y$ nodes.

The selection of tuning parameters through cross-validation is discussed in another vignette on Model Tuning. Here, we set the tuning parameters based on previous cross validation results.

lam1 <- 72
lam2 <- 29 
lam3 <- 18

All other input parameters are left as defaults, but can be further customized as needed (see help(spacemap::spacemap)).

net <- spacemap(Y = sim1$Y, X = sim1$X, lam1 = lam1, lam2 = lam2, lam3 = lam3)


The network topology is encoded in the adjacency matrices yy and xy from the output of the adjacency auxiliary function.

adjnet <- adjacency(net = net)


The output of the spacemap function is a list of estimated parameters and diagnostics.

Estimated parameters:


There are many software for network visualization, e.g., Cytoscape. The following section illustrates how to visualize the network output using the igraph and networkD3 R packages.

First, export the the spacemap output to an igraph object.

ig <- spacemap::adj2igraph(yy = adjnet$yy, xy = adjnet$xy)

We then identify network modules with igraph's edge-betweenness algorithm.

ceb <- igraph::cluster_edge_betweenness(graph = ig)
members <- igraph::membership(ceb)

We now plot the network where edges between modules are colored red, edges within modules are colored in black, and nodes with higher degree are scaled to be larger.

dg <- degree(ig)*1.5
plot(ceb, ig, vertex.label= "", vertex.size = dg,
edge.width = rep(2, ecount(ig)))

For interactive visualization, we use the networkD3 package. The following snippet will visualize the network where $x$ and $y$ hub nodes are larger in size and different colors denote the 14 different modules. Hover over a node with mouse if you wish to see the node ID and its neighbors.

#Convert the object suitable for `networkD3`
ig_d3 <- igraph_to_networkD3(ig, group = members)
#make the node size bigger according to degree
ig_d3$nodes$degree <- igraph::degree(ig)^2
forceNetwork(Links = ig_d3$links, Nodes = ig_d3$nodes, 
             linkDistance = 10,
             Source = 'source', Target = 'target',
             fontSize = 12,
             NodeID = 'name', Group = 'group', Nodesize = "degree", 
             opacity = 0.90, 
             bounded = T, 
             charge = -15)

Further Reading

With this basic understanding of the spaceMap model fitting, we recommend looking at the next vignette which illustrates how to select tuning parameters through an iterative grid-search with cross-validation.

topherconley/spacemap documentation built on May 31, 2019, 6:36 p.m.