
Defines functions MS_optim

Documented in MS_optim

#' Simultaneous optimization of multiple resistance surfaces
#' Optimize multiple resistance surfsaces simultaneously using genetic algorithms
#' @param CS.inputs Object created from running \code{\link[ResistanceGA]{CS.prep}} function. Defined if optimizing using CIRCUITSCAPE
#' @param gdist.inputs Object created from running \code{\link[ResistanceGA]{gdist.prep}} function. Defined if optimizing using gdistance
#' @param jl.inputs Object created from running \code{\link[ResistanceGA]{jl.prep}} function. Defined if optimizing using CIRCUITSCAPE run in Julia
#' @param GA.inputs Object created from running \code{\link[ResistanceGA]{GA.prep}} function
#' @param diagnostic_plots Plotting and saving of diagnostic plots (Default = TRUE)
#' @return This function optimizes multiple resistance surfaces, returning a Genetic Algorithm (GA) object with summary information. Diagnostic plots of model fit are output to the "Results/Plots" folder that is automatically generated within the folder containing the optimized ASCII files. A text summary of the optimization settings and results is printed to the results folder.
#' @usage MS_optim(CS.inputs, 
#'              gdist.inputs, 
#'              jl.inputs,
#'              GA.inputs,
#'              diagnostic_plots = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @author Bill Peterman <Peterman.73@@osu.edu>
#' @examples  
#' ## Not run:
#' ## *** TO BE COMPLETED *** ##
#' ## End (Not run)

MS_optim <- function(CS.inputs = NULL,
                     gdist.inputs = NULL,
                     jl.inputs = NULL,
                     diagnostic_plots = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(GA.inputs$scale)) {
      "This function should NOT be used if you intend to apply kernel smoothing to your resistance surfaces"
  k.value <- GA.inputs$k.value
  wd <- getwd()
  # Circuitscape ------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(CS.inputs)) {
    # if (GA.inputs$parallel != FALSE) {
    #   warning(
    #     "\n CIRCUITSCAPE cannot be optimized in parallel. \n Ignoring parallel arguement. \n If you want to optimize in parallel, use least cost paths or commute time with gdistance.",
    #     immediate. = TRUE
    #   )
    # }
    t1 <- proc.time()[3]
    multi.GA_nG <- ga(
      type = "real-valued",
      fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi,
      population = GA.inputs$population,
      selection = GA.inputs$selection,
      mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
      pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
      crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
      pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
      Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
      GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
      CS.inputs = CS.inputs,
      lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
      upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
      popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
      maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
      optim = GA.inputs$optim,
      optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
      parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
      run = GA.inputs$run,
      keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
      seed = GA.inputs$seed,
      suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
      monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
      quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
    rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
    if(dim(multi.GA_nG@solution)[1] > 1) {
      multi.GA_nG@solution <- t(as.matrix(multi.GA_nG@solution[1,]))
    Opt.parm <- GA.opt <- multi.GA_nG@solution
    for (i in 1:GA.inputs$n.layers) {
      if (GA.inputs$surface.type[i] == "cat") {
        ga.p <-
          GA.opt[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i + 1])]
        parm <- ga.p / min(ga.p)
        if(max(parm) > GA.inputs$max.cat){
          parm <- SCALE.vector(parm, 1, GA.inputs$max.cat)

        Opt.parm[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i +
                                                                       1])] <- parm
      } else {
        parm <-
          GA.opt[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i + 1])]
        Opt.parm[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i +
                                                                       1])] <- parm
    multi.GA_nG@solution <- Opt.parm
    RAST <-
        PARM = multi.GA_nG@solution,
        CS.inputs = CS.inputs,
        GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
        rescale = TRUE,
        p.contribution = TRUE
    p.cont <- RAST$percent.contribution
    RAST <- RAST$combined.surface
    NAME <- paste(GA.inputs$parm.type$name, collapse = ".")
