
Defines functions test_read_nex apply_term_iris get_ontotrace_data

Documented in get_ontotrace_data

#' Obtain a synthetic presence/absence matrix
#' Queries the Phenoscape KB for a synthetic presence/absence character matrix
#' for the given taxa and anatomical entities, and returns the result as a
#' [nexml][RNeXML::nexml] object (from the RNeXML package).
#' The character matrix includes both asserted and logically inferred states. The
#' query always includes all subclasses of both taxa and entities, and by default
#' also includes all parts of the entities. See parameter `relation` for changing
#' this. By default, only characters that are variable across the resulting taxa
#' are included; use `variable_only` to change this.
#' @param taxon character or object of type "owlmn", required. A vector of taxon names
#'   or a single OWL Manchester expression object. [as.owl()] can be used to create a
#'   OWL Manchester expression object.
#' @param entity character or object of type "owlmn", required. A vector of entity names
#'   or a single OWL Manchester expression object. [as.owl()] can be used to create a
#'   OWL Manchester expression object.
#' @param relation character string, optional.
#'   The relationship to the entities to be included in the result. Must be
#'   either "part of" or "develops from", or set to NA to disable.
#'   Default is "part of".
#' @param variable_only logical, optional.
#'   Whether to only include characters that are variable across the selected
#'   set of taxa. Default is TRUE.
#' @param strict logical, optional. Whether or not to treat any failure to resolve
#'   any taxon or entity names to IRI as input error. Resolution by partial or
#'   other inexact match results in a warning, but is not considered a failure.
#'   If FALSE, query execution will continue with the taxon and entity terms
#'   that did resolve to IRI. Default is TRUE, meaning any resolution failure will
#'   result in an error. _All_ taxon or entity names failing resolution to IRIs will
#'   result in an error regardless. 
#' @param subsume logical, optional. If TRUE (the default), taxon and entity parameters include their logical descendants.
#'   Ignored if entity or taxon is a OWL Manchester expression object (which always include logical descendants).
#'   If set to FALSE, _only_ data for the given taxa and entities will be returned.
#' @return [RNeXML::nexml] object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # one taxon (including subclasses), one entity (including subclasses and 
#' # by default its parts)
#' nex <- get_ontotrace_data(taxon = "Ictalurus", entity = "fin")
#' # same as above, except do not include parts or other relationships (fin
#' # presence/absence does not vary across Ictalurus, hence need to allow
#' # non-variable characters)
#' nex <- get_ontotrace_data(taxon = "Ictalurus", entity = "fin",
#'                           relation = NA, variable_only = FALSE)
#' # instead of parts, include entities in develops_from relationship to the query entity
#' nex <- get_ontotrace_data(taxon = "Ictalurus", entity = "paired fin bud",
#'                           relation = "develops from", variable_only = FALSE)
#' # query with multiple taxa, and/or multiple entities:
#' nex <- get_ontotrace_data(taxon = c("Ictalurus", "Ameiurus"),
#'                           entity = c("pectoral fin", "pelvic fin"))
#' # query disabling subsumption with multiple taxa, and/or multiple entities
#' get_ontotrace_data(
#'     taxon = c("Ictalurus australis", "Ictalurus balsanus"),
#'     entity = c("anterior dentation of pectoral fin spine", "pelvic splint"),
#'     subsume = FALSE)
#' # query using taxon and/or entity owl expressions
#' taxon_owl <- as.owl("<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/VTO_0036217>")
#' entity_owl <- as.owl("<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0008897> or
#'    (<http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000050> some
#'     <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0008897>)")
#' nex <- get_ontotrace_data(taxon = taxon_owl, entity = entity_owl)
#' # query using taxon and/or entity owl expressions resolved from label expressions
#' taxon_owl <- as.owl("Ictalurus", usesLabels = TRUE)
#' entity_owl <- as.owl("'fin' or ('part of' some 'fin')", usesLabels = TRUE)
#' nex <- get_ontotrace_data(taxon = taxon_owl, entity = entity_owl)
#' # Use the RNeXML API to obtain the character matrix etc:
#' m <- RNeXML::get_characters(nex)
#' dim(m)      # number of taxa and characters
#' rownames(m) # taxon names
#' colnames(m) # characters (entity names)
#' }
#' @importFrom RNeXML nexml
#' @export
get_ontotrace_data <- function(taxon, entity,
                               relation = 'part of',
                               variable_only = TRUE,
                               strict = TRUE,
                               subsume = TRUE) {
  queryseq = list(variable_only = variable_only)
  if (is.owl(taxon)) {
    queryseq$taxon <- taxon
  } else {
    taxon_iris <- apply_term_iris(taxon, as="taxon", term_type="taxon", exactOnly = TRUE, strict = strict)
    if (subsume) {
      # create an OWL expression for the taxon parameter as the logical union of the taxa (and their descendants)
      taxon_iris <- lapply(taxon_iris, FUN = function(x) paste0("<", x, ">"))
      queryseq$taxon <- paste(taxon_iris, collapse = " or ") 
    } else {
      # convert IRI list to JSON array for taxon_list parameter (that does not subsume the IRIs)
      queryseq$taxon_list <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(unlist(taxon_iris)))
  if (is.owl(entity)) {
    if (!missing(relation)) stop("Relation cannot be applied when passing an OWL expression.", call. = FALSE)
    queryseq$entity <- entity
  } else {
    entity_iris <- apply_term_iris(entity, as="anatomy", term_type="entity", strict = strict)
    if (subsume) {
      # create an owl expression for the entity parameter (that subsumes the expression)
      relation_iri <- NA
      if (! is.na(relation)) {
          relation_type <- match.arg(tolower(relation), c("part of", "develops from")),
          error = function(e) {
            stop(conditionMessage(e), call. = FALSE)
        relation_iri <- switch(relation_type,
                               "part of" = partOf_iri(),
                               "develops from" = developsFrom_iri())
      # insert necessary "<" and ">" before concatenating string
      entity_iris <- lapply(entity_iris, FUN = function(x) paste0("<", x, ">"))
      if (! is.na(relation_iri)) {
        relation_id <- paste0("<", relation_iri, ">")
        entity_iris <- lapply(entity_iris,
                              FUN = function(x) sprintf("(%s or %s %s %s)",
      queryseq$entity <- paste(entity_iris, collapse = " or ")
    } else {
      # convert IRI list to JSON array for taxon_list parameter (that does not subsume the IRIs)      
      queryseq$entity_list <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(unlist(entity_iris)))
  nex <- get_nexml_data(pkb_api("/ontotrace"), queryseq)

apply_term_iris <- function(names, as, term_type, exactOnly = FALSE, strict = FALSE) {
  term_iris <- lapply(names, FUN = get_term_iri, as = as, exactOnly = exactOnly)
  if (all(is.na(term_iris)))
    stop("All ", term_type, " names failed to resolve to IRI, unable to continue", call. = FALSE)
  else if (any(is.na(term_iris))) {
    if (strict) {
      stop("One or more ", term_type, " names failed to resolve to IRI, unable to continue", call. = FALSE)  
    term_iris <- term_iris[! is.na(term_iris)]

meta_attr_taxon <- "dwc:taxonID"
meta_attr_entity <- "obo:IAO_0000219"

#      Tests for RNeXML        #

test_read_nex <- function(path = path0) {
  nex <- nexml_read(path)

path0 <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phenoscape/rphenoscape/char-annots-example/inst/examples/ontotrace-result.xml"
quantifier <- " some " # seperate quantifier
xu-hong/rphenoscape documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 12:22 p.m.