
Defines functions run_census sce_from_tibbles plot_pseudotime_heatmap calc_pseudotime_heatmap run_hmap Monocle2_diffex run_BEAM plot_feature_in_ref_query_ptime arrange_ptime_heatmaps by_row_corr_between_pt_heatmaps calc_cor_across_heatmaps cross_check_heatmaps plot_all_ptimes process_monocle_child convert_monoclev2_to_seuv3 convert_seuv3_to_monoclev2 add_census_slot

Documented in add_census_slot arrange_ptime_heatmaps by_row_corr_between_pt_heatmaps calc_cor_across_heatmaps calc_pseudotime_heatmap convert_monoclev2_to_seuv3 convert_seuv3_to_monoclev2 cross_check_heatmaps Monocle2_diffex plot_all_ptimes plot_feature_in_ref_query_ptime plot_pseudotime_heatmap process_monocle_child run_BEAM run_census run_hmap sce_from_tibbles

#' add census assay to a seurat object
#' @param seu
#' @param assay
#' @param slot
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
add_census_slot <- function(seu, assay = "gene", slot = "counts") {
    data <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seu, assay = assay, slot = slot)

    data <- floor(data)

    pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = seu@meta.data)

    fData <- data.frame(gene_short_name = row.names(data), row.names = row.names(data))
    fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = fData)

    # Construct monocle cds
    monocle_cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(data,
        phenoData = pd,
        featureData = fd,
        lowerDetectionLimit = 0.5,
        expressionFamily = VGAM::negbinomial.size()

    rpc_matrix <- monocle::relative2abs(monocle_cds, method = "num_genes")

    rpc_matrix[is.na(rpc_matrix)] <- 0

    monocle_cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(as(rpc_matrix, "sparseMatrix"),
        phenoData = pd,
        featureData = fd,
        lowerDetectionLimit = 0.5,
        expressionFamily = VGAM::negbinomial.size()

    attributes(seu)$census <- Biobase::exprs(monocle_cds)

    seu[["census"]] <- seu[["gene"]]
    seu <- SetAssayData(seu, slot = "data", new.data = Biobase::exprs(monocle_cds), assay = "census")


#' Convert a Seurat V3 object to a Monocle v2 object
#' @param seu
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
convert_seuv3_to_monoclev2 <- function(seu, assay = "gene", slot = "data", return_census = FALSE, sig_slice = 1000) {
    # Load Seurat object
    # Extract data, phenotype data, and feature data from the SeuratObject
    # data <- as(as.matrix(seu@assays[["gene"]]@counts), "sparseMatrix")

    data <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seu, assay = assay, slot = slot)

    data <- floor(data)

    pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = seu@meta.data)

    fData <- data.frame(gene_short_name = row.names(data), row.names = row.names(data))
    fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = fData)

    # Construct monocle cds
    monocle_cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(data,
        phenoData = pd,
        featureData = fd,
        lowerDetectionLimit = 0.5,
        expressionFamily = VGAM::negbinomial.size()

    if (return_census) {
        rpc_matrix <- monocle::relative2abs(monocle_cds, method = "num_genes")

        rpc_matrix[is.na(rpc_matrix)] <- 0

        monocle_cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(as(rpc_matrix, "sparseMatrix"),
            phenoData = pd,
            featureData = fd,
            lowerDetectionLimit = 0.5,
            expressionFamily = VGAM::negbinomial.size()


    # filter by gene expression
    # # keep genes that are expressed in at least 5 cells
    # min_expression <- 0.1
    # monocle_cds <- detectGenes(monocle_cds, min_expr=min_expression)
    # expressed_genes <- row.names(subset(featureData(monocle_cds), num_cells_expressed >= 5))

    # filter by gene expression (default monocle settings)
    monocle_cds <- detectGenes(monocle_cds, min_expr = 0.1)

    expressed_genes <- row.names(subset(
        num_cells_expressed >= 10

    # look at distribution of mRNA totals across cells
    phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs <- Matrix::colSums(Biobase::exprs(monocle_cds))

