#' Check Data Repositories
#' Performs a series of checks to see if data in a given repository can be ingested by a datacommons project.
#' @param dir Root directory of the data repository.
#' @param search_pattern Regular expression used to search for data files.
#' @param exclude Subdirectories to exclude from the file search.
#' @param value Name of the column containing variable values.
#' @param value_name Name of the column containing variable names.
#' @param id Column name of IDs that uniquely identify entities.
#' @param time Column name of the variable representing time.
#' @param dataset Column name used to separate data into sets (such as by region), or a vector
#' of datasets, with \code{id}s as names, used to map IDs to datasets.
#' @param entity_info A vector of variable names to go into making \code{entity_info.json}.
#' @param check_values Logical; if \code{FALSE}, will perform more intensive checks on values.
#' If not specified, these are skipped if there are more that 5 million rows in the given dataset,
#' in which case \code{TRUE} will force checks.
#' @param attempt_repair Logical; if \code{TRUE}, will attempt to fix most warnings in data files.
#' Use with caution, as this will often remove rows (given \code{NA}s) and rewrite the file.
#' @param write_infos Logical; if \code{TRUE}, will save standardized and rendered versions of each measure info file.
#' @param verbose Logical; If \code{FALSE}, will not print status messages or check results.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # from a data repository
#' check_repository()
#' # to automatically fix most warnings
#' check_repository(attempt_repair = TRUE)
#' }
#' @return An invisible list of check results, in the form of paths to files and/or measure name.
#' These may include \strong{general} entries:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{info}} (always): All measurement information (\code{measure_info.json}) files found.
#' \item \strong{\code{data}} (always): All data files found.
#' \item \strong{\code{not_considered}}: Subset of data files that do not contain the minimal
#' columns (\code{id} and \code{value}), and so are not checked further.
#' \item \strong{\code{summary}} (always): Summary of results.
#' }
#' or those relating to issues with \strong{measure information} (see \code{\link{data_measure_info}}) files:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{info_malformed}}: Files that are not in the expected format (a single object with
#' named entries for each measure), but can be converted automatically.
#' \item \strong{\code{info_incomplete}}: Measure entries that are missing some of the required fields.
#' \item \strong{\code{info_invalid}}: Files that could not be read in (probably because they do not contain valid JSON).
#' \item \strong{\code{info_refs_names}}: Files with a \code{_references} entry with no names
#' (where it should be a named list).
#' \item \strong{\code{info_refs_missing}}: Files with an entry in its \code{_references} entry that
#' is missing one or more required entries (\code{author}, \code{year}, and/or \code{title}).
#' \item \strong{\code{info_refs_*}}: Files with an entry in its \code{_references} entry that has an entry
#' (\code{*}) that is a list (where they should all be strings).
#' \item \strong{\code{info_refs_author_entry}}: Files with an entry in its \code{_references} entry that has an
#' \code{author} entry that is missing a \code{family} entry.
#' \item \strong{\code{info_source_missing}}: Measures with an entry in its \code{source} entry that is missing a
#' required entry (\code{name} and/or \code{date_accessed}).
#' \item \strong{\code{info_source_*}}: Measures with an entry (\code{*}) in its \code{source} entry that is a
#' list (where they should all be strings).
#' \item \strong{\code{info_citation}}: Measures with a \code{citation} entry that cannot be found in any
#' \code{_references} entries across measure info files within the repository.
#' \item \strong{\code{info_layer_source}}: Measures with an entry in its \code{layer} entry that is missing a
#' \code{source} entry.
#' \item \strong{\code{info_layer_source_url}}: Measures with an entry in its \code{layer} entry that has a list
#' \code{source} entry that is missing a \code{url} entry. \code{source} entries can either be a string containing a
#' URL, or a list with a \code{url} entry.
#' \item \strong{\code{info_layer_filter}}: Measures with an entry in its \code{layer} entry that has a \code{filter}
#' entry that is missing required entries (\code{feature}, \code{operator}, and/or \code{value}).
#' }
#' or relating to data files with \strong{warnings}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_compressed}}: Files that do not have compression extensions
#' (\code{.gz}, \code{.bz2}, or \code{.xz}).
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_blank_colnames}}: Files with blank column names (often due to saving files with row names).
