
Defines functions ComputePathHeatmapList ComputePathHeatmapTable ComputePathHeatmap GetOrgPathVal GetOrgPathLbl GetQEA.smpdbIDs GetQEA.keggIDs GetORA.smpdbIDs GetORA.keggIDs GetHTMLPathSet SetupKEGGLinks SetupSMPDBLinks GetQEA.pathNames .save.qea.score .prepare.qea.score CalculateQeaScore GetORA.pathNames CalculateOraScore

Documented in CalculateOraScore CalculateQeaScore GetHTMLPathSet GetORA.pathNames GetORA.smpdbIDs GetQEA.keggIDs GetQEA.pathNames SetupKEGGLinks SetupSMPDBLinks

### Over-representation analysis using hypergeometric tests
### The probability is calculated from obtaining the equal or higher number
### of hits using 1-phyper. Since phyper is a cumulative probability,
### to get P(X>=hit.num) => P(X>(hit.num-1))

#'Calculate ORA score
#'@description Calculate the over representation analysis score
#'@usage CalculateOraScore(mSetObj=NA, nodeImp, method)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param nodeImp Indicate the pathway topology analysis, "rbc" for relative-betweeness centrality, 
#'and "dgr" for out-degree centrality. 
#'@param method is "fisher" or "hyperg"
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

CalculateOraScore <- function(mSetObj=NA, nodeImp, method){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # make a clean dataSet$cmpd data based on name mapping
  # only valid kegg id will be used

  nm.map <- GetFinalNameMap(mSetObj);
  if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
    valid.inx <- !(is.na(nm.map$kegg)| duplicated(nm.map$kegg));
    ora.vec <- nm.map$kegg[valid.inx];
  } else if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "SMPDB"){
    valid.inx <- !(is.na(nm.map$hmdbid)| duplicated(nm.map$hmdbid));
    ora.vec <- nm.map$hmdbid[valid.inx];

  if(all(is.na(ora.vec)) | q.size==0) {
    if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
      AddErrMsg("No valid KEGG compounds found!");
    } else if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "SMPDB"){
      AddErrMsg("No valid SMPDB compounds found!");
  if(!.on.public.web & mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
    # make this lazy load
    if(!exists("my.ora.kegg")){ # public web on same user dir

    mSetObj$api$oraVec <- ora.vec; 
    mSetObj$api$method <- method;
    mSetObj$api$nodeImp <- nodeImp;

      mSetObj$api$filterData <- mSetObj$dataSet$metabo.filter.kegg
      toSend <- list(mSet = mSetObj, libVersion = mSetObj$api$libVersion, libNm = mSetObj$api$libNm, filter = mSetObj$api$filter, nodeImp = mSetObj$api$nodeImp,
                     method = mSetObj$api$method, oraVec = mSetObj$api$oraVec, filterData = mSetObj$api$filterData)
      toSend <- list(mSet = mSetObj, libVersion = mSetObj$api$libVersion, libNm = mSetObj$api$libNm, filter = mSetObj$api$filter, nodeImp = mSetObj$api$nodeImp,
                     method = mSetObj$api$method, oraVec = mSetObj$api$oraVec)
    saveRDS(toSend, "tosend.rds")
  current.mset <- current.kegglib$mset.list;
  uniq.count <- current.kegglib$uniq.count;
  # check if need to be filtered against reference metabolome
  # TODO: address the following filtering for SMPDB if needed
  gd.sets <- names(current.mset);
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$use.metabo.filter && !is.null(mSetObj$dataSet$metabo.filter.kegg)){
    current.mset <- lapply(current.mset, function(x){x[x %in% mSetObj$dataSet$metabo.filter.kegg]});
    # remove those with length 0 (i.e. no members after filtering)
    gd.sets <- names(current.mset)[lapply(current.mset, length) > 0];
    current.mset <- current.mset[gd.sets];
    mSetObj$analSet$ora.filtered.mset <- current.mset; 
  if(set.size < 2){
    AddErrMsg("Cannot perform enrichment analysis on a single metabolite set!");
  # now perform enrichment analysis

