load_ascat: Load am ASCAT text export file.

View source: R/input.R

load_ascatR Documentation

Load am ASCAT text export file.


Load am ASCAT text export file.


load_ascat(filename, kit.coverage)



Path to the ASCAT file.


A GRanges object containing the regions covered on each chromosome arm by the kit.


The ASCAT file is expected to have the following column names: 'chr' (chromosome number), 'startpos' (first position of CNV segment), 'endpos' (last position of CNV segment), 'nMajor' (Number of copies of the major allele) and 'nMinor' (Number of copies of the minor allele).

The segments are attributed to each chromosome arm and split if necessary.


A GRanges object containing the segments, their copy number (field cn), their copy number types (field cntype). cntype contains either 'Gain', 'Loss' or 'LOH'. If the file contains twice the same segment or does not respect the format specifications, then an error is raised. NB. If the chromosome name is in the format '1' and not 'chr1' and will be transformed if needed.


segs.filename <- system.file('extdata', 'ascat_example.txt',
  package = 'oncoscanR')
segs.ascat_example <- load_ascat(segs.filename, oncoscan_na33.cov)

yannchristinat/oncoscanR documentation built on June 24, 2024, 1:56 a.m.