
Defines functions transf.lnortortet.digby transf.lnortortet.pearson transf.dtolnor.logis transf.dtolnor.norm transf.lnortod.logis transf.lnortod.norm transf.lnortorr transf.lnortord transf.rpbtod transf.rtod transf.rtorpb transf.rpbtorbis transf.dtorbis transf.dtorpb transf.dtomd transf.dtobesd transf.dtocles transf.dtou3 transf.dtou2 transf.dtou1 transf.iabt transf.abt transf.iahw transf.ahw transf.iirft transf.irft transf.isqrt transf.ipft.hm transf.ipft transf.pft transf.iarcsin transf.arcsin transf.ilogit.int transf.ilogit transf.logit transf.exp.int transf.ztor2 transf.r2toz transf.ztor.int transf.ztor transf.rtoz .chktargsint

Documented in transf.abt transf.ahw transf.arcsin transf.dtobesd transf.dtocles transf.dtolnor.logis transf.dtolnor.norm transf.dtomd transf.dtorbis transf.dtorpb transf.dtou1 transf.dtou2 transf.dtou3 transf.exp.int transf.iabt transf.iahw transf.iarcsin transf.iirft transf.ilogit transf.ilogit.int transf.ipft transf.ipft.hm transf.irft transf.isqrt transf.lnortod.logis transf.lnortod.norm transf.lnortord transf.lnortorr transf.lnortortet.digby transf.lnortortet.pearson transf.logit transf.pft transf.r2toz transf.rpbtod transf.rpbtorbis transf.rtod transf.rtorpb transf.rtoz transf.ztor transf.ztor2 transf.ztor.int


.chktargsint <- function(targs) {

   if (length(targs) > 3L)
      stop("Length of 'targs' argument must be <= 3.", call.=FALSE)

   if (.is.vector(targs)) {
      if (is.null(names(targs))) {
         names(targs) <- c("tau2", "lower", "upper")[seq_along(targs)]
         targs <- as.list(targs)
      } else {
         targs <- list(tau2=unname(targs[startsWith(names(targs), "t")]), lower=unname(targs[startsWith(names(targs), "l")]), upper=unname(targs[startsWith(names(targs), "u")]))
         targs <- targs[lengths(targs) > 0L]

   if (any(lengths(targs) > 1L))
      stop("Elements of 'targs' arguments must be scalars.", call.=FALSE)

   if (is.null(targs$tau2))
      targs$tau2 <- 0




transf.rtoz <- function(xi) { # resulting value between -Inf (for -1) and +Inf (for +1)
   xi[xi >  1] <-  1
   xi[xi < -1] <- -1
   atanh(xi) # same as 1/2 * log((1+xi)/(1-xi))

transf.ztor <- function(xi)
   tanh(xi) # same as (exp(2*xi)-1)/(exp(2*xi)+1)

transf.ztor.int <- function(xi, targs=NULL) {

   if (is.na(xi))

   targs <- .chktargsint(targs)

   if (is.null(targs$lower))
      targs$lower <- xi-10*sqrt(targs$tau2)
   if (is.null(targs$upper))
      targs$upper <- xi+10*sqrt(targs$tau2)

   toint <- function(zval, xi, tau2)
      tanh(zval) * dnorm(zval, mean=xi, sd=sqrt(tau2))

   cfunc <- function(xi, tau2, lower, upper)
      integrate(toint, lower=lower, upper=upper, xi=xi, tau2=tau2)$value

   if (targs$tau2 == 0) {
      zi <- transf.ztor(xi)
   } else {
      zi <- mapply(xi, FUN=cfunc, tau2=targs$tau2, lower=targs$lower, upper=targs$upper)



transf.r2toz <- function(xi) {
   xi[xi > 1] <- 1
   xi[xi < 0] <- 0

transf.ztor2 <- function(xi)


transf.exp.int <- function(xi, targs=NULL) {

   if (is.na(xi))

   targs <- .chktargsint(targs)

   if (is.null(targs$lower))
      targs$lower <- xi-10*sqrt(targs$tau2)
   if (is.null(targs$upper))
      targs$upper <- xi+10*sqrt(targs$tau2)

   toint <- function(zval, xi, tau2)
      exp(zval) * dnorm(zval, mean=xi, sd=sqrt(tau2))

   cfunc <- function(xi, tau2, lower, upper)
      integrate(toint, lower=lower, upper=upper, xi=xi, tau2=tau2)$value

