
Defines functions debRepoPath deb.archive.packages deb.search.repo deb.list.packages.dirs deb.check.changes deb.explode.sources deb.update.release deb.keyring.in.repo GPGsign GPGwriteKey GPGversion deb.build.binary deb.build.sources deb.gen.package.index deb.prepare.buildDir deb.gen.install deb.gen.format deb.gen.changelog deb.append.clog deb.gen.rules deb.gen.copyright copyright.text deb.gen.control deb.gen.compat deb.basic.checks deb.prepare.description queryDescription check.append dl.missing.dep.src check.deb.availability check.installed.deps deb.check.sources RVersionFromDESCRIPTION debianizeDepends R_API_dependency splitDepends debSrcFilename debianPkgName debianPkgVersion

# Copyright 2011-2022 Meik Michalke <meik.michalke@hhu.de>
# This file is part of the R package roxyPackage.
# roxyPackage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# roxyPackage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with roxyPackage.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## function debianPkgVersion()
debianPkgVersion <- function(version="0.01", revision="1", epoch=NULL){
  deb.pckg.vers <- paste(version, revision, sep="-")
    deb.pckg.vers <- paste(epoch, deb.pckg.vers, sep=":")
  } else {}
} ## end function debianPkgVersion()

## function debianPkgName()
# origin: string or vector
debianPkgName <- function(package, origin=NULL, version=NULL, replace.dots=FALSE){
    package <- tolower(package)
      package <- gsub("\\.", "-", package)
    } else {}

      result <- package
    } else {
      result <- paste(package, version, sep=" ")

    if(all(!is.null(origin), !identical(origin, ""))){
      result <- paste("r", origin, result, sep="-", collapse=" | ")
    } else {}

} ## end function debianPkgName()

## function debSrcFilename()
# function to ensure the filenames are consistent throughout the internal workflow
# - file: can be one of "orig", "debian" or "dsc"
debSrcFilename <- function(pck, version, revision=NULL, compression="gz", file="orig"){
  suffix <- ifelse(identical(compression, "xz"), "xz", "gz")
  result <- switch(file,
    orig=paste0(pck, "_", version, ".orig.tar.", suffix),
    debian=paste0(pck, "_", version, "-", revision, ".debian.tar.", suffix),
    dsc=paste0(pck, "_", version, "-", revision, ".dsc")
} ## end function debSrcFilename()

## function splitDepends()
# takes a dependency vector (e.g., "foo (>> 3.0), bar, baz") and splits it into a matrix with
# one column for each package name and one for a version number, if present
# returns NULL if there are no dependencies
splitDepends <- function(dep){
  # just a precaution -- replace NA values
  dep[is.na(dep)] <- ""
  # remove names, trim & split
  dep <- trim(unlist(strsplit(as.character(dep), ",")))
  dep.length <- length(dep)
  if(dep.length > 0){
    results <- matrix(data="", nrow=dep.length, ncol=2, dimnames=list(NULL,c("package", "version")))
    for (thisDep.num in 1:dep.length){
      thisDep <- dep[thisDep.num]
      # split into <name> and (<version>)
      depParts <- unlist(strsplit(thisDep, split="[[:space:]]*\\("))
      results[thisDep.num,"package"] <- depParts[1]
        results[thisDep.num,"version"] <- paste0("(", depParts[2])
      } else {}
  } else {
    results <- NULL
} ## end function splitDepends()

## function R_API_dependency()
# check for API dependencies
# R >= 3.2 should depend on r-api-3,
# R >= 3.4 on r-api-3.4,
# R >= 3.5 on r-api-3.5, and
# R >= 4.0 on r-api-4.0
R_API_dependency <- function(dep.list){
    R_version <- package_version(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", dep.list[["R"]][["version"]]))
    if(R_version >= "4.0"){
      dep.list[["r-api-4.0"]] <- list(package="r-api-4.0", version=NULL, origin=NULL)
    } else if(R_version >= "3.5"){
      dep.list[["r-api-3.5"]] <- list(package="r-api-3.5", version=NULL, origin=NULL)
    } else if(R_version >= "3.4"){
      dep.list[["r-api-3.4"]] <- list(package="r-api-3.4", version=NULL, origin=NULL)
    } else if(R_version >= "3.2"){
      dep.list[["r-api-3"]] <- list(package="r-api-3", version=NULL, origin=NULL)
    } else {}
  } else {}
} ## end function R_API_dependency()

## function debianizeDepends()
# origin: string or vector
# origin.alt: *named* list(pckgname=c("origin.string")); if string is empty, returns the name as-is
# R: the package name for R, usually not "r-cran-<something>". if set to NULL, R will be dropped completely if present
# forceRVersion: omitted if NULL, i.e., the R version string is used as defined in DESCRIPTION (if any)
# collapse: if NULL returns a named vector (names are the original R package names, values the debian package names)
# drop.version: if TRUE returns only the package names (overwritten by forceRVersion!)
# append: a character string/vector to append additional debian package names to the results
debianizeDepends <- function(dep, origin="cran", origin.alt=list(), R="r-base-core",
  base=c("base", "compiler", "datasets", "graphics", "grDevices", "grid", "methods",
    "parallel", "splines", "stats", "stats4", "tools", "tcltk", "utils"),
  forceRVersion=getRvers(), collapse=", ", drop.version=FALSE, append=NULL, replace.dots=FALSE){

  dep.split <- splitDepends(dep)
  } else {}
  names(origin.alt) <- tolower(names(origin.alt))
  other.origin.names <- names(origin.alt)

  base.packages <- tolower(base)

  # see if any "r-api-*" dependency wah manually defined,
  # otherwise we'll add it right after "R"
  R_API_in_dep <- any(grepl("r-api-*", tolower(dep.split[, "package"])))
  dep.list <- list()
  # minimum requirements?
  if(!is.null(forceRVersion) && !is.null(R)){
    dep.list[["R"]] <- list(package=R, version=paste0("(>= ", forceRVersion, ")"), origin=NULL)
    dep.list <- R_API_dependency(dep.list=dep.list)
  } else {}

  for (thisDep in 1:nrow(dep.split)){
    dep.lst.key <- dep.split[thisDep, "package"]
    dep.lst.package <- tolower(dep.lst.key)

    # check for special cases:
    # - packages from base should be dropped
    if(dep.lst.package %in% base.packages){
    } else {}

    if(nchar(dep.split[thisDep, "version"]) > 0 && !isTRUE(drop.version)){
      dep.lst.version <- dep.split[thisDep, "version"]
    } else {
      dep.lst.version <- NULL

    # - R should be translated into the value of "R", or be dropped?
    if(dep.lst.package == "r"){
      if(!is.null(forceRVersion) || is.null(R)){
      } else {
        dep.lst.package <- R
        dep.list[["R"]] <- list(package=R, version=dep.lst.version, origin=NULL)
        dep.list <- R_API_dependency(dep.list=dep.list)
    } else {}

    dep.lst.origin <- origin
    # check if this package should come from another origin
    if(dep.lst.package %in% other.origin.names){
      dep.lst.origin <- origin.alt[[dep.lst.package]]
    } else {}
    dep.list[[dep.lst.key]] <- list(package=dep.lst.package, version=dep.lst.version, origin=dep.lst.origin)
  # re-combine to <origin>-<name> (<version>)
  results <- sapply(dep.list, function(thisDep){
      debianPkgName(package=thisDep[["package"]], origin=thisDep[["origin"]], version=thisDep[["version"]], replace.dots=replace.dots)

    results <- c(results, append)
  } else {}

  } else {
    return(paste(results, collapse=collapse))
} ## end function debianizeDepends()

## function RVersionFromDESCRIPTION()
# this is a shortcut to get the minimum R version from the DESCRIPTION object
# returns NULL if R istn't specified at all or shorter than x.y
RVersionFromDESCRIPTION <- function(R.description){
  result <- NULL
  allDeps <- splitDepends(queryDescription(R.description, dep="Depends"))
  if("R" %in% allDeps[,"package"]){
    RVersRow <- which(allDeps[,"package"] %in% "R")
    stopifnot(isTRUE(length(RVersRow) == 1))
    RVersion <- allDeps[RVersRow, "version"]
    result <- as.character(gsub("[^[:digit:].]", "", RVersion))
    # ensure we have the right format
    if(!grepl("^([[:digit:]]+).([[:digit:]]+).([[:digit:]]+)$", result)){
      if(grepl("^([[:digit:]]+).([[:digit:]]+)$", result)){
        result <- paste0(result, ".0")
      } else {
        warning("R version in DESCRIPTION is shorter than x.y or otherwise strangely formatted!", call.=FALSE)
        result <- NULL
    } else {}
  } else {}
} ## end function RVersionFromDESCRIPTION()

