  collapse = FALSE,
  comment = "",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"

📚 gpgr - Genomics Platform Group Reporting

Contains reports and functions used in the Genomics Platform Group at the University of Melbourne Centre for Cancer Research.

Conda install Conda install


conda install r-gpgr -c umccr -c conda-forge -c bioconda

Main modules

🔮 PURPLE {#id_-purple}

sash {#id_-sash}

🥳 Developers {#id_-developers}

See for developer notes.

💻 CLI {#id_-cli}

A gpgr command line interface is available for convenience.

```{bash eval=FALSE} gpgr_cli=$(Rscript -e 'x = system.file("cli", package = "gpgr"); cat(x, "\n")' | xargs) export PATH="${gpgr_cli}:${PATH}"

```{bash prompt=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
gpgr_cli=$(Rscript -e 'x = system.file("cli", package = "gpgr"); cat(x, "\n")' | xargs)
export PATH="${gpgr_cli}:${PATH}"
echo "gpgr.R --version" & gpgr.R --version
echo ""
echo "#-----------------------------------#"
echo "gpgr.R --help" & gpgr.R --help
echo ""
echo "#-----------------------------------#"
echo "#------- Cancer Report -------#"
echo "gpgr.R canrep --help" & gpgr.R canrep --help
echo ""
echo "#-----------------------------------#"

umccr/gpgr documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 9:51 p.m.