
Defines functions file_store_csv file_store_rds hash_error

## this could go into storr actually:
## * use storr assertions
## * use storr hash
## * use storr errors
## * use storr mget semantics
## * check against remake use

## Alternatively, hash files based on *disk content*.  Should make
## that an option.  One slight downside is that unless some serious
## work is done, then different versions of R will write out different
## versions of the file based on the first few bits.
## This is somewhat closer to the usual storrs than the remake "file
## store" because we store an R object, by value, in a file.  The
## paths to do this are via csv and rds in our case, and the filename
## is going to be derived from the hash of the object itself.
file_store <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    path = NULL,
    read = NULL,
    write = NULL,
    ext = NULL,

    initialize = function(path, read, write, ext) {
      dir.create(path, FALSE, TRUE)
      ## Ensures safety with setwd():
      self$path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = TRUE)
      self$read <- read
      self$write <- write
      self$ext <- ext

    destroy = function() {
      unlink(self$path, TRUE)

    exists = function(hash) {

    del = function(hash) {
      orderly_log("clean", self$filename(hash))

    set = function(data) {
      ## We only save data.frames
      assert_is(data, "data.frame")
      hash <- self$hash_object(data)
      dest <- self$filename(hash)
      if (!file.exists(dest)) {
        self$write(data, dest)

    mset = function(data) {
      vcapply(data, self$set)

    get = function(hash) {
      filename <- self$filename(hash, TRUE)
      if (is.na(filename)) {

    mget = function(hash, missing = NULL) {
      filename <- self$filename(hash, TRUE)
      if (anyNA(filename)) {
        ret <- vector("list", length(hash))
        is_missing <- is.na(filename)
        ret[is_missing] <- list(missing)
        ret[!is_missing] <- lapply(filename[!is_missing], self$read)
        attr(ret, "missing") <- which(is_missing)
      } else {
        ret <- lapply(filename, self$read)
      names(ret) <- names(hash)

    list = function() {
      sub(paste0(self$ext, "$"), "",
          dir(self$path, pattern = paste0("^[[:xdigit:]]{32}", self$ext, "$")))

    filename = function(hash, existing_only = FALSE) {
      if (length(hash) > 0L) {
        ret <- file.path(self$path, paste0(hash, self$ext))
        if (existing_only) {
          ret[!file.exists(ret)] <- NA_character_
      } else {

    hash_object = function(object) {

hash_error <- function(hash) {
  structure(list(hash = hash,
                 message = sprintf("hash '%s' not found", hash),
                 call = NULL),
            class = c("hash_error", "error", "condition"))

## Helpers
file_store_rds <- function(path) {
  file_store$new(path, readRDS, saveRDS, ".rds")

file_store_csv <- function(path) {
  file_store$new(path, read_csv, write_csv, ".csv")
vimc/orderly documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:31 a.m.