
Defines functions readRA

Documented in readRA

# Genotyping Uncertainty with Sequencing data (GUSbase)
# Copyright 2017-2024 Timothy P. Bilton <tbilton@maths.otago.ac.nz>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Read an Reference/Alternate (RA) file.
#' Function which processes an RA file into an RA object.
#' RA format is a tab-delimited with columns, CHROM, POS, SAMPLES
#' where SAMPLES consists of sampleIDs, which typically consist of a colon-delimited sampleID, flowcellID, lane, seqlibID.
#' e.g.,
#' \tabular{llll}{
#' CHROM \tab  POS  \tab   999220:C4TWKACXX:7:56 \tab  999204:C4TWKACXX:7:56 \cr
#' 1     \tab  415  \tab   5,0                   \tab  0,3                   \cr
#' 1     \tab  443  \tab   1,0                   \tab  4,4                   \cr
#' 1     \tab  448  \tab   0,0                   \tab  0,2
#' }
#' Note: Indels are removed, multiple alternative alleles are removed and ./. is translated into 0,0.
#' @param rafile Character string giving the path to the RA file to be read into R. Typically the required string is
#' returned from the VCFtoRA function when the VCF file is converted to RA format.
#' @param snpsubset Integer vector giving the indices of the SNPs from the RA file to be read in. This indices correspond
#' to the rows of the RA file (excluding the header row).
#' @param sampthres A numeric value giving the filtering threshold for which individual samples are removed. Default is 0.01
#' which means that samples with an average number of reads per SNP that is less than 0.01 are removed.
#' @param excsamp A character vector of the sample IDs that are to be excluded (or discarded). Note that the sample IDs must correspond
#' to those given in the RA file that is to be processed.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (not used).
#' @return An R6 object of class RA.
#' @author Timothy P. Bilton
#' @examples
#' file <- simDS()
#' RAfile <- VCFtoRA(file$vcf)
#' simdata <- readRA(RAfile)
#' ## Reading in a subset of the data
#' # Takes SNPs 10 to 30
#' subset <- readRA(RAfile, snpsubset = 10:30)
#' # Read in a random set of SNPs
#' set.seed(675)
#' subset <- readRA(RAfile, snpsubset = sample(1:1000, size=10))
#' @export
#### Function for reading in RA data and converting to genon and depth matrices.
readRA <- function(rafile, snpsubset=NULL, sampthres = 0.01, excsamp = NULL, ...){

  if(!is.character(rafile) || !is.vector(rafile) || length(rafile) != 1)
    stop("File name of RA data set is not a string of length one")
    gform = "reference"
  if(!is.character(gform) || length(gform) != 1 || !(gform %in% c("reference","uneak")))
    stop("gform argument must be either 'reference' or 'uneak'")
    if(checkVector(snpsubset, type="pos_integer", minv=1))
      stop("SNP subset is incorrectly specified")
      ## Determine the start and stop positions
      snpsubset <- sort(unique(snpsubset))
      start = snpsubset[c(1,which(diff(snpsubset)!=1)+1)]
      stop  = c(snpsubset[which(diff(snpsubset)!=1)],snpsubset[length(snpsubset)]) + 1

  ## separate character between reference and alternate allele count
  gsep <- switch(gform, uneak = "|", reference = ",")
  ## Process the individuals info
  ghead <- scan(rafile, what = "", nlines = 1, sep = "\t")