    # monocle_cds <- monocle_cds[, phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs < 1e6]

    upper_bound <- 10^(mean(log10(phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs)) +
        2 * sd(log10(phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs)))
    lower_bound <- 10^(mean(log10(phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs)) -
        2 * sd(log10(phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs)))

    # remove cells outside safe range of plot ---------------------------------

    monocle_cds <- monocle_cds[, phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs > lower_bound &
        phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs < upper_bound]
    monocle_cds <- detectGenes(monocle_cds, min_expr = 0.1)

    monocle_cds <- estimateSizeFactors(monocle_cds)
    monocle_cds <- estimateDispersions(monocle_cds)

    # verify lognormal distribution of expression values ----------------------

    # Log-transform each value in the expression matrix.
    L <- log(Biobase::exprs(monocle_cds[expressed_genes, ]))

    # Standardize each gene, so that they are all on the same scale,
    # Then melt the data with plyr so we can plot it easily
    # melted_dens_df <- melt(Matrix::t(scale(Matrix::t(L))))

    # use dpFeature -----------------------------------------------------------

    monocle_cds <- detectGenes(monocle_cds, min_expr = 0.1)
    Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds)$use_for_ordering <- Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds)$num_cells_expressed > 0.05 * ncol(monocle_cds)

    # print(plot_pc_variance_explained(monocle_cds, return_all = F))

    monocle_cds_red <- reduceDimension(monocle_cds,
        max_components = 2,
        norm_method = "log",
        num_dim = 3,
        reduction_method = "tSNE",
        verbose = T

    monocle_cds_red <- clusterCells(monocle_cds_red, verbose = F)

    # check clustering results
    print(plot_cell_clusters(monocle_cds_red, color_by = "as.factor(Cluster)"))

    # for (i in colorval){
    #   print(plot_cell_clusters(monocle_cds_red, color_by = paste0('as.factor(', i, ')')))
    # }

    # provide decision plot
    print(plot_rho_delta(monocle_cds_red, rho_threshold = 2, delta_threshold = 4))

    # rerun based on user-defined threshold
    monocle_cds_red <- clusterCells(monocle_cds_red,
        rho_threshold = 2,
        delta_threshold = 4,
        skip_rho_sigma = T,
        verbose = F

    # check final clustering
    print(plot_cell_clusters(monocle_cds_red, color_by = "as.factor(Cluster)"))
    # for (i in colorval){
    #   print(plot_cell_clusters(monocle_cds_red, color_by = paste0('as.factor(', i, ')')))
    # }

    # perform differential expression -----------------------------------------

    # find expressed genes
    monocle_cds_expressed_genes <- rownames(subset(Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds), Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds)$num_cells_expressed >= 10))

    print("running differential expression test")
    tictoc::tic("finished differential expression with")

    diff_test_res <- differentialGeneTest(monocle_cds_red[monocle_cds_expressed_genes, ],
        fullModelFormulaStr = "~Cluster",
        cores = 6

    # select top 1000 signif. genes
    ordering_genes <- row.names(diff_test_res)[order(diff_test_res$qval)][1:sig_slice]

    monocle_cds <- setOrderingFilter(monocle_cds, ordering_genes = ordering_genes)

    monocle_cds <- reduceDimension(monocle_cds, method = "DDRTree")

    monocle_cds <- orderCells(monocle_cds)

#' Convert a Seurat V3 object to a Monocle v2 object
#' @param seu
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
convert_monoclev2_to_seuv3 <- function(seu, assay = "gene", slot = "data", return_census = FALSE, sig_slice = 1000) {
    # Load Seurat object
    # Extract data, phenotype data, and feature data from the SeuratObject
    # data <- as(as.matrix(seu@assays[["gene"]]@counts), "sparseMatrix")

    data <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seu, assay = assay, slot = slot)

    data <- floor(data)

    pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = seu@meta.data)

    fData <- data.frame(gene_short_name = row.names(data), row.names = row.names(data))
    fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = fData)