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_value_nas}}: Files that have \code{NA}s in their \code{value} columns; \code{NA}s here
#' are redundant with the tall format, and so, should be removed.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_double_ints}}: Variable names that have an \code{int} type, but with values that have
#' remainders.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_small_percents}}: Variable names that have a \code{percent} type, but that are all under
#' \code{1} (which are assumed to be raw proportions).
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_small_values}}: Variable names with many values (over 40%) that are under \code{.00001}, and
#' no values under \code{0} or over \code{1}. These values should be scaled in some way to be displayed reliably.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_value_name_nas}}: Files that have \code{NA}s in their \code{name} column.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_entity_info_nas}}: Files that have \code{NA}s in any of their \code{entity_info} columns.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_dataset_nas}}: Files that have \code{NA}s in their \code{dataset} column.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_time_nas}}: Files that have \code{NA}s in their \code{time} column.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_id_nas}}: Files that have \code{NA}s in their \code{id} column.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_scientific}}: Files with IDs that appear to have scientific notation (e.g., \code{1e+5});
#' likely introduced when the ID column was converted from numbers to characters -- IDs should always be saved as
#' characters.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_bg_agg}}: Files with IDs that appear to be census block group GEOIDs,
#' that do not include their tract parents (i.e., IDs consisting of 12 digits, and there are no IDs consisting of
#' their first 11 digits). These are automatically aggregated by \code{\link{site_build}}, but they should
#' be manually aggregated.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_tr_agg}}: Files with IDs that appear to be census tract GEOIDs,
#' that do not include their county parents (i.e., IDs consisting of 11 digits, and there are no IDs consisting of
#' their first 5 digits). These are automatically aggregated by \code{\link{site_build}}, but they should
#' be manually aggregated.
#' \item \strong{\code{warn_missing_info}}: Measures in files that do not have a corresponding \code{measure_info.json}
#' entry. Sometimes this happens because the entry includes a prefix that cannot be derived from the file name
#' (which is the part after a year, such as \code{category} from \code{set_geo_2015_category.csv.xz}).
#' It is recommended that entries not include prefixes, and that measure names be specific
#' (e.g., \code{category_count} rather than \code{count} with a \code{category:count} entry).
#' }
#' or relating to data files with \strong{failures}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{fail_read}}: Files that could not be read in.
#' \item \strong{\code{fail_rows}}: Files containing no rows.
#' \item \strong{\code{fail_time}}: Files with no \code{time} column.
#' \item \strong{\code{fail_idlen_county}}: Files with "county" \code{dataset}s with corresponding IDs
#' that are not consistently 5 characters long.
#' \item \strong{\code{fail_idlen_tract}}: Files with "tract" \code{dataset}s with corresponding IDs
#' that are not consistently 11 characters long.
#' \item \strong{\code{fail_idlen_block_group}}: Files with "block group" \code{dataset}s with corresponding IDs
#' that are not consistently 12 characters long.
