#' Clean Time-aligned Dendrometer Data
#' \code{proc_dendro_L2} cleans time-aligned (\code{L1}) dendrometer data
#' by removing outliers and correcting for erroneous jumps or shifts in
#' the data.
#' @param dendro_L1 \code{data.frame} with time-aligned dendrometer
#' data. Output of function \code{\link{proc_L1}}.
#' @param temp_L1 \code{data.frame} with time-aligned temperature data.
#' Output of function \code{\link{proc_L1}} (see Details for further
#' information).
#' @param tol_jump numeric, defines the rigidity of the threshold above or
#' below which a value is flagged for jump correction. Lower values
#' increase the rigidity (see Details for further information).
#' @param tol_out numeric, defines the rigidity of the threshold above or
#' below which a value is classified as an outlier. Lower values
#' increase the rigidity (see Details for further information).
#' @param frost_thr numeric, increases the thresholds for outlier
#' and jump detection in periods of probable frost (i.e. temperature <
#' \code{lowtemp}). The thresholds are multiplied by the value provided.
#' @param lowtemp numeric, specifies the temperature in °C below which frost
#' shrinkage or expansion is expected. Default value is set to
#' \code{5°C} due to hysteresis shortly before or after frost events.
#' @param interpol numeric, length of gaps (in minutes) for which values are
#' linearly interpolated after data cleaning. Set \code{interpol = 0} to
#' disable gapfilling. If \code{interpol = NULL} the default value is set to
#' \code{interpol = 2.1 * reso} (i.e. two timestamps).
#' @param frag_len numeric, specifies the length of data fragments occurring
#' in-between missing data that are automatically deleted during data
#' cleaning. This can be helpful to remove short fragments of erroneous data
#' within a period of missing data, i.e. after jumps. If
#' \code{frag_len = NULL} the default value is set to \code{frag_len = 2.1}.
#' @param plot logical, specify whether the changes that occurred during data
#' cleaning should be plotted.
#' @param iter_clean numeric, specifies the number of times the cleaning
#' process is repeated. Can be used to check whether running the cleaning
#' process multiple times has an effect on the results. In most cases, a
#' single iteration is sufficient.
#' @inheritParams proc_L1
#' @inheritParams plot_proc_L2
#' @details Time-aligned temperature data \code{temp_L1} is used to define
#' periods in which frost shrinkage is probable, e.g. when the temperature
#' is below \code{lowtemp}. Without temperature data, frost shrinkages may be
#' classified as outliers. For more details and an example see the following
#' vignette:
#' \href{../doc/Introduction-to-treenetproc.html}{\code{vignette("Introduction-to-treenetproc", package = "treenetproc")}}.
#' Temperature data can also be provided along with dendrometer data. In this
#' case, the name of the temperature series has to contain the string
#' \code{"temp"}. In case no temperature dataset is specified, a sample
#' temperature dataset will be used with a warning. The sample temperature
#' dataset assigns permanent frost to the three months December, January
#' and February.
#' Outliers and jumps are identified when exceeding a lower or upper
#' threshold. Thresholds are obtained on the basis of density distributions
#' of differences between neighbouring data points. The rigidity of the
#' thresholds can be controlled with the arguments \code{tol_jump} and
#' \code{tol_out}. For more information on the calculation of the thresholds
#' the user is referred to Knüsel et al. (2020, in prep).
#' @return The function returns a \code{data.frame} with processed dendrometer
#' data containing the following columns:
#' \item{series}{name of the dendrometer series.}
#' \item{ts}{timestamp with format \code{\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S}.}
#' \item{value}{dendrometer value (\code{µm}).}
#' \item{max}{highest measured value up to this timestamp (\code{µm}).}
#' \item{twd}{tree water deficit (\code{µm}), i.e. the amount of stem
#' shrinkage expressed as the difference between \code{max} and
#' \code{value}.}
#' \item{gro_yr}{growth since the beginning of the year (\code{µm}). Also
#' calculated for years with missing data.}
#' \item{frost}{indicates frost periods (i.e. periods in which the
#' temperature is below \code{lowtemp}).}
#' \item{flags}{character vector specifying the changes that occurred
#' during the processing. For more details see the following vignette:
#' \href{../doc/Introduction-to-treenetproc.html}{\code{vignette("Introduction-to-treenetproc", package = "treenetproc")}}}
#' \item{version}{package version number.}
#' @export
#' @references Knüsel S., Haeni M., Wilhelm M., Peters R.L., Zweifel R. 2020.
#' treenetproc: towards a standardized processing of stem radius data.
#' In preparation.
#' @examples
#' proc_dendro_L2(dendro_L1 = dendro_data_L1, plot_period = "monthly",
#' plot_export = FALSE)
proc_dendro_L2 <- function(dendro_L1, temp_L1 = NULL,
tol_out = 10, tol_jump = 50,
lowtemp = 5, frost_thr = 5,
interpol = NULL, frag_len = NULL,
plot = TRUE, plot_period = "full",
plot_show = "all", plot_export = TRUE,
plot_name = "proc_L2_plot",
iter_clean = 1, tz = "UTC") {
# Check input variables -----------------------------------------------------
list_inputs <- mget(ls())
check_input_variables(list = list_inputs)
# Save input variables for plotting -----------------------------------------
if (plot) {
passenv$tol_jump_plot <- tol_jump
passenv$tol_out_plot <- tol_out
passenv$frost_thr_plot <- frost_thr
passenv$lowtemp_plot <- lowtemp
passenv$tz_plot <- tz
# Check input data ----------------------------------------------------------
df <- dendro_L1
check_data_L1(data_L1 = df)
if (length(temp_L1) != 0) {
tem <- temp_L1
tem_series <- unique(tem$series)
if (length(grep("temp", tem_series, ignore.case = T)) > 1) {
stop("provide single temperature dataset.")
