
Defines functions reductExpand postImpQC

Documented in postImpQC reductExpand

#' Post imputation quality control
#' @description
#' Perform quality control and data management after imputation. 

#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working 
#' directory or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the final imputed PLINK files. 
#' @param out1 the prefix of well imputed PLINK files with the index. 
#' @param out2 the prefix of well imputed PLINK files after removing any 
#' SNPs with the same positions (if any), the index is also appended.
#' @param out3 the prefix of well imputed PLINK files with the index 
#' after adding previously identified monomorphic SNPs if any.
#' @param out4 the prefix of final well imputed PLINK files with the index. 
#' @param infoScore the cutoff of filtering imputation quality score for 
#' each variant. The default value is 0.6. 
#' @param outputMonoSNPfile the output pure text file that stores 
#' the removed monomorphic SNPs, one per line, if any.
#' @param outputInfoFile the output file of impute2 info scores consisting of 
#' two columns: all imputed SNPs and their info scores.   
#' @param prefixAlign2ref the prefix of the output PLINK binary 
#' files after removing SNPs whose alleles are not in the imputation reference,
#' taking their genomic positions into account.
#' @param missCutoff  the cutoff of the least number of instances for 
#' a SNP that is not missing. The default is 20.
#' @param outRemovedSNPfile the output file of SNPs with pre-defined 
#' missing values that are removed.
#' @param outRetainSNPfile the output file of SNPs that are retained. 
#' @param referencePanel a string indicating the type of imputation 
#' reference panels is used: c("1000Gphase1v3_macGT1", "1000Gphase3").

#' @return All imputed genotype data in PLINK format, well imputed data and 
#' its variants, as well as a set of pure text files containing removed or 
#' retained SNPs.

#' @export 
#' @author Junfang Chen 

postImpQC <- function(plink, inputPrefix, out1, out2, out3, out4,
                      outputInfoFile, infoScore=0.6, outputMonoSNPfile, 
                      prefixAlign2ref, missCutoff=20, 
                      outRemovedSNPfile, outRetainSNPfile, referencePanel){

    ## step 3
    ## Filtered imputed data set; Remove imputed SNPs with (info < 0.6), 
    ## only retain "Good" SNPs.    
    .filterImputeData2(plink, outputInfoFile, infoScore, 
                       inputPrefix, outputPrefix=out1)  
    ## step 4 
    ## Remove previously identified monomorphic SNPs in the imputed dataset. 
    ## Note that snps with same genomic position but can have different snp name.
    ## if no monomorphic SNPs:
    if (file.size(paste0(outputMonoSNPfile)) == 0 ){
        renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix=out1, outputPrefix=out2, action="copy")   
    } else { 
        ## extract PLINK files contain only monomorphic SNPs from 
        ## the original aligned (lifted and QC-ed) data set.
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", prefixAlign2ref, 
               " --extract ", outputMonoSNPfile, " --make-bed --out ", 
               prefixAlign2ref, "Tmp")) 
        bim1 <- read.table(paste0(prefixAlign2ref, "Tmp.bim"), 
        system(paste0("awk '{print $1, $2, $4}' ", 
               out1, ".bim > tmpFilterImp.txt"))
        bim2 <- read.table("tmpFilterImp.txt", stringsAsFactors=F) 
        colnames(bim1) <- c("chr", "rsID", "gd", "pos", "a0", "a1") 
        colnames(bim2) <- c("chr", "rsID", "pos")
        outputFile <- "tmp.txt"
        .snpSharedPos(inputFile1=bim1, inputFile2=bim2, outputFile, nCore=25) 
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", out1, 
               " --exclude tmp.txt --make-bed --out ", out2))
        system("rm tmpFilterImp.txt tmp.txt")
    ## step 5
    ## Add previously identified monomorphic SNPs in the imputed dataset. 
     ## if no monomorphic SNPs:
    if ( file.size(paste0(outputMonoSNPfile))==0 ){ 
            renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix=out1, outputPrefix=out3, action="copy")  
    } else { 
        ## merge both datasets
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", out2, " --bmerge ", 
               prefixAlign2ref, ".bed ", 
               prefixAlign2ref, ".bim ", 
               prefixAlign2ref, ".fam ", "--make-bed --out ", out3))

    ## step 6
    ## Remove SNPs which have a non missing value for less then 20 instances. 
    removedSnpMissPostImp(plink, inputPrefix=out3, missCutoff, 
                          outRemovedSNPfile, outRetainSNPfile, outputPrefix=out4)
    ## special case: 
    ## 1.) if the input ref panel is from phase3. 
    ## (2) Impute4 modified imputed output rsID if the original SNPs are not given.
    ## e.g. rs456706:11001104:C:T << rsID  rs456706
    if (referencePanel == "1000Gphase3"){
        outRename <- "4_6_renameSNP"
        renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix=out4, outputPrefix=outRename, action="move") 
        snp2renameV0 <- read.table(outRetainSNPfile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        whDiff <- grep(":", snp2renameV0[,1])
        if (length(whDiff) > 0){         
            snp2renameV1 <- snp2renameV0[whDiff,]
            tmp = strsplit(snp2renameV1, ":", fixed = TRUE)
            snpNew <- unlist(lapply(tmp, function(s){s[[1]]})) 
            snpNewOld <- cbind(snpNew, snp2renameV0[whDiff,1])
            ## rename the plink files. 
            snpRenameFile <- "4_6_renameSNP.txt"
            write.table(snpNewOld, file=snpRenameFile, quote=FALSE, 
                        row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
            system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", outRename, " --update-name ", 
                   snpRenameFile, " 1 2 --make-bed --out ", outRename, "tmp"))
            renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix=paste0(outRename, "tmp"), 
                             outputPrefix=out4, action="move") 
            system(paste0("rm ", outRename, "*")) 