    names(RAST) <- NAME
    cd <- Run_CS(CS.inputs,
                 r = RAST,
                 full.mat = TRUE,
                 EXPORT.dir = GA.inputs$Results.dir)
      file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, "_csResistMat.csv"),
      sep = ",",
      row.names = F,
      col.names = F
                paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".asc"),
                overwrite = TRUE)
    ifelse(length(unique(RAST)) > 15,
           type <- "continuous",
           type <- "categorical")
        resistance.mat = lower(cd),
        genetic.dist = CS.inputs$response,
        plot.dir = GA.inputs$Plots.dir,
        type = "continuous",
        name = NAME,
        ID = CS.inputs$ID,
        ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ
    dat <- CS.inputs$df
    dat$cd <- scale(lower(cd))
    fit.mod <- mlpe_rga(formula = CS.inputs$formula,
                        data = dat,
                        ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ,
                        REML = FALSE)
    fit.mod_REML <- mlpe_rga(formula = CS.inputs$formula,
                             data = dat,
                             ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ,
                             REML = TRUE)
    fit.stats <- suppressWarnings(r.squaredGLMM(
    LL <- logLik(
    MLPE.model <- fit.mod
    # fit.stats <- r.squaredGLMM(
    #   MLPE.lmm(
    #     REML = F,
    #     resistance = lower(cd),
    #     pairwise.genetic = CS.inputs$response,
    #     ID = CS.inputs$ID,
    #     ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ
    #   )
    # )
    # aic <- AIC(
    #   MLPE.lmm(
    #     REML = F,
    #     resistance = lower(cd),
    #     pairwise.genetic = CS.inputs$response,
    #     ID = CS.inputs$ID,
    #     ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ
    #   )
    # )
    # LL <-
    #   logLik(
    #     MLPE.lmm(
    #       resistance = lower(cd),
    #       pairwise.genetic = CS.inputs$response,
    #       REML = F,
    #       ID = CS.inputs$ID,
    #       ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ
    #     )
    #   )
    # MLPE.model <-
    #   MLPE.lmm(
    #     resistance = lower(cd),
    #     pairwise.genetic = CS.inputs$response,
    #     REML = F,
    #     ID = CS.inputs$ID,
    #     ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ
    #   )
    if (k.value == 1) {
      k <- 2
    } else if (k.value == 2) {
      k <- sum(GA.inputs$parm.type$n.parm) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    } else if (k.value == 3) {
      k <- sum(GA.inputs$parm.type$n.parm) + 
        length(GA.inputs$layer.names) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    } else {
      k <- length(GA.inputs$layer.names) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    n <- CS.inputs$n.Pops
    aic <- (-2 * LL) + (2 * k)
    AICc <- 
      # (-2 * LL) + (((2 * k) * (k + 1)) / (n - k - 1))
      (aic) + (((2 * k) * (k + 1)) / max((n - k - 1), 1))
    # Get parameter estimates
    MLPE.results <- MLPE.lmm_coef(
      resistance = GA.inputs$Results.dir,
      genetic.dist = CS.inputs$response,
      out.dir = GA.inputs$Results.dir,
      method = "cs",
      ID = CS.inputs$ID,
      ZZ = CS.inputs$ZZ
      GA.results = multi.GA_nG,
      GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
      method = "CIRCUITSCAPE",
      Run.Time = rt,
      fit.stats = fit.stats,
      optim = GA.inputs$method,
      k = k,
      aic = aic,
      AICc = AICc,
      LL = LL[[1]]
    write.table(p.cont, file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, "Percent_Contribution.csv"), sep = ",",
                row.names = F,
                col.names = T)
    # save(multi.GA_nG, 
    #      file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".rda"))
            file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".rds"))
    # file.remove(list.files(GA.inputs$Write.dir, full.names = TRUE))
    # unlink(GA.inputs$Write.dir, recursive = T, force = T)
    k.df <- data.frame(surface = NAME, k = k)
    cd.list <- list(as.matrix(cd))
    names(cd.list) <- NAME
    AICc.tab <- data.frame(surface = NAME,
                           obj = multi.GA_nG@fitnessValue,
                           k = k,
                           AIC = aic,
                           AICc = AICc,
                           R2m = fit.stats[[1]],
                           R2c = fit.stats[[2]],
                           LL = LL)
    colnames(AICc.tab) <-
        paste0("obj.func_", GA.inputs$method),
    out <- list(GA.summary = multi.GA_nG,
                MLPE.model = MLPE.model,
                AICc.tab = AICc.tab,
                cd = cd.list,
                percent.contribution = p.cont,
                k = k.df)
  # gdistance ---------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(gdist.inputs)) {
    # MLPE with Covariates ----------------------------------------------------
    if(!is.null(gdist.inputs$covariates)) { 
      #  * Island GA -------------------------------------------------------------
      if(isTRUE(GA.inputs$gaisl)) {
        t1 <- proc.time()[3]
        multi.GA_nG <- gaisl(
          type = "real-valued",
          fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi.cov,
          population = GA.inputs$population,
          selection = GA.inputs$selection,
          mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
          pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
          crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
          pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
          Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
          GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
          gdist.inputs = gdist.inputs,
          lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
          upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
          popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
          maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
          numIslands = GA.inputs$numIslands,
          migrationRate = GA.inputs$migrationRate,
          migrationInterval = GA.inputs$migrationInterval,
          optim = GA.inputs$optim,
          optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
          parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
          run = GA.inputs$run,
          # keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
          seed = GA.inputs$seed,
          monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
          suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
          quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
        rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
      } else {
        # * Standard GA -------------------------------------------------------------
        t1 <- proc.time()[3]
        multi.GA_nG <- ga(
          type = "real-valued",
          fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi.cov,
          population = GA.inputs$population,
          selection = GA.inputs$selection,
          mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
          pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
          crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
          pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
          Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
          GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
          gdist.inputs = gdist.inputs,
          lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
          upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
          popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
          maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
          optim = GA.inputs$optim,
          optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
          parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
          run = GA.inputs$run,
          keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
          seed = GA.inputs$seed,
          monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
          suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
          quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
        rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
    } # End covariates
    # MLPE no Covariates ------------------------------------------------------
    if(is.null(gdist.inputs$covariates)) {
      #  * Island GA -------------------------------------------------------------
      if(isTRUE(GA.inputs$gaisl)) {
        t1 <- proc.time()[3]
        multi.GA_nG <- gaisl(
          type = "real-valued",
          fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi,
          population = GA.inputs$population,
          selection = GA.inputs$selection,
          mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
          pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
          crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
          pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
          Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
          GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
          gdist.inputs = gdist.inputs,
          lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
          upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
          popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
          maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
          numIslands = GA.inputs$numIslands,
          migrationRate = GA.inputs$migrationRate,
          migrationInterval = GA.inputs$migrationInterval,
          optim = GA.inputs$optim,
          optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
          parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
          run = GA.inputs$run,
          # keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
          seed = GA.inputs$seed,
          monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
          suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
          quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
        rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
      } else {
        # * Standard GA -------------------------------------------------------------
        t1 <- proc.time()[3]
        multi.GA_nG <- ga(
          type = "real-valued",
          fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi,
          population = GA.inputs$population,
          selection = GA.inputs$selection,
          mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
          pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
          crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
          pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
          Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
          GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
          gdist.inputs = gdist.inputs,
          lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
          upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
          popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
          maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
          optim = GA.inputs$optim,
          optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
          parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
          run = GA.inputs$run,
          keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
          seed = GA.inputs$seed,
          monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
          suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
          quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
        rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
    } # End no covariates
    multi.GA_nG.o <- multi.GA_nG
            file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, paste(GA.inputs$parm.type$name, collapse = "."), "_full.rds"))
    if(dim(multi.GA_nG@solution)[1] > 1) {
      multi.GA_nG@solution <- t(as.matrix(multi.GA_nG@solution[1,]))
    Opt.parm <- GA.opt <- multi.GA_nG@solution
    for (i in 1:GA.inputs$n.layers) {
      if (GA.inputs$surface.type[i] == "cat") {
        ga.p <-
          GA.opt[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i + 1])]
        parm <- ga.p / min(ga.p)
        if(max(parm) > GA.inputs$max.cat){
          parm <- SCALE.vector(parm, 1, GA.inputs$max.cat)
        Opt.parm[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i +
                                                                       1])] <- parm
      } else {
        parm <-
          GA.opt[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i + 1])]
        Opt.parm[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i +
                                                                       1])] <- parm
    multi.GA_nG@solution <- Opt.parm
    RAST <-
        PARM = multi.GA_nG@solution,
        gdist.inputs = gdist.inputs,
        GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
        rescale = TRUE,
        p.contribution = TRUE
    p.cont <- RAST$percent.contribution
    RAST <- RAST$combined.surface
    NAME <- paste(GA.inputs$parm.type$name, collapse = ".")
