
Defines functions easyABC.simulation.wrapper

#!/usr/bin/env/ Rscript
#get the necessary libraries
easyABC.simulation.wrapper <- function(sim.seed = 1,   #what seed to start from
                                       design.points = 10, #
                                       par.repeat = 1, #each row is repeated once.
                                       ncluster.use = 4, #how many cores to use
                                       min.sim = 1, max.sim = 4,
                                       datalist = datalist,
                                       cal.simulation = FALSE){

  start.sim.time <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3])
  #Source all latest RSimpactHelper functions

  #source simpact set parameters

  if(cal.simulation == FALSE ){

    #This will get the initial parameters based on the sampled parameters
    inPUT.df.complete <- source.simpact.parameters(init.design.points = design.points, resample = 1)

    #set the prior names - varied parameters
    preprior.chunk <- names(dplyr::select(inPUT.df.complete, contains(".")))
    preprior.names.chunk <- preprior.chunk[2:length(preprior.chunk)]

    #select only simpact parameters
    inANDout.df.chunk <- cbind(sim.id = 1:nrow(inPUT.df.complete),
                               subset(inPUT.df.complete, select = preprior.names.chunk))

    #select a chunk to process
    sel.id.list <- c(min.sim:max.sim)  # or c(1,3,5)


    #datalist obtained from the calibration for simulation

    inPUT.df.complete  <-  head(source.simpact.parameters(),1)

    #set the prior names - varied parameters
    preprior.chunk <- names(dplyr::select(inPUT.df.complete, contains(".")))
    preprior.names.chunk <- preprior.chunk[2:length(preprior.chunk)]

    #select only simpact parameters
    inANDout.df.chunk <- cbind(sim.id = 1:nrow(datalist),
                               subset(datalist, select = preprior.names.chunk))

    #Will simulate all the calibrated parameter values
    sel.id.list <- c(1:nrow(inANDout.df.chunk))


  #select a subset of the parameter set
  inANDout.df.chunk <- as.data.frame(subset(inANDout.df.chunk, sim.id %in% sel.id.list))
  inANDout.df.chunk <- inANDout.df.chunk[!is.na(inANDout.df.chunk$sim.id),]

  #indicate the target statitics that you want to hit
  ##Each of these should be calculated after each run, else we give an NA

  #rbind all the results for this chunk to be merged after
  #Create a dataframe with NA for the summary statistics Will collect all the chunks with the sim.id to link back
  chunk.summary.stats.df <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = length(target.variables)+1))
  names(chunk.summary.stats.df) <- c(target.variables, "sim.id")

  ############   MAIN Simulation is here #######################
  simpact4ABC.chunk.wrapper <- function(simpact.chunk.prior){

    #This needs to be read by each processor
    pacman::p_load(data.table, tidyr, dplyr, EasyABC, magrittr, exactci,
                   fBasics, exactci, RSimpactCyan, readcsvcolumns, lhs)


    err.functionGEN <- function(e){
      if (length(grep("MAXEVENTS",e$message)) != 0)
        return(chunk.summary.stats = rep(NA,length(target.variables)))
      if (length(grep("internal event time",e$message)) != 0)
        return(chunk.summary.stats = rep(NA,length(target.variables)))

    simpact.chunk.run <- function(input.chunk.params){

      pacman::p_load(data.table, tidyr, dplyr, EasyABC, magrittr, exactci,
                     fBasics, exactci, RSimpactCyan, readcsvcolumns, lhs)

      #Source all latest RSimpactHelper functions

      getparam.names <- head(source.simpact.parameters(),1)

      #if you are doing many simulation you can also use a pre-prepared file
      #and read in a csv file.
      #getparam.names <- data.frame(read.csv(file = paste0(dirname,"PARAMETER_FILE.csv"),
      #                                         header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) )

      getparam.names <- names(dplyr::select(getparam.names, contains(".")))
      input.varied.params.plus <- getparam.names[2:length(getparam.names)]


      #Set simpact simulation type

      #This is largerly motivated by the 1970 Swaziland UN population
      #agedistr.creator(shape = 2, scale = 25)
      #sticking with our default.
      agedist.chunk.data.frame <- agedistr.creator(shape = 5, scale = 65)

      #When is HIV seeded and for how long the simulation will be.
      seed.hiv.time <- round(as.numeric(difftime(seed.hiv.date, sim.start.full, units = "days")/365.242),0)
      sim.duration <- round(as.numeric(difftime(sim.end.full,sim.start.full, units = "days")/365.242),0)

      #initial population
      num.women.prop <- round(women.frac * init.population.total, 0)
      num.men.prop <- init.population.total - num.women.prop

      ##Specifying the initially chosen values for the simulation.
      cfg.chunk <- input.params.creator(population.simtime = sim.duration,
                                        population.numwomen = num.women.prop,
                                        population.nummen = num.men.prop,
                                        hivseed.time = seed.hiv.time,
                                        debut.debutage = 12,  #maxart
                                        simulation.type = simulation.type)

      #add some of the MaxART specific parameters
      if(simulation.type == "maxart"){
        cfg.chunk$facilities.randomization <- "${SIMPACT_DATA_DIR}maxart-randomization-fake_5.csv"
        cfg.chunk$maxart.starttime <- round(as.numeric(difftime(maxart.starttime ,sim.start.full, units = "days")/365),0)
        #cfg.chunk$person.geo.dist2d.discrete.maskfile <-  "" #Defaults to Hhohho  region