  # update data & parameters for ORA stats, based on suggestion
  # https://github.com/xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR/issues/168
  my.univ <- unique(unlist(current.mset, use.names=FALSE));
  uniq.count <- length(my.univ);
  ora.vec <- ora.vec[ora.vec %in% my.univ];
  q.size <- length(ora.vec);   
  if(q.size < 3){
    AddErrMsg("Less than 3 metabolites left - too few to perform meaningful enrichment analysis!");
  hits <- lapply(current.mset, function(x){x[x %in% ora.vec]});
  hit.num <-unlist(lapply(hits, function(x){length(x)}), use.names=FALSE);
  set.num <- unlist(lapply(current.mset, length), use.names=FALSE);
  # deal with no hits
    AddErrMsg("No hits in the selected pathway library!");

  # prepare for the result table
  res.mat<-matrix(0, nrow=set.size, ncol=8);
  colnames(res.mat)<-c("Total", "Expected", "Hits", "Raw p", "-log10(p)", "Holm adjust", "FDR", "Impact");
  if(nodeImp == "rbc"){
    imp.list <- current.kegglib$rbc;
    mSetObj$msgSet$topo.msg <- "Your selected node importance measure for topological analysis is `relative betweenness centrality`.";
    imp.list <- current.kegglib$dgr;
    mSetObj$msgSet$topo.msg <- "Your selected node importance measure for topological analysis is `out degree centrality`.";
  imp.list <- imp.list[gd.sets];

  if(method == "fisher"){
    res.mat[,4] <- GetFisherPvalue(hit.num, q.size, set.num, uniq.count);
    mSetObj$msgSet$rich.msg <- "The selected over-representation analysis method is `Fishers' exact test`.";
    # use lower.tail = F for P(X>x)
    res.mat[,4] <- phyper(hit.num-1, set.num, uniq.count-set.num, q.size, lower.tail=F);
    mSetObj$msgSet$rich.msg <- "The selected over-representation analysis method is `Hypergeometric test`.";
  res.mat[,5] <- -log10(res.mat[,4]);
  # adjust for multiple testing problems
  res.mat[,6] <- p.adjust(res.mat[,4], "holm");
  res.mat[,7] <- p.adjust(res.mat[,4], "fdr");
  # calculate the sum of importance
  res.mat[,8] <- mapply(function(x, y){sum(x[y])}, imp.list, hits);
  res.mat <- res.mat[hit.num>0, , drop=FALSE];
  res.mat <- res.mat[!is.na(res.mat[,8]), , drop=FALSE];
  if(nrow(res.mat) > 1){
    ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,4], res.mat[,8]);
    res.mat <- res.mat[ord.inx,];
  mSetObj$analSet$ora.mat <- signif(res.mat,5);
  mSetObj$analSet$ora.hits <- hits;
  mSetObj$analSet$node.imp <- nodeImp;

  save.mat <- mSetObj$analSet$ora.mat;  

  hit.inx <- match(rownames(save.mat), current.kegglib$path.ids);
  rownames(save.mat) <- names(current.kegglib$path.ids)[hit.inx];
  fast.write.csv(save.mat, file="pathway_results.csv");

#'Export pathway names from ORA analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetORA.pathNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  hit.inx <- match(rownames(mSetObj$analSet$ora.mat), current.kegglib$path.ids);

#'Calculate quantitative enrichment score
#'@description Calculate quantitative enrichment score
#'@usage CalculateQeaScore(mSetObj=NA, nodeImp, method)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param nodeImp Indicate the pathway topology analysis, "rbc" for relative-betweeness centrality, 
#'and "dgr" for out-degree centrality. 
#'@param method Indicate the pathway enrichment analysis, global test is "gt" and global ancova is "ga".
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@import qs

# contains three inner functions to be compatible with microservice
CalculateQeaScore <- function(mSetObj=NA, nodeImp, method){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj <- .prepare.qea.score(mSetObj, nodeImp, method); # on local, everything is done
  if(length(mSetObj)==0 || mSetObj== 0){

    mSetObj <- .save.qea.score(mSetObj);  