    names(RAST) <- NAME
    cd <- Run_gdistance(gdist.inputs, RAST)
    dat <- gdist.inputs$df
    dat$cd <- scale(c(cd))
      file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, "_", gdist.inputs$method,"_distMat.csv"),
      sep = ",",
      row.names = F,
      col.names = F
                paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".asc"),
                overwrite = TRUE)
    ifelse(length(unique(RAST)) > 15,
           type <- "continuous",
           type <- "categorical")
        resistance.mat = cd,
        genetic.dist = gdist.inputs$response,
        plot.dir = GA.inputs$Plots.dir,
        type = type,
        name = NAME,
        ID = gdist.inputs$ID,
        ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ
    if(!is.null(gdist.inputs$covariates)) { 
      MLPE.results <- NULL
    } else {
      # Get parameter estimates
      MLPE.results <- MLPE.lmm_coef(
        resistance = GA.inputs$Results.dir,
        genetic.dist = gdist.inputs$response,
        out.dir = GA.inputs$Results.dir,
        method = "gd",
        ID = gdist.inputs$ID,
        ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ
    fit.mod <- mlpe_rga(formula = gdist.inputs$formula,
                        data = dat,
                        ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ,
                        REML = FALSE)
    fit.mod_REML <- mlpe_rga(formula = gdist.inputs$formula,
                             data = dat,
                             ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ,
                             REML = TRUE)
    fit.stats <- suppressWarnings(r.squaredGLMM(
    LL <- logLik(
    MLPE.model <- fit.mod
    # MLPE.model <- MLPE.lmm(
    #   resistance = cd,
    #   pairwise.genetic = gdist.inputs$response,
    #   REML = F,
    #   ID = gdist.inputs$ID,
    #   ZZ = gdist.inputs$ZZ
    # )
    if (k.value == 1) {
      k <- 2
    } else if (k.value == 2) {
      k <- sum(GA.inputs$parm.type$n.parm) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    } else if (k.value == 3) {
      k <- sum(GA.inputs$parm.type$n.parm) + 
        length(GA.inputs$layer.names) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    } else {
      k <- length(GA.inputs$layer.names) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    n <- gdist.inputs$n.Pops
    aic <- (-2 * LL) + (2 * k)
    AICc <- 
      # (-2 * LL) + (((2 * k) * (k + 1)) / (n - k - 1))
      (aic) + (((2 * k) * (k + 1)) / max((n - k - 1), 1))
      GA.results = multi.GA_nG,
      GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
      method = gdist.inputs$method,
      Run.Time = rt,
      fit.stats = fit.stats,
      optim = GA.inputs$method,
      k = k,
      aic = aic,
      AICc = AICc,
      LL = LL[[1]],
      fit.mod_REML = fit.mod_REML
    write.table(p.cont, file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, "Percent_Contribution.csv"), sep = ",",
                row.names = F,
                col.names = T)
    # save(multi.GA_nG, 
    #      file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".rda"))
            file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".rds"))
    # unlink(GA.inputs$Write.dir, recursive = T, force = T)
    k.df <- data.frame(surface = NAME, k = k)
    cd.list <- list(as.matrix(cd))
    names(cd.list) <- NAME
    AICc.tab <- data.frame(surface = NAME,
                           obj = multi.GA_nG@fitnessValue,
                           k = k,
                           AIC = aic,
                           AICc = AICc,
                           R2m = fit.stats[[1]],
                           R2c = fit.stats[[2]],
                           LL = LL)
    colnames(AICc.tab) <-
        paste0("obj.func_", GA.inputs$method),
    out <- list(GA.summary = multi.GA_nG,
                MLPE.model = MLPE.model,
                MLPE.model_REML = fit.mod_REML,
                AICc.tab = AICc.tab,
                cd = cd.list,
                percent.contribution = p.cont,
                k = k.df)
