##' @export
cdts <- function(
return.formula = 'simple',
daily.availability = 1, # 1 = at least one must be available
weekly.availability = 1, # 1 = at least one must be available
verbose = T )
start.time = Sys.time()
n.files = length(file.names)
# read in the data, construct a list:
all.data = list()
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
all.data[[file.names[i]]] =
read.table(paste(file.names[i], '.dat', sep = ''), header = T)
# browser()
### 1. Determine the first and the last day for which
### all data sets are available:
begin.day = as.POSIXct(all.data[[1]]$date[1])
for ( i in 1:n.files ) {
if (difftime(all.data[[i]]$date[1], begin.day) > 0 ) {
begin.day = all.data[[i]]$date[1]
# begin.day is the later of the two first days first.day.dataset1, first.day.dataset2!
begin.day = as.character(begin.day)
begin.year = substring(begin.day, 1, 4)
begin.month = substring(begin.day, 6, 7)
begin.day.in.month = substring(begin.day, 9, 10)
last.day = as.POSIXct(all.data[[1]]$date[length(all.data[[1]][,2])])
for ( i in 1:n.files ) {
if (difftime(all.data[[i]]$date[length(all.data[[i]][,2])], last.day) < 0 ) {
last.day = all.data[[i]]$date[length(all.data[[i]][,2])]
# last.day is the earlier of the two last days last.day.dataset1, last.day.dataset2!
last.day = as.character(last.day)
last.year = substring(last.day, 1, 4)
last.month = substring(last.day, 6, 7)
last.day.in.month = substring(last.day, 9, 10)
### 2. Define the sequence:
tage = seq(ISOdate(begin.year, begin.month, begin.day.in.month),
ISOdate(last.year, last.month, last.day.in.month), 'day')
tage = trunc.POSIXt(tage, units = "days")
tage.as.character = as.character(tage, '%Y-%m-%d')
weekday = format(tage, '%w') # weekday = weekdays(tage)
# browser()
# from.to = c('2000-02-05', '2000-04-26')
shorten.dataset = function(from.to, dataset) {
time.differences =
difftime(as.POSIXct(from.to[1]), as.POSIXct(dataset$date))
positive.time.differences = ( time.differences > 0 )
# A positive time difference means: dataset begins earlier than from.to[1].
# These excess days are dismissed from dataset:
dataset = dataset[positive.time.differences == F,]
# The same for the end:
time.differences =
difftime(as.POSIXct(from.to[2]), as.POSIXct(dataset$date))
positive.time.differences = ( time.differences < 0 )
# A negative time difference means: dataset ends later than from.to[2].
# These excess days are dismissed from dataset:
dataset = dataset[positive.time.differences == F,]
from.to = c(tage.as.character[1], tage.as.character[length(tage.as.character)])
all.data.short = list()
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
all.data.short[[file.names[i]]] = shorten.dataset(from.to, all.data[[i]])
