
#' Parts of Speech Tagging
#' \code{pos} - Apply part of speech tagger to transcript(s).
#' @param text.var The text variable
#' @param parallel logical.  If TRUE attempts to run the function on multiple 
#' cores.  Note that this may not mean a speed boost if you have one core or if 
#' the data set is smaller as the cluster takes time to create.
#' @param na.omit logical.  If TRUE missing values (\code{NA}) will be omitted.
#' @param digits Integer; number of decimal places to round when printing.
#' @param progress.bar logical.  If TRUE attempts to provide a OS appropriate 
#' progress bar.  If parallel is TRUE this argument is ignored.  Note that 
#' setting this argument to TRUE may slow down the function.
#' @param percent logical.  If TRUE output given as percent.  If FALSE the 
#' output is proportion.
#' @param zero.replace Value to replace 0 values with.
#' @param gc.rate An integer value.  This is a necessary argument because of a 
#' problem with the garbage collection in the openNLP function that 
#' \code{\link[qdap]{pos}} wraps.  Consider adjusting this argument upward if 
#' the error \code{java.lang.OutOfMemoryError} occurs.
#' @return pos returns a list of 4: 
#' \item{text}{The original text} 
#' \item{POStagged}{The original words replaced with parts of speech in context.} 
#' \item{POSprop}{Dataframe of the proportion of parts of speech by row.} 
#' \item{POSfreq}{Dataframe of the frequency of parts of speech by row.} 
#' \item{POSrnp}{Dataframe of the frequency and proportions of parts of speech 
#' by row.} 
#' \item{percent}{The value of percent used for plotting purposes.}
#' \item{zero.replace}{The value of zero.replace used for plotting purposes.}
#' @rdname pos
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link[openNLP]{tagPOS}}
#' @references \href{openNLP}{http:/opennlp.apache.org}
#' @keywords parts-of-speech
#' @export
#' @import openNLP parallel openNLPmodels.en Snowball
#' @examples 
#' posdat <- pos(DATA$state)
#' ltruncdf(posdat, 7, 4)
#' ## str(posdat)
#' names(posdat)
#' posdat$text           #original text
#' posdat$POStagged      #words replaced with parts of speech
#' posdat$POSprop[, 1:8] #proportion of parts of speech by row
#' posdat$POSfreq        #frequency of parts of speech by row
#' out1 <- pos(DATA$state, parallel = TRUE) # not always useful
#' ltruncdf(out1, 7, 4)
#' #use pos.tags to interpret part of speech tags used by pos & pos.by
#' pos.tags()[1:10, ]
#' pos.tags("matrix")[1:10, ]
#' pos.tags("dataframe")[1:10, ]
#' pos.tags("df")[1:10, ]
#' ltruncdf(pos.tags("all"), 3)
#' posbydat <- with(DATA, pos.by(state, sex))
#' names(posbydat)
#' ltruncdf(posbydat, 7, 4)
#' truncdf(posbydat$pos.by.prop, 4)
#' POSby <- with(DATA, pos.by(state, list(adult, sex)))
#' plot(POSby, values = TRUE, digits = 2)
#' #or more quickly - reuse the output from before
#' out2 <- with(DATA, pos.by(posbydat, list(adult, sex)))
pos <-
function(text.var, parallel = FALSE, na.omit = FALSE, digits = 1, 
    progress.bar = TRUE, percent = TRUE, zero.replace=0, gc.rate=10){
    ntv <- length(text.var)    
    pos1 <-  function(i) {
        x <- tagPOS(strip(i))   
    if (parallel){
        cl <- makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores", detectCores()))
        clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("text.var", "ntv", "gc.rate", 
            "pos1"), envir = environment())
        m <- parLapply(cl, seq_len(ntv), function(i) {
                x <- pos1(text.var[i])
                if (i%%gc.rate==0) gc()
        m <- unlist(m)
    } else {
        if (progress.bar != FALSE){
            if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] == "Windows" & progress.bar != "text"){
                pb <- winProgressBar(title = "progress bar", min = 0,
                    max = ntv, width = 300)
                m <- lapply(seq_len(ntv), function(i) {
                        x <- pos1(text.var[i])
                        if (i%%gc.rate==0) gc()
                        setWinProgressBar(pb, i, title = paste(round(i/ntv*100, 0),