  # >>> Julia ---------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(jl.inputs)) {
    # setwd(jl.inputs$JULIA_HOME)
    # MLPE with Covariates ----------------------------------------------------
    if(!is.null(jl.inputs$covariates)) { 
      #  * Island GA -------------------------------------------------------------
      if(isTRUE(GA.inputs$gaisl)) {
        # stop("Optimization with covariates is not currently supported with gaisl!")
        t1 <- proc.time()[3]
        multi.GA_nG <- gaisl(
          type = "real-valued",
          fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi.cov,
          population = GA.inputs$population,
          selection = GA.inputs$selection,
          mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
          pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
          crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
          pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
          Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
          GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
          jl.inputs = jl.inputs,
          lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
          upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
          popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
          maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
          numIslands = GA.inputs$numIslands,
          migrationRate = GA.inputs$migrationRate,
          migrationInterval = GA.inputs$migrationInterval,
          optim = GA.inputs$optim,
          optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
          parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
          run = GA.inputs$run,
          # keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
          seed = GA.inputs$seed,
          monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
          suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
          quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
        rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
      } else {
        # * Standard GA -------------------------------------------------------------
        t1 <- proc.time()[3]
        multi.GA_nG <- ga(
          type = "real-valued",
          fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi.cov,
          population = GA.inputs$population,
          selection = GA.inputs$selection,
          mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
          pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
          crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
          pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
          Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
          GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
          jl.inputs = jl.inputs,
          lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
          upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
          popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
          maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
          optim = GA.inputs$optim,
          optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
          parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
          run = GA.inputs$run,
          keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
          seed = GA.inputs$seed,
          monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
          suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
          quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
        rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
    } # End covariates
    # MLPE no Covariates ------------------------------------------------------
    if (is.null(jl.inputs$covariates)) {
      #  * Island GA -------------------------------------------------------------
      if(isTRUE(GA.inputs$gaisl)) {
        t1 <- proc.time()[3]
        multi.GA_nG <- gaisl(
          type = "real-valued",
          fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi,
          population = GA.inputs$population,
          selection = GA.inputs$selection,
          mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
          pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
          crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
          pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
          Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
          GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
          jl.inputs = jl.inputs,
          lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
          upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
          popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
          maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
          numIslands = GA.inputs$numIslands,
          migrationRate = GA.inputs$migrationRate,
          migrationInterval = GA.inputs$migrationInterval,
          optim = GA.inputs$optim,
          optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
          parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
          run = GA.inputs$run,
          # keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
          seed = GA.inputs$seed,
          monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
          suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
          quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
        rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
      } else {
        # * Standard GA -------------------------------------------------------------
        t1 <- proc.time()[3]
        multi.GA_nG <- ga(
          type = "real-valued",
          fitness = Resistance.Opt_multi,
          population = GA.inputs$population,
          selection = GA.inputs$selection,
          mutation = GA.inputs$mutation,
          pcrossover = GA.inputs$pcrossover,
          crossover = GA.inputs$crossover,
          pmutation = GA.inputs$pmutation,
          Min.Max = GA.inputs$Min.Max,
          GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
          jl.inputs = jl.inputs,
          lower = GA.inputs$ga.min,
          upper = GA.inputs$ga.max,
          popSize = GA.inputs$pop.size,
          maxiter = GA.inputs$maxiter,
          optim = GA.inputs$optim,
          optimArgs = GA.inputs$optimArgs,
          parallel = GA.inputs$parallel,
          run = GA.inputs$run,
          keepBest = GA.inputs$keepBest,
          seed = GA.inputs$seed,
          monitor = GA.inputs$monitor,
          suggestions = GA.inputs$SUGGESTS,
          quiet = GA.inputs$quiet
        rt <- proc.time()[3] - t1
    } # End no covariates
    multi.GA_nG.o <- multi.GA_nG
            file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, paste(GA.inputs$parm.type$name, collapse = "."), "_full.rds"))
    if(dim(multi.GA_nG@solution)[1] > 1) {
      multi.GA_nG@solution <- t(as.matrix(multi.GA_nG@solution[1,]))
    Opt.parm <- GA.opt <- multi.GA_nG@solution
    for (i in 1:GA.inputs$n.layers) {
      if (GA.inputs$surface.type[i] == "cat") {
        ga.p <-
          GA.opt[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i + 1])]
        parm <- ga.p / min(ga.p)
        if(max(parm) > GA.inputs$max.cat){
          parm <- SCALE.vector(parm, 1, GA.inputs$max.cat)
        Opt.parm[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i +
                                                                       1])] <- parm
      } else {
        parm <-
          GA.opt[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i + 1])]
        Opt.parm[(GA.inputs$parm.index[i] + 1):(GA.inputs$parm.index[i +
                                                                       1])] <- parm
    multi.GA_nG@solution <- Opt.parm
    RAST <-
        PARM = multi.GA_nG@solution,
        jl.inputs = jl.inputs,
        GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
        rescale = TRUE,
        p.contribution = TRUE
    p.cont <- RAST$percent.contribution
    RAST <- RAST$combined.surface
    NAME <- paste(GA.inputs$parm.type$name, collapse = ".")