    # Construct monocle cds
    monocle_cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(data,
        phenoData = pd,
        featureData = fd,
        lowerDetectionLimit = 0.5,
        expressionFamily = VGAM::negbinomial.size()

    if (return_census) {
        rpc_matrix <- monocle::relative2abs(monocle_cds, method = "num_genes")

        monocle_cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(as(rpc_matrix, "sparseMatrix"),
            phenoData = pd,
            featureData = fd,
            lowerDetectionLimit = 0.5,
            expressionFamily = VGAM::negbinomial.size()

    # filter by gene expression
    # # keep genes that are expressed in at least 5 cells
    # min_expression <- 0.1
    # monocle_cds <- detectGenes(monocle_cds, min_expr=min_expression)
    # expressed_genes <- row.names(subset(featureData(monocle_cds), num_cells_expressed >= 5))

    # filter by gene expression (default monocle settings)
    monocle_cds <- detectGenes(monocle_cds, min_expr = 0.1)

    expressed_genes <- row.names(subset(
        num_cells_expressed >= 10

    # look at distribution of mRNA totals across cells
    phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs <- Matrix::colSums(Biobase::exprs(monocle_cds))

    # monocle_cds <- monocle_cds[, phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs < 1e6]

    upper_bound <- 10^(mean(log10(phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs)) +
        2 * sd(log10(phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs)))
    lower_bound <- 10^(mean(log10(phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs)) -
        2 * sd(log10(phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs)))

    # remove cells outside safe range of plot ---------------------------------

    monocle_cds <- monocle_cds[, phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs > lower_bound &
        phenoData(monocle_cds)$Total_mRNAs < upper_bound]
    monocle_cds <- detectGenes(monocle_cds, min_expr = 0.1)

    monocle_cds <- estimateSizeFactors(monocle_cds)
    monocle_cds <- estimateDispersions(monocle_cds)

    # verify lognormal distribution of expression values ----------------------

    # Log-transform each value in the expression matrix.
    L <- log(Biobase::exprs(monocle_cds[expressed_genes, ]))

    # Standardize each gene, so that they are all on the same scale,
    # Then melt the data with plyr so we can plot it easily
    # melted_dens_df <- melt(Matrix::t(scale(Matrix::t(L))))

    # use dpFeature -----------------------------------------------------------

    monocle_cds <- detectGenes(monocle_cds, min_expr = 0.1)
    Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds)$use_for_ordering <- Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds)$num_cells_expressed > 0.05 * ncol(monocle_cds)

    # print(plot_pc_variance_explained(monocle_cds, return_all = F))

    monocle_cds_red <- reduceDimension(monocle_cds,
        max_components = 2,
        norm_method = "log",
        num_dim = 3,
        reduction_method = "tSNE",
        verbose = T

    monocle_cds_red <- clusterCells(monocle_cds_red, verbose = F)

    # check clustering results
    print(plot_cell_clusters(monocle_cds_red, color_by = "as.factor(Cluster)"))

    # for (i in colorval){
    #   print(plot_cell_clusters(monocle_cds_red, color_by = paste0('as.factor(', i, ')')))
    # }

    # provide decision plot
    print(plot_rho_delta(monocle_cds_red, rho_threshold = 2, delta_threshold = 4))

    # rerun based on user-defined threshold
    monocle_cds_red <- clusterCells(monocle_cds_red,
        rho_threshold = 2,
        delta_threshold = 4,
        skip_rho_sigma = T,
        verbose = F

    # check final clustering
    print(plot_cell_clusters(monocle_cds_red, color_by = "as.factor(Cluster)"))
    # for (i in colorval){
    #   print(plot_cell_clusters(monocle_cds_red, color_by = paste0('as.factor(', i, ')')))
    # }

    # perform differential expression -----------------------------------------

    # find expressed genes
    monocle_cds_expressed_genes <- rownames(subset(Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds), Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds)$num_cells_expressed >= 10))

    print("running differential expression test")
    tictoc::tic("finished differential expression with")

    diff_test_res <- differentialGeneTest(monocle_cds_red[monocle_cds_expressed_genes, ],
        fullModelFormulaStr = "~Cluster",
        cores = 6