all.data = all.data.short
# browser()
### The following function produces as output a sequence of index values
### ordered by date, as given in tage.as.character.
### (I.e. tage.as.character is like a calender, into which the dataset values are entered.)
sort.by.date = function(tage.as.character, dataset) {
# Now we can begin to sort the index values, according to the 'calender'
# defined by tage.as.character:
days = as.character(dataset$date)
first.year = as.numeric(substr(tage.as.character[1], 1, 4))
last.year = as.numeric(substr(tage.as.character[length(tage.as.character)], 1, 4))
sortedindex = numeric()
for (my.year in first.year:last.year) {
cat('... working on year', my.year, '\n')
# limit both series - tage.as.character and dataset - to first.year:
year.ind.1 = as.numeric(substr(tage.as.character, 1, 4)) == my.year
tage.as.character.temp = tage.as.character[year.ind.1 == T]
year.ind.2 = as.numeric(substr(days, 1, 4)) == my.year
dataset.temp = dataset[year.ind.2 == T, ]
days.temp = as.character(dataset.temp$date)
sortedindex.temp = rep(NA, length(tage.as.character.temp))
for (i in 1:length(days.temp)) {
tagesindex = match(days.temp[i], tage.as.character.temp)
sortedindex.temp[tagesindex] = dataset.temp$index[i]
tage.as.character.temp[tagesindex] = NA
sortedindex = c(sortedindex, sortedindex.temp)
temp.data.daily.list = list()
temp.data.daily.list[['date']] = tage.as.character
temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']] = weekday
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
temp.data.daily.list[[file.names[i]]] = sort.by.date(tage.as.character, all.data[[i]])
cat('DEBUG: temp.data.daily.list ready\n')
# browser()
### NEXT, ON THE BASIS OF THE LIST temp.data.daily.list,
### depending on daily.availability, decide which days have to be dismissed:
# day.available.1 is TRUE if and only if at least one day's index is available:
day.available.1 = rep(FALSE, length(temp.data.daily.list[[3]]))
for ( i in 1:length(file.names) ) {
day.available.1 = (day.available.1 | !is.na(temp.data.daily.list[[2 + i]]))
# day.available.2 is TRUE if and only if all day's indices are available:
day.available.2 = rep(TRUE, length(temp.data.daily.list[[3]]))
for ( i in 1:length(file.names) ) {
day.available.2 = (day.available.2 & !is.na(temp.data.daily.list[[2 + i]]))
# In any case, we dismiss all days before the first day for which BOTH indices are available:
# available.from = min(which(day.available.2 == T))
if (daily.availability == 1) {day.available = day.available.1}
if (daily.availability == 2) {day.available = day.available.2}
# day.available =
# c(rep(FALSE, available.from - 1), day.available[available.from:length(day.available)])
if (verbose == T) {cat('Decision which days to be dismissed has been made.\n')}
### Record which days are not available:
### TO BE DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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### Now dismiss those days for which no data are available:
reduced.temp.data.daily.list = list()
reduced.temp.data.daily.list[['date']] = temp.data.daily.list[['date']][day.available == T]
reduced.temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']] = temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']][day.available == T]
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
reduced.temp.data.daily.list[[file.names[i]]] =
temp.data.daily.list[[file.names[i]]][day.available == T]
if (verbose == T) {cat('Not available days have been dismissed.\n')}
# browser()
### If daily.availability == 1:
### Shift indices to fill remaining NAs (where at least one index is available),
### and modify the data frame reduced.temp.data.daily.
### (This works because index.series.with.NAs cannot begin with an NA!)
eliminate.NAs = function(index.series.with.NAs) {
index.series.without.NAs = index.series.with.NAs
shifted.series = index.series.with.NAs
while ( length(index.series.without.NAs[is.na(index.series.without.NAs) == T]) >= 1 ) {
na.ind = is.na(index.series.without.NAs)
shifted.series = c(NA, shifted.series[1:(length(shifted.series)-1)])
index.series.without.NAs[na.ind == T] = shifted.series[na.ind == T]
# browser()
if ( daily.availability == 1 ) {
# reduced.temp.data.daily.list = list()
reduced.temp.data.daily.list[['date']] = reduced.temp.data.daily.list[['date']]
reduced.temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']] = reduced.temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']]
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
reduced.temp.data.daily.list[[file.names[i]]] =
if (verbose == T) {
cat('If daily.availability = 1: NAs have been filled with previous values.\n')
# compute daily returns, store everything in a new list:
compute.simple.returns = function(series) {
ret = diff(series)/series[1:(length(series) - 1)]*100
compute.log.returns = function(series) {
ret = diff(log(series))/log(exp(1))
data.daily.list = list()
if ( return.formula == 'simple' ) {
data.daily.list[['date']] = reduced.temp.data.daily.list[['date']][-1]
data.daily.list[['weekday']] = reduced.temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']][-1]
