#' Estimate the mRNA fraction differences for the pair of samples using
#' replicate data
#' @param exDat list, contains input data and stores analysis results
#' @details
#' This is the first function to run after an exDat structure is initialized
#' using initDat, because it is needed for all additional analysis. An r_m of
#' 1 indicates that the two sample types under comparison have
#' similar mRNA fractions of total RNA. The r_m estimate is used to adjusted
#' the expected ERCC mixture ratios in this analysis and may indicate a need for
#' a different sample normalization approach.
#' @examples
#' data(SEQC.Example)
#' exDat <- initDat(datType="count", isNorm = FALSE, exTable=MET.CTL.countDat,
#' filenameRoot = "testRun",sample1Name = "MET",
#' sample2Name = "CTL", erccmix = "RatioPair",
#' erccdilution = 1/100, spikeVol = 1, totalRNAmass = 0.500,
#' choseFDR = 0.1)
#' exDat <- est_r_m(exDat)
#' @export
est_r_m <- function(exDat){
cat("\nCheck for sample mRNA fraction differences(r_m)...\n")
cnt = exDat$Transcripts
sampleInfo <- exDat$sampleInfo
plotInfo <- exDat$plotInfo
erccInfo <- exDat$erccInfo
site <- sampleInfo$siteName
avexlabel <- plotInfo$ERCCxlabelAve
myXLim <- plotInfo$myXLim
idCols <- exDat$idCols
# requires that the sample1 columns are first in the table ->
# need to add a stopifnot statement for this
colScale <- plotInfo$colScale
fillScale <- plotInfo$fillScale
dat = unique(cnt)
Features = make.names(dat$Feature,unique=TRUE)
Features = gsub(".","-", Features, fixed = TRUE)
rownames(dat)<-Features; dat<-as.matrix(dat[,-1])
if (sampleInfo$isNorm == TRUE){
cat("\nData is normalized, no r_m estimation\n")
exDat$Results$r_m.res <- list(r_m.mn = NULL, r_m.mnse =NULL)
exDat$Results$r_mDat <- NULL
if (sampleInfo$datType == "array"){
cat("\ndatType is array, using 1:1 ERCC controls for r_m estimate\n")
# Pull out all ERCCs from dat except for the 1:1 ERCCs
ERCCcut <- idCols$Feature[idCols$Ratio != "1:1"]
dat <- dat[-(which(rownames(dat) %in% as.character(ERCCcut))),]
## Get ERCC names
## Specify Sample (A or B)
## Compute offset (e.g. total counts, 75% quantile, TMM, etc) could modify
# in future to enable other methods
log.offset <- NULL
if(sampleInfo$isNorm == TRUE){
log.offset = NULL
log.offset = log(exDat$normFactor)
#### Estimate r_m from each ERCC using NegBin GLM ####
ERCC.FC = idCols[c(1,4)];rownames(ERCC.FC)<-ERCC.FC[,1]
ERCC.FC$NomRatio <- 1
for (i in 1:nlevels(erccInfo$FCcode$Ratio)){
ERCC.FC$NomRatio[which(ERCC.FC$Ratio == as.character(
erccInfo$FCcode$Ratio[i]))] = erccInfo$FCcode$FC[i]
ERCC.Ratio = ERCC.FC[c(1,2)]
ERCC.FC = ERCC.FC[-c(2)]
cat("\nNumber of ERCC Controls Used in r_m estimate\n")
for( i in (1:nrow(dat))[substr(rownames(dat),1,5)=="ERCC-"]){
#Obtain estimated log fold-change and standard error for each ERCC
r_m<-rbind(r_m,summary(suppressWarnings(glm.nb(dat[i,]~as.factor(trt) +
#### Collect Per ERCC r_m estimates and se in data frame
r_m <- data.frame(r_m)
#### Add nominal log fold change to results
r_m$nominal<- - log(ERCC.FC[rownames(r_m),2])
