
Defines functions get_sf get_vis_angle calc_min_dist_box calc_min_dist_v find_curve_elbow get_3d_angle get_2d_angle deg_2_rad rad_2_deg get_3d_cross_prod get_dist_point_line get_traj_velocities get_velocity

Documented in calc_min_dist_box calc_min_dist_v deg_2_rad find_curve_elbow get_2d_angle get_3d_angle get_3d_cross_prod get_dist_point_line get_sf get_traj_velocities get_velocity get_vis_angle rad_2_deg

## Part of the pathviewr package
## Last updated: 2020-09-05 VBB

################################## get_velocity ################################

#' Get instantaneous velocity for subjects
#' Velocity (both overall and per-axis) is computed for each row in the data
#' (see Details)
#' @param obj_name The input viewr object; a tibble or data.frame with attribute
#'   \code{pathviewr_steps} that includes \code{"viewr"}
#' @param time_col Name of the column containing time
#' @param length_col Name of the column containing length dimension
#' @param width_col Name of the column containing width dimension
#' @param height_col Name of the column containing height dimension
#' @param add_to_viewr Default TRUE; should velocity data be added as new
#'   columns or should this function create a new simpler object?
#' @param velocity_min Should data below a certain velocity be filtered out of
#'   the object? If so, enter a numeric. If not, keep NA.
#' @param velocity_max Should data above a certain velocity be filtered out of
#'   the object? If so, enter a numeric. If not, keep NA.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to or from other pathviewr functions.
#' @details Instantaneous velocity is not truly "instantaneous" but rather is
#' approximated as the change in distance divided by change in time from one
#' observation (row) to the previous observation (row). Each component of
#' velocity is computed (i.e. per axis) along with the overall velocity of
#' the subject.
#' @return If \code{add_to_viewr} is \code{TRUE}, additional columns are
#'   appended to the input viewr object. If \code{FALSE}, a standalone tibble is
#'   created. Either way, an "instantaneous" velocity is computed as the
#'   difference in position divided by the difference in time as each successive
#'   row is encountered. Additionally, velocities along each of the three
#'   position axes are computed and provided as additional columns.
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga and Melissa S. Armstrong
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Import the example Motive data included in the package
#' motive_data <-
#'   read_motive_csv(system.file("extdata", "pathviewr_motive_example_data.csv",
#'                              package = 'pathviewr'))
#' ## Clean the file. It is generally recommended to clean up to the
#' ## "standarization" step before running get_velocity().
#'  motive_cleaned <-
#'    motive_data %>%
#'    relabel_viewr_axes() %>%
#'    gather_tunnel_data() %>%
#'    trim_tunnel_outliers() %>%
#'    rotate_tunnel()
#' ## Now compute velocity and add as columns
#'  motive_velocity_added <-
#'    motive_cleaned %>%
#'    get_velocity(add_to_viewr = TRUE)
#' ## Or set add_to_viewr to FALSE for a standalone object
#'  motive_velocity_standalone <-
#'    motive_cleaned %>%
#'    get_velocity(add_to_viewr = TRUE)

get_velocity <- function(obj_name,
                         time_col = "time_sec",
                         length_col = "position_length",
                         width_col = "position_width",
                         height_col = "position_height",
                         add_to_viewr = TRUE,
                         velocity_min = NA,
                         velocity_max = NA,
                         ...) {

  # ## Check that it's a viewr object
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps") == "viewr")) {
  #   stop("This doesn't seem to be a viewr object")
  # }

  ## Argument checks
  if (!any(grepl(time_col,
                 ignore.case = FALSE))) {
    stop("time_col not found.
Please check that you have entered the name of the time variable correctly.")

  if (!any(grepl(length_col,
                 ignore.case = FALSE))) {
    stop("length_col not found.
Please check that you have entered the name of the length variable correctly.")

  if (!any(grepl(width_col,
                 ignore.case = FALSE))) {
    stop("width_col not found.
Please check that you have entered the name of the width variable correctly.")

  if (!any(grepl(height_col,
                 ignore.case = FALSE))) {
    stop("height_col not found.
Please check that you have entered the name of the height variable correctly.")

  ## Convert to data.frame for easier column extraction
  df <- as.data.frame(obj_name)

  ## Create vector of time differences
  time_diffs <- diff(df[,time_col])

  ## Calculate instantaneous velocities
  ## First entry is set to zero because calculating velocity depends on previous
  ## step. We may opt change this to `NA` later on so that these can be filtered
  ## easily.
  length_inst <- c(0, diff(df[,length_col]) / time_diffs)
  width_inst  <- c(0, diff(df[,width_col])  / time_diffs)
  height_inst <- c(0, diff(df[,height_col]) / time_diffs)

  ## Calculate object velocity
  vel <- sqrt((length_inst ^ 2) + (width_inst ^ 2) + (height_inst ^ 2))

  ## Combine
  res <- tibble::tibble(velocity = vel,
                        length_inst_vel = length_inst,
                        width_inst_vel = width_inst,
                        height_inst_vel = height_inst