  ## if only taking a subset if the SNPs
    genosin <- as.matrix(data.table::fread(rafile, sep = "\t",
                                 skip=start[1], nrows=stop[1]-start[1]))
    if(length(start) > 1){
      for(i in 2:length(start))
        genosin <- rbind(genosin, as.matrix(data.table::fread(rafile, sep = "\t",
                                                    skip=start[i], nrows=stop[i]-start[i])))
    #genosin <- as.matrix(genosin)
    chrom <- genosin[,1]
    pos <- as.numeric(genosin[,2])
    genosin <- genosin[,-c(1:2)]
    SNP_Names <- make.unique(paste(chrom, pos, sep="_"))
    indID <- ghead[3:length(ghead)]
    AFrq <- NULL
    ## compute dimensions
    nSnps <- length(SNP_Names)
    nInd <- length(ghead) - switch(gform, reference=2, uneak=6)
    ## generate the reference and alternate matrix
    temp <- strsplit(as.matrix(genosin), split=",")
    ref <- matrix(as.integer(unlist(lapply(temp, function(x) x[1]))), nrow=nInd, ncol = nSnps, byrow=TRUE)
    alt <- matrix(as.integer(unlist(lapply(temp, function(x) x[2]))), nrow=nInd, ncol = nSnps, byrow=TRUE)
  } else{
    if (gform == "reference"){
      genosin <- scan(rafile, skip = 1, sep = "\t", what = c(list(chrom = "", coord = 0), rep(list(""), length(ghead) - 2)))
      chrom <- genosin[[1]]
      pos <- genosin[[2]]
      SNP_Names <- paste(genosin[[1]],genosin[[2]],sep="_")
      indID <- ghead[3:length(ghead)]
      AFrq <- NULL
    } else if (gform == "uneak"){
      genosin <- scan(rafile, skip = 1, sep = "\t", what = c(list(chrom = ""), rep(list(""), length(ghead) - 6), list(hetc1 = 0, hetc2 = 0, acount1 = 0, acount2 = 0, p = 0)))
      SNP_Names <- genosin[[1]]
      indID <- ghead[2:(length(ghead)-5)]
      AFrq <- genosin[[length(genosin)]]
      chrom <- pos <- NULL
    ## compute dimensions
    nSnps <- length(SNP_Names)
    nInd <- length(ghead) - switch(gform, reference=2, uneak=6)
    ## generate the genon and depth matrices
    ref <- alt <- matrix(as.integer(0), nrow = nInd, ncol = nSnps)
    start.ind <- switch(gform, uneak=1, reference=2)
    for (i in 1:nInd){
      depths <- strsplit(genosin[[start.ind+i]], split = gsep, fixed = TRUE)
      ref[i, ] <- as.integer(unlist(lapply(depths,function(z) z[1])))
      alt[i, ] <- as.integer(unlist(lapply(depths,function(z) z[2])))
  genon <- (ref > 0) + (alt == 0)
  genon[ref == 0 & alt == 0] <- NA

  ## Check that the samples meet the minimum sample treshold
  sampDepth <- rowMeans(ref + alt)
  badSamp <- which(sampDepth < sampthres)
  if(length(badSamp) > 0){
    cat("Samples removed due to having a minimum sample threshold below ",sampthres,":\n",sep="")
    cat(paste0(indID[badSamp],collapse = "\n"),"\n\n")
    excsamp <- unique(c(excsamp,indID[badSamp]))
  ## Remove any sample which we don't want
    toRemove <- which(indID %in% excsamp)
    if(length(excsamp) > 0){
      ref <- ref[-toRemove,]
      alt <- alt[-toRemove,]
      genon <- genon[-toRemove,]
      indID <- indID[-toRemove]
      nInd <- length(indID)

  ## Compute summary information
  temp <- ref + alt
  summaryInfo = list(
    header="Data Summary:\n",
    file=paste0("Data file:\t\t",rafile,"\n"),
    meandepth=paste0("Mean Depth:\t\t", round(mean(temp),2),"\n"),
    callrate=paste0("Mean Call Rate:\t",round(sum(temp!=0)/length(temp),2),"\n"),
    num="Number of...\n",
    samples=paste0("  Samples:\t\t",nInd,"\n"),
    snps=paste0("  SNPs:\t\t",nSnps,"\n"),
    reads=paste0("  Reads:\t\t",sum(temp),"\n"))

  ## Create the R6 object
  obj <- RA$new(
    list(genon = genon, ref = ref, alt = alt, chrom = chrom, pos = pos,
         SNP_Names = SNP_Names, indID = indID, nSnps = as.integer(nSnps), nInd = as.integer(nInd),
         gform = gform, AFrq = AFrq, infilename = rafile, summaryInfo = summaryInfo)

tpbilton/GUSbase documentation built on March 8, 2024, 1:35 p.m.