## function deb.check.sources()
# checks if we're dealing with a sources directory, a tarball or need to download something
deb.check.sources <- function(src,

  if(file_test("-d", src)){
  } else if(grepl("^http://|^https://|^ftp://|^sftp://", src, ignore.case=TRUE)){
    # seems to be a URL for downloading
    short.file.name <- gsub("(.*/)([^/]*)", "\\2", src, perl=TRUE)
    message(paste0(action, ": preparing for download ", short.file.name,  "..."))
    createMissingDir(dirPath=dl.dir, action="deb")
    dl.local.path <- file.path(dl.dir, short.file.name)
    download.file(url=src, destfile=dl.local.path)
    message(paste0(action, ": downloaded package to ", dl.local.path))
    full.path <- dl.local.path
  } else if(grepl("\\.gz$|\\.tgz$", src, ignore.case=TRUE)){
    # seems to be a local tarfile
    short.file.name <- gsub("(.*/)([^/]*)", "\\2", src, perl=TRUE)
    full.path <- normalizePath(src)
  } else {
    stop(simpleError(paste0("deb: unable to deal with ", paste0(src, collapse=", "))))
  createMissingDir(dirPath=local.src.dir, action="deb")
  message(paste0(action, ": unpacking ", short.file.name,  "..."))
  # now we need to know the dirname which will be created upon untaring
  # we'll assume we get exactly one directory -- if not, stop with an error
  # to be on the safe side...
  all.files <- untar(full.path, list=TRUE)
  untar.dir <- unique(gsub("([^/]*)(.*)", "\\1", all.files, perl=TRUE))
  if(length(untar.dir) > 1 || nchar(untar.dir) < 1){
    stop(simpleError(paste0(action, ": sorry, couldn't determine a sane directory name from the archive!")))
  } else {}
  untar(full.path, exdir=local.src.dir)
  return(file.path(local.src.dir, untar.dir))
} ## end function deb.check.sources()

## function check.installed.deps()
# tries to find out whether a needed dependency is already installed
# returns either TRUE/FALSE, or the package name(s) found
# dep: can be a vector, but they will be treated as *alternatives*, that is, result will be TRUE if
#   any one of the packages is found (as an alternative to do "package1 | package2" checks)
check.installed.deps <- function(dep, value=FALSE, action="deb"){
    stop(simpleError(paste0(action, ": this doesn't seem to be a UNIX system, so i assume it's not Debain as well!")))
  } else {}

  dpkg <- Sys.which("dpkg")
  if("" %in% dpkg){
    stop(simpleError(paste0(action, ": can't find dpkg -- are you sure this is a Debain system?!")))
  } else {}

  get.installed.syscall <- paste0(dpkg, " --get-selections")
  all.installed <- system(get.installed.syscall, intern=TRUE)

  # look for the dependency in all installed packages
  whatWasFound <- grep(paste0("^(", paste0(gsub("[[:space:]]", "", dep), collapse="|"), ")[[:space:]]*install"), all.installed, value=TRUE)
    return(gsub("[[:space:]]*install", "", whatWasFound))
  } else {
    if(length(whatWasFound) > 0){
    } else {
} ## end function check.installed.deps()

## function check.deb.availability()
# checks if a given debian package is available in the configured repositories
# the debian package name can be generated from the R package name
check.deb.availability <- function(deb=NULL, R=NULL, origin="cran", replace.dots=FALSE, action="deb"){
    stop(simpleError(paste0(action, ": this doesn't seem to be a UNIX system, so i assume it's not Debain as well!")))
  } else {}

    deb <- debianPkgName(package=R, origin=origin, version=NULL, replace.dots=replace.dots)
  } else {}

  aptCache <- Sys.which("apt-cache")
  if("" %in% aptCache){
    stop(simpleError(paste0(action, ": can't find apt-cache -- are you sure you've set up everything?")))
  } else {}

  # look for the package with a regexp
  get.avails.syscall <- paste0(aptCache, " search ^", deb, "$")
  all.avails <- system(get.avails.syscall, intern=TRUE)

  if(length(all.avails) > 0){
  } else {
} ## end function check.deb.availability()

## function dl.missing.dep.src()
# a function to download R source packages of missing dependencies
# deps: character vector of R package names
# subdir/order: character and numeric, can be used to sort the downloads indow several subdirectories;
#   especially helpful if recursive=TRUE, so you know which packages must be dealt with in what order (highest numbers first)
# all: if TRUE, attempts to download all sources (even for packages which are not missing)
# previous: previous downloads by parent calls, to check if some packages are already downloaded (used in recursive loops)
dl.missing.dep.src <- function(deps, destdir=file.path(tempdir(),"roxyPackge","downloads"), subdir=deps[1], order=NULL, recursive=FALSE,
  repos=getOption("repos"), all=FALSE, check.deb=TRUE, origin="cran", origin.alt=list(), previous=list(), available=NULL, action="deb"){

  # first of all, check for a debian package, if desired, because if there is one, the rest is obsolete
  deb.packages <- previous[["deb"]]
    other.origin.names <- names(origin.alt)
    for (thisDep in deps){
      dep.lst.origin <- origin
      # check if this package should come from another origin
      if(thisDep %in% other.origin.names){
        dep.lst.origin <- origin.alt[[thisDep]]
      } else {}
      for (thisOrigin in dep.lst.origin){
        thisDebPackage <- debianPkgName(package=thisDep, origin=thisOrigin)
        is.available <- check.deb.availability(deb=thisDebPackage)
          # ok, there is a debian package, add it to the list
          deb.packages <- c(deb.packages, thisDebPackage)
          names(deb.packages)[length(deb.packages)] <- thisDep
          # remove the dependency from the ones to check
          deps <- deps[!deps %in% thisDep]
        } else {}
  } else {}
  # are we done already?
  if(length(deps) == 0 || isTRUE(nchar(deps) == 0)){
    return(list(order=order, dl.result=previous[["dl"]], deb=deb.packages))
  } else {}

  destdir.first <- destdir
    destdir <- file.path(destdir, subdir)
  } else {}
    destdir <- file.path(destdir, sprintf("%03.f", order))
  } else {}

  createMissingDir(dirPath=destdir, action="deb")

  # create result and sub-result objects, appended to previous results if present
    available <- available.packages(contriburl=contrib.url(repos))
  } else {}
  # check if the package is known
  unknown.packages <- !deps %in% available[,"Package"]
    warning(paste0(action, ": some R packages cannot be found in the configured repositories and were skipped, please check:\n  ",
      paste0(deps[unknown.packages], collapse=", ")))
    deps <- deps[!unknown.packages]
  } else {}
  dl.result <- download.packages(pkgs=deps, destdir=destdir, available=available, repos=repos)
  final.results <- rbind(previous[["dl"]], dl.result)
    for (thisSrc in 1:nrow(dl.result)){
      thisPackageName <- dl.result[thisSrc,1]
      thisPackageLocation <- dl.result[thisSrc,2]
      DESC.temp <- tempfile(paste0(thisPackageName, "DESCRIPTION"), tmpdir=destdir)
      createMissingDir(dirPath=DESC.temp, action="deb", quiet=TRUE)
      on.exit(unlink(DESC.temp, recursive=TRUE))
      # look at the DESCRIPTION of each downloaded package and check Depends/Imports
      untar(thisPackageLocation, files=file.path(thisPackageName, "DESCRIPTION"), exdir=DESC.temp)
      thisDepends <- read.dcf(file.path(DESC.temp, thisPackageName, "DESCRIPTION"), fields=c("Depends","Imports"))
      thisDepends <- as.character(thisDepends[!is.na(thisDepends)])
      # debianize the names, dropping R
      this.debDeps <- debianizeDepends(thisDepends, R=NULL, collapse=NULL, drop.version=TRUE, origin=origin, origin.alt=origin.alt)
      if(length(this.debDeps) > 0 && nchar(this.debDeps) > 0){
        # run check.installed.deps()
        for (this.debDeps.num in seq_along(this.debDeps)){
          this.debDeps.R <- names(this.debDeps)[this.debDeps.num]
          this.debDeps.deb <- this.debDeps[this.debDeps.num]
            # we shall get all sources, so this will always be FALSE no matter what
            chk.result <- FALSE
          } else {
            chk.result <- check.installed.deps(this.debDeps.deb)
          # if missing, run recursively to fetch the sources
            message(paste0(thisPackageName, " depends on ", this.debDeps.deb, "..."))
            # see if we should prefer existing debian packages
              is.available <- check.deb.availability(deb=this.debDeps.deb)
                # ok, there is a debian package, add it to the list
                deb.packages <- c(deb.packages, this.debDeps.deb)
              } else {}
            } else {}
            # increase "order" if not NULL
              order <- order + 1
            } else {}
            # check if this dependency has already been downloaded
            if(!this.debDeps.R %in% final.results[,1]){
              sub.result <- dl.missing.dep.src(deps=this.debDeps.R, destdir=destdir.first, subdir=subdir, order=order,
                recursive=recursive, repos=repos, all=all, check.deb=check.deb, origin=origin, origin.alt=origin.alt,
                previous=list(dl=final.results, deb=deb.packages), available=available)
              order <- sub.result[["order"]]
              deb.packages <- sub.result[["deb"]]
              final.results <- sub.result[["dl.result"]]
            } else {
              # if we're in "order" mode, rename the download folder to the current number
              # other wise we're fine already
                current.entry <- final.results[final.results[,1] %in% this.debDeps.R,2]
                entry.file.name <- basename(current.entry)
                entry.dir.old <- dirname(current.entry)
                entry.dir.new <- file.path(dirname(entry.dir.old), sprintf("%03.f", order))
                # just a precaution, make sure we only try to rename stuff in the very download folder
                if(isTRUE(grepl(destdir.first, entry.dir.old))){
                  rename.success <- file.rename(from=entry.dir.old, to=entry.dir.new)
                    final.results[final.results[,1] %in% this.debDeps.R,2] <- file.path(entry.dir.new, entry.file.name)
                } else {}
              } else {}
          } else {}
      } else {}
  } else {}
    # bring entries into order
    final.results <- final.results[order(final.results[,2]),]
  } else {}
  results <- list(order=order, dl.result=final.results, deb=deb.packages)
} ## end function dl.missing.dep.src()

