#' A desc_group Function
#' @param frml Right side of ~ must have the terms in an additive way, and left side of ~ must contain the name of the grouping variable or can be left in blank (in this latter case descriptives for whole sample are calculated and no test is performed).
#' @param covariates a character string with names of variables.
#' @param group factor variable. Outcome. Default value is NULL
#' @param data data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by 'as.data.frame' to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If they are not found in 'data', the variables are taken from 'environment(formula)'.
#' @param method character string indicating the method to test use; possible values are 'param' or 'non-param'. Default values is 'non-param'.
#' @param font_size A numeric input for table font size
#' @param byrow logical or NA. Percentage of categorical variables must be reported by rows (TRUE), by columns (FALSE) or by columns and rows to sum up 1 (NA). Default value is FALSE, which means that percentages are reported by columns (withing groups).
#' @param width_lev defines the maximum width of table columns. Default value is 8em
#' @param pval_cut cut p.value colored. To select
#' @param show.pval logical indicating whether p-value of overall groups significance ('p.overall' column) is displayed or not. Default value is TRUE.
#' @param show.pval.adj logical indicating whether adjust p-value of overall groups significance ('p.overall' column) is displayed or not. Default value is FALSE.
#' @param caption Character vector containing the table's caption or title.
#' @param paired logical indicating paired data. Default value is FALSE.
#' @param idvar a character string with name of identifier variable .
#' @keywords summary ci qualitative descriptive exploratory
#' @export desc_group
#' @export descGroup
#' @import kableExtra formula.tools
#' @examples
#' # set.seed(1)
#' # dat <- df <- data.frame(MUT = factor(c(rep("A", 13),rep("B",13))),
#' # var = factor(sample(c("Yes", "no"), 26, replace = TRUE)),
#' # size = rnorm(26),
#' # id = paste0("a",1:26))
#' # dat$id <- as.character(dat$id)
#' # res <- desc_group(group = "MUT",covariates = names(dat), data = dat)
#' # res$res
#' # res <- desc_group(group = "MUT",covariates = names(dat), data = dat, show.pval = FALSE)
#' # res$res
#' # desc_group(covariates = qsec, group = vs, data = mtc_bis)
#' # desc_group(covariates = gear, group = vs, data = mtc_bis)
#' # mtc_bis %>% desc_group(covariates = qsec, group = vs)
#' # mtc_bis %>% desc_group(covariates = c(qsec, mpg, gear), group = vs)
descGroup <- function(...) {
.Deprecated("desc_group") #include a package argument, too
desc_group <- function(data,
frml = NULL,
group = NULL,
method = "non-param",
caption = NULL,
font_size = 13,
width_lev = "8em",
byrow = FALSE,
show.pval.adj = FALSE,
pval_cut = 0.05,
col.background = "#993489",
col.varsel = "#ebe0e9",
show.pval = TRUE,
show.all = TRUE,
show.n = TRUE,
show.stat = FALSE,
paired = FALSE,
idvar = NULL,
prep2sum = TRUE,
include.NA = FALSE,
patt.NA = "No",
## Les 3 seguents linies permeten pasar el nom de la variable com a text o estil tidyverse
data <- data %>% as.data.frame()
covariates <- names(data %>% select({{covariates}}))
group <- names(data %>% select({{group}}))
## comprobacions
if (is.null(frml) & (!is.null(group) & length(group > 0) )) {
if (!group %in% names(data)) stop("The variable/s '", group, "' do not exist.")
group <- NULL
if (is.null(frml) ) {
if (any(!covariates %in% names(data))) {stop("The variable/s '",
paste0(covariates[!covariates %in% names(data)], collapse = "' , '"),
"' do not exist.")}}
if (!is.null(group) & all(is.na(data[,group]))) {stop("Variable '", group, "' is empty")}
if (paired) {
names(data)[names(data) == idvar] <- "id"
idvar <- "id"
if (!show.pval) pval_cut <- -1
## en el cas de que hi hagi formula seleccionem el grup i les covariates
if (!is.null(frml)) {
covariates <- rhs.vars(frml)
if (!is.null(lhs.vars(frml))) {group <- lhs.vars(frml)}
## Seleccionem variables i etiquetes
data <- data[,names(data) %in% c(covariates,group,idvar)]
if (!is.null(group)) {
data[,group] <- factor_ueb(data[,group])
varname_group <- ifelse( Hmisc::label(data[,group]) != "", Hmisc::label(data[,group]), group)
## eliminem variables buides
if (length(covariates ) != 1 | !is.null(group) ) {
emptyvar <- colSums(is.na(data)) != nrow(data)
var2del <- names(emptyvar[which(emptyvar == FALSE)])
if (length(var2del) > 0 ) {
warning(paste0("Las variable ",var2del, " ha sido eliminada. Todos sus valores son NA. \n" ))
data <- data[,!names(data) %in% var2del]
if (is.null(dim(data))) {
lbl <- Hmisc::label(data)
data <- data.frame(data)
names(data) <- covariates
Hmisc::label(data) <- lbl
## guardem class de cada variable
class_data <- unlist(lapply(data, function(x) class(x)[length(class(x))]))