  ## If add_to_viewr is TRUE, add it as new columns to the input viewr object.
  ## If add_to_viewr is FALSE, export the standalone (res) tibble
  if (add_to_viewr == TRUE){
    ## Add the new columns and generate a new viewr object
    obj_new <- dplyr::bind_cols(obj_name, res)

    ## Leave a note that we computed velocity via get_velocity()
    attr(obj_new,"pathviewr_steps") <-
      c(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps"), "velocity_computed")

  } else { ## if FALSE
    obj_new <- res

  #let's add some threshold arguments to set biologically reasonable limits
  if (is.numeric(velocity_min)) {
    ## filter velocity
    obj_new <- obj_new %>%
      dplyr::filter(velocity > velocity_min)

    ## Leave a note set velocity_min via get_velocity()
    #leave note even if not added to viewr object?
    attr(obj_new, "velocity_min") <- velocity_min

  } else {
    ## if FALSE
    obj_new <- obj_new
    #if is character instead of numeric:
    if (is.character(velocity_min)) {
        "velocity_min is character.
    Please check that you have entered the velocity_min variable correctly."
  if (is.numeric(velocity_max)) {
    ## filter velocity
    obj_new <- obj_new %>%
      dplyr::filter(velocity < velocity_max)

    ## Leave a note set velocity_min via get_velocity()
    #leave note even if not added to viewr object?
    attr(obj_new, "velocity_max") <- velocity_max

  } else {
    ## if FALSE
    obj_new <- obj_new
    #if is character instead of numeric:
    if (is.character(velocity_max)) {
        "velocity_max is character.
    Please check that you have entered the velocity_max variable correctly."

  ## Output


############################## get_traj_velocities #############################
## Similar to get_velocity(), but can be done on a per-trajectory basis on
## a combined object
## set_init_vel_zero = should the first value be zero or can it be a duplicate
## of the second velocity value

#' Recompute trajectory-specific velocities
#' @inheritParams get_velocity
#' @param set_init_vel_zero Should the first value be zero or can it be a
#'   duplicate of the second velocity value? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @details Instantaneous velocity is not truly "instantaneous" but rather is
#' approximated as the change in distance divided by change in time from one
#' observation (row) to the previous observation (row). Each component of
#' velocity is computed (i.e. per axis) along with the overall velocity of
#' the subject.
#' @return If \code{add_to_viewr} is \code{TRUE}, additional columns are
#'   appended to the input viewr object. If \code{FALSE}, a standalone tibble is
#'   created. Either way, an "instantaneous" velocity is computed as the
#'   difference in position divided by the difference in time as each successive
#'   row is encountered. Additionally, velocities along each of the three
#'   position axes are computed and provided as additional columns.
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export

get_traj_velocities <- function(obj_name,
                                time_col = "time_sec",
                                length_col = "position_length",
                                width_col = "position_width",
                                height_col = "position_height",
                                set_init_vel_zero = FALSE,
                                velocity_min = NA,
                                velocity_max = NA) {

  if (!any(grepl(time_col, colnames(obj_name), ignore.case = FALSE))) {
      "time_col not found.\nPlease check the name of the time variable.")
  if (!any(grepl(length_col, colnames(obj_name), ignore.case = FALSE))) {
      "length_col not found.\nPlease check the name of the length variable.")
  if (!any(grepl(width_col, colnames(obj_name), ignore.case = FALSE))) {
      "width_col not found.\nPlease check the name of the width variable.")
  if (!any(grepl(height_col, colnames(obj_name), ignore.case = FALSE))) {
      "height_col not found.\nPlease check the name of the height variable.")


  ## split
  traj_tibbles <-
    obj_name %>%
    dplyr::group_by(file_sub_traj) %>%

  updated_tibs <- list()
  ## compute per trajectory set
  for (i in seq_along(traj_tibbles)) {
    df <- as.data.frame(traj_tibbles[[i]])
    time_diffs <- diff(df[, time_col])
    length_inst <- c(0, diff(df[, length_col])/time_diffs)
    width_inst <- c(0, diff(df[, width_col])/time_diffs)
    height_inst <- c(0, diff(df[, height_col])/time_diffs)
    vel <- sqrt((length_inst^2) + (width_inst^2) + (height_inst^2))
    if (set_init_vel_zero == FALSE) {
      ## replace each starting value with the succeeding one as an approximation
      ## that is likely more valid than zero
      length_inst[1] <- length_inst[2]
      width_inst[1] <- width_inst[2]
      height_inst[1] <- height_inst[2]
      vel[1] <- vel[2]
    res <-
        velocity = vel,
        length_inst_vel = length_inst,
        width_inst_vel = width_inst,
        height_inst_vel = height_inst

    updated_tibs[[i]] <- dplyr::bind_cols(traj_tibbles[[i]], res)