#' }
#' @export
check_repository <- function(dir = ".", search_pattern = "\\.csv(?:\\.[gbx]z2?)?$", exclude = NULL,
value = "value", value_name = "measure", id = "geoid", time = "year", dataset = "region_type",
entity_info = c("region_type", "region_name"), check_values = TRUE, attempt_repair = FALSE,
write_infos = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
if (!dir.exists(dir)) cli_abort("{.path {dir}} does not exist")
project_check <- check_template("repository", dir = dir)
if (project_check$exists) {
if (length(project_check$incomplete)) {
cli_alert_warning("please update template content in {.file {project_check$incomplete}}")
files <- list.files(dir, search_pattern, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
files <- sort(files[!grepl(paste0(
if (length(exclude)) paste0("|", paste(exclude, collapse = "|")),
), files, TRUE)])
if (!length(files)) cli_abort("no files found")
i <- 0
if (verbose) cli_h1("measure info")
meta <- list()
info_files <- sort(list.files(dir, "^measure_info[^.]*\\.json$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))
info_files <- info_files[
!grepl("docs/data", info_files, fixed = TRUE) & !duplicated(gsub("_rendered|/code/|/data/", "", info_files))
results <- list(data = files, info = info_files)
required_fields <- c(
"category", "long_name", "short_name", "long_description", "aggregation_method", "data_type"
required_refs <- c("author", "year", "title")
required_source <- c("name", "date_accessed")
required_layer_filter <- c("feature", "operator", "value")
known_references <- NULL
flagged_references <- list()
if (verbose) {
"checking {i} of {length(info_files)} measure info files",
"checked {length(info_files)} measure info files",
spinner = TRUE
all_issues <- list()
for (f in info_files) {
m <- tryCatch(data_measure_info(
render = TRUE, write = write_infos, verbose = FALSE, open_after = FALSE
), error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(m)) cli_abort("measure info is malformed: {.file {f}}")
i <- i + 1
if (verbose) cli_progress_update()
issues <- NULL
if (!is.null(m$unit) && !is.null(m$short_name)) {
issues <- "recoverably malformed (should be an object with named entries for each measure)"
results$info_malformed <- c(results$info_malformed, f)
m <- list(m)
names(m) <- m[[1]]$measure
if ("_references" %in% names(m)) {
refs <- m[["_references"]]
if (is.null(names(refs))) {
if (length(refs)) {
results$info_refs_names[[f]] <- c(results$info_refs_names, f)
issues <- c(issues, "{.arg _references} entries have no names")
} else {
for (e in names(refs)) {
known_references <- unique(c(known_references, e))
su <- !required_refs %in% names(refs[[e]])
if (any(su)) {
missing_required <- required_refs[su]
results$info_refs_missing[[f]] <- c(
results$info_refs_missing[[f]], paste0(e, ":", paste(missing_required, collapse = ","))
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.arg _references} {.strong {.field ", e, "}} is missing ",
if (sum(su) > 1) "entries: " else "an entry: ",
paste0("{.pkg ", missing_required, "}", collapse = ", ")
if ("author" %in% names(refs[[e]])) {
if (!is.list(refs[[e]]$author) || !is.null(names(refs[[e]]$author))) refs[[e]]$author <- list(refs[[e]]$author)
for (i in seq_along(refs[[e]]$author)) {
if (is.list(refs[[e]]$author[[i]]) && is.null(refs[[e]]$author[[i]]$family)) {
results$info_refs_author_entry[[f]] <- c(
results$info_refs_author_entry[[f]], paste0(e, ":", i)
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.arg _references} {.strong {.field ", e, "}}'s number ", i,
" author is missing a {.pkg family} entry"
for (re in c("year", "title", "journal", "volume", "page", "doi", "version", "url")) {
if (is.list(refs[[e]][[re]])) {
type <- paste0("info_refs_", re)
results[[type]][[f]] <- c(results[[type]][[f]], e)
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.arg _references} {.strong {.field ", e, "}}'s {.pkg ", re, "} entry is a list"
