#' fit linear mixed model for Single Cell RNA-seq Time Series data with multilevel structure
#' @importFrom lmerControl lme4
#' @importFrom nextElem iterators
#' @importFrom pbkrtest get_SigmaG
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom variancePartition colinearityScore
SCUTA<-function (exprObj, formula, data, L, ddf = c("Satterthwaite",
"Kenward-Roger"), useWeights = TRUE, weightsMatrix = NULL,
control = lme4::lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE, check.rankX = "stop.deficient"),
suppressWarnings = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, BPPARAM = bpparam(),
computeResiduals = FALSE, REML = TRUE, ...)
exprObjInit = exprObj
exprObjMat = as.matrix(exprObj)
formula = stats::as.formula(formula)
ddf = match.arg(ddf)
colinearityCutoff = 0.999
if (ncol(exprObj) != nrow(data)) {
stop("the number of samples in exprObj (i.e. cols) must be the same as in data (i.e rows)")
if (is(exprObj, "EList")) {
if (useWeights) {
weightsMatrix = exprObj$weights
}else {
if (!(ddf %in% c("Kenward-Roger", "Satterthwaite"))) {
stop("Specify ddf correctly")
if (ddf == "Kenward-Roger" & !REML) {
stop("Kenward-Roger must be used with REML")
if (useWeights && is.null(weightsMatrix)) {
useWeights = FALSE
if (useWeights && !identical(dim(exprObj), dim(weightsMatrix))) {
stop("exprObj and weightsMatrix must be the same dimensions")
if (!useWeights) {
weightsMatrix = NULL
if (!identical(colnames(exprObj), rownames(data))) {
warning("Sample names of responses (i.e. columns of exprObj) do not match\nsample names of metadata (i.e. rows of data). Recommend consistent\nnames so downstream results are labeled consistently.")
if (.isDisconnected()) {
stop("Cluster connection lost. Either stopCluster() was run too soon\n, or connection expired")
univariateContrasts = FALSE
if (missing(L)) {
L = .getAllUniContrasts(exprObj, formula, data)
univariateContrasts = TRUE
} else {
if (is(L, "numeric")) {
L = as.matrix(L, ncol = 1)
else if (is(L, "data.frame")) {
L = as.matrix(L)
if (is.null(colnames(L))) {
colnames(L) = paste0("L", seq_len(ncol(L)))
tst = apply(L, 2, function(x) {
length(x[x != 0]) == 1
if (any(tst)) {
warning("Contrasts with only a single non-zero term are already evaluated by default.")
Luni = .getAllUniContrasts(exprObj, formula, data)
L = cbind(L, Luni)
if (ncol(L) == 0) {
stop("Must include fixed effect in the model for hypothesis testing")
if (length(unique(colnames(L))) != ncol(L)) {
stop(paste("Contrast names must be unique: ", paste(colnames(L),
collapse = ", ")))
if (!.isMixedModelFormula(formula)) {
if (!quiet) {
message("Fixed effect model, using limma directly...")
message("User can apply eBayes() afterwards...")