    # select top 1000 signif. genes
    ordering_genes <- row.names(diff_test_res)[order(diff_test_res$qval)][1:sig_slice]

    monocle_cds <- setOrderingFilter(monocle_cds, ordering_genes = ordering_genes)

    monocle_cds <- reduceDimension(monocle_cds, method = "DDRTree")

    monocle_cds <- orderCells(monocle_cds)

#' Preprocess a Monocle v2 object for heatmap based on provided pseudotime
#' @param ptime
#' @param monocle_cds
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
process_monocle_child <- function(ptime, monocle_cds, trend_formula = "~sm.ns(Pseudotime, df=3)") {
    monocle_cds <- monocle_cds[, colnames(monocle_cds) %in% ptime$sample_id]

    ptime <- ptime[ptime$sample_id %in% colnames(monocle_cds), ]

    old_ptime <- phenoData(monocle_cds)$Pseudotime

    ptime$ptime <- scales::rescale(ptime$ptime, range(old_ptime))

    phenoData(monocle_cds)$Pseudotime <- ptime$ptime

    monocle_cds_expressed_genes <- rownames(subset(Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds), Biobase::featureData(monocle_cds)$num_cells_expressed >= 10))

    print("running differential expression test")
    tictoc::tic("finished differentiial expression with")

    diff_test_res <- differentialGeneTest(monocle_cds,
        fullModelFormulaStr = trend_formula,
        cores = 6


    return(list(monocle_cds = monocle_cds, diff_test_res = diff_test_res))

#' Plot a Set of Heatmaps Based on a provided pseudotime
#' @param monocle_list
#' @param query_name
#' @param sig_slice
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_all_ptimes <- function(monocle_list, query_name, sig_slice = 1000, ...) {
    sig_gene_names <- dplyr::filter(monocle_list[[query_name]]$diff_test_res, pval < 0.05) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(pval) %>%
        dplyr::slice(1:sig_slice) %>%
        dplyr::pull(gene_short_name) %>%

    # sig_gene_names <- sig_gene_names[1:100]
    monocle_list[[query_name]]$monocle_cds <- monocle_list[[query_name]]$monocle_cds[sig_gene_names, ]

    message("creating main heatmap")
    monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix <- suppressWarnings(calc_pseudotime_heatmap(monocle_list[[query_name]]$monocle_cds,
        sig_gene_names = sig_gene_names,
        cores = 1,
        show_rownames = T,
        return_heatmap = TRUE,

    # # retrieve order of gene names in first heatmap
    heatmap_gene_order <- rownames(monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix)

    monocle_list[[query_name]]$monocle_cds <- monocle_list[[query_name]]$monocle_cds[heatmap_gene_order, ]

    reference_names <- names(monocle_list)[names(monocle_list) != query_name]

    for (i in reference_names) {
        monocle_list[[i]]$monocle_cds <- monocle_list[[i]]$monocle_cds[heatmap_gene_order, ]

        message(paste0("creating reference heatmap ", i))
        monocle_list[[i]]$heatmap_matrix <- suppressWarnings(calc_pseudotime_heatmap(monocle_list[[i]]$monocle_cds,
            cores = 1,
            show_rownames = F,
            return_heatmap = TRUE,
            cluster_rows = F,
            trend_formula = "~sm.ns(Pseudotime, df=1)",

    monocle_list <- cross_check_heatmaps(monocle_list, query_name)

    monocle_list <- calc_cor_across_heatmaps(monocle_list, query_name)


