#' Identify biomarkers using supervised leaning (SL) methods
#' Identify biomarkers using logistic regression, random forest, or support
#' vector machine.
#' @param ps a \code{\link[phyloseq]{phyloseq-class}} object.
#' @param group character, the variable to set the group.
#' @param taxa_rank character to specify taxonomic rank to perform
#' differential analysis on. Should be one of
#' `phyloseq::rank_names(phyloseq)`, or "all" means to summarize the taxa by
#' the top taxa ranks (`summarize_taxa(ps, level = rank_names(ps)[1])`), or
#' "none" means perform differential analysis on the original taxa
#' (`taxa_names(phyloseq)`, e.g., OTU or ASV).
#' @param transform character, the methods used to transform the microbial
#' abundance. See [`transform_abundances()`] for more details. The
#' options include:
#' * "identity", return the original data without any transformation
#' (default).
#' * "log10", the transformation is `log10(object)`, and if the data contains
#' zeros the transformation is `log10(1 + object)`.
#' * "log10p", the transformation is `log10(1 + object)`.
#' @param norm the methods used to normalize the microbial abundance data. See
#' [`normalize()`] for more details.
#' Options include:
#' * "none": do not normalize.
#' * "rarefy": random subsampling counts to the smallest library size in the
#' data set.
#' * "TSS": total sum scaling, also referred to as "relative abundance", the
#' abundances were normalized by dividing the corresponding sample library
#' size.
#' * "TMM": trimmed mean of m-values. First, a sample is chosen as reference.
#' The scaling factor is then derived using a weighted trimmed mean over the
#' differences of the log-transformed gene-count fold-change between the
#' sample and the reference.
#' * "RLE", relative log expression, RLE uses a pseudo-reference calculated
#' using the geometric mean of the gene-specific abundances over all
#' samples. The scaling factors are then calculated as the median of the
#' gene counts ratios between the samples and the reference.
#' * "CSS": cumulative sum scaling, calculates scaling factors as the
#' cumulative sum of gene abundances up to a data-derived threshold.
#' * "CLR": centered log-ratio normalization.
#' * "CPM": pre-sample normalization of the sum of the values to 1e+06.
#' @param norm_para named `list`. other arguments passed to specific
#' normalization methods. Most users will not need to pass any additional
#' arguments here.
#' @param nfolds the number of splits in CV.
#' @param nrepeats the number of complete sets of folds to compute.
#' @param sampling a single character value describing the type of additional
#' sampling that is conducted after resampling (usually to resolve class
#' imbalances). Values are "none", "down", "up", "smote", or "rose". For
#' more details see [`caret::trainControl()`].
#' @param tune_length an integer denoting the amount of granularity in the
#' tuning parameter grid. For more details see [`caret::train()`].
#' @param top_n an integer denoting the top `n` features as the biomarker
#' according the importance score.
#' @param method supervised learning method, options are "LR" (logistic
#' regression), "RF" (rando forest), or "SVM" (support vector machine).
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to the classification. e.g., `importance`
#' for `randomForest::randomForest`.
#' @details Only support two groups comparison in the current version. And the
#' marker was selected based on its importance score. Moreover, The
#' hyper-parameters are selected automatically by a grid-search based method
#' in the N-time K-fold cross-validation. Thus, the identified biomarker based
#' can be biased due to model overfitting for small datasets (e.g., with less
#' than 100 samples).
#' The argument `top_n` is used to denote the number of markers based on the
#' importance score. There is no rule or principle on how to select `top_n`,
#' however, usually it is very useful to try a different `top_n` and compare
#' the performance of the marker predictions for the testing data.
#' @return a [microbiomeMarker-class] object.