#' Post imputation data extraction and expansion
#' @description
#' Reduce well imputed dataset to have SNPs before imputation and then added 
#' genotype data that are different from the imputation reference panel.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working 
#' directory or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param referencePanel a string indicating the type of imputation 
#' reference panels is used: c("1000Gphase1v3_macGT1", "1000Gphase3").
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of final well imputed PLINK files. 
#' @param inputQCprefix the prefix of QCed PLINK files. 
#' @param snpRefAlleleFile the output plain text file that stores the
#' removed SNPs whose alleles are in the imputation reference,
#' taking their genomic positions into account.
#' @param snpDiffAlleleFile the output plain text file that stores the removed 
#' SNPs whose alleles are not in the imputation reference,
#' taking their genomic positions into account.
#' @param snpMissPosFile the output plain text file that stores the removed SNPs
#' whose genomic positions are not in the imputation reference,
#' ingoring SNP names. 
#' @param snpSameNameDifPosFile the output plain text file that stores the 
#' removed SNPs whose genomic positions are not in the imputation reference,
#' taking SNP names into account.  
#' @param reducedToSpecificfn the prefix of PLINK files which are reduced in the 
#' number of SNPs and contain only SNPs prior to imputation.
#' @param specificDiffAllelefn the prefix of PLINK files which added genotypes
#' with different alleles other than the imputation to the file with the 
#' prefix: reducedToSpecificfn. 
#' @param specificMissPosfn the prefix of PLINK files which added genotypes
#' with missing positions other than the imputation to the file with the 
#' prefix: specificDiffAllelefn. 
#' @param specificDiffPosfn the prefix of PLINK files which added genotypes
#' with different positions other than the imputation to the file with the 
#' prefix: specificMissPosfn .

#' @return Extracted genotypes from the imputed data which contain SNPs before
#' imputation. On the basis of extracted genotypes, genotypes different from 
#' the imputation reference panel are appended, including SNPs with different  
#' alleles, missing positions, and different positions.

#' @export 
#' @author Junfang Chen 

reductExpand <- function(plink, referencePanel, inputPrefix, inputQCprefix, 
                         snpRefAlleleFile, snpDiffAlleleFile, 
                         snpMissPosFile, snpSameNameDifPosFile,
                         reducedToSpecificfn, specificDiffAllelefn, 
                         specificMissPosfn, specificDiffPosfn){
    ## 1. Reduce the imputed dataset to the SNPs before imputation. 
    if (referencePanel == "1000Gphase3"){ 
        ## Before doing this, make sure > no variant with 3+ alleles present.
        ## Remove if any.
        bimOriQCed <- read.table(paste0(inputQCprefix, ".bim"), 
        bimPostImp <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        ## check duplicated.
        dupPostImp <- bimPostImp[duplicated(bimPostImp[,2]),]
        # str(dupPostImp)
        allele3 <- intersect(dupPostImp[,2], bimOriQCed[,2])
        # str(allele3)
        ## remove these duplicated and with 3+alleles 
        write.table(allele3, file="snpAllele3.txt", quote=FALSE, 
                            row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
        outAllele2 <- paste0(inputPrefix, "Allele2")
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, 
               " --exclude snpAllele3.txt --make-bed --out ",  outAllele2)) 
    } else { outAllele2 <- inputPrefix }
    system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", outAllele2, 
           " --extract ", snpRefAlleleFile, " --make-bed --out ", 
    ## 2. Add the SNPs with different alleles with their values 
    ## from the dataset before removing SNPs. 
    if (file.size(snpDiffAlleleFile) == 0){ 
                          outputPrefix=specificDiffAllelefn, action="copy")   
    } else { 
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputQCprefix, 
               " --extract ", snpDiffAlleleFile, " --make-bed --out tmp")) 
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", reducedToSpecificfn, 
               " --bmerge  tmp.bed tmp.bim tmp.fam --make-bed --out ", 
        system("rm tmp.*")

    ## 3. Add the SNPs with missing positions with their values 
    ## from the dataset before removing SNPs. 
    if (file.size(snpMissPosFile) == 0){  
                         outputPrefix=specificMissPosfn, action="copy")  
    } else {
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputQCprefix, 
               " --extract ", snpMissPosFile, " --make-bed --out tmp")) 
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", specificDiffAllelefn, 
               " --bmerge  tmp.bed tmp.bim tmp.fam --make-bed --out ", 
        system("rm tmp.*")
    ## 4. Add the SNPs with different positions by their values 
    ## from the dataset before removing SNPs. 
    if (file.size(snpSameNameDifPosFile) == 0){  
                         outputPrefix=specificDiffPosfn, action="copy") 
    } else {
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputQCprefix, 
               " --extract ", snpSameNameDifPosFile, " --make-bed --out tmp")) 
        system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", specificMissPosfn, 
               " --bmerge  tmp.bed tmp.bim tmp.fam --make-bed --out ", 
        system("rm tmp.*")

    system("rm *.log")
transbioZI/Gimpute documentation built on April 10, 2022, 4:20 a.m.