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
data.daily.list[[file.names[i]]] =
# now attach all returns to the list:
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
data.daily.list[[paste(file.names[i], '.ret', sep = '')]] =
if (verbose == T) {cat('Beginning to build the weekly series.\n')}
### Using temp.data.daily.list, build temp.data.weekly.list successively.
### First, substitute Wednesdays (or Mondays) for those Tuesdays which are missing.
### The following two functions do this.
subst.Wednesday = function(weekday, series) {
new.series = series
Tuesday.missing = ( is.na(series) & (weekday == '2') ) # Tuesday.missing = ( is.na(series) & (weekday == 'Tuesday') )
which.Tuesday.missing = which(Tuesday.missing == T)
# make sure a missing Tuesday to be replaced is not the LAST day in the series:
if ( length(Tuesday.missing[Tuesday.missing == T]) > 0 ) {
if ( which.Tuesday.missing[length(which.Tuesday.missing)] == length(series) ) {
which.Tuesday.missing = which.Tuesday.missing[-length(which.Tuesday.missing)]
# for the missing Tuesdays, substitute a Wednesday, which is the next day:
new.series[which.Tuesday.missing] = series[which.Tuesday.missing + 1]
subst.Monday = function(weekday, series) {
new.series = series
Tuesday.missing = ( is.na(series) & (weekday == '2') ) # Tuesday.missing = ( is.na(series) & (weekday == 'Tuesday') )
which.Tuesday.missing = which(Tuesday.missing == T)
# make sure a missing Tuesday to be replaced is not the FIRST day in the series:
if ( length(Tuesday.missing[Tuesday.missing == T]) > 0 ) {
if ( which.Tuesday.missing[1] == 1 ) {
which.Tuesday.missing = which.Tuesday.missing[-1]
# for the missing Tuesdays, substitute a Monday, which is the previous day:
new.series[which.Tuesday.missing] = series[which.Tuesday.missing - 1]
temp.data.weekly.list = list()
temp.data.weekly.list[['date']] = temp.data.daily.list[['date']]
temp.data.weekly.list[['weekday']] = temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']]
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
temp.subst.series =
subst.Wednesday(temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']], temp.data.daily.list[[i + 2]])
temp.subst.series =
subst.Monday(temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']], temp.subst.series)
temp.data.weekly.list[[file.names[i]]] = temp.subst.series
### Remove all non-Tuesdays from this list and build it once again
### (to get the counting index straight):
is.Tuesday = ( temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']] == '2' ) # is.Tuesday = ( temp.data.daily.list[['weekday']] == 'Tuesday' )
temp.data.weekly.list[['date']] = temp.data.weekly.list[['date']][is.Tuesday == T]
temp.data.weekly.list[['weekday']] = temp.data.weekly.list[['weekday']][is.Tuesday == T]
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
temp.data.weekly.list[[file.names[i]]] = temp.data.weekly.list[[file.names[i]]][is.Tuesday==T]
### depending on weekly.availability, decide which weeks have to be dismissed:
# week.available.1 is TRUE if and only if at least one week's index is available:
week.available.1 = rep(FALSE, length(temp.data.weekly.list[[3]]))
for ( i in 1:length(file.names) ) {
week.available.1 = (week.available.1 | !is.na(temp.data.weekly.list[[2 + i]]))
# week.available.2 is TRUE if and only if all week's indices are available:
week.available.2 = rep(TRUE, length(temp.data.weekly.list[[3]]))
for ( i in 1:length(file.names) ) {
week.available.2 = (week.available.2 & !is.na(temp.data.weekly.list[[2 + i]]))
# In any case, we dismiss all days before the first day for which BOTH indices are available:
# available.from = min(which(day.available.2 == T))
if (weekly.availability == 1) {week.available = week.available.1}
if (weekly.availability == 2) {week.available = week.available.2}