   if (targs$tau2 == 0) {
      zi <- exp(xi)
   } else {
      zi <- mapply(xi, FUN=cfunc, tau2=targs$tau2, lower=targs$lower, upper=targs$upper)




transf.logit <- function(xi) # resulting value between -Inf (for 0) and +Inf (for +1)

transf.ilogit <- function(xi)

transf.ilogit.int <- function(xi, targs=NULL) {

   if (is.na(xi))

   targs <- .chktargsint(targs)

   if (is.null(targs$lower))
      targs$lower <- xi-10*sqrt(targs$tau2)
   if (is.null(targs$upper))
      targs$upper <- xi+10*sqrt(targs$tau2)

   toint <- function(zval, xi, tau2)
      plogis(zval) * dnorm(zval, mean=xi, sd=sqrt(tau2))

   cfunc <- function(xi, tau2, lower, upper)
      integrate(toint, lower=lower, upper=upper, xi=xi, tau2=tau2)$value

   if (targs$tau2 == 0) {
      zi <- transf.ilogit(xi)
   } else {
      zi <- mapply(xi, FUN=cfunc, tau2=targs$tau2, lower=targs$lower, upper=targs$upper)




transf.arcsin <- function(xi) # resulting value between 0 (for 0) and asin(1) = pi/2 (for 1)

transf.iarcsin <- function(xi) {
   zi <- sin(xi)^2
   zi[xi < 0] <- 0       # if xi value is below 0 (e.g., CI bound), return 0
   zi[xi > asin(1)] <- 1 # if xi value is above maximum possible value, return 1

# transf.iarcsin.int <- function(xi, targs=NULL) {
#   if (is.na(xi))
#      return(NA_real_)
#   targs <- .chktargsint(targs)
#   if (is.null(targs$lower))
#      targs$lower <- 0
#   if (is.null(targs$upper))
#      targs$upper <- asin(1)
#   toint <- function(zval, xi, tau2)
#      transf.iarcsin(zval) * dnorm(zval, mean=xi, sd=sqrt(tau2))
#   cfunc <- function(xi, tau2, lower, upper)
#      integrate(toint, lower=lower, upper=upper, xi=xi, tau2=tau2)$value
#   if (targs$tau2 == 0) {
#      zi <- transf.iarcsin(xi)
#   } else {
#      zi <- mapply(xi, FUN=cfunc, tau2=targs$tau2, lower=targs$lower, upper=targs$upper)
#   }
#   return(c(zi))
# }


transf.pft <- function(xi, ni) {                   # Freeman-Tukey transformation for proportions
   xi <- xi*ni
   zi <- 1/2*(asin(sqrt(xi/(ni+1))) + asin(sqrt((xi+1)/(ni+1))))

transf.ipft <- function(xi, ni) {                  # inverse of Freeman-Tukey transformation for individual proportions
   zi <- suppressWarnings(1/2 * (1 - sign(cos(2*xi)) * sqrt(1 - (sin(2*xi)+(sin(2*xi)-1/sin(2*xi))/ni)^2)))
   zi <- ifelse(is.nan(zi), NA_real_, zi)
   zi[xi > transf.pft(1,ni)] <- 1                  # if xi is above upper limit, return 1
   zi[xi < transf.pft(0,ni)] <- 0                  # if xi is below lower limit, return 0

transf.ipft.hm <- function(xi, targs) {            # inverse of Freeman-Tukey transformation for a collection of proportions
   if (is.null(targs) || (is.list(targs) && is.null(targs$ni)))
      stop("Must specify the sample sizes via the 'targs' argument.", call.=FALSE)
   if (is.list(targs)) {
      ni <- targs$ni
   } else {
      ni <- ni
   nhm <- 1/(mean(1/ni, na.rm=TRUE))               # calculate harmonic mean of the ni's
   zi <- suppressWarnings(1/2 * (1 - sign(cos(2*xi)) * sqrt(1 - (sin(2*xi)+(sin(2*xi)-1/sin(2*xi))/nhm)^2)))
   zi <- ifelse(is.nan(zi), NA_real_, zi)          # it may not be possible to calculate zi
   zi[xi > transf.pft(1,nhm)] <- 1                 # if xi is above upper limit, return 1
   zi[xi < transf.pft(0,nhm)] <- 0                 # if xi is below lower limit, return 0


transf.isqrt <- function(xi) {
   zi <- xi*xi
   zi[xi < 0] <- 0                                 # if xi value is below 0 (e.g., CI bound), return 0


transf.irft <- function(xi, ti) {                  # Freeman-Tukey transformation for incidence rates
   zi <- 1/2*(sqrt(xi) + sqrt(xi + 1/ti))          # xi is the incidence rate (not the number of events!)

