
Defines functions simpliGSEA hgnc2liger go2term ensg2hgnc hgnc2ensg ensg2go hgnc2go

Documented in ensg2go ensg2hgnc go2term hgnc2ensg hgnc2go hgnc2liger simpliGSEA

#' Perform Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
#' This function simplifies gene set enrichment analysis for custom annotations.
#'  Do not use this function for annotations that have directed acyclic graph
#'  (DAG) relationships (e.g., GO). Gene set enrichment analysis performed
#'  using Fisher's exact test for count data. This function will automatically
#'  filter non-unique \code{annot.genes} and \code{annot.terms} pairs.
#' @param genes A character vector. The gene IDs of interest.
#' @param universe A character vector. The complete set of gene IDs used to
#'  generate the gene IDs of interest.
#' @param annot.genes A character vector. The gene IDs to which \code{annot.terms}
#'  will correspond.
#' @param annot.terms A character vector. The annotations corresponding to
#'  \code{annot.genes}.
#' @param alternative A character string. Argument passed to \code{fisher.test}.
#' @return A vector of unadjusted p-values named as the tested annotation.
#' @export
simpliGSEA <- function(genes, universe, annot.genes, annot.terms, alternative = "greater"){

  if(length(annot.genes) != length(annot.terms)){

    stop("The 'annot.genes' and 'annot'terms' vectors must have same length!")

  if(class(genes) == "factor") genes <- as.character(genes)
  if(class(universe) == "factor") universe <- as.character(universe)
  if(class(annot.genes) == "factor") annot.genes <- as.character(annot.genes)
  if(class(annot.terms) == "factor") annot.terms <- as.character(annot.terms)

  if(!all(universe %in% annot.genes)){

    message("Some 'universe' not in 'annot.genes'. Pruning unused genes.")
    universe <- universe[universe %in% annot.genes]

  if(!all(genes %in% universe)){

    message("Some 'genes' not found in 'universe'. Pruning unused genes.")
    genes <- genes[genes %in% universe]

  if(length(unique(universe)) < length(universe)){

    message("Removing duplicate IDs in 'universe'.")
    universe <- unique(universe)

  if(length(unique(genes)) < length(genes)){

    message("Removing duplicate IDs in 'genes'.")
    genes <- unique(genes)

  # Subset database to contain only the universe
  annot.universe <- annot.genes %in% universe
  annot.genes <- annot.genes[annot.universe]
  annot.terms <- annot.terms[annot.universe]

  # Initialize result container
  annot.terms.unique <- unique(annot.terms)
  k <- length(annot.terms.unique)
  enrichment <- vector("numeric", k)
  names(enrichment) <- annot.terms.unique
  i <- 1

  for(term in annot.terms.unique){

    # Manage progress bar
    numTicks <- progress(i, k, numTicks)
    i <- i + 1

    # TRUE if has term
    A <- factor(universe %in% annot.genes[annot.terms == term], levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))

    # TRUE if in set
    G <- factor(universe %in% genes, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))

    # See: https://www.biostars.org/p/111953/
    table <- table(G, A)
    enrichment[term] <- stats::fisher.test(as.matrix(table),
                                           alternative = alternative)$p.value


#' Quickly Run a Gene Set Enrichment
#' @param hgnc A vector of gene symbols.
#' @param score A vector of scores.
#' @param minK An integer. The minimum number of nodes
#'  to which a concept maps to be included in final table.
#'  Skip with minK = 0.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of results.
#' @export
hgnc2liger <- function(hgnc, score, minK = 10){

  # Load Liger and drop genes that are not in universe
  uni <- liger::org.Hs.GO2Symbol.list
  universe <- unique(unlist(uni))
  symsub <- hgnc[hgnc %in% universe]
  scored <- score[hgnc %in% universe]
  names(scored) <- symsub

  # Don't test overlap unless GO term describes at least K genes
  sizeOfSet <- sapply(uni, function(l) sum(l %in% names(scored)))
  smallList <- uni[sizeOfSet >= minK]
  runs <- lapply(smallList,
                   liger::gsea(values = scored, geneset = GeneSet)

  # Summarize
  enrich <- data.frame(
    "pval" = unlist(runs),
    "padjust" = stats::p.adjust(unlist(runs)),
    "size" = sapply(smallList, length),
    "GO" = names(runs),
    "Term" = go2term(names(runs))

#' Convert GO to Terms
#' @param go A character vector.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @export
go2term <- function(go){

  if(class(go) == "factor") go <- as.character(go)
  goterms <- AnnotationDbi::Term(GO.db::GOTERM)
  term <- goterms[go]

#' Convert ENSEMBL to SYMBOL
#' @param ensg A character vector.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @export
ensg2hgnc <- function(ensg){
  db <- org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db
  lapply(ensg, function(e){
    AnnotationDbi::select(db, keys = e, columns = "SYMBOL",
                          keytype = "ENSEMBL")$SYMBOL

#' Convert SYMBOL to ENSEMBL
#' @param hgnc A character vector.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @export
hgnc2ensg <- function(hgnc){
  db <- org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db
  lapply(hgnc, function(e){
    AnnotationDbi::select(db, keys = e, columns = "ENSEMBL",
                          keytype = "SYMBOL")$ENSEMBL

#' Convert ENSEMBL to GO
#' @param ensg A character vector.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @export
ensg2go <- function(ensg){
  db <- org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db
  lapply(ensg, function(e){
      AnnotationDbi::select(db, keys = e, columns = "GO",
                            keytype = "ENSEMBL")$GO

#' Convert SYMBOL to GO
#' @param hgnc A character vector.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @export
hgnc2go <- function(hgnc){
  db <- org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db
  lapply(hgnc, function(e){
      AnnotationDbi::select(db, keys = e, columns = "GO",
                            keytype = "SYMBOL")$GO
tpq/miSciTools documentation built on Sept. 16, 2019, 4:43 p.m.