design = model.matrix(formula, data)
ret = lmFit(exprObj, design, weights = weightsMatrix)
if (computeResiduals) {
ret$residuals = residuals(ret, exprObj)
if (!univariateContrasts) {
ret = contrasts.fit(ret, L)
}else {
form = paste("responsePlaceholder$E", paste(as.character(formula),
collapse = ""))
responsePlaceholder = nextElem(exprIter(exprObjMat, weightsMatrix,
timeStart = proc.time()
fitInit <- lmerTest::lmer(eval(parse(text = form)), data = data,
..., REML = REML, control = control)
# fitInit <- lmerTest::lmer(eval(parse(text = form)), data = data,
# REML = REML, control = control)
sigGStruct = get_SigmaG(fitInit)$G
if (!identical(rownames(L), names(fixef(fitInit)))) {
stop("Names of entries in L must match fixed effects")
mod = .eval_lmm(fitInit, L, ddf)
timediff = proc.time() - timeStart
checkModelStatus(fitInit, showWarnings = !suppressWarnings,
dream = TRUE, colinearityCutoff = colinearityCutoff)
a = names(fixef(fitInit))
b = rownames(L)
if (!identical(a, b)) {
stop("Terms in contrast matrix L do not match model:\n Model: ",
paste(a, collapse = ","), "\n L: ",
paste(b, collapse = ","), "\nNote thhat order must be the same")
data2 = data.frame(data, expr = responsePlaceholder$E,
check.names = FALSE)
form = paste("expr", paste(as.character(formula),
collapse = ""))
# pb <- progress_bar$new(format = ":current/:total [:bar] :percent ETA::eta",
# total = nrow(exprObj), width = 60, clear = FALSE)
# pids = .get_pids()
timeStart = proc.time()
.eval_models = function(responsePlaceholder, data2, form,
REML, theta, control, na.action = stats::na.exclude,
...) {
data2$expr = responsePlaceholder$E
fit <- lmerTest::lmer(eval(parse(text = form)),
data = data2, REML = REML, ..., weights = responsePlaceholder$weights,
control = control, na.action = na.action)
mod = .eval_lmm(fit, L, ddf)
res = NULL
if (computeResiduals) {
res = residuals(fit)
ret = list(coefficients = mod$beta, design = fit@pp$X,
df.residual = mod$df, Amean = mean(fit@frame[,
1]), method = "lmer", sigma = mod$sigma,
stdev.unscaled = mod$SE/mod$sigma, pValue = mod$pValue,
residuals = res)
varComp <- lapply(lme4::VarCorr(fit), function(fit) attr(fit,
varComp[["resid"]] = attr(lme4::VarCorr(fit),
if (univariateContrasts) {
V = mod$vcov
else {
V = crossprod(chol(mod$vcov) %*% L)
list(ret = new("MArrayLM", ret), varComp = varComp,
edf = sum(hatvalues(fit)), vcov = V)
# $$$ important improvement:previous one only allow Elist. While now $$$
# $$$ we improve the function to accept matrix as an object $$$
# mute the improvement now #
if (is(exprObj, "EList")){
.eval_master = function(obj, data2, form, REML, theta,
control, na.action = stats::na.exclude, ...) {
lapply(seq_len(nrow(obj$E)), function(j) {
.eval_models(list(E = obj$E[j, ], weights = obj$weights[j,
]), data2, form, REML, theta, control, na.action,
# else{
# .eval_master = function(obj, data2, form, REML, theta,
# control, na.action = stats::na.exclude, ...) {
# lapply(seq_len(nrow(obj)), function(j) {
# .eval_models(list(E = obj[j, ]),
# data2, form, REML, theta, control, na.action,
# ...)
# })
# }
# }
# $$$ important improvement:previous one only allow Elist. While now $$$
# $$$ we improve the function to accept matrix as an object $$$
resList<-.eval_master(obj=exprObj, data2=data2, form=form, REML=REML, theta=fitInit@theta,
control=control, na.action = stats::na.exclude, ...)
