#' Combines all other package functions for one-step cell line comparison
#' @export
#' @param pathwayid A KEGG pathway ID of the form "hsa12345"
#' (only human pathways currently)
#' @param cell_line1 Choose from the set of cell lines:
#' (A375,A549,ASC,HA1E,HCC515,HEK293T,HEKTE,HEPG2,HT29,MCF7,NCIH716,NPC,PC3,
#' @param cell_line2 A cell line such that cell_line1 != cell_line2
#' @param refine_by_cell_line A logical indicator
#' @param data_type Choose from data types: (100_full, 100_bing, 50_lm)
#' @param pert_time Choose from (6,24,48,96,120,144,168)
#' @param only_mapped A logical indicator; if set to FALSE will return 'de-novo'
#' edges that 'exist' in data but are not documented in KEGG
#' @param layered_nodes A logical indicator; if set to TRUE will create a graph
#' with 'stacked' nodes that the user can manipulate when multiple nodes are
#' mapped to one location
#' @param graph_title An optional user-specified graph title
#' @param tidy_edge A logical indicator; must be set to FALSE for expanded edges
#' @param get_data A logical indicator; if set to true, will return the
#' 'expanded' edge information for the specified pathway
#' @param convert_KEGG_IDs A logical indicator; if set to TRUE KEGG
#' compounds will remain labeled via KEGG codes (do not need KEGGREST)
#' @return A dynamic map in Cytoscape automatically formatted for convenient
#' viewing and, if idicated by user, a data.frame object with detailed
#' information for 'expanded' KEGG edges
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Compare p53 pathway between cell lines A375 and A549:
#' KL_compare("hsa04115", "A375", "A549")
KL_compare <-
function(pathwayid, cell_line1 = NA, cell_line2 = NA,
refine_by_cell_line = TRUE,
data_type = "100_full",
pert_time = 96,
only_mapped = TRUE,
get_data = FALSE,
convert_KEGG_IDs = TRUE,
graph_title = "default",
tidy_edge = TRUE,
layered_nodes = FALSE){
cell_lines <- c("A375","A549","ASC","HA1E","HCC515","HEK293T","HEKTE",
if (is.na(cell_line1)){
'Please choose one of the following for cell_line1: ',
if (is.na(cell_line2)){
warning(paste0('Please choose one the following for cell_line2: ',
list(cell_lines[cell_lines != cell_line1])))
if (cell_line2 == cell_line1){
warning(paste0('cell_line1 = cell_line2; ',
'please choose from the following for cell_line2: ',
list(cell_lines[cell_lines != cell_line1])))
KGML <- get_KGML(pathwayid, get_if_no_edges = TRUE)
KEGG_mappings <-
expand_KEGG_mappings(KGML,convert_KEGG_IDs = convert_KEGG_IDs)
if (refine_by_cell_line) {
full_mappings1 <- KEGG_mappings
KEGG_mappings1 <- refine_mappings(KEGG_mappings, cell_line1)
for (i in 1:nrow(full_mappings1)){
if(!full_mappings1$entryID[i] %in% KEGG_mappings$entryID){
full_mappings1$BGcolor[i] <- "#d3d3d3"
full_mappings1$in_relationship <- 0
full_mappings2 <- KEGG_mappings
KEGG_mappings2 <- refine_mappings(KEGG_mappings, cell_line2)
for (i in 1:nrow(full_mappings2)){
if(!full_mappings2$entryID[i] %in% KEGG_mappings$entryID){
full_mappings2$BGcolor[i] <- "#d3d3d3"
full_mappings2$in_relationship <- 0
expanded_edges <- expand_KEGG_edges(KGML, KEGG_mappings)
if(expanded_edges$type[1] == "dummy"){
graph_title <- paste0("Pathway = ", pathwayid, ":",
"Cell-Lines: ",
paste0(cell_line1,",", cell_line2),
" *No Edges in Pathway")
if (nrow(expanded_edges[expanded_edges$type == "maplink",]) ==
nrow(expanded_edges) & only_mapped) {
edge_map <- edge_mapping_info(expanded_edges)
if (graph_title == "default"){
graph_title <- paste0("Pathway = ", pathwayid, ":",
KGML@pathwayInfo@title, "Cell-Lines: ",
paste0(cell_line1,",", cell_line2),
" *No Edges in Data")
warning("All documented edges are of type 'maplink';
Overlap data cannot be mapped to selected pathway")
cell_data1 <- overlap_info(KGML, KEGG_mappings, cell_line1,
