# File : runTests.R
# Author : Junfang Chen
# Version0: 28 Jun 2016
# VersionX: 27 Feb 2019
## Start an R session in a directory where you'd like to generate the data.
system("mkdir 1-genoUpdate")
system("mkdir 2-genoQC")
system("mkdir 3-checkAlign")
system("mkdir 4-imputation")
system("mkdir 5-reductAndExpand")
system("mkdir 6-finalResults")
## Define the directory where you place the imputation reference files
## Reference panel 1
referencePanel <- "1000Gphase1v3_macGT1" ## indicator
impRefDIR1kGp1v3 <- "/data/noether/dataRawReadOnly/reference/1000GP_phase1v3/"
impRefDIR <- impRefDIR1kGp1v3
# # Alternative Reference panel 2
# referencePanel <- "1000Gphase3" ## indicator
# impRefDIR1kGp3 <- "/data/noether/dataRawReadOnly/reference/1000GP_Phase3/"
# impRefDIR <- paste0(impRefDIR1kGp3, "1000GP_Phase3/")
## Define required tools
toolDIR <- "/home/junfang.chen/Gimpute/tools/"
plink <- paste0(toolDIR, "plink")
gcta <- paste0(toolDIR, "gcta64")
shapeit <- paste0(toolDIR, "shapeit")
gtool <- paste0(toolDIR, "gtool")
qctool <- paste0(toolDIR, "qctool")
imputeTool <- "impute4"
if (imputeTool == "impute2"){
impute <- paste0(toolDIR, "impute2")
} else if (imputeTool == "impute4"){
impute <- paste0(toolDIR, "impute4.1_r291.2")
## Run the following code, only if you have the above tools
## and the imputation reference files, configuration files.
## code chunk number 1: SNP information update
runTimeList <- list()
t4genoUpdateTmp <- proc.time()
## step 0
## Load PLINK binary files and additional files from Gimpute.
bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataChr21.bed", package="Gimpute")
bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataChr21.bim", package="Gimpute")
famFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataChr21.fam", package="Gimpute")
system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, " ."))
system(paste0("scp ", bimFile, " ."))
system(paste0("scp ", famFile, " ."))
metadataFile <- system.file("extdata", "1_01_metaData.txt", package="Gimpute")
removedSampIDFile <- system.file("extdata", "excludedSampIDs.txt",
excludedProbeIdsFile <- system.file("extdata", "excludedProbeIDs.txt",
## Genotyping chip annotation file
chipAnnoFile <- system.file("extdata", "coriellAffyChip.txt",
## step 1
system(paste0("scp ", metadataFile, " ."))
## pipeline function
inputPrefix <- "dataChr21"
ancestrySymbol <- "EUR"
outputPrefix <- "1_11_removedYMtSnp"
metaDataFile <- "1_01_metaData.txt"
chipType <- "rsIDstudy"
updateGenoInfo(plink, inputPrefix, metaDataFile, removedSampIDFile,
ancestrySymbol, excludedProbeIdsFile, chipAnnoFile,
chipType, outputPrefix, keepInterFile=TRUE)
## runtime
t4genoUpdate <- proc.time() - t4genoUpdateTmp
runTimeList$t4genoUpdate <- t4genoUpdate
t4genoQCTmp <- proc.time()
### code chunk number 2: Quality Control
## step 0
## copy the last output plink files from 1-genoUpdate
inputPrefix4QC <- "1_11_removedYMtSnp"
system(paste0("scp ./1-genoUpdate/", inputPrefix4QC, ".*", " ./2-genoQC/"))
## step 1
inputPrefix <- inputPrefix4QC
hhCutOff <- 0.005 ## can be tuned
outputPrefix <- "2_01_removedSnpHetX"
outputHetSNPfile <- "2_01_snpHHfreqAll.txt"
outputRetainSNPfile <- "2_01_snpHHfreqRetained.txt"
removedSnpHetX(plink, inputPrefix, hhCutOff, outputPrefix,
outputHetSNPfile, outputRetainSNPfile)
## step 2 2_02_removedHetXInst
inputPrefix <- "2_01_removedSnpHetX"
hhSubjCutOff <- 15
outputPrefix <- "2_02_removedInstHetX"
outputSubjHetFile <- "2_02_instHetXfreqAll.txt"
outputRetainSubjectFile <- "2_02_instHetXfreqRetained.txt"
outputHetSNPfile <- "2_02_snpHHfreqAll.txt"
removedMaleHetX(plink, inputPrefix, hhSubjCutOff,
outputPrefix, outputSubjHetFile,