  ## stitch back together
  obj_new <-
    updated_tibs %>%

  ## filter by velocity, if user desires
  if (is.numeric(velocity_min)) {
    obj_new <- obj_new %>% dplyr::filter(velocity > velocity_min)
    attr(obj_new, "velocity_min") <- velocity_min
  else {
    obj_new <- obj_new
    if (is.character(velocity_min)) {
        "velocity_min is character but should be numeric.")
  if (is.numeric(velocity_max)) {
    obj_new <- obj_new %>% dplyr::filter(velocity < velocity_max)
    attr(obj_new, "velocity_max") <- velocity_max
  else {
    obj_new <- obj_new
    if (is.character(velocity_max)) {
        "velocity_max is character but should be numeric.")

  ## export


############################## get_dist_point_line #############################

#' Compute distance between a point and a line
#' @param point 2D or 3D coordinates of the point as c(x,y) or c(x,y,z)
#' @param line_coord1 2D or 3D coordinates of one point on the line as c(x,y) or
#'   c(x,y,z)
#' @param line_coord2 2D or 3D coordinates of a second point on the line as
#'   c(x,y) or c(x,y,z)
#' @details The function accepts 2D coordinates or 3D coordinates, but note that
#'   the dimensions of all supplied arguments must match; all coordinates must
#'   be 2D or they all must be 3D.
#' @return A numeric vector of length 1 that provides the euclidean distance
#'   between the point and the line.
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## 2D case
#' get_dist_point_line(
#'   point = c(0, 0),
#'   line_coord1 = c(1, 0),
#'   line_coord2 = c(1, 5)
#' )
#' ## 3D case
#' get_dist_point_line(
#'   point = c(0, 0, 0),
#'   line_coord1 = c(1, 0, 0),
#'   line_coord2 = c(1, 5, 0)
#' )

get_dist_point_line <- function(point,
                                line_coord2) {

  ## check if 2D or 3D case is supplied
  if (length(point) == 2) {
    ## ensure the line coords are also 2D
    if (!length(line_coord1) == 2) {
      stop("All coordinates must be either all 2D or all 3D (not a mix of each)"
    if (!length(line_coord2) == 2) {
      stop("All coordinates must be either all 2D or all 3D (not a mix of each)"

    ## Compute
    v1 <- line_coord1 - line_coord2
    v2 <- point - line_coord1
    m <- cbind(v1, v2)
    dist <- abs(det(m)) / sqrt(sum(v1 * v1))

  ## if above is false, it's 3D
  if (length(point) == 3) {
    ## ensure the line coords are also 2D
    if (!length(line_coord1) == 3) {
      stop("All coordinates must be either all 2D or all 3D (not a mix of each)"
    if (!length(line_coord2) == 3) {
      stop("All coordinates must be either all 2D or all 3D (not a mix of each)"

    ## Compute
    v1 <- line_coord1 - line_coord2
    v2 <- point - line_coord1
    v3 <- get_3d_cross_prod(v1, v2)
    area <- sqrt(sum(v3 * v3)) / 2
    dist <- 2 * area / sqrt(sum(v1 * v1))

  ## export

################################ get_3d_cross_prod #############################

#' Compute the cross product of two 3D vectors
#' @param v1 First vector, as c(x,y,z)
#' @param v2 Second vector, as c(x,y,z)
#' @return A vector of length 3 that describes the cross-product
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' v1 <- c(1, 1, 3)
#' v2 <- c(3, 1, 3)
#' get_3d_cross_prod(v1, v2)

get_3d_cross_prod <- function(v1,
  v3 <- vector()
  v3[1] <- v1[2] * v2[3] - v1[3] * v2[2]
  v3[2] <- v1[3] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[3]
  v3[3] <- v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1]

#################################### rad_2_deg #################################

#' Convert radians to degrees
#' @param rad Radians (a numeric of any length >= 1)
#' @return The angle(s) in degrees (as a numeric vector of the same length)
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## One input
#' rad_2_deg(pi/2)
#' ## Multiple inputs
#' rad_2_deg(c(pi / 2, pi, 2 * pi))

rad_2_deg <- function(rad) {

  ## Check that it's a numeric
  #if (!any(class(rad) == "numeric")) {
  #  stop("Input angle must be a numeric")

  return((rad * 180) / (pi))


#################################### deg_2_rad #################################

#' Convert degrees to radians
#' @param deg Degrees (a numeric of any length >= 1)
#' @return The angle(s) in radians (as a numeric vector of the same length)
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## One input
#' deg_2_rad(90)
#' ## Multiple inputs
#' deg_2_rad(c(5, 10, 15, 20))

deg_2_rad <- function(deg) {

  ## Check that it's a numeric
  #if (!any(class(deg) == "numeric")) {
  #  stop("Input angle must be a numeric")

  return((deg * pi) / (180))