#' Title
#' @param monocle_list
#' @param query_name
#' @param set_row_order
#' @param ...
#' @param cluster_rows
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
cross_check_heatmaps <- function(monocle_list, query_name, set_row_order = NULL, cluster_rows = T, ...) {
    reference_names <- names(monocle_list)[!names(monocle_list) == query_name]

    if (length(set_row_order) > 0) {
        set_row_order <- set_row_order[set_row_order != ""]

        heatmap_matrix <- monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix

        monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix <- heatmap_matrix[rownames(heatmap_matrix) %in% set_row_order, ]

    common_genes <- purrr::map(monocle_list, ~ rownames(purrr::pluck(.x, "heatmap_matrix"))) %>%

    if (length(set_row_order) > 0) {
        common_genes <- common_genes[match(set_row_order, common_genes)]
        common_genes <- common_genes[!is.na(common_genes)]

        cluster_rows <- F

    monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix <- monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix[common_genes, ]
    query_results <- plot_pseudotime_heatmap(monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix, query_name, cluster_rows = cluster_rows, heatmap_width = 12, ...)

    monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap <- query_results$heatmap

    for (i in reference_names) {
        monocle_list[[i]]$heatmap_matrix <- monocle_list[[i]]$heatmap_matrix[common_genes, ]
        monocle_list[[i]]$heatmap <- plot_pseudotime_heatmap(monocle_list[[i]]$heatmap_matrix, i, cluster_rows = F, query_set = F, ...)

    heatmap_gene_order <- rownames(monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix)
    mod_diff_test_res <- filter_rows_to_top(monocle_list[[query_name]]$diff_test_res, "gene_short_name", heatmap_gene_order)
    annotation_row <- tibble::tibble(feature = heatmap_gene_order)
    mod_diff_test_res <- dplyr::left_join(mod_diff_test_res, annotation_row, by = c("gene_short_name" = "feature"))
    monocle_list[[query_name]]$diff_test_res <- mod_diff_test_res

    if (length(set_row_order) > 0) {
        labels <- tibble::enframe(rownames(monocle_list[[query_name]]$heatmap_matrix), "order", "gene_short_name")
    } else {
        clusters <- dendextend::cutree(query_results$row_dend, k = 6) %>%
            tibble::enframe("gene_short_name", "cluster")

        labels <- labels(query_results$row_dend) %>%
            tibble::enframe("order", "gene_short_name") %>%
            dplyr::left_join(clusters, by = "gene_short_name")

    ordered_diff_test_res <- dplyr::left_join(labels, mod_diff_test_res, by = "gene_short_name")

    monocle_list[[query_name]]$ordered_diff_test_res <- ordered_diff_test_res


#' calculate correlation between heatmap matrices in processed cds_gene_list
#' @param cds_set
#' @param cds_set_name
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
calc_cor_across_heatmaps <- function(cds_set, cds_set_name) {
    # browser()
    heatmap_matrices <- map(cds_set, pluck, "heatmap_matrix")

    main_heatmap <- heatmap_matrices[[cds_set_name]]

    reference_heatmaps <- heatmap_matrices[!names(heatmap_matrices) == cds_set_name]

    correlations <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(reference_heatmaps))
    for (i in seq_along(reference_heatmaps)) {
        correlations[[i]] <- by_row_corr_between_pt_heatmaps(main_heatmap, reference_heatmaps[[i]])

    names(correlations) <- paste0(names(reference_heatmaps), "_correlation")

    gene_names <- names(correlations[[1]])

    correlations <- correlations %>%

    rownames(correlations) <- gene_names

    correlations <- correlations %>%

    cds_set[[cds_set_name]][["ordered_diff_test_res"]] <-
        cds_set[[cds_set_name]][["ordered_diff_test_res"]] %>%
        dplyr::left_join(correlations, by = "gene_short_name")


#' calculate row-wise correlation between two dataframes
#' @param df1
#' @param df2
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
by_row_corr_between_pt_heatmaps <- function(df1, df2) {
    # browser()
    correlations <- vector(length = nrow(df1))
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(df1))) {
        # print(i)
        correlations[i] <- cor(df1[i, ], df2[i, ], method = "pearson")

    names(correlations) <- rownames(df1)


