#' Calculate Parameters of Shrinkage and Expansion Phases
#' \code{phase_stats} calculates the timing, duration, amplitude and the rate
#' of change of shrinkage and expansion phases. In addition, days on which
#' radial change is likely driven by transpiration or temperature are
#' identified.
#' @param dendro_L2 input \code{data.frame} containing cleaned \code{L2}
#' dendrometer data (obtained from functions \code{\link{proc_dendro_L2}}
#' or \code{\link{corr_dendro_L2}}).
#' @param phase_wnd numeric, specify the window length (in hours) used to
#' identify local maxima and minima. A shorter window length leads to the
#' identification of more local maxima and minima.
#' @param plot_phase logical, specify whether identified phases should be
#' plotted.
#' @param agg_daily logical, specify whether phase statistics are aggregated
#' by day (\code{agg_daily = TRUE}) or appended to the \code{L2} data
#' (\code{agg_daily = FALSE}).
#' @inheritParams proc_L1
#' @inheritParams proc_dendro_L2
#' @return The following additional variables are returned by
#' \code{phase_stats}:
#' \item{day}{day on which the respective phase ends (format
#' \code{\%Y-\%m-\%d}.}
#' \item{doy}{day of year on which the respective phase ends.}
#' \item{shrink_start/exp_start}{timestamp of the start of the shrinkage
#' or expansion phase.}
#' \item{shrink_end/exp_end}{timestamp of the end of the shrinkage or
#' expansion phase.}
#' \item{shrink_dur/exp_dur}{duration (minutes) of the shrinkage or
#' expansion phase.}
#' \item{shrink_amp/exp_amp}{amplitude (\code{µm}) of the shrinkage or
#' expansion phase.}
#' \item{shrink_slope/exp_slope}{slope (\code{µm * reso^-1})
#' of the shrinkage or expansion phase.}
#' \item{phase_class}{days are classified as \code{1} if a shrinkage occurs
#' during the day, and as \code{-1} if there is an expansion during the
#' day. On all other days phase_class is set to NA.}
#' In case data is not aggregated to daily values
#' (\code{agg_daily = FALSE}), all columns are appended to the input data.
#' All parameters related to shrinkage or expansion phases are pasted at
#' the timestamp corresponding to the end of the respective phases
#' (\code{shrink_end} or \code{exp_end}). All other rows are set to
#' \code{NA}.
#' @details The identification of local maxima and minima in the function
#' \code{phase_stats} is inspired by the functionality of
#' \code{\link[dendrometeR]{phase_def}} in the package \code{dendrometeR}.
#' Overlapping sets of time windows are used to identify local maxima and
#' minima, i.e. maxima or minima that appear in both overlapping time windows
#' and are not only bound to the start or the end of the respective time
#' windows.
#' The often reported parameter maximum daily shrinkage (`mds`) can be
#' extracted from the output parameters. `mds` is equal to `shrink_amp` in
#' case `shrink_dur < 1440` (i.e. the shrinkage is shorter than 24 hours).
#' Example code on how to extract `mds` can be found in the vignette
#' \href{../doc/Introduction-to-treenetproc.html}{\code{vignette("Introduction-to-treenetproc", package = "treenetproc")}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Subset dataset for example
#' library(dplyr)
#' data_L2 <- dendro_data_L2 %>%
#' filter(series == "site-1_dendro-2")
#' phase_stats(dendro_L2 = data_L2, plot_phase = TRUE, plot_export = FALSE)
phase_stats <- function(dendro_L2, phase_wnd = 8, plot_phase = FALSE,
plot_export = TRUE, agg_daily = TRUE, tz = "UTC") {
# Check input variables -----------------------------------------------------
list_inputs <- mget(ls())
check_input_variables(list = list_inputs)
# Check input data ----------------------------------------------------------
df <- dendro_L2
check_data_L2(data_L2 = df)
reso <- reso_check_L1(df = df, tz = tz)
if (reso > 360) {
message("the time resolution of the dataset ('reso') is too coarse to
calculate phase statistics")
# Calculate phase statistics ------------------------------------------------
if ("phase_class" %in% colnames(df)) {
df <- df %>%
dplyr::select_if(!grepl("phase|shrink|exp", colnames(.)))
series_vec <- unique(df$series)
list_phase <- vector("list", length = length(series_vec))
df_phase <- df
for (s in 1:length(series_vec)) {
message(paste0("calculating phase statistics for ", series_vec[s], "..."))