################################## get_2d_angle ###############################

#' Compute an angle in 2D space
#' @param x1 x-coordinate of first point
#' @param y1 y-coordinate of first point
#' @param x2 x-coordinate of second point (vertex)
#' @param y2 y-coordinate of second point (vertex)
#' @param x3 x-coordinate of third point
#' @param y3 y-coordinate of third point
#' @details Everything supplied to arguments must be numeric values or vectors
#'   of numeric values. The second point (x2, y2) is treated as the vertex, and
#'   the angle between the three points in 2D space is computed.
#' @return A numeric vector that provides the angular measurement in degrees.
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_2d_angle(
#'   0, 1,
#'   0, 0,
#'   1, 0)

get_2d_angle <- function(x1, y1,
                         x2, y2,
                         x3, y3) {

  ## compute angle
  a <- data.frame(x1, y1) - data.frame(x2, y2)
  b <- data.frame(x3, y3) - data.frame(x2, y2)

  theta <- NULL
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(a))) {
    theta[i] <-
      acos(sum(a[i,] * b[i,]) / (sqrt(
        sum(a[i,] * a[i,])) * sqrt(sum(b[i,] * b[i,])))) * (180 / pi)

  ## export

################################## get_3d_angle ###############################

#' Compute an angle in 3D space
#' @param x1 x-coordinate of first point
#' @param y1 y-coordinate of first point
#' @param z1 z-coordinate of first point
#' @param x2 x-coordinate of second point (vertex)
#' @param y2 y-coordinate of second point (vertex)
#' @param z2 y-coordinate of second point (vertex)
#' @param x3 x-coordinate of third point
#' @param y3 y-coordinate of third point
#' @param z3 z-coordinate of third point
#' @details Everything supplied to arguments must be numeric values or vectors
#'   of numeric values. The second point (x2, y2, z2) is treated as the vertex,
#'   and the angle between the three points in 3D space is computed.
#' @return A numeric vector that provides the angular measurement in degrees.
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_3d_angle(
#'   0, 1, 0,
#'   0, 0, 0,
#'   1, 0, 0)

get_3d_angle <- function(x1, y1, z1,
                         x2, y2, z2,
                         x3, y3, z3) {

  ## compute diffs
  i1 <- x2 - x1
  i2 <- x2 - x3
  j1 <- y2 - y1
  j2 <- y2 - y3
  k1 <- z2 - z1
  k2 <- z2 - z3

  ## compute angle
  dotprod <- (i1 * i2) + (j1 * j2) + (k1 * k2)
  len1 <- sqrt(i1 ^ 2 + j1 ^ 2 + k1 ^ 2)
  len2 <- sqrt(i2 ^ 2 + j2 ^ 2 + k2 ^ 2)
  theta <- acos(dotprod / (len1 * len2)) * (180 / pi)

  ## export

################################# find_curve_elbow #############################

#' Find the "elbow" of a curve.
#' For bivariate data that show monotonic decreases (e.g. plots of trajectory
#' count vs. frame gap allowed, or scree plots from PCAs), this function will
#' find the "elbow" point. This is done by drawing an (imaginary) line between
#' the first observation and the final observation. Then, the distance between
#' that line and each observation is calculated. The "elbow" of the curve is the
#' observation that maximizes this distance.
#' @param data_frame A two-column data frame (numeric entries only), ordered
#'   x-axis first, y-axis second.
#' @param export_type If "row_num" (the default), the row number of the elbow
#'   point is returned. If anything else, the entire row of the original data
#'   frame is returned.
#' @param plot_curve Default FALSE; should the curve be plotted?
#' @return If \code{export_type} is \code{row_num} the row number of the elbow
#'   point is returned. If anything else is used for that argument, the entire
#'   row of the original data frame on which the "elbow" is located is returned.
#'   If \code{plot_curve} is \code{TRUE}, the curve is plotted along with a
#'   vertical line drawn at the computed elbow point.
#' @author Vikram B. Baliga
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(x = seq(1:10),
#'                  y = 1/seq(1:10))
#' plot(df)
#' find_curve_elbow(df, plot_curve = TRUE)

find_curve_elbow <- function(data_frame,
                             export_type = "row_num",
                             plot_curve = FALSE) {

  ## Check that there are exactly two columns provided
  if (!dim(data_frame)[2] == 2) {
    stop("The input data has more than two columns.")