outputRetainSubjectFile, outputHetSNPfile)
inputPrefix <- "2_02_removedInstHetX"
outputPrefix <- "2_13_removedSnpHweFemaleX"
genoQC(plink, inputPrefix,
Fhet=0.2, cutoffSubject=0.05, cutoffSNP=0.1,
pval4femaleXctl=0.000001, outputPrefix, keepInterFile=TRUE)
## step 13
inputPrefix <- "2_13_removedSnpHweFemaleX"
outputPC4subjFile <- "2_14_eigenvalAfterQC.txt"
outputPCplotFile <- "2_14_eigenvalAfterQC.png"
nCores <- detectCores()
plotPCA4plink(gcta, inputPrefix, nThread=nCores,
outputPC4subjFile, outputPCplotFile)
## Run the following code, only after detecting the potential
## PCA outliers. Otherwise, set cutoff as "NULL"
## This step is optional
## remove outliers
# cutoff <- NULL
cutoff <- c(-0.4, 0.2)
cutoffSign <- "greater" ## not used if cutoff == NULL, and with two values
inputPC4subjFile <- "2_14_eigenvalAfterQC.txt"
outputPC4outlierFile <- "2_14_eigenval4outliers.txt"
outputPCplotFile <- "2_14_removedOutliers.png"
outputPrefix <- "2_14_removedOutliers"
nCores <- detectCores()
removeOutlierByPCs(plink, gcta, inputPrefix, nThread=nCores,
cutoff, cutoffSign, inputPC4subjFile,
outputPC4outlierFile, outputPCplotFile, outputPrefix)
## runtime
t4genoQC <- proc.time() - t4genoQCTmp
runTimeList$t4genoQC <- t4genoQC
t4checkAlignTmp <- proc.time()
### code chunk number 3: check the alignment
system("cp ./2-genoQC/2_14_removedOutliers.* ./3-checkAlign/ ")
outputPrefix="3_1_QCdata", action="move")
inputFile <- paste0(impRefDIR,"*.legend.gz")
## To recode the intermediate disk usage >> keep in the same directory.
bimReferenceFile <- "bimImputeRef.txt"
## If not available >>>
.prepareLegend2bim(inputFile, referencePanel,
outputFile=bimReferenceFile, ncore=nCores)
## If not available <<<
inputPrefix <- "3_1_QCdata"
out2.snp <- "3_2_snpSameNameDiffPos"
out2 <- "3_2_removedSnpSameNameDiffPos"
out3 <- "3_3_removedSnpMissPos"
out3.snp <- "3_3_snpMissPos"
out4 <- "3_4_removedSnpDiffAlleles"
out4.snp <- "3_4_snpDiffAlleles"
out4.snpRetained <- "3_4_snpImpRefAlleles"
nCores <- detectCores()
checkAlign2ref(plink, inputPrefix, referencePanel, bimReferenceFile,
out2, out2.snp, out3, out3.snp,
out4, out4.snp, out4.snpRetained, nCore=nCores)
## runtime
t4checkAlign <- proc.time() - t4checkAlignTmp
runTimeList$t4checkAlign <- t4checkAlign
t4imputeTmp <- proc.time()
### code chunk number 4: Imputation
## step 1
## Remove monomorphic SNPs from lifted/QC-ed data
prefixAlign2ref <- "3_4_removedSnpDiffAlleles"
outputPrefix <- "4_1_removedMonoSnp"
outputMonoSNPfile <- "4_1_snpMonoRemoved.txt" # will be used in step 4,5.
## copy plink files from last step;
system(paste0("cp ./3-checkAlign/",
prefixAlign2ref, ".* ./4-imputation/"))
## remove Monomorphic SNPs
removedMonoSnp(plink, inputPrefix=prefixAlign2ref,
outputPrefix, outputSNPfile=outputMonoSNPfile)
# step 2
# imputation main pipeline
inputPrefix <- "4_1_removedMonoSnp"
outputPrefix <- "4_2_imputedDataset"
outputInfoFile <- "4_2_snpImputedInfoScore.txt"
tmpImputeDir <- paste0(imputeTool, "_", referencePanel)
nCores <- detectCores()
phaseImpute(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, autosome=TRUE,
plink, shapeit, imputeTool, impute, qctool, gtool,
windowSize=3000000, effectiveSize=20000,
nCore=nCores, threshold=0.9, outputInfoFile, SNP=TRUE,
referencePanel, impRefDIR, tmpImputeDir, keepTmpDir=TRUE)
##################################################### After imputation
## runtime
t4impute <- proc.time() - t4imputeTmp
runTimeList$t4impute <- t4impute
t4postImputeTmp <- proc.time()
inputPrefix <- "4_2_imputedDataset"
out1 <- "4_3_wellImputeData"
out2 <- "4_4_removedMonoSnpAfter"
out3 <- "4_5_addedMonoSnpAfter"
out4 <- "4_6_removedSnpMissPostImp"