data_type = data_type,
pert_time = pert_time)
cell_data2 <- overlap_info(KGML, KEGG_mappings, cell_line2,
data_type = data_type,
pert_time = pert_time)
for (i in 1:nrow(cell_data1)){
UP <- cell_data1$UP[i] + 0.5
DOWN <- cell_data1$DOWN[i] + 0.5
UK1_DK2 <- cell_data1$UK1_DK2[i] + 0.5
DK1_UK2 <- cell_data1$DK1_UK2[i] + 0.5
cell_data1$OR_1[i] <- (UP*DOWN)/(UK1_DK2*DK1_UK2)
cell_data1$SE_1[i] <-sqrt(1/UP + 1/DOWN + 1/UK1_DK2 + 1/DK1_UK2)
cell_data1$log_OR_1[i] <- log(cell_data1$OR_1[i])
for (i in 1:nrow(cell_data2)){
UP <- cell_data2$UP[i] + 0.5
DOWN <- cell_data2$DOWN[i] + 0.5
UK1_DK2 <- cell_data2$UK1_DK2[i] + 0.5
DK1_UK2 <- cell_data2$DK1_UK2[i] + 0.5
cell_data2$OR_2[i] <- (UP*DOWN)/(UK1_DK2*DK1_UK2)
cell_data2$SE_2[i] <-sqrt(1/UP + 1/DOWN + 1/UK1_DK2 + 1/DK1_UK2)
cell_data2$log_OR_2[i] <- log(cell_data2$OR_2[i])
if (!is.na(cell_data1)[1,1] & !is.na(cell_data2)[1,1]) {
edges_plus_data1 <- add_edge_data(expanded_edges, KEGG_mappings,
cell_data1, c(15,16),
map_type = "SYMBOL",
only_mapped = only_mapped)
edges_plus_data2 <- add_edge_data(expanded_edges, KEGG_mappings,
cell_data2, c(15,16),
map_type = "SYMBOL",
only_mapped = only_mapped)
names(edges_plus_data1)[18] <- "SE_1"
names(edges_plus_data2)[18] <- "SE_2"
edges_plus_data1$unique_ID <- paste0(edges_plus_data1$entry1symbol,
":", edges_plus_data1$entry2symbol,
":", edges_plus_data1$edgeID)
edges_plus_data2$unique_ID <- paste0(edges_plus_data2$entry1symbol,
":", edges_plus_data2$entry2symbol,
":", edges_plus_data2$edgeID)
edges_compare <- merge(edges_plus_data1, edges_plus_data2[,c(18,19,21)],
by = "unique_ID")
for(i in 1:nrow(edges_compare)){
if (!is.na(edges_compare$log_OR_1[i]) &
edges_compare$test[i] <- (edges_compare$log_OR_1[i] -
sqrt(edges_compare$SE_1[i]^2 + edges_compare$SE_2[i]^2)
edges_compare$summary_score[i] <- exp(abs(edges_compare$test[i]))
if (edges_compare$test[i] <= stats::qnorm(0.1) |
edges_compare$test[i] >= stats::qnorm(0.9)){
edges_compare$significant[i] <- 1
else {
edges_compare$significant[i] <- 0
else {
edges_compare$test[i] <- NA
edges_compare$summary_score[i] <- 0
edges_compare$significant[i] <- NA
edge_map <- edge_mapping_info(edges_compare, data_added = TRUE)
for (i in 1:nrow(edge_map)){
if (is.na(edge_map$test[i])){
edge_map$has_data[i] <- 0
edge_map$color[i] <- "#808080"
if ("premapped" %in% names (edge_map)) {
premapped <- edge_map$premapped
drop <- "premapped"
edge_map <- edge_map[, ! names(edge_map) %in% drop]
edge_map$premapped <- premapped
for (i in 1:nrow(edge_map)){
if (!is.na(edge_map$log_OR_1[i]) &
if (edge_map$test[i] < 0){
if (edge_map$significant[i] == 0){
edge_map$color[i] <- "#82E0AA"
if (edge_map$significant[i] == 1){
edge_map$color[i] <- "#1E8449"
if (edge_map$test[i] > 0){
if (edge_map$significant[i] == 0){
edge_map$color[i] <- "#E67E22"
if (edge_map$significant[i] == 1){
edge_map$color[i] <- "#BA4A00"
if (tidy_edge == TRUE) {
edge_IDs <- seq(min(edge_map$edgeID), max(edge_map$edgeID))
for (i in edge_IDs){
edge_map <- tidy_edge(edges = edge_map,
edge_id = edge_IDs[i],
by_significance = TRUE)
if (graph_title == "default"){
graph_title <- paste0("Pathway = ", pathwayid, ":",
KGML@pathwayInfo@title, " - ",
cell_line1 ,"vs", cell_line2, ",
Data type: ", data_type)
node_map <- node_mapping_info(KEGG_mappings)
graph_object <- get_graph_object(node_map, edge_map,
layered_nodes = layered_nodes)
edge_width_attribute = "summary_score"
if (edge_width_attribute %in% names(igraph::edge_attr(graph_object))){
min.summary_score <- min(abs(igraph::E(graph_object)$summary_score),
na.rm = TRUE)
max.summary_score <- max(abs(igraph::E(graph_object)$summary_score),
na.rm = TRUE)
map_edge_width <- TRUE
cyto_vis(graph_object, title = graph_title,
edge_width_attribute = "summary_score")
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