#### Make 95% CIs based on t-distribution
dft <- ncol(dat) - 2
quant<-qt(.975, dft )
#### Plot log r_m estimates and corresponding 95% CIs
r_m$Ratio = ERCC.Ratio$Ratio[match(row.names(r_m), ERCC.Ratio$Feature)]
# Subset data frame to remove missing ERCC controls
r_m <- subset(r_m, is.finite(Ratio))
#### Get global site r_m estimate and sd
# # weighted mean of the individual means
# # standard deviation, sigma of the weighted mean
### Try new version SM code added 20140410
w_vec <- 1/(r_m[,2]^2)
r_m.mn <- sum((r_m[,1]-r_m[,3])*w_vec)/sum(w_vec)
len_w_vec <- length(w_vec[w_vec > 0])
r_m.mnse <- sqrt((sum(w_vec*(((r_m[,1]-r_m[,3])-
# add Feature column to left side of r_m matrix
r_m = cbind(as.character(row.names(r_m)), r_m)
names(r_m)[1]= "Feature"
r_m.mnlog = exp(r_m.mn)
idCols$Conc2 = r_m.mnlog*idCols$Conc2
idColsAve = idCols
idColsAve = idCols[match(r_m$Feature,idCols$Feature),]
r_m$AveConc = log2((idColsAve$Conc1+ idColsAve$Conc2)/2)
r_m = r_m[order(r_m$AveConc),]
r_m$ymax = r_m$r_m.hat - r_m$nominal + (quant)*r_m$r_m.se
r_m$ymin = r_m$r_m.hat - r_m$nominal - (quant)*r_m$r_m.se
textDat = subset(r_m, (r_m.mn<(r_m.hat - nominal -
(quant*r_m.se))) |
(r_m.mn>(r_m.hat - nominal + (quant*r_m.se))))
cat("\nOutlier ERCCs for GLM r_m Estimate:\n")
if (length(textDat$Feature) > 0){
outlierERCCs <- as.character(textDat$Feature)
for (j in seq(from=1,to=length(outlierERCCs),by=5)){
k = j+4
if (k > length(outlierERCCs)) k = length(outlierERCCs)
cat(paste("\nGLM log(r_m) estimate:\n"))
cat("\nGLM log(r_m) estimate weighted s.e.:\n")
#cat(paste(site,"\nGLM r_m estimate:\n"))
#cat("\nGLM r_m weighted s.e.\n")
# appease CMD check
Ratio <- r_m.hat <- nominal <- r_m.se <- AveConc <- ymin <- ymax <- NULL
Feature <- NULL
if (nrow(textDat)>1){
plotSiter_m = ggplot(r_m, aes(x = AveConc, y = r_m.hat - nominal,
colour = Ratio)) +
geom_point(size = 6, alpha = 0.7) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ymin,ymax = ymax),alpha = 0.7) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = myXLim, ylim = c(-1.5,1.5)) +
xlab(avexlabel) +
ylab(expression(log(r[m]))) +
geom_text(data = textDat, aes(x = AveConc, y = (r_m.hat - nominal),
label = gsub("ERCC-00","",Feature)),
colour="black", size=6,show_guide=FALSE,angle=90) +
geom_hline(yintercept = r_m.mn) + colScale + theme_bw()
theme(legend.justification=c(1,0), legend.position=c(1,0))
plotSiter_m = ggplot(r_m, aes(x = AveConc, y = r_m.hat - nominal,
colour = Ratio)) +
geom_point(size = 6, alpha = 0.7) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ymin,ymax = ymax),alpha = 0.7) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=myXLim, ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) + xlab(avexlabel) +
ylab(expression(log(r[m]))) + geom_hline(yintercept = r_m.mn) +
colScale + theme_bw() +
theme(legend.justification=c(1,0), legend.position=c(1,0))
exDat$idColsAdj <- idCols
exDat$Results$r_m.res <- list(r_m.mn = r_m.mn, r_m.mnse = r_m.mnse)
exDat$Figures$r_mPlot <- plotSiter_m
exDat$Results$r_mDat <- r_m
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