#' Arrange processed monocle CDS objects containing heatmaps
#' @param cds_list
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
arrange_ptime_heatmaps <- function(cds_list, cds_name) {
    cds_heatmaps <- purrr::map(cds_list, ~ purrr::pluck(.x, "heatmap"))

    query_heatmap <- cds_heatmaps[[cds_name]]

    reference_heatmaps <- cds_heatmaps[!names(cds_heatmaps) == cds_name]

    heatmaplist <- query_heatmap + purrr::reduce(reference_heatmaps, `+`)


#' Plot Expression of a Given Feature of a set of Pseudotimes
#' @param cds_list
#' @param selected_cds
#' @param features
#' @param color_by
#' @param relative_expr
#' @param ...
#' @param min_expr
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_feature_in_ref_query_ptime <- function(cds_list, selected_cds, features = c("RXRG"), color_by = "State", relative_expr = FALSE, min_expr = 0.5, trend_df = 3, ...) {
    sub_cds_list <- purrr::map(cds_list, ~ .x$monocle_cds[features, ])

    string_NA_meta <- function(cds) {
        # fix metadata with only NA
        metadata <- Biobase::pData(cds)

        metadata[is.na(metadata)] <- "NA"

        Biobase::pData(Biobase:::phenoData(cds)) <- metadata


    sub_cds_list <- purrr::map(sub_cds_list, string_NA_meta)

    trend_formula <- paste0("~sm.ns(Pseudotime, df=", trend_df, ")")

    feature_plots_in_ptime <- purrr::map(sub_cds_list, monocle::plot_genes_in_pseudotime, trend_formula = trend_formula, color_by = color_by, relative_expr = relative_expr, min_expr = min_expr)


    # refquery_ptime_plot <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = feature_plots_in_ptime, ncol = 2, labels = names(feature_plots_in_ptime))
    # plot(refquery_ptime_plot)

#' Run BEAM from Monocle2
#' http://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/monocle-release/docs/#differential-expression-analysis
#' @param HSMM
#' @param branch_point
#' @param branches
#' @param pt_param
#' @param pt_paramval
#' @param colorval
#' @param top_genes
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
run_BEAM <- function(HSMM, branch_point, branches, pt_param, pt_paramval, colorval, top_genes) {
    if (grepl(",", colorval)) {
        colorval <- unlist(strsplit(colorval, ","))

    # check if branches present in HSMM

    root_branch <- GM_state(HSMM, pt_param, pt_paramval, branches)
    branch_states <- branches[which(branches != root_branch)]

    # test <- buildBranchCellDataSet(HSMM, progenitor_method = "sequential_split", branch_point = 2,
    #                                branch_labels = NULL, stretch = TRUE)
    # test <- buildBranchCellDataSet(HSMM, progenitor_method = "duplicate", branch_point = 2,
    #                                branch_labels = NULL, stretch = TRUE)

    BEAM_res <- BEAM(HSMM, branch_point = branch_point, cores = 6, progenitor_method = "sequential_split")

    BEAM_res <- BEAM_res[order(BEAM_res$qval), ]
    BEAM_res <- BEAM_res[, c("pval", "qval")]


#' Monocle2 differential expression
#' @param seu
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
Monocle2_diffex <- function(seu) {
    diff_test_res <- monocle::differentialGeneTest(cds_subset,
        fullModelFormulaStr = "~sm.ns(Pseudotime)"

#' Run heatmap from Monocle2
#' http://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/monocle-release/docs/#differential-expression-analysis
#' @param HSMM
#' @param BEAM_res
#' @param branches
#' @param pt_param
#' @param pt_paramval
#' @param colorval
#' @param top_genes
#' @param out_pdf
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
run_hmap <- function(HSMM, BEAM_res, branches, pt_param, pt_paramval, colorval, top_genes, out_pdf) {
    beam_pdf <- gsub(".pdf", "_beam.pdf", out_pdf)
    pdf(beam_pdf, height = 10)

    plotted_trx <- row.names(subset(BEAM_res, qval < 1e-4))
    gene_df <- data.frame(row.names = plotted_trx, gene_symbol = lookup_genes(plotted_trx))