## function check.append()
# checks if there's an "append" element in an object and returns either that or NULL (or TRUE/FALSE)
check.append <- function(dep, check="append", value=FALSE){
  if(isTRUE(check %in% names(dep[1]))){
      result <- dep[1][[check]]
    } else {
      result <- TRUE
  } else {
      result <- NULL
    } else {
      result <- FALSE
} ## end function check.append()

## function queryDescription()
# little helper to get clean dependency info from DESCRIPTION objects
queryDescription <- function(description, dep=c("Depends"), collapse=TRUE){
  # debian descriptions are usually lists, R DESCRIPTIONs usually matrices
  # since this previously caused silend errors, let's quit if something unexpected is found here
  stopifnot(any(is.matrix(description), is.data.frame(description), is.list(description)))
    # make a data.frame to be able to use [[...]] for both R and debian descriptions
    description <- as.data.frame(description, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  } else {}
    foundDeps <- c()
    for (thisDep in dep){
      # names() should do for both lists and data.frames
      if(thisDep %in% names(description)){
        foundDeps <- c(foundDeps, trim(unlist(strsplit(as.character(description[[thisDep]]), ","))))
      } else {}
    result <- paste0(foundDeps, collapse=", ")
  } else {
    # this should only be done for one field at a time
    stopifnot(isTRUE(length(dep) == 1))
    result <- description[[dep]]
} ## function queryDescription()

## function deb.prepare.description()
# basic checks of the description file with ability to autogenerate some fields
# - isRpackage: if FALSE, it's assumed to become a GnuPG keyring package
deb.prepare.description <- function(deb.description=NULL, R.description=NULL, origin="cran", origin.alt=list(),
  arch="all", defaults=list(Section="gnu-r", Priority="optional"), replace.dots=FALSE,
  maintainer=NULL, isRpackage=TRUE, action=ifelse(isRpackage, "deb", "deb-key")){
  if(all(isRpackage, is.null(deb.description), is.null(R.description))){
    stop(simpleError(paste0(action, ": can't prepare dependencies, because neither R nor debian description was given!")))
  } else {}

    deb.description <- list()

    thisRVers <- paste(getRvers(R.homes=R.home(), win=TRUE), "0", sep=".")
    # for package builds, we probably don't need the R version currently used
    # try to fallback to the version defined in DESCRIPTION
      buildDepRVers <- RVersionFromDESCRIPTION(R.description)
        buildDepRVers <- thisRVers
      } else {}
    } else {}

    if(is.null(deb.description[["Depends"]]) | check.append(queryDescription(deb.description, dep="Depends", collapse=FALSE))){
      # generate alternative debian package dependencies
      deb.description[["Depends"]] <- debianizeDepends(
        dep=queryDescription(R.description, dep=c("Depends", "Imports")), origin=origin,
        origin.alt=origin.alt, forceRVersion=thisRVers, append=check.append(queryDescription(deb.description, dep="Depends", collapse=FALSE), value=TRUE), replace.dots=replace.dots)
    } else {
      deb.description[["Depends"]] <- queryDescription(deb.description, dep="Depends")
    # if arch is "all", use Build.Depends.Indep, else Build.Depends
    build.dep.field <- ifelse(identical(arch, "all"), "Build.Depends.Indep", "Build.Depends")
    if(is.null(deb.description[[build.dep.field]]) | check.append(queryDescription(deb.description, dep=build.dep.field, collapse=FALSE))){
      build.depends <- paste0("debhelper (>> 9.0.0), r-base-dev (>= ", buildDepRVers, "), cdbs")
      r.base.core <- gsub("r-base-core[^,]*[[:space:]]*[,]*[[:space:]]*", "", deb.description[["Depends"]])
      r.base.core <- gsub("r-api-[^,]*[[:space:]]*[,]*[[:space:]]*", "", r.base.core)
      if(!identical(r.base.core, "")){
        build.depends <- paste(build.depends, r.base.core, sep=", ")
      } else {}
      appends <- check.append(deb.description[[build.dep.field]], value=TRUE)
        build.depends <- paste(build.depends, paste0(appends, collapse=", "), sep=", ")
      } else {}
      deb.description[[build.dep.field]] <- build.depends
    } else {
      deb.description[[build.dep.field]] <- paste(deb.description[[build.dep.field]], collapse=", ")
    if(is.null(deb.description[["Suggests"]]) | check.append(queryDescription(deb.description, dep="Suggests", collapse=FALSE))){
        deb.description[["Suggests"]] <- debianizeDepends(dep=queryDescription(R.description, dep="Suggests"), origin=origin,
            origin.alt=origin.alt, forceRVersion=NULL, append=check.append(queryDescription(deb.description, dep="Suggests", collapse=FALSE), value=TRUE), replace.dots=replace.dots)
      } else {
        deb.description[["Suggests"]] <- paste(check.append(queryDescription(deb.description, dep="Suggests", collapse=FALSE), value=TRUE), collapse=", ")
    } else {
      deb.description[["Suggests"]] <- queryDescription(deb.description, dep="Suggests")
  } else {}

      # try to generate a half-way reasonable maintainer ID
      system.info <- Sys.info()
      system.login <- Sys.getenv("LOGNAME")
      deb.description[["Maintainer"]] <- paste0(system.info[["user"]], " <", system.login, "@", system.info[["nodename"]], ">")
      warning(paste0(action, ": you didn't specify a Debian package maintainer, it was set to \"", deb.description[["Maintainer"]], "\"!"), call.=FALSE)
    } else {}
  } else {
    deb.description[["Maintainer"]] <- maintainer

  for(thisDefault in names(defaults)){
      deb.description[[thisDefault]] <- defaults[[thisDefault]]
    } else {}

} ## function deb.prepare.description()

## function deb.basic.checks()
#  - is this a UNIX system?
#  - can the needed tools be found?
#  - can we use the build dir or need to create a temp dir?
#  - what is the debian repo path?
#  - do we need to rename found tools (e.g., to be able to call for gpg2 still as "gpg")
deb.basic.checks <- function(
  neededTools=c("dpkg-buildpackage", "fakeroot", "dpkg-source", "dpkg-genchanges",
    "apt-ftparchive", "tar", "dch", "dpkg-parsechangelog"),
  buildTools <- NULL
  repo.deb.path <- file.path(repo.root, deb.dir)
  if(any(c("bin","src") %in% actions)){
    # basic checks
    # can this be a debian system at all?
      stop(simpleError(paste0(msg.action, ": this doesn't seem to be a UNIX system, so i assume it's not Debain as well!")))
    } else {}
    # are all needed programs available?
    buildTools <- checkTools(neededTools)
    # need some elements renamed?
      for (thisTool in renameTools){
        if(thisTool %in% names(buildTools)){
          renameTo <- names(renameTools)[match(thisTool, renameTools)]
          names(buildTools)[match(thisTool, names(buildTools))] <- renameTo
        } else {}
    } else {}
    # check for existance of build dir
    if(file_test("-d", build.dir)){
      BD.content <- list.files(build.dir, all.files=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE, no..=TRUE)
      if(length(BD.content) > 0){
        # build dir is not empty -- create a temp dir to be sure
        build.dir <- tempfile(tmpdir=build.dir)
        if(!file_test("-d", build.dir)){
          stopifnot(dir.create(build.dir, recursive=TRUE))
          message(paste0(msg.action, ": created ", build.dir, "."))
        } else {}
      } else {}
    } else {}
  } else {}

    if(identical(repo.name, "roxypackage")){
      warning(paste0(msg.action, ": you should *really* set \"repo.name\" to a custom value, unless this is just a local test!"),
    } else {}
  } else {}