df <- df_phase %>%
dplyr::filter(series == series_vec[s])
maxmin1 <- findmaxmin(df = df, phase_wnd = phase_wnd, reso = reso, st = 1)
maxmin2 <- findmaxmin(df = df, phase_wnd = phase_wnd, reso = reso, st = 2)
max_wnd <- maxmin1[[1]] + maxmin2[[1]]
min_wnd <- maxmin1[[2]] + maxmin2[[2]]
max1 <- removeconsec(df = df, remove = max_wnd, notremove = min_wnd,
mode = "max") %>%
dplyr::mutate(max1 = rem) %>%
min1 <- removeconsec(df = df, remove = min_wnd, notremove = max_wnd,
mode = "min") %>%
dplyr::mutate(min1 = rem) %>%
maxmin <- dplyr::full_join(max1, min1, by = "ts") %>%
dplyr::arrange(ts) %>%
dplyr::mutate(extrema = ifelse(is.na(max1), "min", "max")) %>%
dplyr::select(ts, extrema) %>%
# set first and last row to a maximum
dplyr::slice(which(extrema == "max")[1]:dplyr::n()) %>%
dplyr::slice(1:dplyr::last(which(extrema == "max"))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(shrink_group = c(rep(1:floor(dplyr::n() / 2), each = 2),
NA)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(exp_group = dplyr::lag(shrink_group))
# delete extreme values that follow an NA or which are followed by an NA
value_leadlag <- df %>%
dplyr::mutate(value_lag = dplyr::lag(value)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(value_lead = dplyr::lead(value)) %>%
dplyr::select(ts, value, value_lag, value_lead)
maxmin <- maxmin %>%
dplyr::left_join(., value_leadlag, by = "ts") %>%
dplyr::mutate(max_na = ifelse(is.na(value_lag), 1, 0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(max_na = max_na + ifelse(is.na(value_lead), 1, 0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(min_na = ifelse(is.na(value_lag), 1, 0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(min_na = min_na + ifelse(is.na(value_lead), 1, 0)) %>%
dplyr::filter(min_na == 0 & max_na == 0) %>%
dplyr::select(ts, extrema, shrink_group, exp_group)
# calculate parameters for shrinkage and expansion
shrink <- calcshrinkexpparam(df = df, maxmin = maxmin, mode = "shrink",
phase_wnd = phase_wnd, tz = tz)
exp <- calcshrinkexpparam(df = df, maxmin = maxmin, mode = "exp",
phase_wnd = phase_wnd, tz = tz)
shrink_exp <- dplyr::full_join(shrink, exp, by = c("day", "doy")) %>%
# classify days as transpir (1) or inverted (-1)
dplyr::mutate(shrink_start_day =
as.POSIXct(substr(shrink_start, 1, 10), tz = tz)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(exp_start_day =
as.POSIXct(substr(exp_start, 1, 10), tz = tz)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(day_shrink = dplyr::if_else(shrink_start_day == day, 1, 0,
missing = 0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(day_exp = dplyr::if_else(exp_start_day == day, -1, 0,
missing = 0)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(day) %>%
dplyr::mutate(phase_class = sum(max(day_shrink), min(day_exp))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(phase_class = ifelse(phase_class == 1 & shrink_dur > 720,
0, phase_class)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(phase_class = ifelse(phase_class == -1 & exp_dur > 720,
0, phase_class)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(phase_class = ifelse(phase_class == 0,
NA, phase_class)) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(-shrink_start_day, -exp_start_day, -day_shrink,
-day_exp) %>%
# set phases with 0 slopes to NA (almost straight lines),
# classified in calcshrinkexpparam
dplyr::mutate(shrink_slope = ifelse(shrink_slope == 0,
NA, shrink_slope)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("shrink", colnames(.)),
.funs = list(~ replace(., is.na(shrink_slope), NA))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(exp_slope = ifelse(exp_slope == 0, NA, exp_slope)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("exp", colnames(.)),
.funs = list(~ replace(., is.na(exp_slope), NA))) %>%
# set phases with 0 duration to NA (too short durations)
# classified in calcshrinkexpparam
dplyr::mutate(shrink_dur = ifelse(shrink_dur == 0, NA, shrink_dur)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("shrink", colnames(.)),
.funs = list(~ replace(., is.na(shrink_dur), NA))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(exp_dur = ifelse(exp_dur == 0, NA, exp_dur)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("exp", colnames(.)),
.funs = list(~ replace(., is.na(exp_dur), NA))) %>%
# remove phase_class for removed phases
phase_class = ifelse(is.na(shrink_start) & phase_class == 1,
NA, phase_class)) %>%
phase_class = ifelse(is.na(exp_start) & phase_class == -1,
NA, phase_class)) %>%
# overwrite duplicated shrinkage or expansion phases with NA
dplyr::mutate(shrink_start =
replace(shrink_start, duplicated(shrink_start), NA)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("shrink", colnames(.)),
.funs = list(~ replace(., is.na(shrink_start), NA))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(exp_start =
replace(exp_start, duplicated(exp_start), NA)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("exp", colnames(.)),
.funs = list(~ replace(., is.na(exp_start), NA))) %>%
# rearrange rows to reduce rows with NAs
dplyr::group_by(day) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("shrink", colnames(.)),
.funs =
list(~ c(na.omit(.),
rep(NA, sum(is.na(shrink_start)))))) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("exp", colnames(.)),
.funs = list(~ c(na.omit(.),
rep(NA, sum(is.na(exp_start)))))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(!(is.na(shrink_start) & is.na(exp_start))) %>%
dplyr::arrange(day) %>%
dplyr::mutate(series = series_vec[s]) %>%
dplyr::select(series, day, doy, shrink_start, shrink_end, shrink_dur,
shrink_amp, shrink_slope, exp_start, exp_end, exp_dur,
exp_amp, exp_slope, phase_class)
list_phase[[s]] <- shrink_exp
if (plot_phase) {
print("plot phases...")
plot_phase(df = df, phase = shrink_exp, plot_export = plot_export)
phase <- dplyr::bind_rows(list_phase)
if (!agg_daily) {
# merge phases with df
shrink <- phase %>%
dplyr::select(series, shrink_start, shrink_end, shrink_dur, shrink_amp,
shrink_slope) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ts = shrink_end) %>%
exp <- phase %>%
dplyr::select(series, exp_start, exp_end, exp_dur, exp_amp, exp_slope) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ts = exp_end) %>%
phase_class <- phase %>%
dplyr::select(series, day, phase_class) %>%
dplyr::select(series, ts = day, phase_class) %>%
phase <- dplyr::left_join(df, shrink, by = c("series", "ts")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(., exp, by = c("series", "ts")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(., phase_class, by = c("series", "ts")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(series, ts)
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