    png(file = "test.png")
    mult_hmap <- plot_multiple_branches_heatmap(HSMM[plotted_trx, ],
        branches = branches,
        num_clusters = 2,
        cores = 6,
        use_gene_short_name = F,
        show_rownames = T, return_heatmap = TRUE

    mult_hmap$gtable$grobs[[3]]$gp$fontsize <- 4

    return_trx <- mult_hmap$gtable$grobs[[3]]$label
    return_genes <- lookup_genes(return_trx)

    hmap_genes <- data.frame("ensembl_transcript_id" = return_trx, "gene_symbol" = return_genes, "pval" = BEAM_res[return_trx, ]$pval, "qval" = BEAM_res[return_trx, ]$qval)
    hmap_genes_csv <- gsub(".pdf", paste0("_beam_heatmap_genes.csv"), out_pdf)
    write.csv(hmap_genes, hmap_genes_csv)

    hmap_genes <- dplyr::mutate(hmap_genes, new_labels = paste(ensembl_transcript_id, gene_symbol, sep = "\t"))

    mult_hmap$gtable$grobs[[3]]$label <- hmap_genes$new_labels


    root_branch <- GM_state(HSMM, pt_param, pt_paramval)
    branch_states <- branches[-root_branch]

    # plot individual genes ---------------------------------------------------
    # top_BEAM <- BEAM_res[1:top_genes,]
    top_BEAM <- BEAM_res[return_trx, ]
    top_genes <- length(return_trx)

    batch_plot_multiple_branches_pseudotime(colorval, top_BEAM, top_genes, branches, HSMM)
    # batch_plot_genes_branched_pseudotime(colorval, top_BEAM, top_genes, branch_states, HSMM)


#' calculate pseudotime heatmaps
#' @param cds_subset
#' @param cluster_rows
#' @param dend_k
#' @param hclust_method
#' @param num_clusters
#' @param hmcols
#' @param add_annotation_row
#' @param add_annotation_col
#' @param show_rownames
#' @param use_gene_short_name
#' @param norm_method
#' @param scale_max
#' @param scale_min
#' @param trend_formula
#' @param return_heatmap
#' @param cores
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
calc_pseudotime_heatmap <- function(cds_subset, cluster_rows = TRUE, dend_k = 6, hclust_method = "ward.D2",
    num_clusters = 6, hmcols = NULL, add_annotation_row = NULL,
    add_annotation_col = NULL, show_rownames = FALSE, use_gene_short_name = TRUE,
    norm_method = c("log", "vstExprs"), scale_max = 3, scale_min = -3,
    trend_formula = "~sm.ns(Pseudotime, df=3)", return_heatmap = FALSE,
    cores = 1, ...) {
    Biobase::fData(cds_subset) <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(cds_subset), gene_short_name = rownames(cds_subset))

    num_clusters <- min(num_clusters, nrow(cds_subset))
    pseudocount <- 1
    newdata <- data.frame(Pseudotime = seq(min(Biobase::pData(cds_subset)$Pseudotime),
        length.out = 100
    m <- monocle::genSmoothCurves(cds_subset,
        cores = cores, trend_formula = trend_formula,
        relative_expr = T, new_data = newdata
    m <- m[!apply(m, 1, sum) == 0, ]
    norm_method <- match.arg(norm_method)
    if (norm_method == "vstExprs" && is.null(cds_subset@dispFitInfo[["blind"]]$disp_func) ==
        FALSE) {
        m <- vstExprs(cds_subset, expr_matrix = m)
    } else if (norm_method == "log") {
        m <- log10(m + pseudocount)

    # drop every row (gene) that has a standard deviation of zero
    # m = m[!apply(m, 1, sd) == 0, ]
    m <- Matrix::t(scale(Matrix::t(m), center = TRUE))
    m <- m[is.na(row.names(m)) == FALSE, ]
    m[is.nan(m)] <- 0
    m[m > scale_max] <- scale_max
    m[m < scale_min] <- scale_min
    heatmap_matrix <- m