} ## end function deb.basic.checks()

## function deb.gen.compat()
deb.gen.compat <- function(compat=9, deb.dir, overwrite=FALSE, action="deb"){
  file <- file.path(deb.dir, "compat")
  if(!file_test("-f", file) | isTRUE(overwrite)){
    cat(compat, "\n", file=file)
    message(paste0(action, ": created ", file, " (set to level ", compat, ")."))
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.gen.compat()

## function deb.gen.control()
deb.gen.control <- function(srcs.name, deb.name, description, R.dscrptn, deb.dir, overwrite=TRUE, arch="all",
  fullDescription=NULL, isRpackage=TRUE, action=ifelse(isRpackage, "deb", "deb-key")){
  file <- file.path(deb.dir, "control")
  if(!file_test("-f", file) | isTRUE(overwrite)){
    deb.txt.control.src <- data.frame(
    # workaround, didn't manage to escape the special chars otherwise
    if("Build.Depends.Indep" %in% names(description)){
      deb.txt.control.src$`Build-Depends-Indep` <- description[["Build.Depends.Indep"]]
    } else {}
    if("Build.Depends" %in% names(description)){
      deb.txt.control.src$`Build-Depends` <- description[["Build.Depends"]]
    } else {}
    deb.txt.control.src$`Standards-Version` <- ""

      fullDescription <- as.character(R.dscrptn[["Description"]])
    } else {}
      fullDescription <- paste0("GNU R package \"", R.dscrptn[["Title"]], "\"\n\n", fullDescription)
    } else {}

    deb.txt.control.pck <- data.frame(

    # additional valid fields
    if("Homepage" %in% names(description)){
      deb.txt.control.src[["Homepage"]] <- deb.txt.control.pck[["Homepage"]] <- description[["Homepage"]]
    } else if("URL" %in% names(R.dscrptn)){
      deb.txt.control.src[["Homepage"]] <- deb.txt.control.pck[["Homepage"]] <- as.character(R.dscrptn[["URL"]])
    } else {}
    if("Essential" %in% names(description)){
      deb.txt.control.pck[["Essential"]] <- description[["Essential"]]
    } else {}
    if("Suggests" %in% names(description)){
      deb.txt.control.pck[["Suggests"]] <- description[["Suggests"]]
    } else {}
    for (theRest in names(description)[!names(description) %in% c(names(deb.txt.control.pck), names(deb.txt.control.src), "Build.Depends.Indep", "Build.Depends")]){
      deb.txt.control.pck[[theRest]] <- description[[theRest]]

    # write the control file
    write.dcf(deb.txt.control.src, file=file, append=FALSE, indent=1, width=80)
    cat("\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
    write.dcf(deb.txt.control.pck, file=file, append=TRUE, indent=1, width=80)
    message(paste0(action, ": debian/control updated."))
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.gen.control()

# this is being re-used also for the README.md file
copyright.text <- function(license, package, year, author, deb=TRUE){
    # different formatting needed
    id <- "  "    # indentation
    el <- "  .\n" # empty lines
  } else {
    id <- ""
    el <- "\n"
    licenseInfo <- checkLicence(license, deb=TRUE, logical=FALSE)
    licenseText <- paste0(id , package, " Copyright (C) ", year, " ", author, ", released under the\n", id,
        paste0(" version ", licenseInfo[["version"]])
      } else {},
      if(grepl(">", license)){
        paste0(" or (at your option) any later version")
      } else {},
      ".\n", el,
       id, "This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n",
       id, "WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\n",
       id, "or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n", el,
           id, "You should have received a copy of the license with your Debian system,\n",
           id, "in the file /usr/share/common-licenses/", licenseInfo[["file"]], ", or with the\n",
           id, "source package as the file COPYING or LICENSE.\n"
      } else {
           id, "You should have received a copy of the license with the\n",
           id, "source package as the file COPYING or LICENSE.\n"
  } else {
    licenseText <- paste0( id, package, " Copyright (C) ", year, " ", author, ", released under the\n",
       id, "terms of the ", license, " license.\n", el,
       id, "This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n",
       id, "WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\n",
       id, "or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n", el,
       id, "You should have received a copy of the license with the\n",
       id, "source package as the file COPYING or LICENSE.\n"

## function deb.gen.copyright()
deb.gen.copyright <- function(R.dscrptn, deb.name, description, year, deb.dir,
  overwrite=TRUE, repo.name=NULL, isRpackage=TRUE, action=ifelse(isRpackage, "deb", "deb-key"),
  file <- file.path(deb.dir, "copyright")
    maintainer <- as.character(R.dscrptn[["Maintainer"]])
    author <- as.character(R.dscrptn[["Author"]])
    author.nomail <- gsub("[[:space:]]*<[^>]*>", "", author)
  } else {
    pck.persons <- as.character(R.dscrptn[["Authors@R"]])
    maintainer <- paste(
      format(get.by.role(eval(parse(text=pck.persons)), "cre"),
        include=c("given", "family", "email"), braces=list(email=c("<", ">"))),
      collapse=", "
    author <- paste(
      format(get.by.role(eval(parse(text=pck.persons)), "aut"),
        include=c("given", "family", "email"), braces=list(email=c("<", ">"))),
      collapse=", "
    author.nomail <- paste(
      format(get.by.role(eval(parse(text=pck.persons)), "aut"),
        include=c("given", "family")),
      collapse=", "
  license <- as.character(R.dscrptn[["License"]])
  R.name <- as.character(R.dscrptn[["Package"]])

  if(!file_test("-f", file) | isTRUE(overwrite)){
    includeLicense <- copyright.text(
      txt.copyright <- paste0(
        "Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/\n",
        "Upstream-Name: ", R.name, "\n",
        "Upstream-Contact: ", maintainer, "\n",
        if("Homepage" %in% names(description)){
          paste0("Source: ", description[["Homepage"]], "\n")
        } else {},
        if(identical(author, maintainer)){
          paste0("  The R library ", R.name, " was originally written and is maintained by ", author, ".\n  .\n")
        } else {
          paste0("  The R library ", R.name, " was originally written by ", author, "\n",
          "  and is maintained by ", maintainer, ".\n  .\n")
        "  This Debian package was put together by ", maintainer, ",\n",
        "  using the GNU R package roxyPackage.\n  .\n",
        "  The package was renamed from its upstream name '" ,R.name, "' to\n",
        "  '" , deb.name, "' in harmony with the R packaging policy to indicate\n",
        "  that the package is external to the CRAN or BioC repositories.\n  .\n",
        "  The copyright information given here was offered by the GNU R package\n",
        "  DESCRIPTION. The DESCRIPTION file for the original GNU R package can be\n",
        "  found in /usr/lib/R/site-library/", R.name, "/DESCRIPTION.\n\n",
        "Files: *\n",
        "Copyright: ", year, " ", author.nomail, "\n",
        "License: ", license, "\n",
    } else {
      txt.copyright <- paste0(
        "Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/\n",
        "Upstream-Name: ", R.name, "\n",
        "Upstream-Contact: ", maintainer, "\n",
          paste0("Source: ", URL, "\n")
        } else {},
        "  This is the OpenPGP keyring for packages hosted at the\n  ", repo.name, " repository",
          paste0(".\n  .\n")
        } else {
          paste0(": ", URL, "\n  .\n")
        "  This Debian package was put together by ", description[["Maintainer"]], ".\n  .\n",
        "  The keys in the keyring don't fall under any copyright. Everything\n",
        "  else in the package is licensed as follows.\n\n",
        "Files: *\n",
        "Copyright: ", year, " ", author.nomail, "\n",
        "License: ", license, "\n",
        "\nFiles: keyrings/*.gpg\n",
        "Copyright: public-domain\n",
        "License: public-domain\n"