outputInfoFile <- "4_2_snpImputedInfoScore.txt"
outputMonoSNPfile <- "4_1_snpMonoRemoved.txt"
prefixAlign2ref <- "3_4_removedSnpDiffAlleles"
outRemovedSNPfile <- "4_6_snpRemovedMissPostImp.txt"
outRetainSNPfile <- "4_6_snpRetainMissPostImp.txt"
postImpQC(plink, inputPrefix, out1, out2, out3, out4,
outputInfoFile, infoScore=0.6, outputMonoSNPfile,
prefixAlign2ref, missCutoff=20, outRemovedSNPfile,
outRetainSNPfile, referencePanel)
### code chunk number 5: Data subset and expansion
inputPrefix <- "4_6_removedSnpMissPostImp"
inputQCprefix <- "3_1_QCdata"
snpRefAlleleFile <- "3_4_snpImpRefAlleles.txt"
snpDiffAlleleFile <- "3_4_snpDiffAlleles.txt"
snpMissPosFile <- "3_3_snpMissPos.txt"
snpSameNameDifPosFile <- "3_2_snpSameNameDiffPos.txt"
dir5 <- "./5-reductAndExpand/"
## imputed dataset
system(paste0("scp ./4-imputation/", inputPrefix, ".* ", dir5))
system(paste0("scp ./3-checkAlign/", inputQCprefix, ".* ", dir5))
system(paste0("scp ./3-checkAlign/", snpRefAlleleFile, " ", dir5))
system(paste0("scp ./3-checkAlign/", snpDiffAlleleFile, " ", dir5))
system(paste0("scp ./3-checkAlign/", snpMissPosFile, " ", dir5))
system(paste0("scp ./3-checkAlign/", snpSameNameDifPosFile, " ", dir5))
reducedToSpecificfn <- "5_1_reducedToSpecific"
specificDiffAllelefn <- "5_2_specificDiffAllele"
specificMissPosfn <- "5_3_specificMissPos"
specificDiffPosfn <- "5_4_specificDiffPos"
reductExpand(plink, referencePanel, inputPrefix, inputQCprefix,
snpRefAlleleFile, snpDiffAlleleFile,
snpMissPosFile, snpSameNameDifPosFile,
reducedToSpecificfn, specificDiffAllelefn,
specificMissPosfn, specificDiffPosfn)
### code chunk number 6: Final result
dir6 <- "./6-finalResults/"
system(paste0("scp ./1-genoUpdate/1_01_metaData.txt ", dir6))
system(paste0("scp ./4-imputation/4_6_removedSnpMissPostImp.* ", dir6))
system(paste0("scp ./5-reductAndExpand/5_4_specificDiffPos.* ", dir6))
outputPrefix="imputedSnpsDataset", action="move")
outputPrefix="specificSnpsDataset", action="move")
## runtime
t4postImpute <- proc.time() - t4postImputeTmp
runTimeList$t4postImpute <- t4postImpute
totallist <- lapply(runTimeList, function(time){time[[3]]})
runTimeList$totalMin <- sum(unlist(totallist))/60
runTimeList$totalSec <- sum(unlist(totallist))
### code chunk number 6: Extending pipeline
## Run the following code, only after you have installed genipe
## and the specified imputation reference files.
# ## additional configuration files for Genipe
# mainRefGenipe <- "/data/noether/dataProcessResults/10_Common/"
# impRefDir <- paste0(mainRefGenipe, "imputeReference/1000G_Phase3_2014/")
# fastaFile <- paste0(mainRefGenipe, "imputeReference/hg19/hg19.fasta")
# imputeTool <- "impute2"
# ## Impute genotypes using Genipe
# chrs <- 21
# inputPrefix <- "dataChr21"
# thread4impute2 <- 20 ## tune by yourself
# thread4shapeit <- 30
# segmentSize <- 3000000
# # imputedByGenipe(chrs, impRefDir, inputPrefix, shapeit, impute,
# # plink, fastaFile, segmentSize, thread4impute2, thread4shapeit)
# ## merge chunked genomic imputed results
# ## example
# chr <- 21
# inputImpute2 <- "chr2.33000001_36000000.impute2"
# probability <- 0.9
# completionRate <- 0.98
# # info <- 0.6
# outputPrefix <- paste0("imputedChr", chr)
# # mergeByGenipe(inputImpute2, chr, probability,
# # completionRate, info, outputPrefix)
# ## extract imputed markers using Genipe
# chr <- 3
# inputImpute2 <- paste0("chr", chr,".imputed.impute2")
# inputMAP <- paste0("chr", chr,".imputed.map")
# format <- "bed"
# prob <- 0.9
# outputPrefix <- paste0("imputedChr", chr)
# # extractByGenipe(inputImpute2, inputMAP, outputPrefix, format, prob)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.