                            "% done"))
                m <- unlist(m)
            } else {
                pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ntv, style = 3)
                m <- lapply(seq_len(ntv), function(i) {
                        x <- pos1(text.var[i])
                        if (i%%gc.rate==0) gc()
                        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
                m <- unlist(m)
        } else {
            m <- lapply(seq_len(ntv), function(i) {
                    x <- pos1(text.var[i])
                    if (i%%gc.rate==0) gc()
            m <- unlist(m)
    names(m) <- NULL
    poser <- function(x) sub("^.*/([^ ]+).*$","\\1", 
        unlist(strsplit(x, " ")))
    o <- lapply(m, poser)
    lev <- sort(unique(unlist(o)))
    G4 <- do.call(rbind,lapply(o,function(x,lev){ 
            tabulate(factor(x,levels = lev, ordered = TRUE),
            nbins = length(lev))},lev = lev))
    colnames(G4) <-sort(lev)
    m <- data.frame(POStagged = m)
    m$POStags <- o 
    m$word.count <- word.count(text.var)
    cons <- ifelse(percent, 100, 1)
    G5 <- sapply(data.frame(G4, check.names = FALSE), 
        function(x) cons*(x/m$word.count)) 
    colnames(G5) <- paste0("prop", colnames(G5))
    G4 <- data.frame(wrd.cnt = m$word.count, G4, check.names = FALSE)
    G5 <- data.frame(wrd.cnt = m$word.count, G5, check.names = FALSE)
    if (any(is.na(G4$wrd.cnt))) {
        nas <- which(is.na(G4$wrd.cnt))
        G4[nas, 2:ncol(G4)] <- NA
        m[nas, 1:ncol(m)] <- NA
    rnp <- raw_pro_comb(G4[, -1], G5[, -1], digits = digits, 
        percent = percent, zero.replace = zero.replace, override = TRUE)  
    rnp <- data.frame(G4[, 1, drop = FALSE], rnp, check.names = FALSE)     
    POS <- list(text = text.var, POStagged = m, POSprop = G5, POSfreq = G4,
        POSrnp = rnp, percent = percent, zero.replace = zero.replace)
    if(na.omit) POS <- lapply(POS, na.omit)
    class(POS) <- "pos"

#' Parts of Speech by Grouping Variable(s)
#' \code{pos.by} - Apply part of speech tagger to transcript(s) by zero or more 
#' grouping variable(s).
#' @rdname pos
#' @param grouping.var The grouping variables.  Default NULL generates one word 
#' list for all text.  Also takes a single grouping variable or a list of 1 or 
#' more grouping variables.
#' @param \ldots Other argument supplied to \code{pos}.
#' @return pos.by returns a list of 6: 
#' \item{text}{The original text} 
#' \item{POStagged}{The original words replaced with parts of speech in context.} 
#' \item{POSprop}{Dataframe of the proportion of parts of speech by row.} 
#' \item{POSfreq}{Dataframe of the frequency of parts of speech by row.} 
#' \item{POSrnp}{Dataframe of the frequency and proportions of parts of speech 
#' by row.} 
#' \item{pos.by.prop}{Dataframe of the proportion of parts of speech by grouping 
#' variable.} 
#' \item{pos.by.freq}{Dataframe of the frequency of parts of speech by grouping 
#' variable.} 
#' \item{pos.by.rnp}{Dataframe of the frequency and proportions of parts of 
#' speech by grouping variable.} 
#' \item{percent}{The value of percent used for plotting purposes.}
#' \item{zero.replace}{The value of zero.replace used for plotting purposes.}
#' @export
pos.by <-
function(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, digits = 1, percent = TRUE, 
    zero.replace = 0, ...){
    if(is.null(grouping.var)) {
        G <- "all"
    } else {
        if (is.list(grouping.var)) {
            m <- unlist(as.character(substitute(grouping.var))[-1])
            m <- sapply(strsplit(m, "$", fixed=TRUE), function(x) {
            G <- paste(m, collapse="&")
        } else {
            G <- as.character(substitute(grouping.var))
            G <- G[length(G)]
    check <- FALSE
    if (class(text.var) %in% c("pos", "pos.by", "formality")) {
        pos.list <- text.var
        text.var <- text.var[["POSfreq"]]
        check <- TRUE
    } else {
        pos.list <- pos(text.var, digits = digits, percent = percent, ...)