#' plot pseudotime heatmap
#' @param heatmap_matrix
#' @param dend_k
#' @param cluster_rows
#' @param hmcols
#' @param heatmap_title
#' @param seriation
#' @param row_font
#' @param heatmap_height
#' @param query_set
#' @param heatmap_width
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_pseudotime_heatmap <- function(heatmap_matrix, heatmap_title, dend_k = 6, cluster_rows = T, query_set = T, hmcols = NULL, seriation = F, row_font = 4, heatmap_height = 96, heatmap_width = 8) {
    row_dist <- as.dist((1 - cor(Matrix::t(heatmap_matrix))) / 2)
    row_dist[is.na(row_dist)] <- 1

    if (is.null(hmcols)) {
        bks <- seq(-3.1, 3.1, by = 0.1)
        hmcols <- colorRamps::blue2green2red(length(bks) - 1)
    } else {
        bks <- seq(-3.1, 3.1, length.out = length(hmcols))

    if (seriation) {
        o1 <- seriation::seriate(row_dist, method = "GW")
        row_dend <- as.dendrogram(o1[[1]])
    } else {
        row_dend <- hclust(row_dist, method = "ward.D2")
        row_dend <- dendextend::color_branches(row_dend, k = dend_k)

    if (cluster_rows) {
        row_split <- dend_k
        show_row_dend <- TRUE
        cluster_rows <- row_dend
    } else {
        row_split <- NULL
        # row_dend <- dendextend::rotate(row_dend, rownames(heatmap_matrix))
        cluster_rows <- FALSE
        show_row_dend <- FALSE

    ph_res <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(heatmap_matrix,
        # Remove name from fill legend
        name = NULL,
        # Keep original row/col order
        row_order = rownames(heatmap_matrix),
        column_order = colnames(heatmap_matrix),
        # Add left annotation (legend with tumor/normal)
        # right_annotation = gene_ann,
        # ACTUAL SPLIT by sample group
        row_split = row_split,
        show_row_names = TRUE,
        show_column_names = FALSE,
        show_column_dend = FALSE,
        row_title = NULL,
        cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
        show_row_dend = show_row_dend,
        row_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = c(row_font)),
        heatmap_height = unit(heatmap_height, "cm"),
        heatmap_width = unit(heatmap_width, "cm"),
        column_title = heatmap_title,
        row_dend_width = unit(4, "cm")

    if (query_set) {
        query_results <- list(heatmap = ph_res, row_dend = row_dend)
    } else {

#' Create Single Cell Experiment from Tibbles
#' @param counts
#' @param colData
#' @param experimentdata
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
sce_from_tibbles <- function(counts, colData, experimentdata = NULL) {
    featuredata <- data.frame(rownames(counts), row.names = rownames(counts))

    counts <- data.frame(counts)
    counts <- as.matrix(counts)

    colData <- data.frame(colData)
    rownames(colData) <- gsub("-", ".", colData$sample_id)
    colData <- colData[colnames(counts), ]
    sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = counts), colData = colData, rowData = featuredata, metadata = experimentdata)


#' Run Census
#' @param sce a single cell experiment object
#' @param census_output_file name to be given to output file
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
run_census <- function(sce, census_output_file) {
    # create new celldataset
    pd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(colData(sce)))
    fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(rowData(sce)))

    HSMM <- monocle::newCellDataSet(counts(sce),
        phenoData = pd,
        featureData = fd,
        lowerDetectionLimit = 0.1,
        expressionFamily = tobit(Lower = 0.1)

    rpc_matrix <- monocle::relative2abs(HSMM, method = "num_genes")

    # Now, make a new CellDataSet using the RNA counts
    HSMM <- monocle::newCellDataSet(as(rpc_matrix, "sparseMatrix"),
        phenoData = pd,
        featureData = fd,
        lowerDetectionLimit = 1,
        expressionFamily = negbinomial.size()

whtns/seuratTools documentation built on June 28, 2024, 8:30 p.m.