    # write the copyright file
    cat(txt.copyright, file=file)
    message(paste0(action, ": debian/copyright updated."))
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.gen.copyright()

## function deb.gen.rules()
deb.gen.rules <- function(deb.name, maintainer, year, origin, deb.dir, overwrite=TRUE,
  isRpackage=TRUE, keyringFiles=NULL, action=ifelse(isRpackage, "deb", "deb-key")){
  file <- file.path(deb.dir, "rules")
  if(!file_test("-f", file) | isTRUE(overwrite)){
      txt.rules <- paste0(
        "#!/usr/bin/make -f\n",
        "# -*- makefile -*-\n",
        "# debian/rules file for the Debian/GNU Linux ", deb.name," package\n",
        "# Copyright ", year, " by ", maintainer, "\n\n",
        "debRreposname := ", origin, "\n\n",
        "include /usr/share/R/debian/r-cran.mk\n"
    } else {
      txt.rules <- paste0(
        "#!/usr/bin/make -f\n",
        "# -*- makefile -*-\n",
        "# debian/rules file for the Debian/GNU Linux ", deb.name," package\n",
        "# Copyright ", year, " by ", maintainer, "\n\n",
        "\tdh $@\n\n",
        ## TODO: remove these lines
        # content moved to an "install" file
        # "override_dh_install:\n",
        # paste0("\tdh_install ", keyringFiles, " usr/share/keyrings/", collapse="\n"), "\n\n",
        "\tdh_builddeb -- -Zxz\n"

    # write the rules file
    cat(txt.rules, file=file)
    # set executable permissions
    Sys.chmod(file, mode="0755")
    message(paste0(action, ": debian/rules updated."))
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.gen.rules()

## function deb.append.clog()
# use this function to append changelog entries individually
deb.append.clog <- function(logs, file, deb.env, dch=Sys.which("dch"), dpkg.parsechangelog=Sys.which("dpkg-parsechangelog")){
  for(thisLog in logs){
    # first check whether the entry already exists
    current.clog <- system(paste0(dpkg.parsechangelog, " -l", file, " --count 1 -SChanges"), intern=TRUE)
    items <- findItemsInChangeLog(current.clog, item="[[:space:]]*\\*")
    if(!thisLog %in% items){
      append.changelog <- paste0(dch, " --changelog=\"", file,
        "\" --append \"", thisLog, "\"")
      system(paste0(deb.env, append.changelog), intern=TRUE)
    } else {}
} ## end function deb.append.clog()

## function deb.gen.changelog()
# export DEBFULLNAME="<name>" ; export DEBEMAIL="name@example.com" ; dch --create --empty --changelog <file> --package <srcs.name> --newversion="0.0X-XX-X" --distribution <distribution> --urgency <urgency>
# export DEBFULLNAME="<name>" ; export DEBEMAIL="name@example.com" ; dch --newversion="0.0X-XX-X" "<text>"
# export DEBFULLNAME="<name>" ; export DEBEMAIL="name@example.com" ; dch --append "<text>"
deb.gen.changelog <- function(srcs.name, version, maintainer, logs, distribution, urgency, deb.dir,
  dch=Sys.which("dch"), dpkg.parsechangelog=Sys.which("dpkg-parsechangelog"), overwrite=TRUE, action="deb"){
  # set environment variables for the developer
  # 'maintainer' should be in the form of "firstname name <e@mail.foo>"
  deb.env <- paste0("export DEBEMAIL=\"", maintainer, "\" ; ")
  file <- file.path(deb.dir, "changelog")

  if(!file_test("-f", file)){
    create.changelog <- paste0(dch, " --create --empty --changelog=\"", file,
      "\" --package=\"", srcs.name,
      "\" --newversion=\"", version,
      "\" --distribution=\"", distribution,
      "\" --urgency=\"", urgency, "\" ", logs[1])
    system(paste0(deb.env, create.changelog), intern=TRUE)
    if(length(logs) > 1){
      deb.append.clog(logs=logs[-1], file=file, deb.env=deb.env, dch=dch)
    } else {}
    message(paste0(action, ": created initial debian/changelog."))
  } else if(isTRUE(overwrite)){
    current.clog.version <- package_version(system(paste0(dpkg.parsechangelog, " -l", file, " --count 1 -SVersion"), intern=TRUE))
    if(identical(current.clog.version, package_version(version))){
      deb.append.clog(logs=logs, file=file, deb.env=deb.env, dch=dch)
    } else {
      newversion.changelog <- paste0(dch, " --changelog=\"", file,
        "\" --package=\"", srcs.name,
        "\" --newversion=\"", version,
        "\" --distribution=\"", distribution,
        "\" --urgency=\"", urgency, "\" ", logs[1])
      system(paste0(deb.env, newversion.changelog), intern=TRUE)
      if(length(logs) > 1){
        deb.append.clog(logs=logs[-1], file=file, deb.env=deb.env, dch=dch)
      } else {}
    message(paste0(action, ": debian/changelog updated."))
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.gen.changelog()

## function deb.gen.format()
deb.gen.format <- function(deb.dir, action="deb"){
  deb.dir.source <- file.path(deb.dir, "source")
  deb.file.format <- file.path(deb.dir.source, "format")
  if(!file_test("-d", deb.dir.source)){
    stopifnot(dir.create(deb.dir.source, recursive=TRUE))
    message(paste0("deb: created ", deb.dir.source, "."))
  } else {}
  if(!file_test("-f", deb.file.format)){
    cat("3.0 (quilt)\n", file=deb.file.format)
    message(paste0(action, ": created ", deb.file.format, " (set to quilt format)."))
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.gen.format()

## function deb.gen.install()
deb.gen.install <- function(deb.dir, keyringFiles, action="deb-key", overwrite=FALSE){
  deb.file.install <- file.path(deb.dir, "install")
  if(!file_test("-f", deb.file.install) | isTRUE(overwrite)){
    install.txt <- paste0(
      paste0("keyrings/", keyringFiles, " usr/share/keyrings/", collapse="\n"), "\n\n"#,
      ## TODO:
      # using /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d is deprecated now, keys need to end up only in /usr/share/keyrings/
      # and referenced in the repo list/source files via "[signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/...]", see
      # https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/UseThirdParty
      # paste0("keyrings/", keyringFiles, " etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/", collapse="\n"), "\n\n"
    cat(install.txt, file=deb.file.install)
    message(paste0(action, ": debian/install updated."))
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.gen.install()

## function deb.prepare.buildDir()
deb.prepare.buildDir <- function(source, build, tar=Sys.which("tar")){
  old.wd <- getwd()
  setwd(file.path(source, ".."))
  # copy the source files to build dir
  if(!identical(build, source)){
    # unfortunately, file.copy() cannot exclude patterns, so we'll circumvent this by using tar
    tmp.tar.dest <- file.path(build, "energize.tar")
    # ok, in R 3.4.0, tar() was so broken that it printed each and every single file of a
    # directory, rendering it completely useless for large directories like ones including
    # a git repository. we're calling it manually
    #     tar(tmp.tar.dest, files=basename(source), tar=tar,
    #       compression="none", extra_flags="-h --exclude=*\\~ --exclude-vcs")
    tar.call <- paste0(tar, " -chf ", tmp.tar.dest, " --exclude=*\\~ --exclude-vcs ", basename(source))
    system(tar.call, ignore.stdout=TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE, intern=FALSE)
  } else {}
} ## function deb.prepare.buildDir()

## function deb.gen.package.index()
# updates Packages/Sources files after changes were done to a repository
deb.gen.package.index <- function(repo, binary=TRUE, distribution="unstable", component="main", arch="all",
  repo.all.arch=c("binary-i386","binary-amd64"), apt.ftparchive=Sys.which("apt-ftparchive")){
  prev.wd <- getwd()
    af.command <- " packages "
    af.file <- "Packages"
    repo.rel.path <- repo.rel.pseudo.path <- file.path("dists", distribution, component, "all")
    repo.arch.rel.paths <- file.path("dists", distribution, component, repo.all.arch)
    repo.arch.paths <- file.path(repo, repo.arch.rel.paths)
  } else {
    af.command <- " sources "
    af.file <- "Sources"
    repo.rel.path <- file.path("dists", distribution, component, "source")
    repo.rel.pseudo.path <- file.path("source", distribution)
    repo.real.path <- file.path(repo, repo.rel.pseudo.path)
  # update packages/sources information; paths must be relative to the debian repo root
  dpkg.scan.call <- paste0(apt.ftparchive, af.command, repo.rel.pseudo.path, " > ", repo.rel.path, "/", af.file, " && \\\n",
  "cat ", repo.rel.path, "/", af.file, " | gzip -9 > ", repo.rel.path, "/", af.file, ".gz && \\\n",
  "cat ", repo.rel.path, "/", af.file, " | bzip2 -9 > ", repo.rel.path, "/", af.file, ".bz2")
  system(dpkg.scan.call, intern=TRUE)
    for (this.path in c(repo.arch.paths)){
      repo.all.pckgs.files <- c("Packages", "Packages.gz", "Packages.bz2")
      file.copy(file.path(repo.rel.path, repo.all.pckgs.files), file.path(this.path, repo.all.pckgs.files), overwrite=TRUE)
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.gen.package.index()

