
Defines functions getAvgTisReadStartProfiles getExonProfiles getTranscriptProfiles getCdsProfiles getTranslationInitiationSite

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

## see also scripts in the svn for project p1368

getTranslationInitiationSite = function(txdb){
  cdsRgList = cdsBy(txdb, by = "tx", use.names = TRUE)
  cds = unlist(cdsRgList) ## unlist the GRangesList
  cdsFirst = cds[!duplicated(names(cds))] ## use only the first cds
  tis = resize(cdsFirst, width = 1, fix="start")
  exonRgList = exonsBy(txdb, by="tx", use.names=TRUE)
  exonRgList = exonRgList[names(tis)]
  stopifnot(names(exonRgList) %in% names(tis))
  tisMapped = pmapToTranscripts(tis, exonRgList)
  tisPos = start(tisMapped)
  names(tisPos) = names(tisMapped)

getCdsProfiles = function(bamFile, tisPos, strand="+", readLength=32, offset=14){
  aln = readGAlignments(bamFile)
  stopifnot(names(tisPos) %in% levels(seqnames(aln)))
  message("genes with TIS but without alignments: ", length(setdiff(names(tisPos), as.vector(seqnames(aln)))))
  aln = aln[as.vector(seqnames(aln)) %in% names(tisPos) & as.vector(strand(aln)) == strand & qwidth(aln) %in% readLength]
  codonStartBase = start(aln) + offset - tisPos[as.vector(seqnames(aln))] + 1 ## TODO profile may extend beyond end of CDS
  use = codonStartBase > 0
  codonStartRgs = GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(aln)[use], 
                          ranges=IRanges(start=codonStartBase[use], width=1))
  cdsProfile = coverage(codonStartRgs)
  #   ## check if we picked the right offset
  #   foo = sapply(cdsProfile[sapply(cdsProfile, length) > 20], function(x){as.vector(x[1:20])})
  #   plot(log2(rowSums(foo) + 1), type="both")

getTranscriptProfiles = function(bamFile, param){# strand="+", readLength=32, readStartOnlyCoverage=TRUE, getCoverageByReadlength=TRUE, minRead){
  aln = readGAlignments(bamFile)
  aln = aln[qwidth(aln) %in% param$minReadLength:param$maxReadLength]
  if (param$strandMode == "sense"){
    aln = aln[ as.vector(strand(aln)) == "+"]
  if (param$strandMode == "antisense"){
    aln = aln[ as.vector(strand(aln)) == "-"]
  profileList = list()
  profileList[["all"]] = switch(param$coverageType,
                                readStart=coverage(GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(aln), ranges=IRanges(start=start(aln), width=1))),
  if (param$getCoverageByReadLength){
    stopifnot((param$maxReadLength - param$minReadLength) %in% 1:50)
    for (readLength in param$minReadLength:param$maxReadLength){
      alnUse = aln[qwidth(aln) == readLength]
      profileList[[paste("length", readLength)]] =
               readStart=coverage(GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(alnUse), ranges=IRanges(start=start(alnUse), width=1))),

getExonProfiles = function(bamFile, strand="+", readLength=32, offset=14){
  aln = readGAlignments(bamFile)
  aln = aln[ as.vector(strand(aln)) == strand & qwidth(aln) %in% readLength]
  codonStartBase = start(aln) + offset 
  codonStartRgs = GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(aln), 
                          ranges=IRanges(start=codonStartBase, width=1))
  exonProfile = coverage(codonStartRgs)
  #   ## check if we picked the right offset
  #   foo = sapply(cdsProfile[sapply(cdsProfile, length) > 20], function(x){as.vector(x[1:20])})
  #   plot(log2(rowSums(foo) + 1), type="both")

## this function is redundant.
## could be achieved more elegantly be extraing the TIS region from the result of the getExonProfiles function

getAvgTisReadStartProfiles = function(bamFile, tisPos, tisRegion=c(-32, 99), maxExpression=NA, strand="+", readLengths=26:35){
  aln = readGAlignments(bamFile)
  stopifnot(names(tisPos) %in% levels(seqnames(aln)))
  message("genes with TIS but without alignments: ", length(setdiff(as.vector(seqnames(aln)), names(tisPos))))
  aln = aln[as.vector(seqnames(aln)) %in% names(tisPos) & as.vector(strand(aln)) == strand]
  readStartExon = start(aln) ## in exon coordinates
  readStartCds = readStartExon - tisPos[as.vector(seqnames(aln))] + 1
  readWidth = qwidth(aln)
  ## potential further filters ???
  ## - do deduplicate
  ## - use only genes with low coverage
  #   isDup = duplicated(paste(alGene, alStrand, readWidth, alPosCds))
  #   isHighExpress = alGene %in% names(senseCounts)[senseCounts > 500]
  #   table(isHighExpress)
  #   table(isDup, isNearStart)
  isInTisRegion = readStartCds >= tisRegion[1] & readStartCds <= tisRegion[2]
  tisProfiles = ezMatrix(0, rows=tisRegion[1]:tisRegion[2], cols=readLengths)
  for (w in colnames(tisProfiles)){
    use = readWidth == as.integer(w)  & isInTisRegion
    ih = intHist(readStartCds[use], range = c(tisRegion[1]-0.5, tisRegion[2]+0.5), plot=FALSE)
    tisProfiles[as.character(ih$mids), w] = ih$counts
uzh/ezRun documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 11:21 p.m.