# resList<-.eval_master(obj=exprObj, data2=data2, form=form, REML=REML, theta=fitInit@theta,
# control=control, na.action = stats::na.exclude)
# it = iterBatch(exprObjMat, weightsMatrix, useWeights,
# n_chunks = 100)
# if (!quiet)
# message(paste0("Dividing work into ", attr(it,
# "n_chunks"), " chunks..."))
# resList <- bpiterate(it, .eval_master, data2 = data2,
# form = form, REML = REML, theta = fitInit@theta,
# control = control, ..., REDUCE = c, reduce.in.order = TRUE,
names(resList) = seq_len(length(resList))
if (!quiet)
message("\nTotal:", paste(format((proc.time() -
timeStart)[3], digits = 0), "s"))
x = 1
coefficients = foreach(x = resList, .combine = cbind) %do%{
df.residual = foreach(x = resList, .combine = cbind) %do%{
pValue = foreach(x = resList, .combine = cbind) %do%{
stdev.unscaled = foreach(x = resList, .combine = cbind) %do% {
if (computeResiduals) {
residuals = foreach(x = resList, .combine = cbind) %do% {
coefficients = t(coefficients)
df.residual = t(df.residual)
pValue = t(pValue)
stdev.unscaled = t(stdev.unscaled)
if (computeResiduals) {
residuals = t(residuals)
rownames(residuals) = rownames(exprObj)
colnames(coefficients) = colnames(L)
rownames(coefficients) = rownames(exprObj)
design = resList[[1]]$ret$design
colnames(df.residual) = colnames(L)
rownames(df.residual) = rownames(exprObj)
colnames(pValue) = colnames(L)
rownames(pValue) = rownames(exprObj)
Amean = sapply(resList, function(x) x$ret$Amean)
names(Amean) = rownames(exprObj)
method = "lmer"
sigma = sapply(resList, function(x) x$ret$sigma)
names(sigma) = rownames(exprObj)
varComp = lapply(resList, function(x) as.data.frame(x$varComp))
varComp = do.call("rbind", varComp)
# rownames(varComp) = rownames(coefficients)
edf = sapply(resList, function(x) x$edf)
colnames(stdev.unscaled) = colnames(L)
rownames(stdev.unscaled) = rownames(exprObj)
ret = list(coefficients = coefficients, design = design,
df.residual = df.residual, Amean = Amean, method = method,
sigma = sigma, contrasts = L, stdev.unscaled = stdev.unscaled)
if ("genes" %in% names(exprObjInit)) {
ret$genes = exprObjInit$genes
ret = new("MArrayLM", ret)
V = chol2inv(qr(ret$design)$qr)
rownames(V) = colnames(ret$design)
colnames(V) = colnames(ret$design)
if (!univariateContrasts) {
V = crossprod(chol(V) %*% L)
ret$cov.coefficients = V
ret$randon.var = varComp
ret$cov.coefficients.list = lapply(resList, function(x) as.matrix(x$vcov))
if (computeResiduals) {
ret$residuals = residuals
ret = as(ret, "MArrayLM2")
attr(ret, "varComp") = varComp
attr(ret, "sigGStruct") = sigGStruct
attr(ret, "edf") = edf
ret = .standard_transform(ret)
# below are functions required in modDream function
exprIter = function( exprObj, weights, useWeights = TRUE, scale=TRUE, iterCount = "icount"){
n_features = nrow(exprObj)
if( iterCount == 'icount2'){
xit <- icount2( n_features )
xit <- icount( n_features )
nextEl <- function() {
j <- nextElem(xit)
if( is.null(j) || j > n_features){
res = NULL
if( useWeights && !is.null(weights) ){
w = weights[j,]
# scale weights to have mean of 1, otherwise it affects the residual variance too much
# scale should be false when signa(fit) needs to be evaluted
w = w / mean(w)
w = NULL
res = list(E = exprObj[j,], weights = w, n_iter = j, max_iter = n_features)
it <- list(nextElem = nextEl)
class(it) <- c("abstractiter", "iter")
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef
#' @importFrom stats sigma
.eval_lmm = function( fit, L, ddf ){
j = 1
# evaluate each contrast
# cons = lmerTest::contest(fit, L, ddf=ddf)
cons = foreach( j = 1:ncol(L), .combine=rbind) %do%
lmerTest::contest(fit, L[,j], ddf=ddf)
df = as.numeric(cons[,'DenDF'])
if(ddf == "Kenward-Roger"){
# KR
V = pbkrtest::vcovAdj.lmerMod(fit, 0)
# if matrix is not PSD
if( min(diag(as.matrix(V))) < 0){
warning("The adjusted Kenward-Roger covariance matrix is not positive definite.\nUsing Satterthwaite approximation instead")