class_data[which(class_data == "numeric" | class_data == "integer")] <- "numeric"
class_data <- class_data[!names(class_data) %in% c(group,idvar)]
if (any(class_data == "character")) {
message("La variable/s '",
paste0(names(class_data)[class_data == "character"],collapse = "' , '"),
"' es tipo caracter y no se ha analizado")
covariates <- covariates[!covariates %in% names(class_data)[class_data == "character"]]
## realitzem analisis descriptiu i/o comparatiu
list_var <- list()
for (i in seq_along(class_data)) {
list_var[[names(class_data)[i]]] <- switch(class_data[i],
"numeric" = summary.quanti( x = names(class_data)[i] , group = group ,
method = method, data = data, prep2sum = prep2sum,
show.pval = show.pval,show.stat = show.stat, paired = paired, idvar = idvar, var.tidy = FALSE, ... ) ,
"factor" = summary.quali( x = names(class_data)[i], group = group ,data = data, byrow = byrow,
show.pval = show.pval,show.stat = show.stat, include.NA = include.NA, patt.NA = patt.NA, var.tidy = FALSE,...),
"character" = next()
list_var_sum <- lapply(list_var, function(x)x[["summary"]])
results <- do.call("rbind", list_var_sum)
# results <- plyr::rbind.fill(list_var_sum)
pvalues <- unlist(lapply(list_var, function(x)x[["pval"]]))
if (show.pval.adj) {
if (anyNA(results$p.value)) stop("P.value NA")
results$p.val.adj <- NA
results$p.val.adj[which(results$p.value != "")] <- round(p.adjust(as.numeric(as.character(pvalues)), method = "BH"),2)
results$p.val.adj[which(results$p.value == "")] <- ""
results <- results[,c(names(results)[1:which(names(results) == "p.value")], "p.val.adj", "n") ]
results$p.val.adj[which(results$p.val.adj != "" & results$p.val.adj < 0.001)] <- "<0.001"
## Caption de la taula final
footnote <- NULL
typevar <- c("factor", "numeric")
for (i in seq_along(typevar)) {
desc <- unique(lapply(list_var[names(list_var) %in% names(class_data)[class_data == typevar[i]] ], function(x)x[["methods"]]))
tst <- paste0(unique(lapply(list_var[names(list_var) %in% names(class_data)[class_data == typevar[i]]], function(x)x[["txt_test"]])), collapse = "")
footnote <- unique(gsub("NULL","",c(footnote, paste0(desc, tst))))
# footnote <- do.call("cbind", unique(list_var_met))
if (is.null(caption)) {
caption <- ifelse(is.null(group),
"Summary statistics table",
paste0("Summary of results by groups of ", varname_group))
# variables per files
var <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(results), ".", fixed = T),"[[", 1)
## alineament a la taula
align = rep("c",ncol(results))
align[names(results) == "levels"] <- "l"
# results <- results[,!names(results) %in% "variable"]
# groups_row <- table(var)[unique(var)]
## parametres per donar color a les variables amb p.value inferior a punt de tall
if (show.pval.adj) {
pval_valid <- results$p.val.adj
pval_valid <- results$p.value
pval_trunc <- as.numeric(sub("su.*", "",gsub("<","",pval_valid,
fixed = T)))
condition <- pval_trunc > pval_cut | is.na(pval_trunc)
if (!all(condition)) {
var_pval_cut <- var[which(!condition)]
colorRow <- which(var %in% var_pval_cut )
var_pval_cut <- NA
# colorRow <- which(!condition)
# groups_row <- cumsum(groups_row)
options(knitr.kable.NA = '')
## Taula HTML
if (!show.pval) {
results <- results[,!names(results) %in% c("p.value")]
pvalues <- NA}
if (!show.all) {
results <- results[,!names(results) %in% c("ALL")]
if (!show.n) {
results <- results[,!names(results) %in% c("n")]
## Afegim percentatges als titols
results <- results %>% rename_at(levels(data[,group]), ~ paste0(levels(data[,group]), "<br>",
table(data[,group])," (",round(prop.table(table(data[,group]))*100,2),"%)" ))
results_ht <- results %>%
# mutate(p.value = cell_spec(p.value, "html", color = ifelse(condition,"black", "white"),
# background = ifelse(condition, "white", "#993489"))) %>%
kable(escape = F, row.names = F,align = align, caption = caption, format = "html") %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped","hold_position", "repeat_header"),
font_size = font_size, full_width = F, fixed_thead = T) %>%
row_spec(0,background = col.background, color = "white") %>%
column_spec(which(names(results) == "levels"), width_max = width_lev) %>%
column_spec(which(names(results) == "variable"), bold = T) %>%
column_spec(which(names(results) == "ALL"), bold = T) %>%
add_footnote(footnote, escape = F,
notation = "symbol" )
if (!is.null(group) & (sum(pval_trunc < pval_cut, na.rm = T) != 0)) {
results_ht <- results_ht %>%
row_spec(colorRow, bold = F, color = "black",background = col.varsel ) }#%>%
# pack_rows(groups_row ,hline_after = F, indent = F)
return(list(group = group, covariates = covariates,
selVar = var_pval_cut,
pvalues = as.numeric(as.character(pvalues)),df_all = results,results = results_ht))
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