## function deb.build.sources()
# - compression: either "xz" or "gzip"
deb.build.sources <- function(srcs.name, build, src.dir.name, version,
  repo, distribution="unstable", component="main", compression="xz", keep.existing.orig=FALSE,
  tar=Sys.which("tar"), dpkg.source=Sys.which("dpkg-source"), apt.ftparchive=Sys.which("apt-ftparchive"),

    if(!compression %in% c("xz", "gzip")){
      stop(simpleError(paste0(action, ": unknown compression \"", compression, "\"!")))
    } else {}

    repo.src.pseudo.rel.path <- file.path("dists", distribution, component, "source")
    repo.src.pseudo.path <- file.path(repo, repo.src.pseudo.rel.path)
    repo.src.real.rel.path <- file.path("source", distribution)
    repo.src.real.path <- file.path(repo, repo.src.real.rel.path)

    for (this.path in c(repo.src.pseudo.path, repo.src.real.path)){
      if(!file_test("-d", this.path)){
        stopifnot(dir.create(this.path, recursive=TRUE))
        message(paste0(action, ": created ", this.path, " (repository)."))
      } else {}

    prev.wd <- getwd()
    # first clean up
    setwd(file.path(build, src.dir.name))
    system("fakeroot debian/rules clean")
    orig.file.name <- debSrcFilename(pck=srcs.name, version=version, compression=compression, file="orig")
    if(isTRUE(keep.existing.orig) & file.exists(file.path(repo.src.real.path, orig.file.name))){
      message(paste0(action, ": keeping existing *.orig.tar.[gz|xz] file."))
      # copy existing file over for dpkg-source
      file.copy(file.path(repo.src.real.path, orig.file.name), ".", overwrite=TRUE)
      system(paste0(dpkg.source, " -Z", compression, " -b ", src.dir.name))
      src.files.to.move <- list.files(pattern="*.dsc$|*.debian.tar.gz$|*.debian.tar.xz$")
      file.copy(src.files.to.move, file.path(repo.src.real.path, src.files.to.move), overwrite=TRUE)
      message(paste0(action, ": copied *.dsc and *.debian.tar.[gz|xz] files to debian source repository."))
    } else {
      # --exclude-vcs doesn't seem to work :-/
      tar.extraFlags <- excludeVCSDirs(
        src=file.path(build, src.dir.name),
        exclude.dirs=c(".svn", "CVS", ".git", "_darcs", ".hg"),
        action="deb", target="*.orig.tar.[gz|xz]"
      tar(orig.file.name, files=src.dir.name, tar=tar,
        compression=compression, extra_flags=paste0("-h --exclude=", src.dir.name, "/debian --exclude=*\\~ ", tar.extraFlags))
      system(paste0(dpkg.source, " -Z", compression, " -b ", src.dir.name))
      src.files.to.move <- list.files(pattern="*.dsc$|*.debian.tar.gz$|*.orig.tar.gz$|*.debian.tar.xz$|*.orig.tar.xz$")
      file.copy(src.files.to.move, file.path(repo.src.real.path, src.files.to.move), overwrite=TRUE)
      message(paste0(action, ": copied *.dsc, *.orig.tar.[gz|xz] and *.debian.tar.[gz|xz] files to debian source repository."))
    # update sources information
      repo=repo, binary=FALSE, distribution=distribution, component=component, apt.ftparchive=apt.ftparchive
} ## end function deb.build.sources()

## function deb.build.binary()
deb.build.binary <- function(deb.name, build, src.dir.name, options, version, repo,
  revision=1, distribution="unstable", component="main", arch="all", repo.all.arch=c("binary-i386","binary-amd64"),
  dpkg.buildpackage=Sys.which("dpkg-buildpackage"), dpkg.genchanges=Sys.which("dpkg-genchanges"),
  apt.ftparchive=Sys.which("apt-ftparchive"), deb.name.lower=deb.name, action="deb", R.libs.append=NULL){

  repo.arch.rel.paths <- file.path("dists", distribution, component, repo.all.arch)
  repo.arch.paths <- file.path(repo, repo.arch.rel.paths)
  repo.bin.rel.path <- file.path("dists", distribution, component, "all")
  repo.bin.path <- file.path(repo, repo.bin.rel.path)

  for (this.path in c(repo.bin.path, repo.arch.paths)){
    if(!file_test("-d", this.path)){
      stopifnot(dir.create(this.path, recursive=TRUE))
      message(paste0(action, ": created ", this.path, " (repository)."))
    } else {}

  prev.wd <- getwd()
    R_libs_append_deb <- paste0("unset R_LIBS_USER ; export R_LIBS_USER=\"", paste0(R.libs.append, collapse=":"), "\" ;")
  } else {
    R_libs_append_deb <- ""
  dpkg.build.call <- paste0(R_libs_append_deb, dpkg.buildpackage, " ", options)
  dpkg.gench.call <- paste0(dpkg.genchanges, " -b > ../", deb.name, "_", version, "-", revision, "_", arch, ".changes")
  bin.build.dir <- file.path(build, src.dir.name)
  # work around probably buggy r-cran.mk by creating a symlink
  if(!identical(deb.name.lower, deb.name)){
    setwd(file.path(bin.build.dir, "debian"))
    system(paste0("ln -s ", deb.name, " ", deb.name.lower), intern=TRUE)
    message(paste0(action, ": created workaround symlink for r-cran.mk."))
  } else {}
  system(dpkg.build.call, intern=TRUE)
  system(dpkg.gench.call, intern=TRUE)
  # copy built files
  bin.files.to.move <- list.files(pattern="*.changes$|*.deb$")
  file.copy(bin.files.to.move, file.path(repo.bin.path, bin.files.to.move))
  message(paste0(action, ": copied *.changes and *.deb files to debian binary repository."))
  # update package information
    repo=repo, binary=TRUE, distribution=distribution, component=component, arch=arch,
    repo.all.arch=repo.all.arch, apt.ftparchive=apt.ftparchive
} ## end function deb.build.binary()

## function GPGversion()
GPGversion <- function(key=NULL, version=2){
  result <- NULL
    if(is.null(version) || identical(as.numeric(version), 1)){
      result <- "gpg"
    } else {
      result <- paste0("gpg", version)
  } else {}
} ## end function GPGversion()

## function GPGwriteKey()
GPGwriteKey <- function(key, file, gpg=Sys.which("gpg"), overwrite=FALSE, keyring=NULL, action="deb"){
    add.options <- paste0(" --keyring ", keyring)
  } else {
    add.options <- NULL
  if(file_test("-f", file)){
      add.options <- paste0(add.options, " --yes")
    } else {
      message(paste0(action, ": OpenPGP key file already present, no overwrite demanded: kept as-is."))
  } else {}
  gpg.copy.call <- paste0(gpg, add.options, " --output ", file, " --export ", paste0(key, collapse=" "))
  system(gpg.copy.call, intern=TRUE)
  message(paste0(action, ": updated OpenPGP key file: ", paste0(key, collapse=", ")))
} ## end function GPGwriteKey()

## function GPGsign()
# newer apt clients look for a clearsigned InRelease file instead of Release+Release.gpg
# to get such a file, set 'signatureFile' to end with the file name "InRelease"
GPGsign <- function(key, fileToSign, signatureFile, gpg=Sys.which("gpg"), keyring=NULL, certDigestAlgo="SHA256", digestAlgo="SHA256"){
    add.options <- paste0(" --keyring ", keyring)
  } else {
    add.options <- NULL
  # --no-tty --yes is mandatory, otherwise gpg will stop with an error
  # because it will try to get password information from /dev/tty and/or
  # ask if files should be re-signed
  if(grepl("InRelease$", signatureFile)){
    outOptions <- paste0(" --sign --armor --clearsign -o ", signatureFile)
  } else {
    outOptions <- paste0(" --sign --armor --detach-sign -o ", signatureFile)
  gpg.sign.call <- paste0(
    gpg, add.options,
    " --cert-digest-algo ", certDigestAlgo,
    " --digest-algo ", digestAlgo,
    " --no-tty --yes ",
    paste0("-u ", key, collapse=" "), # should create like "-u key1 -u key2 ...", overrides "--default-key"
    " ", fileToSign
  system(gpg.sign.call, intern=TRUE)
} ## end function GPGsign()

