merge_segments: Merge segments with respect to the kit resolution and the...

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merge_segmentsR Documentation

Merge segments with respect to the kit resolution and the copy number.


Merge segments with respect to the kit resolution and the copy number.


merge_segments(segments, kit.resolution = 300)



A GRanges object containing the segments, their copy number and copy number types.


Number >0 indicating the minimum segment size detectable by the technique (in kilobases). Defaults to the Oncoscan assay resolution outside of cancer genes: 300Kb.


If two segments are at a distance smaller than the resolution, then the segments are merged if the share the same cn value. Note that the function does not look at the copy number type or subtype but only at the actual copy number to decide whether segments can be merged.


A GRanges object containing the cleaned segments, their copy number and copy number types.


segs.merged <- merge_segments(segs.chas_example)
segs.merged_50k <- merge_segments(segs.chas_example, 50)

yannchristinat/oncoscanR documentation built on June 24, 2024, 1:56 a.m.