.prepare.qea.score <- function(mSetObj=NA, nodeImp, method){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # first, need to make a clean dataSet$norm data based on name mapping
  # only contain valid kegg id will be used
  nm.map <- GetFinalNameMap(mSetObj);
  if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
    valid.inx <- !(is.na(nm.map$kegg)| duplicated(nm.map$kegg));
  } else if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "SMPDB"){
    valid.inx <- !(is.na(nm.map$hmdbid)| duplicated(nm.map$hmdbid));
  nm.map <- nm.map[valid.inx,];
  orig.nms <- nm.map$query;
  kegg.inx <- match(colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm),orig.nms);
  hit.inx <- !is.na(kegg.inx);
  if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
    colnames(path.data) <- nm.map$kegg[kegg.inx[hit.inx]];
  } else if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "SMPDB"){
    colnames(path.data) <- nm.map$hmdbid[kegg.inx[hit.inx]];
  # calculate univariate p values when click indivisual compound node
  # use lm model for t-tests (with var.equal=T), one-way anova, and linear regression (continuous);
  univ.p <- apply(as.matrix(path.data), 2, function(x) {
    tmp <- try(lm(as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)~x));
    if(class(tmp) == "try-error") {
  names(univ.p) <- colnames(path.data);
  if(!.on.public.web & mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
    mSetObj$api$nodeImp <- nodeImp;
    mSetObj$api$method <- method;
    mSetObj$api$pathDataColNms <- colnames(path.data)
    path.data <- as.matrix(path.data)
    dimnames(path.data) = NULL
    mSetObj$api$pathData <- path.data; 
    mSetObj$api$univP <- as.numeric(univ.p);
    mSetObj$api$cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls
      mSetObj$api$filterData <- mSetObj$dataSet$metabo.filter.kegg
      toSend <- list(mSet = mSetObj, libVersion = mSetObj$api$libVersion, libNm = mSetObj$api$libNm, filter = mSetObj$api$filter, nodeImp = mSetObj$api$nodeImp,
                     method = mSetObj$api$method, pathData = mSetObj$api$pathData, pathDataColNms = mSetObj$api$pathDataColNms, 
                     filterData = mSetObj$api$filterData, univP = mSetObj$api$univP, cls = mSetObj$api$cls)
      toSend <- list(mSet = mSetObj, libVersion = mSetObj$api$libVersion, libNm = mSetObj$api$libNm, filter = mSetObj$api$filter, nodeImp = mSetObj$api$nodeImp,
                     method = mSetObj$api$method, pathData = mSetObj$api$pathData, pathDataColNms = mSetObj$api$pathDataColNms, 
                     univP = mSetObj$api$univP, cls = mSetObj$api$cls)
    # send RDS to xialab api
    saveRDS(toSend, "tosend.rds");

   # make this lazy load
    if(!exists("my.pathway.qea")){ # public web on same user dir
  # now, perform topology & enrichment analysis
  current.mset <- current.kegglib$mset.list;
  uniq.count <- current.kegglib$uniq.count;
  # check if a reference metabolome is applied
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$use.metabo.filter && !is.null(mSetObj$dataSet[["metabo.filter.kegg"]])){
    current.mset<-lapply(current.mset, function(x) {x[x %in% mSetObj$dataSet$metabo.filter.kegg]});

    mSetObj$analSet$qea.filtered.mset <- current.mset;
    uniq.count <- length(unique(unlist(current.mset), use.names=FALSE));
  hits <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) {x[x %in% colnames(path.data)]});
  hit.inx <- unlist(lapply(hits, function(x) {length(x)}), use.names=FALSE) > 0;
  hits <- hits[hit.inx]; # remove no hits
  # deal with no hits
    AddErrMsg("No hits in the selected pathway library!");
  # calculate the impact values
  if(nodeImp == "rbc"){
    imp.list <- current.kegglib$rbc[hit.inx];
    mSetObj$msgSet$topo.msg <- "Your selected node importance measure for topological analysis is `relative betweenness centrality`.";
    imp.list <- current.kegglib$dgr[hit.inx];
    mSetObj$msgSet$topo.msg <- "Your selected node importance measure for topological analysis is `out degree centrality`.";