        text.var <- pos.list[["POSfreq"]]
        if (check) {
            grouping <- rep("all", nrow(text.var))  
        } else {
            grouping <- rep("all", length(text.var))
    } else {
        if (is.list(grouping.var) & length(grouping.var)>1) {
            grouping <- paste2(grouping.var)
        } else {
            grouping <- unlist(grouping.var)
    DF1 <- data.frame(grouping, text.var, check.names = FALSE)
    L1 <- split(DF1, DF1$grouping)
    L2 <- lapply(L1, function(x) colSums(x[, -1], na.rm = TRUE))
    DF2 <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", L2), check.names = FALSE)
    DF2 <- data.frame(replace = rownames(DF2), DF2, check.names = FALSE)
    rownames(DF2) <- 1:nrow(DF2)
    colnames(DF2)[1] <- G
    o <- unclass(pos.list)
    o[["pos.by.freq"]] <- DF2
    cons <- ifelse(percent, 100, 1)    
    propby <- lapply(1:nrow(DF2), function(i) {
        cons*(DF2[i, -c(1:2)]/rowSums(DF2[, -c(1:2)])[i])
    propby <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, propby))
    propby[is.nan(propby)] <- 0
    o[["pos.by.prop"]] <- suppressWarnings(data.frame(DF2[, 1:2], propby, 
        check.names = FALSE))
    rnp2 <- raw_pro_comb(o[["pos.by.freq"]][, -c(1:2)], 
        o[["pos.by.prop"]][, -c(1:2)], digits = digits, 
        percent = percent, zero.replace = zero.replace, override = TRUE)  
    o[["pos.by.rnp"]] <- data.frame(o[["pos.by.freq"]][, 1:2], 
        rnp2, check.names = FALSE)     
    class(o) <- "pos.by"

#' Parts of Tags
#' \code{pos.tags} - Useful for interpreting the parts of speech tags created by 
#' pos and pos.by.
#' @rdname pos
#' @param type An optional character string giving the output of the pos tags.  
#' This must be one of the strings \code{"pretty"} (a left justified version of 
#' the output optimized for viewing but not good for export),  \code{"matrix"} 
#' (a matrix version of the output), \code{"dataframe"}\\ \code{"df"} (a 
#' dataframe version of the output), \code{"all"} (a list of all three of the 
#' previous output types).
#' @export
pos.tags <-
function(type = "pretty"){
        POStags.df <- structure(list(Tag = structure(c(1L, 
            2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 15L, 
            13L, 14L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 21L, 22L, 23L, 
            24L, 25L, 26L, 27L, 28L, 29L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 33L, 34L, 
            35L, 36L), .Label = c("CC", "CD", "DT", "EX", "FW", 
            "IN", "JJ", "JJR", "JJS", "LS", "MD", "NN", "NNP", 
            "NNPS", "NNS", "PDT", "POS", "PRP", "PRP$", "RB",
            "RBR", "RBS", "RP", "SYM", "TO", "UH", "VB", "VBD", 
            "VBG", "VBN", "VBP", "VBZ", "WDT", "WP", "WP$", "WRB"), 
            class = "factor"), Description = structure(c(8L, 7L, 
            9L, 10L, 11L, 23L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 13L, 14L, 16L, 15L, 
            25L, 24L, 22L, 19L, 18L, 20L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 17L, 26L, 
            27L, 12L, 29L, 33L, 30L, 32L, 31L, 28L, 35L, 36L, 
            21L, 34L), .Label = c("Adjective", 
            "Adjective, comparative", "Adjective, superlative", 
            "Adverb", "Adverb, comparative", "Adverb, superlative", 
            "Cardinal number", "Coordinating conjunction", 
            "Determiner", "Existential there", "Foreign word", 
            "Interjection", "List item marker", "Modal", 
            "Noun, plural", "Noun, singular or mass", "Particle", 
            "Personal pronoun", "Possessive ending", 
            "Possessive pronoun", "Possessive wh-pronoun", 
            "Preposition or subordinating conjunction", 
            "Proper noun, plural", "Proper noun, singular", 
            "Symbol", "to", "Verb, 3rd person singular present", 
            "Verb, base form", "Verb, gerund or present participle", 
            "Verb, non-3rd person singular present", 
            "Verb, past participle", "Verb, past tense", "Wh-adverb", 
            "Wh-determiner", "Wh-pronoun"), class = "factor")), 
            .Names = c("Tag", "Description"), row.names = c(NA, -36L), 
            class = "data.frame", comment = 
    POStags.matrix <- as.matrix(POStags.df)
    POStags <- left.just(POStags.df, 1:2)   
    x <- switch(type,
        pretty = POStags,
        matrix = POStags.matrix,
        df = POStags.df,
        dataframe = POStags.df,
        all = {list(POStags.df=POStags.df, 
                  POStags.matrix=POStags.matrix, POStags=POStags)},
        stop("incorrect type specified")

#' Prints a pos Object.
#' Prints a pos object.
#' @param x The pos object
#' @param digits Integer values specifying the number of digits to be 
#' printed.
