Man pages for xavierdidelot/EpiPhylo
Inference of Transmission Tree from a Dated Phylogeny

as.mcmc.resTransPhyloConvert to coda mcmc format
computeMatTDistBuild a matrix indicating for each pairs of individuals how...
computeMatWIWBuild a matrix of probability of who infected whom from a...
consTTreeBuild a consensus transmission tree from a MCMC output
convertToCodaConvert to coda mcmc format
dateLastSampleReturn the date of last sample from a ttree or ctree or ptree
extractCTreeReturn the combined tree corresponding to a given iteration...
extractPTreeExtracts phylogenetic tree from a combined...
extractTTreeExtracts transmission tree from a combined...
getGenerationTimeDistExtract and return realised generation time distribution
getIncidentCasesReturns and/or plot numbers of sampled and unsampled cases...
getInfectionTimeDistExtract and return distribution of infection time of given...
getOffspringDistExtract and return offspring distribution of given sampled...
getSamplingTimeDistExtract and return realised sampling time distribution
infer_multittree_share_paramSimultaneously infer transmission trees given phylogenetic...
inferTTreeInfer transmission tree given a phylogenetic tree
makeCtreeFromPTreeCreate a transmission tree compatible with the provided...
makeTTreeSimulate a transmission tree
medTTreeReturn the medoid from a MCMC output
phyloFromPTreeConverts a phylogenetic tree into an ape phylo object
plot.ctreePlotting for ctree
plotCTreePlot both phylogenetic and transmission trees using colors on...
plot.ptreePlotting for ptree
plot.resTransPhyloPlotting for resTransPhylo
plotTracesPlot MCMC traces
plot.ttreePlotting for ttree
plotTTreePlot a transmission tree in a detailed format
plotTTree2Plot a transmission tree in an economic format
print.ctreePrint function for ctree objects
print.ptreePrint function for ptree objects
print.resTransPhyloPrint function for resTransPhylo objects
print.ttreePrint function for ttree objects
probPTreeGivenTTreeCalculate the probability of a phylogenetic tree given a...
probPTreeGivenTTreeRCalculate the probability of a phylogenetic tree given a...
probTTreeCalculates the log-probability of a transmission tree
probTTreeRCalculates the log-probability of a transmission tree
ptreeFromPhyloConverts an ape phylo object into a phylogenetic tree
selectTTreeSelect the most representative transmission tree from a MCMC...
simulateOutbreakSimulate an outbreak
summary.resTransPhyloSummary function for resTransPhylo objects
TransPhylo-packageInference of Transmission Tree from a Dated Phylogeny
xavierdidelot/EpiPhylo documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 6:39 p.m.