  imp.vec <- mapply(function(x, y){sum(x[y])}, imp.list, hits);
  set.num<-unlist(lapply(current.mset[hit.inx], length), use.names=FALSE);
  if(method == "gt"){
    mSetObj$msgSet$rich.msg <- "The selected pathway enrichment analysis method is \\textbf{Globaltest}.";
    my.fun <- function(){
      gt.obj <- globaltest::gt(dat.in$cls, dat.in$data, subsets=dat.in$subsets);
      gt.res <- globaltest::result(gt.obj);
    mSetObj$msgSet$rich.msg <- "The selected pathway enrichment analysis method is \\textbf{GlobalAncova}.";
    my.fun <- function(){
      path.data <- dat.in$data;
      ga.out <- GlobalAncova::GlobalAncova(xx=t(path.data), group=dat.in$cls, test.genes=dat.in$subsets, method="approx");
  dat.in <- list(cls=mSetObj$dataSet$cls, data=path.data, subsets=hits, my.fun=my.fun);
  qs::qsave(dat.in, file="dat.in.qs");
  # store data before microservice
  mSetObj$analSet$qea.univp <- signif(univ.p,7);
  mSetObj$analSet$node.imp <- nodeImp;
  mSetObj$dataSet$norm.path <- path.data;
  mSetObj$analSet$qea.hits <- hits;
  mSetObj$analSet$imp.vec <- imp.vec;
  mSetObj$analSet$set.num <- set.num;

.save.qea.score <- function(mSetObj = NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dat.in <- qs::qread("dat.in.qs"); 
  qea.res <- dat.in$my.res;
  set.num <- mSetObj$analSet$set.num;
  imp.vec <- mSetObj$analSet$imp.vec;
  match.num <- qea.res[,1];
  raw.p <- qea.res[,2];
  log.p <- -log10(raw.p);
  # add adjust p values
  holm.p <- p.adjust(raw.p, "holm");
  fdr.p <- p.adjust(raw.p, "fdr");
  res.mat <- cbind(set.num, match.num, raw.p, log.p, holm.p, fdr.p, imp.vec);
  colnames(res.mat)<-c("Total Cmpd", "Hits", "Raw p", "-log10(p)", "Holm adjust", "FDR", "Impact");
  res.mat <- res.mat[!is.na(res.mat[,7]), , drop=FALSE];
  ord.inx<-order(res.mat[,3], -res.mat[,7]);
  mSetObj$analSet$qea.mat <- res.mat;
  hit.inx <- match(rownames(res.mat), current.kegglib$path.ids);
  pathNames <- names(current.kegglib$path.ids)[hit.inx];
  rownames(res.mat) <- pathNames; # change from ids to names for users
  fast.write.csv(res.mat, file="pathway_results.csv");
  mSetObj$analSet$qea.pathNames <- pathNames;

#'Export pathway names from QEA analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetQEA.pathNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

#'Only works for human (hsa.rda) data
#'@description Only works for human (hsa.rda) data
#'2018 - works for ath, eco, mmu, sce
#'@param kegg.ids Input the list of KEGG ids to add SMPDB links
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SetupSMPDBLinks <- function(kegg.ids){
  smpdb.vec <- names(current.kegglib$path.smps)[match(kegg.ids,current.kegglib$path.smps)];

  lk.len <- length(smpdb.vec);


  all.lks <- vector(mode="character", length=lk.len);
  for(i in 1:lk.len){
    lks <- strsplit(as.character(smpdb.vec[i]), "; ", fixed=TRUE)[[1]];
      all.lks[i]<-paste("<a href=http://www.smpdb.ca/view/",lks," target=_new>SMP</a>", sep="", collapse="\n");