for (n in sort(names(m))) {
if (!grepl("^_", n)) {
cm <- Filter(function(e) length(e) && (length(e) > 1 || e != ""), m[[n]])
entries <- names(cm)
mf <- required_fields[!required_fields %in% entries]
if (length(mf)) {
results$info_incomplete[[f]] <- c(results$info_incomplete[[f]], n)
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.strong {.field ", n, "}} is missing ", if (length(mf) > 1) "fields" else "a field", ": ",
paste(paste0("{.pkg ", mf, "}"), collapse = ", ")
if ("sources" %in% entries) {
if (!is.null(names(cm$sources))) cm$sources <- list(cm$sources)
for (i in seq_along(cm$sources)) {
s <- cm$sources[[i]]
if (length(s) && is.list(s)) {
su <- !required_source %in% names(s)
if (any(su)) {
missing_required <- required_source[su]
results$info_source_missing[[f]] <- c(
results$info_source_missing[[f]], paste0(m, ":", paste(missing_required, collapse = ","))
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.strong {.field ", n, "}}'s number ", i, " {.arg source} entry is missing ",
if (sum(su) > 1) "entries: " else "an entry: ",
paste0("{.pkg ", missing_required, "}", collapse = ", ")
for (re in c(required_source, "location", "location_url")) {
if (is.list(s[[re]])) {
type <- paste0("info_source_", re)
results[[type]][[f]] <- c(results[[type]][[f]], n)
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.strong {.field ", n, "}}'s number ", i, " {.arg source} entry's {.pkg ", re, "} entry is a list"
if ("citations" %in% entries) {
citations <- unlist(cm$citations, use.names = FALSE)
su <- !citations %in% known_references
if (any(su)) {
name <- paste0(f, ":::", n)
flagged_references[[name]] <- citations[su]
if ("layer" %in% entries) {
if ("source" %in% names(cm$layer)) {
if (is.list(cm$layer$source) && !"url" %in% names(cm$layer$source)) {
results$info_layer_source_url[[f]] <- c(results$info_layer_source_url[[f]], n)
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.strong {.field ", n, "}}'s {.arg source} entry is a list, but doesn't have a {.pkg url} entry"
} else {
results$info_layer_source[[f]] <- c(results$info_layer_source[[f]], n)
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.strong {.field ", n, "}}'s {.arg layer} entry is missing a {.pkg source} entry"
if ("filter" %in% names(cm$layer)) {
if (!is.null(names(cm$layer$filter))) cm$layer$filter <- list(cm$layer$filter)
for (i in seq_along(cm$layer$filter)) {
missing_required <- required_layer_filter[!required_layer_filter %in% names(cm$layer$filter[[i]])]
if (length(missing_required)) {
results$info_layer_filter[[f]] <- c(results$info_layer_filter[[f]], n)
issues <- c(issues, paste0(
"{.strong {.field ", n, "}}'s number ", i, " {.arg filter} entry is missing ",
if (length(missing_required) > 1) "entries: " else "an entry: ",
paste(paste0("{.pkg ", missing_required, "}"), collapse = ", ")
if (length(issues)) {
names(issues) <- rep(">", length(issues))
all_issues[[f]] <- issues
if (length(m)) {
meta <- c(meta, m)
} else {
results$info_invalid <- c(results$info_invalid, f)
rendered_names <- names(meta)
if (verbose) cli_progress_done()
if (verbose && !length(meta)) cli_alert_danger("no valid measure info")
if (length(flagged_references)) {
for (r in sort(names(flagged_references))) {
su <- !flagged_references[[r]] %in% known_references
if (any(su)) {
f <- strsplit(r, ":::", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
results$info_citation[[f[1]]] <- c(results$info_citation[[f[1]]], paste0(
f[2], ": ", paste(flagged_references[[r]][su], collapse = ", ")
all_issues[[f[1]]] <- c(all_issues[[f[1]]], c(">" = paste0(
"unknown {.arg citation} ", if (sum(su) > 1) "entries" else "entry",
" in {.strong {.field ", f[2], "}}: ",
paste0("{.pkg ", flagged_references[[r]][su], "}", collapse = ", ")
if (verbose && length(all_issues)) {
cli_h2("{length(all_issues)} measure info file{? has/s have} issues")
for (f in names(all_issues)) {