## function deb.keyring.in.repo()
deb.keyring.in.repo <- function(repo.root, gpg.key=NULL, keyring.options=NULL,
  gpg=Sys.which("gpg"), overwrite=FALSE, keyring=NULL, action="deb-key", deb.dir="deb"){
      writeKey <- FALSE
        writeKey <- TRUE
      } else {
        # is the keyring there?
        repo.name <- keyring.options[["repo.name"]]
        keyname <- eval(keyring.options[["keyname"]])
        message(paste0(action, ": look for OpenPGP key in Debian repository."))
          keyInRepo <- deb.search.repo(
            repo=file.path(repo.root, deb.dir),
            message(paste0(action, ": found key in repo, check version."))
            KeyVersions <- package_version(keyInRepo[["Version"]])
            message(paste0(action, ": found following version(s): ", paste0(KeyVersions, collapse=", ")))
            versionInQuestion <- package_version(paste0(keyring.options[["version"]], "-", keyring.options[["revision"]]))
            if(!all(KeyVersions >= versionInQuestion)){
              message(paste0(action, ": ok, will build new version: ", versionInQuestion))
              writeKey <- TRUE
            } else {
              message(paste0(action, ": key already in repo: skipping."))
          } else {
            message(paste0(action, ": key not in repo yet, build keyring package."))
            writeKey <- TRUE
        } else {}
        # invoke debianization of the keyring
        formals(debianizeKeyring) <- keyring.options
      } else {}
    } else {
      # fall back to single key file?
      repo.gpg.key.file <- file.path(repo.root, paste0(paste0(gpg.key, collapse=""), ".gpg"))
} ## end function deb.keyring.in.repo()

## function deb.update.release()
deb.update.release <- function(repo.root, deb.dir="deb", repo=file.path(repo.root, deb.dir), gpg.key=NULL,
  distribution="unstable", component="main", arch=c("i386", "amd64", "source"),
  apt.ftparchive=Sys.which("apt-ftparchive"), gpg=Sys.which("gpg"), keyring=NULL, action="deb"){
  repo.release.path <- file.path(repo, "dists", distribution)
  prev.wd <- getwd()
  dpkg.relse.call <- paste0(apt.ftparchive,
    # Origin, Label, Suite, Version, Codename, Date, Valid-Until, Architectures, Components, Description
    "\\\n  -o=APT::FTPArchive::Release::Suite=\"", distribution, "\"",
    "\\\n  -o=APT::FTPArchive::Release::Components=\"", component, "\"",
    "\\\n  -o=APT::FTPArchive::Release::Architectures=\"", paste0(arch, collapse=" "), "\"",
    "\\\n  release ", repo.release.path, " > ", repo.release.path, "/Release")
  system(dpkg.relse.call, intern=TRUE)
  # sign release file
      fileToSign=file.path(repo.release.path, "Release"),
      signatureFile=file.path(repo.release.path, "Release.gpg"),
    # also create an InRelease file for newer clients
      fileToSign=file.path(repo.release.path, "Release"),
      signatureFile=file.path(repo.release.path, "InRelease"),
    message(paste0(action, ": signed Release file with key ", paste0(gpg.key, collapse=", "), "."))
  } else {}
} ## end function deb.update.release()

## function deb.explode.sources()
# takes the "Files" column from debian Sources files and
# hacks it into separate columns for the respective dsc, orig and debian files
deb.explode.sources <- function(sources, column="Files"){
  if(nrow(sources) < 1){
  } else {}
  sources <- as.data.frame(sources, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  for (thisEntry in 1:nrow(sources)){
    # each row in one element
    thisFiles <- unlist(strsplit(trim(sources[thisEntry,column]), "\n"))
    # now split each row
    for(thisRow in thisFiles){
      if(grepl("*.dsc$", thisRow)){
        newRowName <- "Files.dsc"
      } else if(grepl("*.orig\\.*", thisRow)){
        newRowName <- "Files.orig"
      } else if(grepl("*.debian\\.*", thisRow)){
        newRowName <- "Files.debian"
      } else {
        newRowName <- "Files.unknown"
      splitRows <- unlist(strsplit(trim(thisRow), "[[:space:]]"))
      # add directory path
      splitRows[3] <- file.path(sources[thisEntry,"Directory"], splitRows[3])
      newRowNames <- paste(newRowName, c("hash", "size", "name"), sep=".")
      names(splitRows) <- newRowNames
      for (thisRowName in newRowNames){
        sources[thisEntry,thisRowName] <- splitRows[thisRowName]
} ## end function deb.explode.sources()

## function deb.check.changes()
# takes a Packages data.frame and searches for respective *.changes files of each package
deb.check.changes <- function(packages, repo.root, column="Filename"){
  if(nrow(packages) < 1){
  } else {}
  packages <- as.data.frame(packages, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  allPackageFiles <- packages[[column]]
  nameStubs <- gsub("_[[:alnum:]]*.deb", "", allPackageFiles)
  for (thisStubNum in seq_along(nameStubs)){
    thisStub <- nameStubs[thisStubNum]
    directory <- gsub("/[^/]*$", "", thisStub)
    fileRoot <- file.path(repo.root, directory)
    fileName <- gsub("^.*/([^/]*)$", "\\1", thisStub, perl=TRUE)
    foundChanges <- list.files(path=fileRoot, pattern=paste0("*", fileName, ".*changes"), full.names=FALSE)
    for (thisChanges in foundChanges){
      # there might be multiple changes files for different architectures
      arch <- gsub("\\.changes$", "", gsub(paste0("*", fileName, "_"), "", thisChanges))
      packages[thisStubNum, paste0("changes.", arch)] <- file.path(directory, thisChanges)
} ## end function deb.check.changes()

## function deb.list.packages.dirs()
# takes the root of a debian repository and returns all directories which
# contain "Packages" or "Sources" files
# - repo: root of the *debian* repository
# - binary: logical, whether to look our for "Packages" (TRUE) or "Sources" (FALSE) files
deb.list.packages.dirs <- function(repo, binary=TRUE, fullPath=FALSE){
    lookFor <- "Packages[.[:alnum:]]*$"
  } else {
    lookFor <- "Sources[.[:alnum:]]*$"
  results <- list.files(repo, pattern=paste0("^", lookFor), recursive=TRUE, full.names=fullPath)
  results <- unique(gsub(paste0(.Platform$file.sep, lookFor), "", results))
} ## end function deb.list.packages.dirs()

## function deb.search.repo()
# searches for packages in a debian repository
# - pckg: a package name without version string etc.; if NULL, all packages are returned (well, unique)
# - repo: root of the *debian* repository
# - boolean: if FALSE, returns the matching entries, if any
# - binary: if TRUE, lists *.deb, if FLASE, lists sources
# - checkChanges: Packages don't list *.changes files; if TRUE, add them to the output
# - searchPath: path starting with the "dists" folder and ending with the folder containing
#     either "Packages" or "Sources" files to examine. if NULL, will be constructed from
#     distribution, component and arch
deb.search.repo <- function(pckg=NULL, repo, distribution="unstable", component="main",
  arch="all", boolean=TRUE, binary=TRUE, checkChanges=FALSE, searchPath=NULL, action="deb"){
    origin <- "Packages"
      searchPath <- file.path(repo, "dists", distribution, component, arch)
    } else {
      searchPath <- file.path(repo, searchPath)
    thirdOrder <- "Filename"
  } else {
    origin <- "Sources"
      searchPath <- file.path(repo, "dists", distribution, component, "source")
    } else {
      searchPath <- file.path(repo, searchPath)
    thirdOrder <- "Files"
  if(file.exists(file.path(searchPath, origin))){
    PackagesFile <- file(file.path(searchPath, origin), open="r")
  } else if(file.exists(file.path(searchPath, paste0(origin, ".gz")))){
    PackagesFile <- gzfile(file.path(searchPath, paste0(origin, ".gz")), open="r")
  } else if(file.exists(file.path(searchPath, paste0(origin, ".bz2")))){
    PackagesFile <- bzfile(file.path(searchPath, paste0(origin, ".bz2")), open="r")
  } else {
    stop(simpleError(paste0(action, ": argh, no ", origin, "[.gz|.bz2] file found in repo!")))
  # read available info on packages
  PackagesContent <- as.data.frame(read.dcf(PackagesFile), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    foundEntries <- rep(TRUE, nrow(PackagesContent))
  } else {
    foundEntries <- PackagesContent[,"Package"] %in% pckg
  } else {
      result <- unique(PackagesContent[foundEntries,])
          result <- deb.check.changes(packages=result, repo.root=repo, column="Filename")
        } else {}
      } else {
        result <- deb.explode.sources(result)
      result <- result[order(
    } else {
      result <- NULL
} ## end function deb.search.repo()