#'Only works for human (hsa.rda) data
#'@description Only works for human (hsa.rda) data
#'2018 - works for ath, eco, mmu, sce
#'@param smpdb.ids Input the list of SMPD ids to add SMPDB links
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SetupKEGGLinks <- function(smpdb.ids){
  kegg.vec <- current.kegglib$path.keggs[match(smpdb.ids,names(current.kegglib$mset.list))]
  lk.len <- length(kegg.vec);
  all.lks <- vector(mode="character", length=lk.len);
  for(i in 1:lk.len){
    lks <- strsplit(kegg.vec[i], "; ", fixed=TRUE)[[1]];
      all.lks[i] <- paste("<a href=http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?",lks," target=_new>KEGG</a>", sep="");
      # all.lks[i]<-paste("<a href=http://pathman.smpdb.ca/pathways/",lks,"/pathway target=_new>SMP</a>", sep="", collapse="\n");

########## Utilities for web-server ##########

#'Given a metset inx, return hmtl highlighted pathway cmpds
#'@description Given a metset inx, return hmtl highlighted pathway cmpds
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param msetNm Input the name of the metabolite set
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetHTMLPathSet <- function(mSetObj=NA, msetNm){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  pathid <- current.kegglib$path.ids[msetNm]; 
  mset <- current.kegglib$mset.list[[pathid]];
  hits <- NULL;
    hits <- mSetObj$analSet$ora.hits;
    hits <- mSetObj$analSet$qea.hits;
  # highlighting with different colors
  red.inx <- which(mset %in% hits[[pathid]]);
  # use actual cmpd names
  nms <- names(mset);
  nms[red.inx] <- paste("<font color=\"red\">", "<b>", nms[red.inx], "</b>", "</font>",sep="");
  return(cbind(msetNm, paste(unique(nms), collapse="; ")));

GetORA.keggIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
    kegg.vec <- rownames(mSetObj$analSet$ora.mat);
    kegg.vec <- paste("<a href=http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?",kegg.vec," target=_new>KEGG</a>", sep="");
  } else{ # pathwaylibtype == "HMDB"

#'Only for human pathways (SMPDB)
#'@description Only for human pathways + ath, eco, mmu & sce
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetORA.smpdbIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
  } else{
    hmdb.vec <- rownames(mSetObj$analSet$ora.mat);
    all.lks <-paste("<a href=http://www.smpdb.ca/view/",hmdb.vec," target=_new>SMP</a>", sep="");

#'Only for human pathways (KEGG)
#'@description Only for human pathways + ath, eco, mmu & sce
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetQEA.keggIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
    kegg.vec <- rownames(mSetObj$analSet$qea.mat);
    kegg.vec <- paste("<a href=http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?",kegg.vec," target=_new>KEGG</a>", sep="");
  } else{ # pathwaylibtype == "HMDB"

GetQEA.smpdbIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
  } else{
    hmdb.vec <- rownames(mSetObj$analSet$qea.mat);
    all.lks <-paste("<a href=http://www.smpdb.ca/view/",hmdb.vec," target=_new>SMP</a>", sep="");

GetOrgPathLbl <-function(mSetObj=NA){
  org = read.csv("../../libs/orgpath.csv")

GetOrgPathVal <-function(mSetObj=NA){
  org = read.csv("../../libs/orgpath.csv")

ComputePathHeatmap <-function(mSetObj=NA, libOpt, fileNm, type){
   json.res <- "";
   if(type == "pathqea"){
        json.res <- ComputePathHeatmapTable(mSetObj, libOpt, fileNm);
        json.res <- ComputePathHeatmapList(mSetObj, libOpt, fileNm);

   json.mat <- rjson::toJSON(json.res);
   AddMsg("Data is now ready for heatmap visualization!");