cli_alert_danger("{.file {f}}:")
i <- 0
if (verbose) {
"checking {i} of {length(files)} data file{?/s}", "checked {length(files)} data file{?/s}",
spinner = TRUE
census_geolayers <- c(county = 5, tract = 11, "block group" = 12)
required <- c(id, value_name, value)
dataset_map <- NULL
if (length(dataset) > 1) {
dataset_map <- dataset
dataset <- "dataset"
vars <- unique(c(required, time, dataset, entity_info))
entity_info <- entity_info[!entity_info %in% c(required, time)]
files_short <- sub("^/", "", sub(dir, "", files, fixed = TRUE))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
if (verbose) cli_progress_update()
path <- files[[i]]
f <- files_short[[i]]
sep <- if (grepl(".csv", path, fixed = TRUE)) "," else "\t"
cols <- tryCatch(scan(path, "", sep = sep, nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE), error = function(e) NULL)
lcols <- tolower(cols)
su <- !cols %in% vars & lcols %in% vars
if (any(su)) cols[su] <- lcols[su]
if (all(required %in% cols)) {
d <- if (is.null(cols)) {
} else {
gzfile(path), sep,
skip = 1, col_names = cols,
col_types = paste(c("c", "n")[as.integer(cols %in% c(value, time)) + 1L], collapse = "")
)), error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(d)) {
results$fail_read <- c(results$fail_read, f)
} else {
if (nrow(d)) {
ck_values <- check_values && length(meta)
if (missing(check_values) && nrow(d) > 5e6) {
"skipping value checks for {.field {f}} due to size ({prettyNum(nrow(d), big.mark = ',')} rows);",
"set {.arg check_values} to {.pkg TRUE} to force checks"
ck_values <- FALSE
d[[id]] <- sub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", d[[id]])
if (!time %in% cols) results$fail_time <- c(results$fail_time, f)
all_entity_info <- all(entity_info %in% cols)
if (attempt_repair) {
repairs <- NULL
if (!grepl("\\.[bgx]z2?$", f)) repairs <- "warn_compression"
if (any(cols == "")) {
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_blank_colnames")
d <- d[, cols != ""]
if (anyNA(d[[value]])) {
d <- d[!is.na(d[[value]]), ]
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_value_nas")
if (ck_values) d[[value]][is.na(d[[value]])] <- 0
su <- grep("\\de[+-]?\\d", d[[id]])
if (length(su)) {
d[[id]][su] <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", format(as.numeric(d[[id]][su]), scientific = FALSE))
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_scientific")
if (nrow(d)) {
if (anyNA(d[[id]])) {
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_id_nas")
d <- d[!is.na(d[[id]]), ]
if (nrow(d)) {
if (anyNA(d[[value_name]])) {
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_value_name_nas")
d <- d[!is.na(d[[value_name]]), ]
if (length(dataset_map)) {
data$dataset <- dataset_map[data[[id]]]
cols <- c(cols, "dataset")
if (nrow(d) && dataset %in% cols) {
if (anyNA(d[[dataset]])) {
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_dataset_nas")
d <- d[!is.na(d[[dataset]]), ]
if (nrow(d) && time %in% cols) {
if (anyNA(d[[time]])) {
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_time_nas")
d <- d[!is.na(d[[time]]), ]
if (nrow(d) && all_entity_info) {
if (anyNA(d[, entity_info])) {
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_entity_info_nas")
d <- d[rowSums(is.na(d[, entity_info, drop = FALSE])) == 0, ]
if (ck_values && nrow(d)) {
md <- split(d[[value]], d[[value_name]])
for (m in names(md)) {
mm <- meta[[m]]
mvs <- md[[m]]
if (!is.null(mm)) {
type <- mm$aggregation_method
if (is.null(type) || type == "") {
type <- if (!is.null(mm$measure_type) && mm$measure_type == "") mm$type else mm$measure_type
if (is.null(type)) type <- ""
if (grepl("percent", type, fixed = TRUE)) {
if (any(mvs > 0) && !any(mvs > 1)) {
d[[value]][d[[value_name]] == m] <- d[[value]][d[[value_name]] == m] * 100
repairs <- c(repairs, "warn_small_percents")
if (length(repairs)) {
if (!nrow(d)) {
if (verbose) cli_alert_danger("{.strong attempting repairs ({repairs}) removed all rows of {.file {f}}}")
