
# Defining data types and functions for the networkAnalyser module
# Export the following names to NAMESPACE, otherwise the methods cannot be called
# by users even though they are methods of classes.
# Example:
#     g <- new("Graph", id = "graph1", V = nwk$V, E = nwk$E)
#     gs <- new("GraphSet", V = g@V, E = list("a" = g@E))
#     V(gs, id = "a")
#     g1 <- getGraph(gs, id = "a")
#     V(g1)
# Copyright 2018 Yu Wan <wanyuac@126.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# First version: 10 Aug 2018; the latest update: 29 Oct 2018
#' @export Graph
#' @export GraphSet
#' @export V
#' @export E
#' @export Vn
#' @export nE
#' @export G
#' @export En
#' @export nV
#' @export Export

# CLASS DEFINITIONS ###############
# Class Graph ===============
# Store a single graph (including a network)
# Slots: V (vertices) and E (edges).
Graph <- setClass(
    Class = "Graph",

    slots = list(id = "character", V = "data.frame", E = "data.frame"),

    prototype = list(id = NULL, V = NULL, E= NULL),

    validity = function(object) {
        v <- is.data.frame(object@V) && is.data.frame(object@E)
        if (v) {
            ve <- union(object@E[, 1], object@E[, 2])
            vv <- object@V[, 1]

            # E must not contain any vertices that are not present in V, and vice versa.
            unmatch <- any(! ve %in% vv) || any(! vv %in% ve)
            v <- v && !unmatch


# Class GraphSet ===============
# This class is used for storing all graphs that share nodes from the same set.
# It is useful for saving all cliques or communities identified in a network.
# The class has two slots:
#   V: a data frame for attributes of nodes in all member graphs
#   E: a list (named or unnamed) of edge tables. Each table defines a member
#      graph in this stack.

# Define a generator function for objects of the class GraphSet
GraphSet <- setClass(
    # class name
    Class = "GraphSet",

    # Data slots of every object. E can be a named list.
    slots = list(V = "data.frame", E = "list"),

    # default values of slots
    # By far, this class does not provide a function to check if there are
    # redundant nodes (namely, not present in any member graphs) or missing nodes
    # in the V slot in accordance with the E slot. So it is the user's responsibility
    # to ensure the nodes in V matches those in graphs.
    prototype = list(V = NULL, E = NULL),

    validity = function(object) {
        if ((is.null(object@V) | is.data.frame(object@V) | is.character(object@V)) & (is.null(object@E) | is.list(object@E))) {
            valid = TRUE
        } else {
            valid = "Error: V can only be a data frame, a character vector or NULL; E can only be a list or NULL."


# Read the V slot
setGeneric(name = "V",
           def = function(object) {  # Declaring the default value is necessary here, otherwise, the default value does not work.
               standardGeneric(f = "V")

# Read the E slot
setGeneric(name = "E",
           def = function(object, ...) {  # Declaring the default value is necessary here, otherwise, the default value does not work.
               standardGeneric(f = "E")

# Get vertex names
setGeneric(name = "Vn",
           # Do not use "signature = Graph" here. It is not applicable to generic functions.
           def = function(object, ...) {  # Declaring the default value is necessary here, otherwise, the default value does not work.
               standardGeneric(f = "Vn")

# Count the number of vertices
setGeneric(name = "nV",
           def = function(object, ...) {
               standardGeneric(f = "nV")

# Count number of edges per graph
setGeneric(name = "nE",
           def = function(object, ...) {
               standardGeneric(f = "nE")

# Return a member Graph object (only for GraphSet)
setGeneric(name = "G",
           def = function(object, id) {
               standardGeneric(f = "G")

# Retrive member graph names (for GraphSet)
setGeneric(name = "En",
           def = function(object) {
               standardGeneric(f = "En")

# Export network files (CSV format) from a Graph object for Cytoscape
setGeneric(name = "Export",
           def = function(object, path, prefix) {
               # path: must not end by a forward slash; prefix: must not start
               # by a forward slash.
               standardGeneric(f = "Export")

# DEFINE METHODS ###############
# Graph ===============
setMethod(f = "V",
          signature = "Graph",
          definition = function(object) {  # return vertex names

setMethod(f = "E",
          signature = "Graph",
          definition = function(object) {  # return vertex names

setMethod(f = "Vn",
          signature = "Graph",
          definition = function(object) {  # return vertex names
              return(object@V[, 1])

setMethod(f = "nV",
          signature = "Graph",
          definition = function(object) {  # return the vertex number

setMethod(f = "nE",
          signature = "Graph",
          definition = function(object) {

setMethod(f = "Export",
          signature = "Graph",
          definition = function(object, path = ".", prefix = "net") {
              write.csv(object@E, file = paste0(path, "/", prefix, "__edges.csv"), row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
              write.csv(object@V, file = paste0(path, "/", prefix, "__vertices.csv"), row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

# GraphSet ===============
# reference: http://www.cyclismo.org/tutorial/R/s4Classes.html
setMethod(f = "V",
          signature = "GraphSet",
          definition = function(object) {  # return vertex names

setMethod(f = "E",
          signature = "GraphSet",
          definition = function(object, id) {  # return vertex names

# Retrieve vertices of a specific member graph (given an ID)
setMethod(f = "Vn",
          signature = "GraphSet",
          definition = function(object, id, sorted = TRUE) {  # cluster.id: an integer or a character value for the cluster index or name, respectively.
              edges <- object@E[[id]]
              vertices <- union(edges[, 1], edges[, 2])  # discard duplicated values
              if (sorted) {
                  vertices <- sort(vertices, decreasing = FALSE)

# Count for all vertices
setMethod(f = "nV",
          signature = "GraphSet",
          definition = function(object, id = NULL) {  # return vertex names
              if (is.null(id)) {
                  n <- nrow(object@V)  # number of all alleles when a subgraph ID is not specified
              } else {
                  edges <- object@E[[id]]
                  n <- length(union(edges[, 1], edges[, 2]))

# Count the number of edges in a given member graph
setMethod(f = "nE",
          signature = "GraphSet",
          definition = function(object, id) {

# Extract a member graph from the set given its ID
setMethod(f = "G",
          signature = "GraphSet",
          definition = function(object, id) {
              e <- object@E[[id]]
              v <- union(e[, 1], e[, 2])
              v_tab <- object@V[object@V[, 1] %in% v, ]
              return(new("Graph", id = id, V = v_tab, E = e))

# Get member graph names
setMethod(f = "En",
          signature = "GraphSet",
          definition = function(object) {
wanyuac/GeneMates documentation built on Aug. 12, 2022, 7:37 a.m.