  ## Convert to matrix for speedier handling
  data_matrix <- as.matrix(data_frame)
  first_col   <- data_matrix[,1]
  second_col  <- data_matrix[,2]

  ## Get set up for point-line distance computations
  len <- nrow(data_matrix)
  first_point <- c(first_col[1],   second_col[1])
  end_point   <- c(first_col[len], second_col[len])

  ## Compute the distance between each {x, y} and the line defined by the
  ## extreme endpoints.
  ## The "elbow" in the plot will be at the frame gap that maximizes this
  ## distance
  mfg_dists <- NULL
  for (k in 1:len) {
    mfg_dists[k] <-
        point = c(first_col[k],
        line_coord1 = first_point,
        line_coord2 = end_point

  ## Set elbow to the maximum of these distances
  elbow <- which.max(mfg_dists)

  if(plot_curve == TRUE){
    plot(data_matrix); graphics::abline(v = elbow)

  ## Export
  if (export_type == "row_num"){
  } else {


#########################         calc_min_dist_v        #######################

#' Calculate minimum distance to lateral and end walls in a V-shaped
#' experimental tunnel
#' @param obj_name The input viewr object; a tibble or data.frame with attribute
#'   \code{pathviewr_steps} that includes \code{"viewr"} and
#'   \code{treatments_added}.
#' @param simplify_output If TRUE, the returned object includes only the minimum
#'   distance between the subject and the lateral/end walls. If FALSE, the
#'   returned object includes all variables internal to the calculation.
#' @return A tibble or data.frame with added variables for
#'   \code{height_2_vertex}, \code{height_2_screen}, \code{width_2_screen_pos},
#'   \code{width_2_screen_neg}, \code{min_dist_pos}, \code{min_dist_neg},
#'   \code{min_dist_end}, \code{bound_pos}, and \code{bound_neg}.
#' @details For tunnels in which \code{vertex_angle} is >90 degree,
#'   \code{bound_pos} and \code{bound_neg} represent a planes orthogonal to the
#'   lateral walls and are used to modify \code{min_dist_pos} and
#'   \code{min_dist_neg} calculations to prevent erroneous outputs.
#'   \code{calc_min_dist_v()} assumes the subject locomotes facing forward,
#'   therefore \code{min_dist_end} represents the minimum distance between the
#'   subject and the end wall to which it is moving towards All outputs are in
#'   meters.
#' @author Eric R. Press
#' @family mathematical functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  ## Import sample data from package
#' motive_data <-
#'   read_motive_csv(system.file("extdata", "pathviewr_motive_example_data.csv",
#'                               package = 'pathviewr'))
#'  ## Process data up to and including insert_treatments()
#' motive_data_full <-
#'   motive_data %>%
#'   relabel_viewr_axes() %>%
#'   gather_tunnel_data() %>%
#'   trim_tunnel_outliers() %>%
#'   rotate_tunnel() %>%
#'   select_x_percent(desired_percent = 50) %>%
#'   separate_trajectories(max_frame_gap = "autodetect") %>%
#'   get_full_trajectories(span = 0.95) %>%
#'   insert_treatments(tunnel_config = "v",
#'                    perch_2_vertex = 0.4,
#'                    vertex_angle = 90,
#'                    tunnel_length = 2,
#'                    stim_param_lat_pos = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_lat_neg = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_end_pos = 0.3,
#'                    stim_param_end_neg = 0.3,
#'                    treatment = "lat10_end_30") %>%
#'  ## Now calculate the minimum distances to each wall
#'   calc_min_dist_v(simplify_output = TRUE)
#'   ## See 3 new variables for calculations to lateral and end walls
#'   names(motive_data_full)

calc_min_dist_v <- function(obj_name,
                            simplify_output = TRUE){

  ## Check that it's a viewr object
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps") == "viewr")){
  #   stop("This doesn't seem to be a viewr object")
  # }

  ## Check that insert_treatments() has been run
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps") == "treatments_added")){
  #   stop("Please run insert_treatments() prior to use")
  # }

  ## duplicate object for simplify_output = TRUE
  obj_simplify <- obj_name

  ## For distance to lateral walls ##
  ## Introduce variables for vertical_2_vertex and vertical_2_screen
  ## vertical_2_vertex and vertical_2_screen refer to the vertical distance
  ## between the subject's position and the the vertex of the tunnel and screen
  ## below them, respectively.
  obj_name$vertical_2_vertex <-
    abs(obj_name$perch_2_vertex) + obj_name$position_height
  obj_name$vertical_2_screen <-
    obj_name$vertical_2_vertex -
    (abs(obj_name$position_width) / tan(obj_name$vertex_angle))

  ## Introduce variables for horizontal_2_screen on positive and negative sides
  ## of the tunnel.
  ## horizontal_2_screen refers to the horizontal distance between the bird and
  ## either screen.
  obj_name$horizontal_2_screen_pos <-
    ifelse(obj_name$position_width >= 0, # if in positive side of tunnel
           obj_name$vertical_2_screen * tan(obj_name$vertex_angle), # TRUE
           (obj_name$vertical_2_screen * tan(obj_name$vertex_angle)) +
             (2 * abs(obj_name$position_width))) # FALSE

  obj_name$horizontal_2_screen_neg <-
    ifelse(obj_name$position_width < 0, # if in negative side of tunnel
           obj_name$vertical_2_screen * tan(obj_name$vertex_angle), # TRUE
           (obj_name$vertical_2_screen * tan(obj_name$vertex_angle)) +
             (2 * abs(obj_name$position_width))) # FALSE