#' @seealso [`caret::train()`],[`caret::trainControl()`]
#' @author Yang Cao
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(enterotypes_arumugam)
#' # small example phyloseq object for test
#' ps_small <- phyloseq::subset_taxa(
#' enterotypes_arumugam,
#' Phylum %in% c("Firmicutes", "Bacteroidetes")
#' )
#' set.seed(2021)
#' mm <- run_sl(
#' ps_small,
#' group = "Gender",
#' taxa_rank = "Genus",
#' nfolds = 2,
#' nrepeats = 1,
#' top_n = 15,
#' norm = "TSS",
#' method = "LR",
#' )
#' mm
run_sl <- function(ps,
taxa_rank = "all",
transform = c("identity", "log10", "log10p"),
norm = "none",
norm_para = list(),
nfolds = 3,
nrepeats = 3,
sampling = NULL,
tune_length = 5,
top_n = 10,
method = c("LR", "RF", "SVM"),
...) {
sample_meta <- sample_data(ps)
meta_nms <- names(sample_meta)
if (!group %in% meta_nms) {
group, " are not contained in the `sample_data` of `ps`",
call. = FALSE
ps <- check_rank_names(ps)
ps <- check_taxa_rank(ps, taxa_rank)
# In current version, sl just for two groups comparisons
groups <- sample_meta[[group]]
group_n <- length(unique(groups))
if (group_n != 2) {
"Supervised method only support for two groups comparisons",
call. = FALSE
transform <- match.arg(transform, c("identity", "log10", "log10p"))
method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("LR", "RF", "SVM"))
full_method <- switch(method,
LR = "logistic regression",
RF = "random forest",
SVM = "support vector machine"
train_method <- switch(method,
LR = "glmnet",
RF = "ranger",
SVM = "svmLinear"
# preprocess phyloseq object
ps <- preprocess_ps(ps)
ps <- transform_abundances(ps, transform = transform)
# normalization, write a function here
# fitZig fitFeatureModel
norm_para <- c(norm_para, method = norm, object = list(ps))
ps_normed <- do.call(normalize, norm_para)
# summarize data
ps_summarized <- pre_ps_taxa_rank(ps_normed, taxa_rank)
counts_tab <- abundances(ps_summarized, norm = TRUE)
tax_tab <- as.data.frame(tax_table(ps_summarized))
# in the animalcules, the counts were transferred as cpm, counts per million
# number of markers must smaller than features
feature_n <- nrow(tax_tab)
if (feature_n < top_n) {
"There are ", feature_n, " features, ",
"`top_n` must be smaller than number of features",
call. = FALSE
# transpose for modeling train
counts_tab <- transpose_and_2df(counts_tab)
colnames(counts_tab) <- tax_tab[, 1]
# filter zero or near zero-variance predictors
# https://topepo.github.io/caret/pre-processing.html#nzv
# {stackoverflow}questions/47060233/stacking-models-from-different-packages
# add target variable
# to compute the varImp of svm model y must be a factor,
# or there is a error: Error in y - mean(y, rm.na = TRUE): non-numeric
# argument to binary operator
counts_tab$y <- factor(groups)
# set up classification model parameters
fit_control <- caret::trainControl(
method = "repeatedcv", # k fold cross validation
number = nfolds,
repeats = nrepeats,
classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = caret::twoClassSummary, # is only for two classes
sampling = sampling,
savePredictions = TRUE
model_fit <- caret::train(
y ~ .,
data = counts_tab,
method = train_method,
tuneLength = tune_length,
trControl = fit_control,
metric = "ROC",
imp_df <- caret::varImp(model_fit)$importance
# remove backtick
feature <- gsub("`", "", row.names(imp_df))
imp_df <- data.frame(
feature = feature,
imp = imp_df[, 1]
imp_df <- imp_df[order(imp_df$imp, decreasing = TRUE), ]
marker <- imp_df[seq_len(top_n), ]
# remove target variable
counts_tab$y <- NULL
# get the enrich_group
marker_idx <- match(marker$feature, tax_tab[, 1])
counts_tab_marker <- counts_tab[, marker_idx]
enrich_group <- get_sl_enrich_group(
sample_in_cols = FALSE
marker$enrich_group <- enrich_group
marker <- marker[c("feature", "enrich_group", "imp")]
names(marker) <- c("feature", "enrich_group", "ef_imp")
ot <- otu_table(t(counts_tab), taxa_are_rows = TRUE)
tt <- tax_table(ps_summarized)
row.names(ot) <- row.names(tt)
mm <- microbiomeMarker(
marker_table = marker_table(marker),
norm_method = get_norm_method(norm),
diff_method = full_method,
otu_table = ot,
sam_data = sample_data(ps_summarized),
tax_table = tt
get_sl_enrich_group <- function(counts_tab, groups, sample_in_cols = TRUE) {
if (sample_in_cols) {
counts_tab <- t(counts_tab)
counts_mean <- by(counts_tab, groups, colMeans)
counts_mean <- do.call(cbind, counts_mean)
idx_enrich <- apply(counts_mean, 1, which.max)
group_enrich <- colnames(counts_mean)[idx_enrich]
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