    names(RAST) <- NAME
    cd <- suppressWarnings(Run_CS.jl(jl.inputs, RAST, full.mat = TRUE))
    cd.l <- lower(cd)
    cd.l <- cd.l[cd.l != -1]
    cd.l <- scale(cd.l)
    dat <- jl.inputs$df
    dat$cd <- cd.l
    # dat$cd <- scale(lower(cd)[which(lower(cd) != -1)])
      file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, "_jlResistMat.csv"),
      sep = ",",
      row.names = F,
      col.names = F
                paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".asc"),
                overwrite = TRUE)
    ifelse(length(unique(RAST)) > 15,
           type <- "continuous",
           type <- "categorical")
        resistance.mat = dat$cd,
        genetic.dist = jl.inputs$response,
        plot.dir = GA.inputs$Plots.dir,
        type = type,
        name = NAME,
        ID = jl.inputs$ID,
        ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ
    # Get parameter estimates
    MLPE.results <- MLPE.lmm_coef(
      formula = jl.inputs$formula,
      inputs = dat,
      resistance = GA.inputs$Results.dir,
      genetic.dist = jl.inputs$response,
      out.dir = GA.inputs$Results.dir,
      method = "jl",
      ID = jl.inputs$ID,
      ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ
    # fit.stats <- r.squaredGLMM(
    #   MLPE.lmm(
    #     resistance = lower(cd),
    #     pairwise.genetic = jl.inputs$response,
    #     REML = F,
    #     ID = jl.inputs$ID,
    #     ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ
    #   )
    # )
    # aic <- AIC(
    #   MLPE.lmm(
    #     resistance = lower(cd),
    #     pairwise.genetic = jl.inputs$response,
    #     REML = F,
    #     ID = jl.inputs$ID,
    #     ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ
    #   )
    # )
    # LL <- logLik(
    #   MLPE.lmm(
    #     resistance = lower(cd),
    #     pairwise.genetic = jl.inputs$response,
    #     REML = F,
    #     ID = jl.inputs$ID,
    #     ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ
    #   )
    # )
    # MLPE.model <- MLPE.lmm(
    #   resistance = lower(cd),
    #   pairwise.genetic = jl.inputs$response,
    #   REML = F,
    #   ID = jl.inputs$ID,
    #   ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ
    # )
    fit.mod <- mlpe_rga(formula = jl.inputs$formula,
                        data = dat,
                        ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
                        REML = FALSE)
    fit.mod_REML <- mlpe_rga(formula = jl.inputs$formula,
                             data = dat,
                             ZZ = jl.inputs$ZZ,
                             REML = TRUE)
    fit.stats <- suppressWarnings(r.squaredGLMM(
    LL <- logLik(
    MLPE.model <- fit.mod
    if (k.value == 1) {
      k <- 2
    } else if (k.value == 2) {
      k <- sum(GA.inputs$parm.type$n.parm) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    } else if (k.value == 3) {
      k <- sum(GA.inputs$parm.type$n.parm) + 
        length(GA.inputs$layer.names) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    } else {
      k <- length(GA.inputs$layer.names) + 
        length(lme4::fixef(fit.mod)) - 1
    n <- jl.inputs$n.Pops
    aic <- (-2 * LL) + (2 * k)
    AICc <- 
      # (-2 * LL) + (((2 * k) * (k + 1)) / (n - k - 1))
      (aic) + (((2 * k) * (k + 1)) / max((n - k - 1), 1))
      GA.results = multi.GA_nG,
      GA.inputs = GA.inputs,
      method = "CIRCUITSCAPE.jl",
      Run.Time = rt,
      fit.stats = fit.stats,
      optim = GA.inputs$method,
      k = k,
      aic = aic,
      AICc = AICc,
      LL = LL[[1]],
      fit.mod_REML = fit.mod_REML
    write.table(p.cont, file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, "Percent_Contribution.csv"), sep = ",",
                row.names = F,
                col.names = T)
    # save(multi.GA_nG, 
    #      file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".rda"))
            file = paste0(GA.inputs$Results.dir, NAME, ".rds"))
    # unlink(GA.inputs$Write.dir, recursive = T, force = T)
    k.df <- data.frame(surface = NAME, k = k)
    cd.list <- list(as.matrix(cd))
    names(cd.list) <- NAME
    AICc.tab <- data.frame(surface = NAME,
                           obj = multi.GA_nG@fitnessValue,
                           k = k,
                           AIC = aic,
                           AICc = AICc,
                           R2m = fit.stats[[1]],
                           R2c = fit.stats[[2]],
                           LL = LL)
    colnames(AICc.tab) <-
        paste0("obj.func_", GA.inputs$method),
    out <- list(GA.summary = multi.GA_nG,
                MLPE.model = MLPE.model,
                MLPE.model_REML = fit.mod_REML,
                AICc.tab = AICc.tab,
                cd = cd.list,
                percent.contribution = p.cont,
                k = k.df)
  } # End Julia
} # End function
wpeterman/ResistanceGA documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 11:50 p.m.