  ## Introduce variable min_dist on positive and negative sides of the
  ## tunnel. min_dist refers to the minimum distance between the bird and either
  ## screen (axis of gaze is orthogonal to plane of each screen)
  obj_name$min_dist_pos <-
    obj_name$horizontal_2_screen_pos * sin(pi/2 - obj_name$vertex_angle)
  # min_dist to positive screen
  obj_name$min_dist_neg <-
    obj_name$horizontal_2_screen_neg * sin(pi/2 - obj_name$vertex_angle)
  # min_dist to negative screen

  ## When the subject is outside the boundaries created by orthogonal planes to
  ## each wall, erroneous visual angles are calculated.
  ## Therefore we must adjust min_dist values according to position_width

  ## Create variable holding the boundary values for each observation
  obj_name$bound_pos <-
    obj_name$vertical_2_vertex * tan(pi/2 - obj_name$vertex_angle)
  obj_name$bound_neg <-
    obj_name$vertical_2_vertex * -tan(pi/2 - obj_name$vertex_angle)

  obj_name$min_dist_pos <- # overwrite min_dist_pos
    ifelse(obj_name$position_width <= 0 &
             obj_name$position_width <= obj_name$bound_neg,
           # if position_width is positive and greater than the boundary value
           sqrt(obj_name$vertical_2_vertex^2 + obj_name$position_width^2),
           # return distance to vertex
  # return original min_dist_pos calculation

  obj_name$min_dist_neg <-
    ifelse(obj_name$position_width >= 0 &
             obj_name$position_width >= obj_name$bound_pos,
           # if position_width is negative and smaller than the boundary value
           sqrt(obj_name$vertical_2_vertex^2 + obj_name$position_width^2),
           # return distance to vertex
  # return original min_dist_neg calculation

  ## For minimum distances to end walls (assuming animal locomotes forward)
  obj_name$min_dist_end <-
    ifelse(obj_name$end_length_sign == 1,
           obj_name$tunnel_length/2 - obj_name$position_length,
           obj_name$tunnel_length/2 + obj_name$position_length)

  ## for simplify_output = TRUE
  obj_simplify$min_dist_pos <- obj_name$min_dist_pos
  obj_simplify$min_dist_neg <- obj_name$min_dist_neg
  obj_simplify$min_dist_end <- obj_name$min_dist_end

  ## return object and add note that minimum distaces were calculated
  if(simplify_output == TRUE){
    attr(obj_simplify, "pathviewr_steps") <-
      c(attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps"), "min_dist_calculated")
  } else {
    attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps") <-
      c(attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps"), "min_dist_calculated")

#########################       calc_min_dist_box      #########################

#' Calculate minimum distance to lateral and end walls in a box-shaped
#' experimental tunnel
#' @param obj_name The input viewr object; a tibble or data.frame with attribute
#'   \code{pathviewr_steps} that include \code{"viewr"} and
#'   \code{treatments_added}.
#' @return A tibble or data.frame with added variables for
#'   \code{min_dist_pos}, \code{min_dist_neg}, and \code{min_dist_end},.
#' @details \code{calc_min_dist_box()} assumes the subject locomotes facing
#' forward, therefore \code{min_dist_end} represents the minimum distance
#' between the subject and the end wall to which it is moving towards.
#' All outputs are in meters.
#' @author Eric R. Press
#' @family visual perception functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Import sample data from package
#'  flydra_data <-
#'  read_flydra_mat(system.file("extdata", "pathviewr_flydra_example_data.mat",
#'                                package = 'pathviewr'),
#'                                subject_name = "birdie_sanders")
#'    ## Process data up to and including insert_treatments()
#'   flydra_data_full <-
#'    flydra_data %>%
#'    redefine_tunnel_center(length_method = "middle",
#'                          height_method = "user-defined",
#'                          height_zero = 1.44) %>%
#'    select_x_percent(desired_percent = 50) %>%
#'    separate_trajectories(max_frame_gap = "autodetect") %>%
#'    get_full_trajectories(span = 0.95) %>%
#'    insert_treatments(tunnel_config = "box",
#'                     tunnel_length = 3,
#'                     tunnel_width = 1,
#'                     stim_param_lat_pos = 0.1,
#'                     stim_param_lat_neg = 0.1,
#'                     stim_param_end_pos = 0.3,
#'                     stim_param_end_neg = 0.3,
#'                     treatment = "lat10_end_30") %>%
#'    ## Now calculate the minimum distances to each wall
#'    calc_min_dist_box()
#'    ## See 3 new variables for calculations to lateral and end walls
#'    names(flydra_data_full)

calc_min_dist_box <- function(obj_name){

  ## Check that it's a viewr object
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps") == "viewr")) {
  #   stop("This doesn't seem to be a viewr object")
  # }