## function deb.archive.packages()
# behaves similar to archive.packages() -- and is indeed called by it --, but specialises
# on debian binary and source packages. since this is like a repo-in-a-repo, the functionality
# is outsourced to a function of its own.
# return value is logical to indicate if any packages were moved/deleted
deb.archive.packages <- function(repo.root, to.dir="Archive", keep.versions=1, keep.revisions=2, package=NULL,
  archive.root=repo.root, overwrite=FALSE, reallyDoIt=FALSE, justDelete=FALSE, graceful=FALSE, deb.dir="deb"){
  didArchiveSomething <- FALSE
  # a specialty is that we need to take care of revisions: there might be several revisions,
  # but only *one* source.orig tarball!
  # also, we must check *everything* below the "dists" directory

  # append deb.dir directory to archive path
  to.dir <- file.path(to.dir, deb.dir)
  # plan: run deb.list.packages.dirs() to discover dirs containig "Packages*" or "Sources*" files
  packageDirsBin <- deb.list.packages.dirs(repo=repo.root, binary=TRUE)
  packageDirsSrc <- deb.list.packages.dirs(repo=repo.root, binary=FALSE)

  # and run them through deb.search.repo()
  packagesBinAllDirs <- deb.search.repo(pckg=package, repo=repo.root,
    boolean=FALSE, binary=TRUE, checkChanges=TRUE, searchPath=packageDirsBin[1], action="deb")
  if(length(packageDirsBin) > 1){
    for (thisBinDir in 2:length(packageDirsBin)){
      packagesBinAllDirs <- rbind(
        deb.search.repo(pckg=package, repo=repo.root,
          boolean=FALSE, binary=TRUE, checkChanges=TRUE, searchPath=packageDirsBin[thisBinDir], action="deb")
  packagesBinAllDirs <- unique(packagesBinAllDirs)
  # sources
  packagesSrcAllDirs <- deb.search.repo(pckg=package, repo=repo.root,
    boolean=FALSE, binary=FALSE, checkChanges=TRUE, searchPath=packageDirsSrc[1], action="deb")
  if(length(packageDirsSrc) > 1){
    for (thisSrcDir in 2:length(packageDirsSrc)){
      packagesSrcAllDirs <- rbind(
        deb.search.repo(pckg=package, repo=repo.root,
          boolean=FALSE, binary=FALSE, checkChanges=TRUE, searchPath=packageDirsSrc[thisSrcDir], action="deb")
  packagesSrcAllDirs <- unique(packagesSrcAllDirs)

  for (thisPackages in list(packagesBinAllDirs, packagesSrcAllDirs)){
    # split version and revision
    thisPackages[["FullVersion"]] <- thisPackages[["Version"]]
    thisPackages[["Version"]] <- gsub("-[[:digit:]]+$", "", thisPackages[["FullVersion"]])
    thisPackages[["Revision"]] <- gsub("(^.*)-([[:digit:]]+)$", "\\2", thisPackages[["FullVersion"]], perl=TRUE)
    # now iterate through found package names, check respective versions and move files, if necessary
    for (this.package in unique(thisPackages[,"Package"])){
      presentPackages <- archiveSubset(data=thisPackages, var="Package", values=this.package)

      presentVersions <- unique(presentPackages[,"Version"])
      presentVersions <- presentVersions[order(package_version(presentVersions), decreasing=TRUE)]
      if(keep.versions > 0){
        keepVersions <- presentVersions[1:keep.versions]
        keepFullVersions <- c()
        # check revisions
        for (thisVersion in keepVersions){
          presentPackageVersion <- archiveSubset(data=presentPackages, var="Version", values=thisVersion)
          if(!is.null(keep.revisions) & keep.revisions > 0){
            allRevisions <- presentPackageVersion[["Revision"]]
            allRevisions <- allRevisions[order(allRevisions, decreasing=TRUE)]
            keepFullVersions <- c(
              archiveSubset(data=presentPackageVersion, var="Revision", values=allRevisions[1:keep.revisions])[["FullVersion"]]
          } else {
            # keep all revisions of this version
            keepFullVersions <- c(keepFullVersions, presentPackageVersion[["FullVersion"]])
      } else {
        keepFullVersions <- ""
      presentFullVersions <- unique(presentPackages[,"FullVersion"])
      moveVersions <- presentFullVersions[!presentFullVersions %in% keepFullVersions]
      moveSourceOrig <- presentVersions[!presentVersions %in% keepVersions]
      debNamesAll <- archiveSubset(presentPackages, var="FullVersion", values=moveVersions)
      debNamesSrcAll <- archiveSubset(presentPackages, var="Version", values=moveSourceOrig)
      if(length(moveVersions) > 0){
        if("Files.orig.name" %in% names(thisPackages)){
          if(length(debNamesAll[["Files.dsc.name"]]) > 0){
            mvToArchive(this.package, repo=repo.root, archive=file.path(archive.root, to.dir),
              type="deb", overwrite=overwrite, reallyDoIt=reallyDoIt, justDelete=justDelete,
              deb.names=debNamesAll[["Files.dsc.name"]], graceful=graceful
            didArchiveSomething <- TRUE
          } else {}
          if(length(debNamesAll[["Files.debian.name"]]) > 0){
            mvToArchive(this.package, repo=repo.root, archive=file.path(archive.root, to.dir),
              type="deb", overwrite=overwrite, reallyDoIt=reallyDoIt, justDelete=justDelete,
              deb.names=debNamesAll[["Files.debian.name"]], graceful=graceful
            didArchiveSomething <- TRUE
          } else {}
          if(length(unique(debNamesSrcAll[["Files.orig.name"]])) > 0){
            mvToArchive(this.package, repo=repo.root, archive=file.path(archive.root, to.dir),
              type="deb", overwrite=overwrite, reallyDoIt=reallyDoIt, justDelete=justDelete,
              deb.names=unique(debNamesSrcAll[["Files.orig.name"]]), graceful=graceful
            didArchiveSomething <- TRUE
          } else {}
        } else {
          if(length(debNamesAll[["Filename"]]) > 0){
            mvToArchive(this.package, repo=repo.root, archive=file.path(archive.root, to.dir),
              type="deb", overwrite=overwrite, reallyDoIt=reallyDoIt, justDelete=justDelete,
              deb.names=debNamesAll[["Filename"]], graceful=graceful
            didArchiveSomething <- TRUE
          } else {}
          for(thisChanges in names(debNamesAll)[grepl("^changes", names(debNamesAll))]){
            # some packages don't provide all changes files, so we'll exclude the NAs right away
            deb.names <- debNamesAll[[thisChanges]][!is.na(debNamesAll[[thisChanges]])]
            if(length(deb.names) > 0){
              mvToArchive(this.package, repo=repo.root, archive=file.path(archive.root, to.dir),
                type="deb", overwrite=overwrite, reallyDoIt=reallyDoIt, justDelete=justDelete,
                deb.names=deb.names, graceful=graceful
              didArchiveSomething <- TRUE
            } else {}
      } else {}
} ## end function deb.archive.packages()

## function debRepoPath()
# leave URL=NULL to get default local paths
debRepoPath <- function(dist=NULL, comp=NULL, arch=NULL, part=FALSE, URL=NULL, source=FALSE, deb.dir="deb"){
    path.dir <- file.path("source", dist)
  } else {
    path.dir <- file.path("dists", dist, comp, arch)
  if(any(is.null(URL), identical(getURL(URL, purpose="default", deb.dir=deb.dir), getURL(URL, purpose="debian", deb.dir=deb.dir)))){
    deb.repo.path.part <- file.path(deb.dir, path.dir)
      result <- deb.repo.path.part
    } else {
      result <- file.path("..", "..", deb.repo.path.part)
  } else {
    result <- file.path(getURL(URL, purpose="debian", deb.dir=deb.dir), gsub("^/", "", getURL(URL, purpose="debian.path", deb.dir=deb.dir)), path.dir)
} ## end function debRepoPath()
unDocUMeantIt/roxyPackage documentation built on July 26, 2024, 5:57 p.m.