# Satterthwaite
V = vcov(fit)
# df = pbkrtest::get_Lb_ddf(fit, L)
# Satterthwaite
V = vcov(fit)
# df = as.numeric(contest(fit, L, ddf="Sat")['DenDF'])
# sigma = attr(lme4::VarCorr(fit), "sc")
# get contrasts
# beta = as.matrix(sum(L * fixef(fit)), ncol=1)
# colnames(beta) = "logFC"
beta = foreach( j = 1:ncol(L), .combine=rbind) %do%
as.matrix(sum(L[,j] * fixef(fit)), ncol=1)
colnames(beta) = "logFC"
rownames(beta) = colnames(L)
# SE = as.matrix(sqrt(sum(L * (V %*% L))), ncol=1)
# colnames(SE) = "logFC"
SE = foreach( j = 1:ncol(L), .combine=rbind) %do%
as.matrix(sqrt(sum(L[,j] * (V %*% L[,j]))), ncol=1)
colnames(SE) = "logFC"
rownames(SE) = colnames(L)
# pValue = 2*pt(as.numeric(abs(beta / SE)), df, lower.tail=FALSE)
pValue = as.numeric(cons[,'Pr(>F)'])
list( cons = cons,
df = df,
sigma = sigma(fit),
beta = beta,
SE = SE,
pValue = pValue,
vcov = V )
setGeneric("checkModelStatus", signature="fit",
function( fit, showWarnings=TRUE, dream=FALSE, colinearityCutoff=.999 )
setMethod("checkModelStatus", "lm",
function( fit, showWarnings=TRUE, dream=FALSE, colinearityCutoff=.999 )
# if no intercept is specified, give warning
if( showWarnings && length(which(names(coef(fit)) == "(Intercept)")) == 0 ){
warning("No Intercept term was specified in the formula:\nThe results will not behave as expected and may be very wrong!!")
# if any coefficient is NA
if( showWarnings && any(is.na(coef(fit))) ){
stop("The variables specified in this model are redundant,\nso the design matrix is not full rank")
# check colinearity
score = colinearityScore(fit)
if( score > colinearityCutoff ){
stop(paste("Colinear score =", format(score, digits=4), ">", colinearityCutoff,"\nCovariates in the formula are so strongly correlated that the\nparameter estimates from this model are not meaningful.\nDropping one or more of the covariates will fix this problem"))
setMethod("checkModelStatus", "lmerMod",
function( fit, showWarnings=TRUE, dream=FALSE, colinearityCutoff=.999 )
# if no intercept is specified, give warning
if( !dream && showWarnings && length(which(colnames(fit@pp$X) == "(Intercept)")) == 0 ){
warning("No Intercept term was specified in the formula:\nThe results will not behave as expected and may be very wrong!!")
# if any coefficient is NA
if( ( showWarnings | dream) && any(is.na(coef(fit))) ){
stop("The variables specified in this model are redundant,\nso the design matrix is not full rank")
# check colinearity
score = colinearityScore(fit)
if( score > colinearityCutoff ){
stop(paste("Colinear score =", format(score, digits=4), ">", colinearityCutoff,"\nCovariates in the formula are so strongly correlated that the\nparameter estimates from this model are not meaningful.\nDropping one or more of the covariates will fix this problem"))
# check that factors are random and continuous variables are fixed
# remove backticks with gsub manually
# solve issue that backticks are conserved is some but not all parts of lmer()
# Simplified testing of random versus fixed effects
# allows (A|B) only where A is continuous
# variables fit by regression
testVar = attr(attr(fit@frame, "terms"), "term.labels")
testVar = gsub("`", "", testVar)
# get type for each variable
# keep only tested variables
varType = attr(attr(fit@frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")[-1]
varType = varType[testVar]
# random effects
randVar = names(fit@flist)
# fixed effects
# starting with all variables, remove random variables
fixedVar = setdiff(testVar, randVar)
for( i in 1:length(varType) ){
# if factor is not random
if( (showWarnings && ! dream) && varType[i] %in% c("factor", "character") && (! names(varType)[i] %in% randVar) ){
stop(paste("Categorical variables modeled as fixed effect:", paste(names(varType)[i], collapse=', '), "\nThe results will not behave as expected and may be very wrong!!"))