# day.available =
# c(rep(FALSE, available.from - 1), day.available[available.from:length(day.available)])
if (verbose == T) {cat('Decision which weeks to be dismissed has been made.\n')}
### Record which weeks are missing:
# TO BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
### Now dismiss those weeks for which no data are available:
reduced.temp.data.weekly.list = list()
reduced.temp.data.weekly.list[['date']] = temp.data.weekly.list[['date']][week.available == T]
reduced.temp.data.weekly.list[['weekday']] =
temp.data.weekly.list[['weekday']][week.available == T]
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
reduced.temp.data.weekly.list[[file.names[i]]] =
temp.data.weekly.list[[file.names[i]]][week.available == T]
if (verbose == T) {cat('Not available weeks have been dismissed.\n')}
if ( weekly.availability == 1 ) {
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
reduced.temp.data.weekly.list[[file.names[i]]] =
data.weekly.list = list()
if ( return.formula == 'simple' ) {
data.weekly.list[['date']] = reduced.temp.data.weekly.list[['date']][-1]
data.weekly.list[['weekday']] = reduced.temp.data.weekly.list[['weekday']][-1]
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
data.weekly.list[[file.names[i]]] =
# now attach all returns to the list:
for ( i in 1:length(file.names)) {
data.weekly.list[[paste(file.names[i], '.ret', sep = '')]] =
### Save daily and weekly data in files:
file.name.daily = 'data'
for ( i in 1:length(file.names) ) {
file.name.daily = paste(file.name.daily, '_', file.names[i], sep = '')
file.name.daily = paste(file.name.daily, '_daily.dat', sep = '')
file.name.weekly = 'data'
for ( i in 1:length(file.names) ) {
file.name.weekly = paste(file.name.weekly, '_', file.names[i], sep = '')
file.name.weekly = paste(file.name.weekly, '_weekly.dat', sep = '')
# save daily data to file:
output.matrix.daily = c(data.daily.list[[1]], data.daily.list[[2]])
# add level series to the output matrix:
for ( i in 3:(2 + length(file.names)) ) {
output.matrix.daily = c(output.matrix.daily, data.daily.list[[i]])
# add return series to the output matrix:
for ( i in (3 + length(file.names)):(2 + 2*length(file.names)) ) {
output.matrix.daily = c(output.matrix.daily, data.daily.list[[i]])
dim(output.matrix.daily) = c(length(data.daily.list[[3]]), 2+2*length(file.names))
headline = c('date', 'weekday', file.names, paste(file.names, '.ret', sep = ''))
write(headline, file = file.name.daily, ncolumns = 2+2*length(file.names))
write(t(output.matrix.daily), file = file.name.daily, ncolumns = 2+2*length(file.names),
append = T)
# save weekly data to file:
output.matrix.weekly = c(data.weekly.list[[1]], data.weekly.list[[2]])
# add level series to the output matrix:
for ( i in 3:(2 + length(file.names)) ) {
output.matrix.weekly = c(output.matrix.weekly, data.weekly.list[[i]])
# add return series to the output matrix:
for ( i in (3 + length(file.names)):(2 + 2*length(file.names)) ) {
output.matrix.weekly = c(output.matrix.weekly, data.weekly.list[[i]])
dim(output.matrix.weekly) = c(length(data.weekly.list[[3]]), 2+2*length(file.names))
headline = c('date', 'weekday', file.names, paste(file.names, '.ret', sep = ''))
write(headline, file = file.name.weekly, ncolumns = 2+2*length(file.names))
write(t(output.matrix.weekly), file = file.name.weekly, ncolumns = 2+2*length(file.names),
append = T)
cdts <- list(
file.names = file.names,
data.daily = data.daily.list,
data.weekly = data.weekly.list,
all.data.daily = temp.data.daily.list)
cat('Total time required: ', difftime(Sys.time(), start.time), '\n')
class(cdts) = "cdts"
cat("Class attributes can be called via the following names:\n")
cat(names(cdts), "\n")
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