ComputePathHeatmapTable <- function(mSetObj=NA, libOpt, fileNm){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataSet <- mSetObj$dataSet;
  data <- t(dataSet$norm)
  sig.ids <- rownames(data);
  res <- PerformFastUnivTests(mSetObj$dataSet$norm, mSetObj$dataSet$cls);

  stat.pvals <- unname(as.vector(res[,2]));
  t.stat <- unname(as.vector(res[,1]));
  org <- unname(strsplit(libOpt,"_")[[1]][1])
  mSetObj$org <- org
  # scale each gene 
  dat <- t(scale(t(data)));
  rankPval = order(as.vector(stat.pvals))
  stat.pvals = stat.pvals[rankPval]
  dat = dat[rankPval,]

  t.stat = t.stat[rankPval]
  # now pearson and euclidean will be the same after scaleing
  dat.dist <- dist(dat); 
  orig.smpl.nms <- colnames(dat);
  orig.gene.nms <- rownames(dat);
  # do clustering and save cluster info
  # convert order to rank (score that can used to sort) 
  if(nrow(dat)> 1){
    dat.dist <- dist(dat);
    gene.ward.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "ward.D")$order;
    gene.ward.rk <- match(orig.gene.nms, orig.gene.nms[gene.ward.ord]);
    gene.ave.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "ave")$order;
    gene.ave.rk <- match(orig.gene.nms, orig.gene.nms[gene.ave.ord]);
    gene.single.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "single")$order;
    gene.single.rk <- match(orig.gene.nms, orig.gene.nms[gene.single.ord]);
    gene.complete.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "complete")$order;
    gene.complete.rk <- match(orig.gene.nms, orig.gene.nms[gene.complete.ord]);
    dat.dist <- dist(t(dat));
    smpl.ward.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "ward.D")$order;
    smpl.ward.rk <- match(orig.smpl.nms, orig.smpl.nms[smpl.ward.ord])
    smpl.ave.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "ave")$order;
    smpl.ave.rk <- match(orig.smpl.nms, orig.smpl.nms[smpl.ave.ord])
    smpl.single.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "single")$order;
    smpl.single.rk <- match(orig.smpl.nms, orig.smpl.nms[smpl.single.ord])
    smpl.complete.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "complete")$order;
    smpl.complete.rk <- match(orig.smpl.nms, orig.smpl.nms[smpl.complete.ord])
    # force not to be single element vector which will be scaler
    #stat.pvals <- matrix(stat.pvals);
    gene.ward.rk <- gene.ave.rk <- gene.single.rk <- gene.complete.rk <- matrix(1);
    smpl.ward.rk <- smpl.ave.rk <- smpl.single.rk <- smpl.complete.rk <- 1:ncol(dat);
  gene.cluster <- list(
    ward = gene.ward.rk,
    average = gene.ave.rk,
    single = gene.single.rk,
    complete = gene.complete.rk,
    pval = stat.pvals,
    stat = t.stat
  sample.cluster <- list(
    ward = smpl.ward.rk,
    average = smpl.ave.rk,
    single = smpl.single.rk,
    complete = smpl.complete.rk
  # prepare meta info    
  # 1) convert meta.data info numbers
  # 2) match number to string (factor level)
  meta <- data.frame(dataSet$cls);
  grps <- "Condition"
  nmeta <- meta.vec <- NULL;
  uniq.num <- 0;
  for (i in 1:ncol(meta)){
    cls <- meta[,i];
    grp.nm <- grps[i];
    meta.vec <- c(meta.vec, as.character(cls))
    # make sure each label are unqiue across multiple meta data
    ncls <- paste(grp.nm, as.numeric(cls)); # note, here to retain ordered factor
    nmeta <- c(nmeta, ncls);
  # convert back to numeric 
  nmeta <- as.numeric(as.factor(nmeta))+99;
  unik.inx <- !duplicated(nmeta)   
  # get corresponding names
  meta_anot <- meta.vec[unik.inx]; 
  names(meta_anot) <- nmeta[unik.inx]; # name annotatation by their numbers
  nmeta <- matrix(nmeta, ncol=ncol(meta), byrow=F);
  colnames(nmeta) <- grps;
  # for each gene/row, first normalize and then tranform real values to 30 breaks 
  res <- apply(dat, 1, function(x){as.numeric(cut(x, breaks=30))});
  # note, use {} will lose order; use [[],[]] to retain the order
  gene.id = orig.gene.nms; if(length(gene.id) ==1) { gene.id <- matrix(gene.id) };
  json.res <- list(
    data.type = dataSet$type,
    gene.id = gene.id,
    gene.entrez = gene.id,
    gene.name = gene.id,
    gene.cluster = gene.cluster,
    sample.cluster = sample.cluster,
    sample.names = orig.smpl.nms,
    meta = data.frame(nmeta),
    meta.anot = meta_anot,
    data = res,
    org = org
  mSetObj$dataSet$hm_peak_names = gene.id
  mSetObj$dataSet$gene.cluster = gene.cluster

