
Defines functions rf_modeling_old rf_modeling train_model_rf select_features_top select_features_Boruta select_features_varSelRF

Documented in rf_modeling

#' @import varSelRF
select_features_varSelRF <- function(x, y, ...){
    rfvs <- varSelRF(xdata = x, Class = y,
                     recompute.var.imp=FALSE, # tweak
                     whole.range = TRUE,
                     ntree=10000, # tweak
                     ntreeIterat=10000, # tweak
    hi <- rfvs$selec.history
    idx <- which.min(hi$OOB)
    idx <- min(idx + 5, nrow(hi)) # start from 5 steps back
    vrz <- hi[idx, "Vars.in.Forest"] 
    vrz <- strsplit(as.character(vrz)," \\+ ")[[1]]
    rfvs <- varSelRF(xdata = x[,vrz], Class = y,
                     recompute.var.imp=FALSE, # tweak
                     whole.range = TRUE,
                     ntree=10000, # tweak
                     ntreeIterat=10000, # tweak

#' @import Boruta
select_features_Boruta <- function(x, y, ...){
#     # .. add on ..
#     # .. preselection of features using plain random forest
#     # .. perhaps I can skimp on Boruta settings
#     #
#     rf <- randomForest(x, y, data=dSet, ntree = 10000)
#     f2 <- names(head(importance(rf)[order(importance(rf)[,1],decreasing=T),],20))
#     x <- x[,f2]
#     #
    rfbo <- Boruta(x, y, 
                   #maxRuns = 100, # 1000
                   #ntree=5000, # 10000
    # 5h with 10000
    # 10m with 1000
    # ~ 5 min with 500
    # features_i <- getSelectedAttributes(TentativeRoughFix(rfbo))
    features_i <- getSelectedAttributes(rfbo)
        features_i <- getSelectedAttributes(rfbo, withTentative = T)
        # return just the best one
        meds <- apply(rfbo$ImpHistory,2,median)
        meds <- meds[names(rfbo$finalDecision)]
        features_i <- names(rev(sort(meds)))[1]

select_features_top <- function(x, y, ...){
    r <- randomForest(x, y, ntree=1000, ...)
    ordr <- order(importance(r), decreasing = T)
    imp <- importance(r)[ordr,,drop=F]
    return(rownames(head(imp, 5)))

train_model_rf <- function(x, y, ...){
    r <- randomForest(x, y, ntree=1000, ...)