  ## Check that insert_treatments() has been run
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps") == "treatments_added")){
  #   stop("Please run insert_treatments() prior to use")
  # }

  ## Calculate minimum distance to each wall from positive or negative sides of
  ## tunnel
  obj_name$min_dist_pos <- obj_name$tunnel_width/2 - obj_name$position_width
  obj_name$min_dist_neg <- obj_name$tunnel_width/2 + obj_name$position_width

  ## For minimum distances to end walls (assuming animal locomotes forward)
  obj_name$min_dist_end <-
    ifelse(obj_name$end_length_sign == 1,
           obj_name$tunnel_length/2 - obj_name$position_length,
           obj_name$tunnel_length/2 + obj_name$position_length)

  ## Leave note that minimum distances were calculated
  attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps") <- c(attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps"),


#########################        get_vis_angle       ###########################

#' Estimate visual angles from a subject's perspective in an experimental tunnel
#' @param obj_name The input viewr object; a tibble or data.frame with
#' attributes \code{pathviewr_steps} that include \code{"viewr"}
#' and \code{min_dist_calculated}.
#' @details \code{get_vis_angle()} assumes the following:
#' - The subject's gaze is fixed at the point on the either side of the tunnel
#' that minimizes the distance to visual stimuli and therefore maximizes visual
#' angles.
#' - The subject's head is facing parallel to the length axis of the tunnel.
#' Visual perception functions in future versions of pathviewr will integrate
#' head orientation coordinates.
#' Angles are reported in radians/cycle (\code{vis_angle_pos_rad}) and
#' degrees/cycle (\code{vis_angle_pos_deg}).
#' @return A tibble or data.frame with added variables for
#'   \code{vis_angle_pos_rad}, \code{vis_angle_pos_deg},
#'   \code{vis_angle_neg_rad}, \code{vos_angle_neg_deg},
#'   \code{vis_angle_end_rad}, and \code{vis_angle_end_deg}.
#' @author Eric R. Press
#' @family visual perception functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  ## Import sample data from package
#' motive_data <-
#'   read_motive_csv(system.file("extdata", "pathviewr_motive_example_data.csv",
#'                               package = 'pathviewr'))
#' flydra_data <-
#'   read_flydra_mat(system.file("extdata", "pathviewr_flydra_example_data.mat",
#'                               package = 'pathviewr'),
#'                               subject_name = "birdie_sanders")
#'  ## Process data up to and including get_min_dist()
#' motive_data_full <-
#'   motive_data %>%
#'   relabel_viewr_axes() %>%
#'   gather_tunnel_data() %>%
#'   trim_tunnel_outliers() %>%
#'   rotate_tunnel() %>%
#'   select_x_percent(desired_percent = 50) %>%
#'   separate_trajectories(max_frame_gap = "autodetect") %>%
#'   get_full_trajectories(span = 0.95) %>%
#'   insert_treatments(tunnel_config = "v",
#'                    perch_2_vertex = 0.4,
#'                    vertex_angle = 90,
#'                    tunnel_length = 2,
#'                    stim_param_lat_pos = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_lat_neg = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_end_pos = 0.3,
#'                    stim_param_end_neg = 0.3,
#'                    treatment = "lat10_end_30") %>%
#'   calc_min_dist_v(simplify_output = TRUE) %>%
#'   ## Now calculate the visual angles
#'   get_vis_angle()
#'   flydra_data_full <-
#'   flydra_data %>%
#'   redefine_tunnel_center(length_method = "middle",
#'                         height_method = "user-defined",
#'                         height_zero = 1.44) %>%
#'   select_x_percent(desired_percent = 50) %>%
#'   separate_trajectories(max_frame_gap = "autodetect") %>%
#'   get_full_trajectories(span = 0.95) %>%
#'   insert_treatments(tunnel_config = "box",
#'                    tunnel_length = 3,
#'                    tunnel_width = 1,
#'                    stim_param_lat_pos = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_lat_neg = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_end_pos = 0.3,
#'                    stim_param_end_neg = 0.3,
#'                    treatment = "lat10_end_30") %>%
#'   calc_min_dist_box() %>%
#'    ## Now calculate the visual angles
#'   get_vis_angle()

get_vis_angle <- function(obj_name){

  ## Check that it's a viewr object
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps") == "viewr")){
  #   stop("This doesn't seem to be a viewr object")
  # }

  ## Check that calc_min_dist() has been run
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps") == "min_dist_calculated")){
  #   stop("Please run calc_min_dist_v() or calc_min_dist_box() prior to use")
  # }

  ## Calculate visual angles (radians and degrees) using distance to
  ## positive and negative screens. Add these variables into the dataframe.
  # visual angle to positive wall
  obj_name$vis_angle_pos_rad <-
  # visual angle to negative wall
  obj_name$vis_angle_neg_rad <-
  # visual angle to end wall (depending on direction of locomotion)
  obj_name$vis_angle_end_rad <-
    ifelse(obj_name$end_length_sign == 1,

