modEnrich: Module enrichment analysis.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


Identify biological processes which are significantly-enriched in network modules.


modEnrich(ig, mods, levels = c("x", "y"), go2eg, glb = 15, minGO = 5,
  thresh = 0.05, adjust = "BH", prefix = "M", process_alias = NULL)



An igraph network object output from either adj2igraph, rankHub, cisTrans.


modules with three accepted formats.

  • An igraph object of class 'communities', which is typically the output of the cluster_* functions of igraph.

  • A list where each element is a character vector that only contains the node identifiers from either yinfo$id or xinfo$id input to function adj2igraph.

  • An integer vector with names as node identifiers and values as an integer. For example c(id1 = 1, id2 = 2, id3 = 2, id4 = 1).


Any given module can contain x nodes or y nodes. If both predictors and responses have a functional mapping in the go2eg argument, then specify levels = c("x","y"). Otherwise, specify only those nodes that have a functional mapping. See details for more discussion.


Named list where the names denote a biological process (e.g. Gene Ontology ID) and the elements of the list is a vector of members belonging to the biological process. The list ought to be non-redundant in names. For example, list(bio_proc_1 = c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3"), bio_proc_2 = c("gene4", "gene5", "gene6") )


Integer defining the smallest possible size of a module in order for the module to be tested for enrichment.


Integer defining the smallest possible number of nodes represented in a biological process to be called a significant enrichment of that biological process.


Numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the threshold at which adjusted P-values should be considered significant.


Character of type stats::p.adjust.methods for specifying the type of multiple comparison adjustment desired.


Character to prefix module identifiers.


Vector mapping biological process identifiers in go2eg with biologically meaningful descriptions. The vector process_alias must have names as the same names in go2eg and the elements are the biologically meaningful descriptions.


The hyper-geometric test is used to test for over-representation of a biological process. In the phyper R function, parameter q is the overlap between the biological process group and the module, where the module is reduced to only its y node members if level = "y". Parameter m is the size of the biological process. Parameter n is the number of nodes in the network not in the biological process. This excluding node levels that do not have a functional mapping. In other words, if no x nodes do not appear in the mapping of go2eg, corresponding to level = "y", then x nodes are not counted, but "y" nodes without a mapping are counted, because most y nodes do have a mapping.


A three-item list:

See Also

adj2igraph, rankHub, cisTrans, reportHubs, xHubEnrich

topherconley/spacemap documentation built on May 31, 2019, 6:36 p.m.