#' Random Forest Predictive Models
#' The objective is - given the number of features,
#' select the most informative ones and evaluate
#' the predictive random forest model. 
#' The feature and model selection performed independently
#' for each round of LOOCV.
# ' @param response character name of the predicted variable
# '          it has to have two values and one of them should be "case"
#' @param msnset MSnSet object
#' @param features character vector features to select from for 
#'          building prediction model. The features can be either in
#'          featureNames(msnset) or in pData(msnset).
#' @param response factor to classify along. Must be only 2 levels.
#' @param pred.cls class to predict
#' @param K specifies the cross-validation type. Default NULL means LOOCV. 
#'          Another typical value is 10.
#' @param sel.feat logical defining if to select features or use the entire set?
#' @param sel.alg character.
#'      \itemize{
#'          \item varSelRF
#'          \item Boruta
#'          \item top - just selecting top 3 features
#'      }
#' @param verbose 0 - silent, 1 - count round, 
#'          2 - print selected features at each round
#' @param ... Extra arguments. Currently passed only to Boruta algorithm.
#' @return list 
#'      \describe{
#'          \item{\code{prob}}{is the probabilities (response) from LOOCV
#'          that the sample is "case"}
#'          \item{\code{features}}{list of selected features
#'          for each iteration of LOOCV}
#'          \item{\code{top}}{top features over all iterations}
#'          \item{\code{auc}}{AUC}
#'          \item{\code{pred}}{prediction perfomance obtained by
#'                  \code{ROCR::prediction}}
#'      }
#' @import randomForest
#' @importFrom ROCR prediction performance
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply detectCores
#' @export rf_modeling
#' @examples
#' data(srm_msnset)
#' head(varLabels(msnset))
#' head(msnset$subject.type)
#' # reduce to two classes
#' msnset <- msnset[,msnset$subject.type != "control.1"]
#' msnset$subject.type <- as.factor(msnset$subject.type)
# out <- rf_modeling(msnset,
#                    features=featureNames(msnset)[1:5],
#                    response="subject.type",
#                    pred.cls="case")
#' plotAUC(out)
#' # top features consistently recurring in the models during LOOCV
#' print(out$top)
#' # the AUC
#' print(out$auc)
#' # probabilities of classifying the sample right, if the feature selection
#' # and model training was performed on other samples
#' plot(sort(out$prob))
#' abline(h=0.5, col='red')
rf_modeling <- function( msnset, features, response, pred.cls, K=NULL, sel.feat=T,
                            sel.alg=c("varSelRF","Boruta","top"), ...){
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix")
        mc.cores <- detectCores()
        mc.cores <- 1
    # prepare data
    dSet <- cbind(pData(msnset), t(exprs(msnset)))
    stopifnot(length(unique(dSet[,response])) == 2)
    stopifnot(pred.cls %in% dSet[,response] )
    if(unique(dSet[,response])[1] == pred.cls){
        lvlz <- rev(unique(dSet[,response]))
        lvlz <- unique(dSet[,response])
    dSet[,response] <- factor(dSet[,response], levels=lvlz)
    sel.alg <- match.arg(sel.alg)
    FUN <- switch(sel.alg, 
                  varSelRF = select_features_varSelRF,
                  Boruta = function(x,y) select_features_Boruta(x,y,...),
                  top = select_features_top)
    # do K-fold split here
        K <- nrow(dSet)
    num_rep <- ceiling(nrow(dSet)/K)
    cv_idx <- sample(rep(seq_len(K), num_rep)[seq_len(nrow(dSet))])
    res <- mclapply(1:K, function(i){
        i <- cv_idx == i
            features.sel <- FUN(x=dSet[!i,features],
            features.sel <- features
        # train model
        colnames(x) <- make.names(colnames(x))
        mdl <- train_model_rf(x=x, y=dSet[!i,response])
        # predict
        newdata <- dSet[i,features.sel,drop=F]
        colnames(newdata) <- make.names(colnames(newdata))
        predProb <- predict(mdl, newdata=newdata, type='prob')[,pred.cls]
        names(predProb) <- rownames(newdata)
        # print(i)
        list(predProb, features.sel)
    }, mc.cores=mc.cores, mc.set.seed = FALSE)
    predProb <- unlist(sapply(res, '[[', 1, simplify = FALSE)) # unlist TODO
    predProb <- predProb[rownames(dSet)]
    names(predProb) <- NULL # for compatibility
    selected <- sapply(res, '[[', 2)
    pred <- prediction(predProb, dSet[,response] == pred.cls)
    return(list(prob = predProb, 
                features = selected, 
                top = rev(sort(table(unlist(selected)))),
                auc = performance(pred,"auc")@y.values[[1]],
                pred = pred))

rf_modeling_old <- function( msnset, features, response, pred.cls, sel.feat=T,
                         sel.alg=c("varSelRF","Boruta","top"), ...){
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix")
        mc.cores <- detectCores()
        mc.cores <- 1
    # prepare data
    dSet <- cbind(pData(msnset), t(exprs(msnset)))
    stopifnot(length(unique(dSet[,response])) == 2)
    stopifnot(pred.cls %in% dSet[,response] )
    if(unique(dSet[,response])[1] == pred.cls){
        lvlz <- rev(unique(dSet[,response]))
        lvlz <- unique(dSet[,response])
    dSet[,response] <- factor(dSet[,response], levels=lvlz)
    sel.alg <- match.arg(sel.alg)
    FUN <- switch(sel.alg, 
                  varSelRF = select_features_varSelRF,
                  Boruta = function(x,y) select_features_Boruta(x,y,...),
                  top = select_features_top)
    res <- mclapply(1:nrow(dSet), function(i){
            features.sel <- FUN(x=dSet[-i,features],
            features.sel <- features
        # train model
        colnames(x) <- make.names(colnames(x))
        mdl <- train_model_rf(x=x, y=dSet[-i,response])
        # predict
        newdata <- dSet[i,features.sel,drop=F]
        colnames(newdata) <- make.names(colnames(newdata))
        predProb <- predict(mdl, newdata=newdata, type='prob')[1,pred.cls]
        list(predProb, features.sel)
    }, mc.cores=mc.cores, mc.set.seed = FALSE)
    predProb <- sapply(res, '[[', 1)
    names(predProb) <- NULL # for compatibility
    selected <- sapply(res, '[[', 2)
    pred <- prediction(predProb, dSet[,response] == pred.cls)
    return(list(prob = predProb, 
                features = selected, 
                top = rev(sort(table(unlist(selected)))),
                auc = performance(pred,"auc")@y.values[[1]],
                pred = pred))
vladpetyuk/vp.misc documentation built on June 25, 2021, 6:35 a.m.