  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
library(MicrobiomeR) <- MicrobiomeR:::pkg.private

Data Wrangling

# Get the data files from package
input_files <-$input_files
biom_file <- input_files$biom_files$silva # Path to silva biom file
tree_file <- input_files$tree_files$silva # Path to silva tree file
metadata_file <- input_files$metadata$two_groups # Path to Nephele metadata
parse_func <- parse_taxonomy_silva_128 # A custom phyloseq parsing function for silva annotations

# Get the phyloseq object
phy_obj <- create_phyloseq(biom_file = biom_file, 
                           tree_file = tree_file, 
                           metadata_file = metadata_file,
                           parse_func = parse_func)

# Get the taxmap object in the raw format
raw_metacoder <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = phy_obj, format = "raw_format")

Taxmap Filtering

Metacoder is a highly useful package that comes with tons of features right out of the box. Functions such as metacoder::filter_ambiguous_taxa(), taxa::filter_taxa(), and taxa::filter_obs() for instance can almost always be used in your workflow.

# Remove Archaea from the taxmap object
metacoder_obj <- taxa::filter_taxa(obj = raw_metacoder,
                                   taxon_names == "Archaea",
                                   subtaxa = TRUE,
                                   invert = TRUE)

# Ambiguous Annotation Filter - Remove taxonomies with ambiguous names
metacoder_obj <- metacoder::filter_ambiguous_taxa(metacoder_obj, 
                                                  subtaxa = TRUE)

Basic Filtering

Three functions are provided by MicrobiomeR that do some basic filtering:

These functions all take the same parameters, most notably a transformation function (.f_transform), a filtering function (.f_filter), and a conditional function (.f_condition).

# Low Sample Filter - Remove the low samples
# The sample filter should generally be implemented first
metacoder_obj <- sample_id_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
                               .f_filter = ~sum(.),
                               .f_condition = ~.>= 20, 
                               validated = TRUE)

Advanced Filtering

The advanced filtering functions available with MicrobiomeR do several things. They wrap the basic filtering functions mentioned above, they wrap common metacoder and taxa functions, and they mimic the tools found in the phyloseq package. Below I've mentioned some of them and how they relate to the phyloseq package:

# Master Threshold Filter - Add the otu_proportions table and then filter OTUs based on min %
metacoder_obj <- otu_proportion_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
                                       otu_percentage = 0.00001)

# Taxon Prevalence Filter - Add taxa_abundance and taxa_proportions and then filter OTUs that do not
# appear more than a certian amount of times in a certain percentage of samples at the specified
# agglomerated rank.  This is considered a supervised method, because it relies on intermediate
# taxonomies to filter the data.
# The default minimum abundance is 5 and the sample percentage is 0.5 (5%).
# Phylum
metacoder_obj <- taxa_prevalence_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
                                        rank = "Phylum")
# Class
metacoder_obj <- taxa_prevalence_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
                                        rank = "Class", 
                                        validated = TRUE)
# Order
metacoder_obj <- taxa_prevalence_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
                                        rank = "Order", 
                                        validated = TRUE)

# OTU Prevalence Filter - Filter OTUs that do not appear more than a certian amount of times in a
# certain percentage of samples.  This is considered an unsupervised method, because it relies only
# on the leaf OTU ids to filter the data.
metacoder_obj <- otu_prevalence_filter(obj = metacoder_obj, 
                                       validated = TRUE)

# Coefficient of Variation Filter - Filter OTUs based on the coefficient of variation
metacoder_obj <- cov_filter(obj = metacoder_obj,
                            coefficient_of_variation = 3, 
                            validated = TRUE)

Other Filtering

As mentioned previously taxmap filtering can be done in any way that fits your needs with the taxa and metacoder packages. However, MicrobiomeR also provides some utility based function for filtering/manipulating your observation data by hand. Observation data can be accessed within the taxmap object. Make sure you don't manipulate existing data inside of your taxmap object unless you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing.


# Get the abundance tables from the taxmap object
taxa_abund <- metacoder_obj$data$taxa_abundance
otu_abund <- metacoder_obj$data$otu_abundance

# Transposing with one ID (taxon_id)
taxa_abund %>% transposer(ids = "taxon_id", header_name = "samples")

# Re-Transposing with one ID (taxon_id)
taxa_abund %>% 
  transposer("taxon_id", "samples") %>% 
  transposer("samples", "taxon_id")

# Transposing with two IDs (taxon_id, otu_id)
# The column headers will be a combination of the categorical data that will
# be parsed and split back into individual columns if retransposed.
otu_abund %>% 
  transposer("otu_id", "samples")

# Re-Transposing with two IDs (taxon_id, otu_id)
# When you transpose categorical data, the column headers are lost.
# To re-transpose you have to supply these headers
otu_abund %>% 
  transposer("otu_id", "samples") %>% 
  transposer("samples", "otu_id", 
             separated_categories = c("taxon_id", "otu_id"))


# Transforming to proportions/percentages by COLUMN
taxa_abund %>% 
  transformer(func = ~./sum(.))

# Transforming by ROW is also possible
# This function will transpose/retranspose so other information is needed
taxa_abund %>% 
  transformer(by = "row", 
              func = ~./sum(.), 
              ids = "taxon_id", 
              header_name = "samples", 
              separated_categories = c("taxon_id"))

Excel-Like VLookup

This function was # borrowed from \url{}.

# Get analyzed Data
metacoder_obj <- as_MicrobiomeR_format(obj = metacoder_obj, format = "analyzed_format")

# Create agglomerated taxmaps for phylum/class
phylum_mo <- agglomerate_taxmap(obj = metacoder_obj, rank = "Phylum")
class_mo <- agglomerate_taxmap(obj = metacoder_obj, rank = "Class")
# Get some observation data
phylum_data <- phylum_mo$data$stats_tax_data
class_data <- class_mo$data$stats_tax_data

# Take the Phylum in the "phylum_data" and cross reference these in the "class_data".
# Reutrn the "wilcox_p_value" of the class_data.
class_p_value <- vlookup(lookup_vector = phylum_data$Phylum, 
                         df = class_data, 
                         match_var = "Phylum", 
                         return_var = "wilcox_p_value")

# Create a new column in the phylum_data.
new_data <- phylum_data %>% dplyr::mutate(class_p_value = class_p_value)
new_data[c("taxon_id", "Phylum", "Class", "class_p_value", "wilcox_p_value")]

vallenderlab/MicrobiomeR documentation built on Aug. 30, 2019, 11:24 p.m.