
Defines functions splitvalidate.lassosum.pipeline

Documented in splitvalidate.lassosum.pipeline

splitvalidate.lassosum.pipeline <- function(ls.pipeline, test.bfile=NULL, 
                                       keep=NULL, remove=NULL, 
                                       pheno=NULL, covar=NULL, 
                                       trace=1, split=NULL, 
                                       ...) {
  #' @title Function to perform split-validation using output from lassosum.pipeline with external phenotype
  #' @param ls.pipeline A lassosum.pipeline object
  #' @param test.bfile The (\href{https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink2/formats#bed}{PLINK bfile} for the test dataset 
  #' @param keep Participants to keep (see \code{\link{lassosum}} for more details)
  #' @param remove Participants to remove
  #' @param pheno A vector of phenotype OR a \code{data.frame} with 3 columns, the first 2 columns being headed "FID" and "IID", OR a filename for such a data.frame
  #' @param covar A matrix of covariates OR a \code{data.frame} with 3 or more columns, the first 2 columns being headed "FID" and "IID", OR a filename for such a data.frame
  #' @param trace Controls amount of output
  #' @param rematch Forces a rematching of the ls.pipline beta's with the new .bim file
  #' @param ... parameters to pass to \code{\link{validate.lassosum.pipeline}}
  #' @details Performs split-validation. Randomly split the test data into half for validation 
  #' and half for prediction. Standardize the best cross-predicted pgs and stack together. 
  #' @rdname splitvalidate
  #' @export
  stopifnot(class(ls.pipeline) == "lassosum.pipeline")
  results <- list(lambda=ls.pipeline$lambda, s=ls.pipeline$s)
  rematch <- rematch # Forces an evaluation at this point
  if(is.null(test.bfile)) {
    test.bfile <- ls.pipeline$test.bfile
    keep.through.pheno <- !is.null(pheno) && 
      ((is.data.frame(pheno)) || 
         (is.character(pheno) && length(pheno) == 1))
    if(is.null(keep) && is.null(remove) && !keep.through.pheno)
      keep <- ls.pipeline$keep.test
  ### Pheno & covar ### 
  parsed.test <- parseselect(test.bfile, keep=keep, remove=remove, export=TRUE)
  phcovar <- parse.pheno.covar(pheno=pheno, covar=covar, parsed=parsed.test, 
  parsed.test <- phcovar$parsed
  pheno <- phcovar$pheno
  covar <- phcovar$covar
  # recal <- !identical(ls.pipeline$test.bfile, test.bfile) || 
  #   !identical(parsed.test$keep, ls.pipeline$keep.test)
  ### Split ###
  if(is.null(split)) {
    split <- sample(1:parsed.test$n %% 2 + 1)
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(split) == parsed.test$n)
    stopifnot(all(sort(unique(split)) == 1:2))

  ### Split-validation ###
  results <- list(lambda=ls.pipeline$lambda, s=ls.pipeline$s)
  best.s <- best.lambda <- best.validation.result <- numeric(0)
  best.pgs <- pheno * NA
  best.beta <- numeric(0)
  validation.table <- data.frame()
  PGS <- list()
  for(s in 1:2) {
    if(is.null(parsed.test$keep)) {
      keep <- split == s
      pheno2 <- pheno[keep]
      covar2 <- if(!is.null(covar)) covar[keep,] else NULL
    } else {
      keep <- parsed.test$keep
      keeps <- split == s
      keep[keep] <- keeps
      pheno2 <- pheno[keeps]
      covar2 <- if(!is.null(covar)) covar[keeps,] else NULL
    if(trace) cat(paste0("Split ", s, ":\n")) 
    v <- validate(ls.pipeline, keep=keep, pheno=pheno2, covar=covar2, 
                  test.bfile=test.bfile, trace=trace, rematch=rematch, ...)
    best.s <- c(best.s, v$best.s)
    best.lambda <- c(best.lambda, v$best.lambda)
    PGS[[s]] <- v$pgs
    best.beta <- cbind(best.beta, v$best.beta)
    validation.table <- rbind(validation.table, v$validation.table)
    # best.validation.result <- c(best.validation.result, v$best.validation.result)
  S <- v$s; L <- v$lambda
  for(s in 1:2) {
    best.pgs[split == 3-s] <- PGS[[3-s]][[which(S == best.s[s])]][,L == best.lambda[s]]

  #### Results table ####
  if(is.null(phcovar$table)) {
    results.table <- (if(is.null(parsed.test[['fam']])) read.table2(parsed.test$famfile) else
    if(!is.null(parsed.test$keep)) results.table <- results.table[parsed.test$keep,]
    colnames(results.table) <- c("FID", "IID")
    results.table$pheno <- pheno
    results.table$best.pgs <- best.pgs
  } else {
    results.table <- phcovar$table
    results.table$best.pgs <- best.pgs[results.table$order]
    results.table$split <- split[results.table$order]
  results <- c(results, list(split=split,
  class(results) <- "validate.lassosum"
tshmak/lassosum documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 9:41 a.m.