ComputePathHeatmapList <- function(mSetObj=NA, libOpt, fileNm){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # make a clean dataSet$cmpd data based on name mapping
  # only valid kegg id will be used
  nm.map <- GetFinalNameMap(mSetObj);
  if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "KEGG"){
    valid.inx <- !(is.na(nm.map$kegg)| duplicated(nm.map$kegg));
    ora.vec <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd[valid.inx];
  } else if(mSetObj$pathwaylibtype == "SMPDB"){
    valid.inx <- !(is.na(nm.map$hmdbid)| duplicated(nm.map$hmdbid));
    ora.vec <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd[valid.inx];

  exp.vec <- rep(0, length(ora.vec));
  dataSet <- mSetObj$dataSet
  dataSet$prot.mat <- data.frame(datalist1=exp.vec)
  rownames(dataSet$prot.mat) <- ora.vec

  sig.ids <- rownames(dataSet$prot.mat);
  stat.pvals <- dataSet$prot.mat[,1]
  expval <- 0
  expval <- sum(dataSet$prot.mat)
  # scale each gene 
  dat <- dataSet$prot.mat
  # now pearson and euclidean will be the same after scaleing
  dat.dist <- dist(dat); 
  orig.smpl.nms <- colnames(dat);
  orig.gene.nms <- rownames(dat);
  # prepare meta info    
  # 1) convert meta.data info numbers
  # 2) match number to string (factor level)
  grps <- "datalist1"
  cls <- "datalist1"
  # convert back to numeric 
  # for each gene/row, first normalize and then tranform real values to 30 breaks
  if(expval !=0){
    dat_pos <- as.matrix(dat[sign(dat[,1]) == 1,])
    dat_neg <- as.matrix(dat[sign(dat[,1]) == -1,])
    if(nrow(dat_pos) == 0){
      res <- apply(unname(dat), 2, function(x){
        y =log(abs(x)) + 0.000001
        16-as.numeric(cut(y, breaks=15))
    }else if(nrow(dat_neg) == 0){
      res <- apply(unname(dat), 2, function(x){
        y =log(x) + 0.000001
        15+as.numeric(cut(y, breaks=15))
      res_pos <- apply(unname(dat_pos), 2, function(x){
        y =log(x) + 0.000001
        as.numeric(cut(y, breaks=15))+15
      res_neg <- apply(unname(dat_neg), 2, function(x){
        y =log(abs(x)) + 0.000001
        16 - as.numeric(cut(y, breaks=15))
      res <- rbind(res_pos, res_neg);
    zero.inx <- dataSet$prot.mat == 0
    res <- dataSet$prot.mat;
    res[zero.inx] <- 31
  res_list <- list()
  for(i in 1:nrow(res)){
    res_list[[i]] <- unname(list(res[i,1]))
  # note, use {} will lose order; use [[],[]] to retain the order
  nmeta <- list(100)
  nmeta.anot <- list()
  nmeta.anot["datalist1"] <- nmeta[1]
  nmeta <- list(nmeta)
  names(nmeta) <- "datalists"
  org <- unname(strsplit(libOpt,"_")[[1]][1])
  mSetObj$org <- org
  json.res <- list(
    data.type = "singlelist", 
    gene.id = gene.symbols,
    gene.entrez = sig.ids,
    gene.name = gene.symbols,
    gene.cluster = 1,
    sample.cluster = 1,
    sample.names = list("datalist1"),
    meta = nmeta,
    meta.anot = nmeta.anot,
    data = res_list,
    expval = expval,
    org = org
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 2:23 p.m.