# If numeric/double is not fixed
if( (showWarnings && ! dream) && varType[i] %in% c("numeric", "double") && (!names(varType)[i] %in% fixedVar) ){
stop(paste("Continuous variable cannot be modeled as a random effect:", names(varType)[i]))
# show convergance message
if( showWarnings && !is.null(fit@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages) && (fit@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages != "boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular")){
iterBatch <- function(exprObj, weights, useWeights = TRUE, scale=TRUE, n_chunks = nrow(exprObj) / 500, min_chunk_size = 20, BPPARAM = NULL ) {
# Adjust number of chunks upward to the next multiple of number of
# workers in BPPARAM, if this can be determined. If any errors are
# encountered, just continue without adjusting.
if (is(BPPARAM, "BiocParallelParam")) {
n_workers <- bpworkers(BPPARAM)
if (!is.null(n_workers) && is.numeric(n_workers) && n_workers >= 1) {
chunks_per_worker <- ceiling(n_chunks / n_workers)
n_chunks <- chunks_per_worker * n_workers
error = function(...) NULL
# Don't split into chunks smaller than min_chunk_size
max_allowed_chunks <- floor(nrow(exprObj) / min_chunk_size)
n_chunks = min(n_chunks, max_allowed_chunks)
# Make sure we have at least 1 chunk (since we can get 0 if
# min_chunk_size > nrow)
n_chunks <- max(n_chunks, 1)
# specify chunks
idx <- parallel::splitIndices(nrow(exprObj), min(nrow(exprObj), n_chunks))
i <- 0L
f = function() {
if (i == length(idx)){
i <<- i + 1L
E = exprObj[ idx[[i]],, drop = FALSE ]
if( useWeights && !is.null(weights) ){
# scale weights to have mean of 1, otherwise it affects the residual variance too much
# w = weights[j,] / mean(weights[j,])
w = weights[idx[[i]],,drop=FALSE]
# for each row, devide by row mean
w = w / rowMeans(w)
# w = weights[j,]
w = weights[idx[[i]],,drop=FALSE]
w = matrix(1, nrow(E), ncol(E))
list(E = E, weights = w )
# get number of chunks
attr( f, "n_chunks") = length(idx)
.checkNA = function(exprObj){
# check if values are NA
countNA = sum(is.nan(exprObj)) + sum(!is.finite(exprObj))
if( countNA > 0 ){
stop("There are ", countNA, " NA/NaN/Inf values in exprObj\nMissing data is not allowed")
# check if all genes have variance
rv = apply( exprObj, 1, var)
if( any( rv == 0) ){
idx = which(rv == 0)
stop(paste("Response variable", idx[1], 'has a variance of 0'))
.isDisconnected = function(){
i = NULL
possibleError <- tryCatch( suppressWarnings(foreach(i = seq_len(2)) %dopar% {i}), error = function(e) e)
return( isTRUE(inherits(possibleError, "error") && identical(possibleError$message, "invalid connection")) )
.getAllUniContrasts = function( exprObj, formula, data){
Linit = .getContrastInit( exprObj, formula, data)
Lall = lapply( seq_len(length(Linit)), function(i){
Linit[i] = 1
names(Lall) = names(Linit)
Lall = do.call("rbind", Lall)
# remove intercept contrasts
# Lall[,-1,drop=FALSE]
getContrast = function( exprObj, formula, data, coefficient){
if( length(coefficient) > 2){
stop("Length of coefficient array limited to 2")
L = .getContrastInit( exprObj, formula, data)
# assign coefficient coding
if( any(!coefficient %in% names(L)) ){
stop("coefficient is not in the formula. Valid coef are:\n", paste(names(L), collapse=', '))
L[coefficient[1]] = 1
if( length(coefficient) == 2){
L[coefficient[2]] = -1
# .getContrastInit( exprObj, formula, data)
.getContrastInit = function( exprObj, formula, data){
exprObj = as.matrix( exprObj )
formula = as.formula( formula )
# only retain columns used in the formula
data = data[, colnames(data) %in% unique(all.vars(formula)), drop=FALSE]
control = lmerControl(calc.derivs=FALSE, check.rankX="stop.deficient" )