if (sum(colnames(tem) %in% c("series", "ts", "value", "version")) != 4) {
stop("provide time-aligned temperature data generated with 'proc_L1'")
# add column with temperature reference
df$temp_ref <- tem_series
passenv$sample_temp <- FALSE
if (length(temp_L1) == 0) {
df_series <- unique(df$series)
# for data from server
if ("temp_ref" %in% colnames(df)) {
temp_series <- stats::na.omit(unique(df$temp_ref))
tem <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(series %in% temp_series)
df <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(!(series %in% temp_series))
dendro_L1 <- df
# for user-specified data
if (!("temp_ref" %in% colnames(df))) {
if (length(grep("temp", df_series, ignore.case = T)) > 1) {
stop("provide single temperature dataset.")
if (length(grep("temp", df_series, ignore.case = T)) == 0) {
tem <- create_temp_dummy(df = df)
message("sample temperature dataset is used.")
passenv$sample_temp <- TRUE
df <- df %>%
dplyr::mutate(temp_ref = "airtemperature")
if (length(grep("temp", df_series, ignore.case = T)) == 1) {
temp_series <- df_series[grep("temp", df_series, ignore.case = T)]
tem <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(series == temp_series)
df <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(series != temp_series) %>%
dplyr::mutate(temp_ref = temp_series)
dendro_L1 <- df
reso_df <- reso_check_L1(df = df, tz = tz)
reso_tem <- reso_check_L1(df = tem, tz = tz)
if (reso_df != reso_tem) {
stop("provide both dendrometer and temperature data at the same time ",
} else {
passenv$reso <- reso_df
# check for overlap between df and tem
ts_overlap_check(df = df, tem = tem)
# Process to L2 (jump and gap corrections) ----------------------------------
series_vec <- unique(df$series)
list_L2 <- vector("list", length = length(series_vec))
list_thr <- vector("list", length = length(series_vec))
df_L1 <- df
for (s in 1:length(series_vec)) {
message(paste0("processing ", series_vec[s], "..."))
df <- df_L1 %>%
dplyr::filter(series == series_vec[s])
if (all(is.na(df$value))) {
message(paste0("There is no data available for ", series_vec[s],
". This series is skipped."))
# remove leading and trailing NA's
na_list <- remove_lead_trail_na(df = df)
df <- na_list[[1]]
lead_trail_na <- na_list[[2]]
df <- createfrostflag(df = df, tem = tem, lowtemp = lowtemp,
sample_temp = passobj("sample_temp"))
clean_list <- vector("list", length = iter_clean + 1)
clean_list[[1]] <- df
for (i in 1:iter_clean) {
df <- clean_list[[i]]
# remove outliers
df <- calcdiff(df = df, reso = passobj("reso"))
df <- createflagmad(df = df, reso = passobj("reso"), wnd = NULL,
tol = tol_out, save_thr = TRUE,
correction = "outlier", frost_thr = frost_thr)
df <- executeflagout(df = df, len = 1, frag_len = frag_len,
plot_density = FALSE, plot_export = plot_export,
frost_thr = frost_thr)
# remove jumps (jump correction)
df <- calcdiff(df = df, reso = passobj("reso"))
df <- createflagmad(df = df, reso = passobj("reso"), wnd = NULL,
tol = tol_jump, save_thr = TRUE,
correction = "jump", frost_thr = frost_thr)
df <- createjumpflag(df = df)
df <- executejump(df = df)
clean_list[[i + 1]] <- df
df <- clean_list[[iter_clean + 1]]
df <- fillintergaps(df = df, reso = passobj("reso"),
interpol = interpol, type = "linear", flag = TRUE)
df <- calcmax(df = df)
df <- calctwdgro(df = df, tz = tz)
df <- summariseflags(df = df)
# append leading and trailing NA's
df <- append_lead_trail_na(df = df, na = lead_trail_na)
df <- df %>%
dplyr::mutate(gro_yr = ifelse(is.na(value), NA, gro_yr)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(twd = ifelse(is.na(value), NA, twd)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(max = ifelse(is.na(value), NA, max)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(frost = ifelse(is.na(value), NA, frost)) %>%
dplyr::select(series, ts, value, max, twd, gro_yr, frost, flags) %>%
version = utils::packageDescription("treenetproc",
fields = "Version", drop = TRUE))
list_L2[[s]] <- df
# save threshold values for plot
if (plot) {
thr_plot <- saveplotthr(df = df, thr_out = passobj("thr_out_plot"),
thr_jump = passobj("thr_jump_plot"))
list_thr[[s]] <- thr_plot
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(list_L2)
if (plot) {
print("plot data...")
thr_plot <- dplyr::bind_rows(list_thr)
plot_proc_L2(dendro_L1 = dendro_L1, dendro_L2 = df,
plot_period = plot_period, plot_show = plot_show,
plot_export = plot_export, plot_name = plot_name, tz = tz,
thr_plot = thr_plot)
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