transf.iirft <- function(xi, ti) {                 # inverse of Freeman-Tukey transformation for incidence rates (see Freeman-Tukey_incidence.r in code directory)
   #zi <- (1/ti - 2*xi^2 + ti*xi^4)/(4*xi^2*ti)    # old version where transf.irft was not multiplied by 1/2
   zi <- (1/ti - 8*xi^2 + 16*ti*xi^4)/(16*xi^2*ti) # xi is the incidence rate (not the number of events!)
   zi <- ifelse(is.nan(zi), NA_real_, zi)
   zi[xi < transf.irft(0,ti)] <- 0                 # if xi is below lower limit, return 0
   zi[zi <= .Machine$double.eps] <- 0              # avoid finite precision errors in back-transformed values (transf.iirft(transf.irft(0, 1:200), 1:200))


transf.ahw <- function(xi) {              # resulting value between 0 (for alpha=0) and 1 (for alpha=1)
   #zi <- (1-xi)^(1/3)
   zi <- 1 - (1-xi)^(1/3)

transf.iahw <- function(xi) {
   #zi <- 1-xi^3
   zi <- 1 - (1-xi)^3
   zi <- ifelse(is.nan(zi), NA_real_, zi)
   zi[xi > 1] <- 1                        # if xi is above upper limit, return 1
   zi[xi < 0] <- 0                        # if xi is below lower limit, return 0

transf.abt <- function(xi) {              # Bonett (2002) transformation of alphas (without bias correction)
#transf.abt <- function(xi, ni) {         # resulting value between 0 (for alpha=0) to Inf (for alpha=1)
   #zi <- log(1-xi) - log(ni/(ni-1))
   #zi <- log(1-xi)
   zi <- -log(1-xi)

transf.iabt <- function(xi) {             # inverse of Bonett (2002) transformation
#transf.iabt <- function(xi, ni) {
   #zi <- 1 - exp(xi) * ni / (ni-1)
   #zi <- 1 - exp(xi)
   zi <- 1 - exp(-xi)
   zi <- ifelse(is.nan(zi), NA_real_, zi)
   zi[xi < 0] <- 0                        # if xi is below lower limit, return 0


transf.dtou1 <- function(xi) {
   u2i <- pnorm(abs(xi)/2)
   return((2*u2i - 1) / u2i)

transf.dtou2 <- function(xi)

transf.dtou3 <- function(xi)

transf.dtocles <- function(xi)

transf.dtobesd <- function(xi) {
   rpbi <- xi / sqrt(xi^2 + 4)
   return(0.50 + rpbi/2)

transf.dtomd <- function(xi, targs=NULL) {
   if (is.null(targs) || (is.list(targs) && is.null(targs$sd)))
      stop("Must specify a standard deviation value via the 'targs' argument.", call.=FALSE)
   if (is.list(targs)) {
      sd <- targs$sd
   } else {
      sd <- targs
   if (length(sd) != 1L)
      stop("Specify a single standard deviation value via the 'targs' argument.", call.=FALSE)
   return(xi * sd)

transf.dtorpb <- function(xi, n1i, n2i) {
   if (missing(n1i) || missing(n2i)) {
      hi <- 4
   } else {
      if (length(n1i) != length(n2i))
         stop("Length of 'n1i' does not match length of 'n2i'.", call.=FALSE)
      if (length(n1i) != length(xi))
         stop("Length of 'n1i' and 'n2i' does not match length of 'xi'.", call.=FALSE)
      mi <- n1i + n2i - 2
      hi <- mi / n1i + mi / n2i
   return(xi / sqrt(xi^2 + hi))

transf.dtorbis <- function(xi, n1i, n2i) {
   if (missing(n1i) || missing(n2i)) {
      hi <- 4
      n1i <- 1
      n2i <- 1
   } else {
      if (length(n1i) != length(n2i))
         stop("Length of 'n1i' does not match length of 'n2i'.", call.=FALSE)
      if (length(n1i) != length(xi))
         stop("Length of 'n1i' and 'n2i' does not match length of 'xi'.", call.=FALSE)
      mi <- n1i + n2i - 2
      hi <- mi / n1i + mi / n2i
   rpbi <- xi / sqrt(xi^2 + hi)
   pi <- n1i / (n1i + n2i)
   return(sqrt(pi*(1-pi)) / dnorm(pnorm(pi)) * rpbi)