      #intervention introduced see the intervention.introduced
      iv.chunk <- intervention.introduced(simulation.type = "pre.hhohho", simulation.start = sim.start.full)

      #The first parameter is set to be the seed value
      seed.chunk.id <- input.chunk.params[1]

      #set up the parameters to be varied in the model starting from 2:length of the varied params.
      j <- 1
      for (cfg.chunk.par in input.varied.params.plus){
        j <- j + 1
        assign.chunk.cfg.value <- input.chunk.params[j]
        cfg.chunk[cfg.chunk.par][[1]] <- assign.chunk.cfg.value
        #setting up a value that is depended on the other input (we can do this for many other as needed)
        if(cfg.chunk.par == "hivtransmission.param.f1"){
          f2.num <- log((1+assign.chunk.cfg.value)/2)
          f2.den <- log(assign.chunk.cfg.value)
          cfg.chunk["hivtransmission.param.f2"][[1]] <- log(f2.num / f2.den)/5

      ## Keep the files produced in subfolders
      generate.filename <- function(how.long){

        rn <- sample(1:100,1)
        t <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
        set.seed((t - floor(t)) * 1e8)
        chars <- c(letters, LETTERS)
        sub.dir.sim.id <-  paste0(sample(chars,how.long), collapse = "")

        noise.sample1 <- sample(8:15,1, replace = TRUE)
        sub.dir.sim.id.ext <- paste0(sample(chars,noise.sample1), collapse = "")
        noise.sample <- sample(1:1000,1)
        noise.sample2 <- sample(8:17,1, replace = TRUE)
        sub.dir.sim.id <- paste0(sub.dir.sim.id.ext,
                                 paste0(sample(chars,noise.sample2), collapse = ""),
                                 noise.sample, rn, Sys.getpid())



      sub.dir.rename <- paste0("temp/",generate.filename(10))

      testoutput <- simpact.run(configParams = cfg.chunk,
                                destDir = sub.dir.rename,
                                agedist = agedist.chunk.data.frame,
                                intervention = iv.chunk,
                                identifierFormat = paste0("%T-%y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S_%p_%r%r%r%r%r%r%r%r_"),
                                seed = seed.chunk.id)

      if(testoutput$simulationtime < cfg.chunk$population.simtime)
        if (testoutput$eventsexecuted >= cfg.chunk$population.maxevents-1)
          stop("MAXEVENTS: Simulation stopped prematurely, max events reached")
          stop("Simulation stopped prematurely, probably ran out of events")
      chunk.datalist.test <- readthedata(testoutput)

      #save each of the run output. (NICE to have)
      #save(chunk.datalist.test, file = paste0("temp/chunk.datalist.",substring(sub.dir.rename, 6, 15),".rda"))

      #delete all the file created during the current simulation (Save on cluster space)
      unlink(paste0(sub.dir.rename,"/"), recursive = TRUE)


        #Source all latest RSimpactHelper functions

        #get the summary statistics for each run

        ##get the summary statistics as indicated by target.variables
        out.statistic <- pre.hhohho.sim.summary.creator(chunk.datalist.test)
        ##out.test.degree <- out.statistic[[2]]
        out.statistic <- rep(NA,length(target.variables))
        ##out.statistic.degree <- NA

      chunk.summary.stats <- out.statistic


    chunk.summary.stats <- tryCatch(simpact.chunk.run(simpact.chunk.prior),
                                    error = err.functionGEN)

  for (chunk.sim.id in inANDout.df.chunk$sim.id){

    simpact.chunk.prior <- list()

    for (i in preprior.names.chunk){

      prior.chunk.val <- list(c("runif",1,as.numeric(inANDout.df.chunk[inANDout.df.chunk$sim.id==chunk.sim.id,i]),
                                as.numeric(inANDout.df.chunk[inANDout.df.chunk$sim.id==chunk.sim.id,i])), c("dunif",0,1))
      simpact.chunk.prior[[length(simpact.chunk.prior)+1]] <- prior.chunk.val

    print(paste("Working on simulation number: ", chunk.sim.id, sep=" "))

    #invoke the ABC_rejection method repeating the number of simulation once for each chunk row.
    ABC.chunk.result <- ABC_rejection(model = simpact4ABC.chunk.wrapper,
                                      prior = simpact.chunk.prior,
                                      nb_simul= par.repeat,
                                      use_seed = TRUE,
                                      seed_count = sim.seed,
                                      n_cluster = ncluster.use)

    #Save the statistics results with the chunk row sim.id repeated X* from the ABC_rejection method
    ABC.results.chunk.statistics <- data.frame(ABC.chunk.result$stats)
    names(ABC.results.chunk.statistics) <- target.variables
    ABC.results.chunk.statistics$sim.id <- chunk.sim.id

    chunk.summary.stats.df <- rbind(chunk.summary.stats.df, ABC.results.chunk.statistics)


  #collect the parameters and the target statistics
  inputANDoutput.chunk.df  <- left_join(chunk.summary.stats.df, inANDout.df.chunk, by = "sim.id")

  rand.string <- paste0(sample(c(LETTERS,letters), 10), collapse = "")
  filename.run <- paste0(dirname,"/","SummaryOutPut-df-",rand.string,"-easyABC.csv")

  write.csv(inputANDoutput.chunk.df, file = filename.run, row.names = FALSE)

  #Returns the df that contains the simulated statistics with
  #respective simpact parameters

  end.sim.time <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) - start.sim.time



wdelva/RSimpactHelp documentation built on Dec. 26, 2019, 3:42 a.m.