} else {
tf <- sub("\\..+(?:\\.[bgx]z2?)?$", ".csv.xz", path)
w <- tryCatch(
write.csv(d, xzfile(tf), row.names = FALSE)
error = function(e) NULL
if (is.null(w)) {
if (verbose) cli_alert_danger("failed to write repairs ({.field {repairs}}) to {.file {f}}")
} else {
if (path != tf) {
if (verbose) cli_alert_info("wrote repairs ({.field {repairs}}) to {.file {tf}}")
} else {
if (!grepl("[bgx]z2?$", f)) results$warn_compressed <- c(results$warn_compressed, f)
if (any(cols == "")) results$warn_blank_colnames <- c(results$warn_blank_colnames, f)
if (anyNA(d[[value]])) {
results$warn_value_nas <- c(results$warn_value_nas, f)
if (ck_values) d[[value]][is.na(d[[value]])] <- 0
if (anyNA(d[[id]])) {
results$warn_id_nas <- c(results$warn_id_nas, f)
d[[id]][is.na(d[[id]])] <- "NA"
if (any(grepl("\\de[+-]\\d", d[[id]]))) results$warn_scientific <- c(results$warn_scientific, f)
if (anyNA(d[[value_name]])) {
results$warn_value_name_nas <- c(results$warn_value_name_nas, f)
d[[value_name]][is.na(d[[value_name]])] <- "NA"
if (dataset %in% cols && anyNA(d[[dataset]])) {
results$warn_dataset_nas <- c(results$warn_dataset_nas, f)
d[[dataset]][is.na(d[[dataset]])] <- "NA"
if (all_entity_info && anyNA(d[, entity_info])) results$warn_entity_info_nas <- c(results$warn_entity_info_nas, f)
if (time %in% cols && anyNA(d[[time]])) {
results$warn_time_nas <- c(results$warn_time_nas, f)
d[[time]][is.na(d[[time]])] <- "NA"
if (nrow(d)) {
if (dataset %in% cols) {
for (l in names(census_geolayers)) {
if (l %in% d[[dataset]]) {
su <- d[[dataset]] == l
n_match <- sum(nchar(d[[id]][su]) == census_geolayers[[l]])
if (n_match && n_match < sum(su)) {
e <- paste0("fail_idlen_", sub(" ", "", l, fixed = TRUE))
results[[e]] <- c(results[[e]], f)
measures <- unique(d[[value_name]])
measures <- sort(measures[measures != "NA"])
su <- !measures %in% rendered_names
if (any(su)) su[su] <- !make_full_name(f, measures[su]) %in% names(meta)
if (any(su)) results$warn_missing_info[[f]] <- c(results$warn_missing_info[[f]], measures[su])
smids <- split(d[[id]], d[[value_name]])
if (ck_values) md <- split(d[[value]], d[[value_name]])
for (m in measures) {
mids <- smids[[m]]
id_chars <- nchar(mids)
su <- which(id_chars == 12)
if (length(su)) {
su <- su[grep("[^0-9]", mids[su], invert = TRUE)]
if (length(su) && !any(unique(substring(mids[su], 1, 11)) %in% mids)) {
results$warn_bg_agg[[f]] <- c(results$warn_bg_agg[[f]], m)
su <- which(id_chars == 11)
if (length(su)) {
su <- su[grep("[^0-9]", mids[su], invert = TRUE)]
if (length(su) && !any(unique(substring(mids[su], 1, 5)) %in% mids)) {
results$warn_tr_agg[[f]] <- c(results$warn_tr_agg[[f]], m)
if (ck_values) {
mm <- meta[[m]]
mvs <- md[[m]]
if (!is.null(mm)) {
type <- mm$aggregation_method
if (is.null(type) || type == "") {
type <- if (!is.null(mm$measure_type) && mm$measure_type == "") mm$type else mm$measure_type
if (is.null(type)) type <- ""
maxv <- max(mvs)
if (grepl("percent", type, fixed = TRUE)) {
if (maxv > 0 && !any(mvs > 1)) {
results$warn_small_percents[[f]] <- c(results$warn_small_percents[[f]], m)
if (!is.null(mm$data_type) && mm$data_type == "integer") {
if (any(mvs %% 1 != 0)) {
results$warn_double_ints[[f]] <- c(results$warn_double_ints[[f]], m)
} else {
vm <- min(mvs)
if (vm >= 0 && maxv < 1 && mean(mvs > 0 & mvs < 1e-4) > .4) {
results$warn_small_values[[f]] <- c(results$warn_small_values[[f]], m)
} else {
results$fail_rows <- c(results$fail_rows, f)
} else {
results$not_considered <- c(results$not_considered, f)
if (verbose) cli_progress_done()
long_paths <- files_short[nchar(files_short) > 140]
n_long_paths <- length(long_paths)
if (verbose && n_long_paths) {
cli_alert_warning("{.strong {n_long_paths} {?path is/paths are} very long (over 140 character):}")
paste0("(", nchar(long_paths), ") {.field ", long_paths, "}"),
names = rep(">", n_long_paths)