transf.rpbtorbis <- function(xi, pi) {
   if (missing(pi)) {
      pi <- 0.5
   } else {
      pi <- .expand1(pi, xi)
      if (length(xi) != length(pi))
         stop("Length of 'xi' does not match length of 'pi'.", call.=FALSE)
   if (any(pi < 0 | pi > 1, na.rm=TRUE))
      stop("One or more 'pi' values are < 0 or > 1.", call.=FALSE)
   return(sqrt(pi*(1-pi)) / dnorm(qnorm(pi)) * xi)

transf.rtorpb <- function(xi, pi) {
   if (missing(pi)) {
      pi <- 0.5
   } else {
      pi <- .expand1(pi, xi)
      if (length(xi) != length(pi))
         stop("Length of 'xi' does not match length of 'pi'.", call.=FALSE)
   if (any(pi < 0 | pi > 1, na.rm=TRUE))
      stop("One or more 'pi' values are < 0 or > 1.", call.=FALSE)
   return(xi * dnorm(qnorm(pi)) / sqrt(pi*(1-pi)))

transf.rtod <- function(xi, n1i, n2i) {
   if (missing(n1i) || missing(n2i)) {
      hi <- 4
      n1i <- 1
      n2i <- 1
   } else {
      if (length(n1i) != length(n2i))
         stop("Length of 'n1i' does not match length of 'n2i'.", call.=FALSE)
      if (length(n1i) != length(xi))
         stop("Length of 'n1i' and 'n2i' does not match length of 'xi'.", call.=FALSE)
      mi <- n1i + n2i - 2
      hi <- mi / n1i + mi / n2i
   if (any(c(n1i < 0, n2i < 0), na.rm=TRUE))
      stop("One or more values specified via the 'n1i' or 'n2i' arguments are negative.")
   pi <- n1i / (n1i + n2i)
   rpbi <- xi * dnorm(qnorm(pi)) / sqrt(pi*(1-pi))
   return(sqrt(hi) * rpbi / sqrt(1 - rpbi^2))

transf.rpbtod <- function(xi, n1i, n2i) {
   if (missing(n1i) || missing(n2i)) {
      hi <- 4
   } else {
      if (length(n1i) != length(n2i))
         stop("Length of 'n1i' does not match length of 'n2i'.", call.=FALSE)
      if (length(n1i) != length(xi))
         stop("Length of 'n1i' and 'n2i' does not match length of 'xi'.", call.=FALSE)
      mi <- n1i + n2i - 2
      hi <- mi / n1i + mi / n2i
   return(sqrt(hi) * xi / sqrt(1 - xi^2))

transf.lnortord <- function(xi, pc) {
   pc <- .expand1(pc, xi)
   if (length(xi) != length(pc))
      stop("Length of 'xi' does not match length of 'pc'.", call.=FALSE)
   if (any(pc < 0) || any(pc > 1))
      stop("The control group risk 'pc' must be between 0 and 1.", call.=FALSE)
   return(exp(xi)*pc / (1 - pc + pc * exp(xi)) - pc)

transf.lnortorr <- function(xi, pc) {
   pc <- .expand1(pc, xi)
   if (length(xi) != length(pc))
      stop("Length of 'xi' does not match length of 'pc'.", call.=FALSE)
   if (any(pc < 0) || any(pc > 1))
      stop("The control group risk 'pc' must be between 0 and 1.", call.=FALSE)
   return(exp(xi) / (pc * (exp(xi) - 1) + 1))


transf.lnortod.norm <- function(xi)
   xi / 1.65

transf.lnortod.logis <- function(xi)
   sqrt(3) / base::pi * xi

transf.dtolnor.norm <- function(xi)
   xi * 1.65

transf.dtolnor.logis <- function(xi)
   xi / sqrt(3) * base::pi

transf.lnortortet.pearson <- function(xi)
   cos(base::pi / (1 + sqrt(exp(xi))))

transf.lnortortet.digby <- function(xi)
   (exp(xi)^(3/4) - 1) / (exp(xi)^(3/4) + 1)

wviechtb/metafor documentation built on July 12, 2024, 6:33 a.m.