  # convert to degrees
  obj_name$vis_angle_pos_deg <- rad_2_deg(obj_name$vis_angle_pos_rad)
  obj_name$vis_angle_neg_deg <- rad_2_deg(obj_name$vis_angle_neg_rad)
  obj_name$vis_angle_end_deg <- rad_2_deg(obj_name$vis_angle_end_rad)

  ## Leave a note that visual angles were calculated
  attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps") <- c(attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps"),

###############################    get_sf     ##################################

#' Estimate the spatial frequency of visual stimuli from the subject's
#' perspective in an experimental tunnel.
#' @param obj_name The input viewr object; a tibble or data.frame with attribute
#' \code{pathviewr_steps} that includes \code{"viewr"} and
#' \code{vis_angles_calculated}.
#' @details \code{get_sf()} assumes the following:
#' - The subject's gaze is fixed at the point on the either side of the tunnel
#' that minimizes the distance to visual stimuli and therefore maximizes visual
#' angles.
#' - The subject's head is facing parallel to the length axis of the tunnel.
#' Visual perception functions in future versions of pathviewr will integrate
#' head orientation coordinates.
#' Spatial frequency is reported in cycles/degree and is the inverse of visual
#' angle (degrees/cycle).
#' @return A tibble or data.frame with added variables for
#' \code{sf_pos}, \code{sf_neg}, and \code{sf_end}.
#' angle.
#' @author Eric R. Press
#' @family visual perception functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  ## Import sample data from package
#' motive_data <-
#'   read_motive_csv(system.file("extdata", "pathviewr_motive_example_data.csv",
#'                               package = 'pathviewr'))
#' flydra_data <-
#'   read_flydra_mat(system.file("extdata", "pathviewr_flydra_example_data.mat",
#'                               package = 'pathviewr'),
#'                               subject_name = "birdie_sanders")
#'  ## Process data up to and including get_vis_angle()
#' motive_data_full <-
#'   motive_data %>%
#'   relabel_viewr_axes() %>%
#'   gather_tunnel_data() %>%
#'   trim_tunnel_outliers() %>%
#'   rotate_tunnel() %>%
#'   select_x_percent(desired_percent = 50) %>%
#'   separate_trajectories(max_frame_gap = "autodetect") %>%
#'   get_full_trajectories(span = 0.95) %>%
#'   insert_treatments(tunnel_config = "v",
#'                    perch_2_vertex = 0.4,
#'                    vertex_angle = 90,
#'                    tunnel_length = 2,
#'                    stim_param_lat_pos = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_lat_neg = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_end_pos = 0.3,
#'                    stim_param_end_neg = 0.3,
#'                    treatment = "lat10_end_30") %>%
#'   calc_min_dist_v(simplify_output = TRUE) %>%
#'   get_vis_angle() %>%
#'   ## Now calculate the spatial frequencies
#'   get_sf()
#'   flydra_data_full <-
#'   flydra_data %>%
#'   redefine_tunnel_center(length_method = "middle",
#'                         height_method = "user-defined",
#'                         height_zero = 1.44) %>%
#'   select_x_percent(desired_percent = 50) %>%
#'   separate_trajectories(max_frame_gap = "autodetect") %>%
#'   get_full_trajectories(span = 0.95) %>%
#'   insert_treatments(tunnel_config = "box",
#'                    tunnel_length = 3,
#'                    tunnel_width = 1,
#'                    stim_param_lat_pos = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_lat_neg = 0.1,
#'                    stim_param_end_pos = 0.3,
#'                    stim_param_end_neg = 0.3,
#'                    treatment = "lat10_end_30") %>%
#'   calc_min_dist_box() %>%
#'   get_vis_angle() %>%
#'   ## Now calculate the spatial frequencies
#'   get_sf()

get_sf <- function(obj_name){

  ## Check that it's a viewr object
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps") == "viewr")){
  #   stop("This doesn't seem to be a viewr object")
  # }

  ## Check that get_vis_angle() has been run
  # if (!any(attr(obj_name,"pathviewr_steps") == "vis_angles_calculated")){
  #   stop("Please run get_vis_angle() prior to use")
  # }

  ## spatial frequency (cycles/rad) is the inverse of visual angle (rad/cycle)
  obj_name$sf_pos <- 1/obj_name$vis_angle_pos_deg
  obj_name$sf_neg <- 1/obj_name$vis_angle_neg_deg
  obj_name$sf_end <- 1/obj_name$vis_angle_end_deg

  ## Leave a note that visual angles were calculated
  attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps") <- c(attr(obj_name, "pathviewr_steps"),

vbaliga/pathviewR documentation built on March 16, 2023, 4:13 p.m.