res_summary <- c(FAIL = 0, WARN = 0, SKIP = 0, PASS = 0)
if (length(results$not_considered)) {
res_summary["SKIP"] <- length(results$not_considered)
if (verbose) {
'{.strong skipped {res_summary["SKIP"]} file{?/s} because {?it does/they do}',
"not include all base columns ({.pkg {required}}):}"
paste0("{.field ", results$not_considered, "}"),
names = rep(">", length(results$not_considered))
warnings <- unique(unlist(lapply(grep("^warn_", sort(names(results)), value = TRUE), function(w) {
if (is.list(results[[w]])) names(results[[w]]) else results[[w]]
}), use.names = FALSE))
n_warn <- length(warnings)
if (n_warn) {
res_summary["WARN"] <- n_warn
if (verbose) cli_h2("{n_warn} file{? has/s have} warnings")
sections <- list(
warn_compressed = "not compressed:",
warn_blank_colnames = "contains blank column names:",
warn_value_nas = "{.pkg {value}} column contains NAs (which are redundant):",
warn_id_nas = "{.pkg {id}} column contains NAs:",
warn_scientific = "{.pkg {id}} column appears to contain values in scientific notation:",
warn_value_name_nas = "{.pkg {value_name}} column contains NAs:",
warn_dataset_nas = "{.pkg {dataset}} column contains NAs:",
warn_time_nas = "{.pkg {time}} column contains NAs:",
warn_entity_info_nas = "entity information column{?/s} ({.pkg {entity_info}}) contain{?s/} NAs:"
for (s in names(sections)) {
if (verbose && length(results[[s]])) {
cli_alert_warning(paste0("{.strong ", sections[[s]], "}"))
paste0("{.field ", results[[s]], "}"),
names = rep(">", length(results[[s]]))
sections <- list(
warn_missing_info = "missing measure info entries:",
warn_small_percents = "no values with a {.pkg percent} type are over 1",
warn_double_ints = "values with an {.pkg integer} data_type have decimals",
warn_small_values = "non-zero values are very small (under .00001) -- they will display as 0s",
warn_bg_agg = "may have block groups that have not been aggregated to tracts:",
warn_tr_agg = "may have tracts that have not been aggregated to counties:"
for (s in names(sections)) {
if (length(results[[s]])) {
if (verbose) cli_alert_warning(paste0("{.strong ", sections[[s]], "}"))
if (s == "warn_missing_info") meta_base <- sub("^[^:]*:", "", names(meta))
missing_info <- unlist(lapply(
if (s == "warn_missing_info") {
function(f) {
vars <- results[[s]][[f]]
if (length(vars) > 20) {
paste(prettyNum(length(vars), big.mark = ","), "variables")
} else {
sub("}, ([^}]+)}$", "}, and \\1}", paste0(paste0("{.pkg ", vars, "}"), vapply(vars, function(m) {
w <- meta_base == m
if (any(w)) paste0(" (base matches {.emph ", names(meta)[which(w)[1]], "})") else ""
}, ""), collapse = ", "))
" in {.field ", f, "}"
} else {
function(f) {
vars <- results[[s]][[f]]
if (length(vars) > 20) {
paste(prettyNum(length(vars), big.mark = ","), "variables")
} else {
paste0("{.pkg ", vars, "}", collapse = ", ")
}, " in {.field ", f, "}"
), use.names = FALSE)
if (verbose) cli_bullets(structure(missing_info, names = rep(">", length(missing_info))))
failures <- unique(unlist(results[grep("^fail_", names(results))], use.names = FALSE))
n_fails <- length(failures)
if (n_fails) {
res_summary["FAIL"] <- n_fails
if (verbose) cli_h2("{n_fails} file{?/s} failed checks")
sections <- list(
fail_read = "failed to read in:",
fail_rows = "contains no data:",
fail_time = "no {.pkg {time}} column:",
fail_idlen_county = "not all county GEOIDs are 5 characters long:",
fail_idlen_tract = "not all tract GEOIDs are 11 characters long:",
fail_idlen_block_group = "not all block group GEOIDs are 12 characters long:"
for (s in names(sections)) {
if (verbose && length(results[[s]])) {
cli_alert_danger(paste0("{.strong ", sections[[s]], "}"))
paste0("{.field ", results[[s]], "}"),
names = rep(">", length(results[[s]]))
res_summary["PASS"] <- sum(!files_short %in% c(results$not_considered, warnings, failures))
results$summary <- res_summary
if (verbose) {
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