#' @param percent logical.  If TRUE output given as percent.  If FALSE the 
#' output is proportion.  If NULL uses the value from 
#' \code{\link[qdap]{termco}}.  Only used if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param zero.replace Value to replace 0 values with.  If NULL uses the value 
#' from \code{\link[qdap]{termco}}.  Only used if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print pos
#' @S3method print pos
print.pos <-
function(x, digits = 1, percent = NULL, zero.replace = NULL, ...) {
    WD <- options()[["width"]]
    if (!is.null(percent)) {
        if (percent != x$percent) {
            DF <- as.matrix(x$POSprop[, -c(1:2)])
            if (percent) {
                DF <- DF*100    
            } else {
                DF <-  DF/100
            x$POSprop <- data.frame(x$POSprop[, 1:2], DF, check.names = FALSE) 
    } else {
        percent <- x$percent 
    if (is.null(zero.replace)) {
        zero.replace <- x$zero.replace
    rnp <- raw_pro_comb(x$POSfreq[, -1, drop = FALSE], 
        x$POSprop[, -1, drop = FALSE], digits = digits, percent = percent, 
        zero.replace = zero.replace)  
    rnp <- data.frame(x$POSfreq[, 1, drop = FALSE], rnp, check.names = FALSE)     

#' Prints a pos.by Object.
#' Prints a pos.by object.
#' @param x The pos.by object
#' @param digits Integer values specifying the number of digits to be 
#' printed.
#' @param percent logical.  If TRUE output given as percent.  If FALSE the 
#' output is proportion.  If NULL uses the value from 
#' \code{\link[qdap]{termco}}.  Only used if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param zero.replace Value to replace 0 values with.  If NULL uses the value 
#' from \code{\link[qdap]{termco}}.  Only used if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print pos.by
#' @S3method print pos.by
print.pos.by <-
function(x, digits = 1, percent = NULL, zero.replace = NULL, ...) {
    WD <- options()[["width"]]
    if (!is.null(percent)) {
        if (percent != x$percent) {
            DF <- as.matrix(x$Pos.by.prop[, -c(1:2)])
            if (percent) {
                DF <- DF*100    
            } else {
                DF <-  DF/100
            x$pos.by.prop <- data.frame(x$pos.by.prop[, 1:2], DF, 
                check.names = FALSE) 
    } else {
        percent <- x$percent 
    if (is.null(zero.replace)) {
        zero.replace <- x$zero.replace
    rnp <- raw_pro_comb(x$pos.by.freq[, -c(1:2), drop = FALSE], 
        x$pos.by.prop[, -c(1:2), drop = FALSE], digits = digits, 
        percent = percent, zero.replace = zero.replace)  
    rnp <- data.frame(x$pos.by.freq[, 1:2, drop = FALSE], rnp, 
        check.names = FALSE)     

#' Plots a pos.by Object
#' Plots a pos.by object.
#' @param x The pos.by object
#' @param label logical.  If TRUE the cells of the heat map plot will be labeled 
#' with count and proportional values.
#' @param lab.digits Integer values specifying the number of digits to be 
#' printed if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param percent logical.  If TRUE output given as percent.  If FALSE the 
#' output is proportion.  If NULL uses the value from 
#' \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}}.  Only used if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param zero.replace Value to replace 0 values with.  If NULL uses the value 
#' from \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}}.  Only used if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param \ldots Other arguments passed to qheat.
#' @method plot pos.by
#' @S3method plot pos.by
plot.pos.by <- function(x, label = FALSE, lab.digits = 1, percent = NULL, 
    zero.replace = NULL, ...) {
    if (label) {
        if (!is.null(percent)) {
            if (percent != x$percent) {
                DF <- as.matrix(x$pos.by.prop[, -c(1:2)])
                if (percent) {
                    DF <- DF*100    
                } else {
                    DF <-  DF/100
                x$pos.by.prop <- data.frame(x$pos.by.prop[, 1:2], DF, 
                    check.names = FALSE) 
        } else {
            percent <- x$percent 
        if (is.null(zero.replace)) {
            zero.replace <- x$zero.replace
        rnp <- raw_pro_comb(x$pos.by.freq[, -c(1:2)], x$pos.by.prop[, -c(1:2)], 
            digits = lab.digits, percent = percent, , override = TRUE,
            zero.replace = x$zero.replace)  
        rnp <- data.frame(x$pos.by.freq[, 1:2], rnp, check.names = FALSE) 
        qheat(x$pos.by.prop, values=TRUE, mat2 = rnp, ...)
    } else {
        qheat(x$pos.by.prop, ...)  
trinker/qdap2 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 9:47 p.m.