# check dimensions of reponse and covariates
if( ncol(exprObj) != nrow(data) ){
stop( "the number of samples in exprObj (i.e. cols) must be the same as in data (i.e. rows)" )
# if weightsMatrix is not specified, set useWeights to FALSE
if( useWeights && is.null(weightsMatrix) ){
# warning("useWeights was ignored: no weightsMatrix was specified")
useWeights = FALSE
# if useWeights, and (weights and expression are the same size)
if( useWeights && !identical( dim(exprObj), dim(weightsMatrix)) ){
stop( "exprObj and weightsMatrix must be the same dimensions" )
# If samples names in exprObj (i.e. columns) don't match those in data (i.e. rows)
if( ! identical(colnames(exprObj), rownames(data)) ){
warning( "Sample names of responses (i.e. columns of exprObj) do not match\nsample names of metadata (i.e. rows of data). Recommend consistent\nnames so downstream results are labeled consistently." )
form = paste( "responsePlaceholder$E", paste(as.character( formula), collapse=''))
# run lmer() to see if the model has random effects
# if less run lmer() in the loop
# else run lm()
responsePlaceholder = nextElem(exprIter(exprObj, weightsMatrix, useWeights, scale=FALSE))
possibleError <- tryCatch( lmer( eval(parse(text=form)), data=data,control=control ), error = function(e) e)
mesg <- "No random effects terms specified in formula"
method = ''
if( isTRUE(inherits(possibleError, "error") && identical(possibleError$message, mesg)) ){
design = model.matrix( formula, data)
L = rep(0, ncol(design))
names(L) = colnames(design)
# detect error when variable in formula does not exist
}else if( isTRUE(inherits(possibleError, "error") && length( grep("object '.*' not found", possibleError$message)) > 0) ){
stop("Variable in formula is not found: ", gsub("object '(.*)' not found", "\\1", possibleError$message) )
if( isTRUE(inherits(possibleError, "error") && grep('the fixed-effects model matrix is column rank deficient', possibleError$message) == 1) ){
stop(paste(possibleError$message, "\n\nSuggestion: rescale fixed effect variables.\nThis will not change the variance fractions or p-values."))
fit = lmer( eval(parse(text=form)), data=data,control=control, REML=TRUE )
L = rep(0, length(fixef(fit)))
names(L) = names(fixef(fit))
.isMixedModelFormula = function(formula ){
! is.null( findbars( as.formula( formula ) ) )
.standard_transform = function(fit, sigma = fit$sigma){
# If fit$df.prior is not defined, set df.prior to zero
if( ! is.null(fit$df.prior) ){
fit$df.total = fit$df.residual + fit$df.prior
fit$df.total = fit$df.residual
# t-test
out = fit
out$t <- fit$coefficients / fit$stdev.unscaled / sigma
out$p.value <- 2*pt(-abs(out$t), df=fit$df.total )
# F-test
if(!is.null(out$design) && is.fullrank(out$design)) {
# only evaluate F-stat on real coefficients, not contrasts
realcoef = colnames(out)[colnames(out) %in% colnames(out$design)]
realcoef = realcoef[realcoef!="(Intercept)"]
if( is.null(realcoef) || (length(realcoef) == 0) ){
# this happends when only the intercept term is included
warning("No testable fixed effects were included in the model.\n Running topTable() will fail.")
df = rowMeans(out[,realcoef]$df.total)
F.stat <- classifyTestsF(out[,realcoef], df=df, fstat.only=TRUE)
out$F <- as.vector(F.stat)
df1 <- attr(F.stat,"df1")
df2 <- attr(F.stat,"df2")
if(df2[1] > 1e6){ # Work around bug in R 2.1
out$F.p.value <- pchisq(df1*out$F,df1,lower.tail=FALSE)
out$F.p.value <- pf(out$F,df1,df2,lower.tail=FALSE)
# if fit$df.prior does not exist, then remove the df.total term
if( is.null(fit$df.prior) ){
out$df.total = NULL
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