
Defines functions Metlin.annotation

Documented in Metlin.annotation

#' Human Metabolome Database', 'ChEMBL', 'ChEBI', 'NIAID','Pesticide Common
#' Names','SMPDB Small Molecule Pathway Database',
#' MeSH','LipidMAPS','ChemBank','BioCyc')
#' Human Metabolome Database', 'ChEMBL', 'ChEBI', 'NIAID','Pesticide Common
#' Names','SMPDB Small Molecule Pathway Database',
#' MeSH','LipidMAPS','ChemBank','BioCyc')
Metlin.annotation <- function(dataA, max.mz.diff = 10, queryadductlist = c("M+H"), 
    xMSannotator.outloc, tokenstr = NA) {
    data_a <- as.data.frame(dataA)
    # print('Using the 1st column as \'mz\' for
    # annotation.')
    if (is.na(tokenstr) == TRUE) {
        stop("Please specify a valid METLIN security token. \nCreate a METLIN account to obtain a token: \n http://metlin.scripps.edu/soap/register.php")
    mzlist <- data_a[, 1]
    # =c('PubChem','MassBank', 'EPA DSSTox','EPA
    # Toxcast','NIST Chemistry WebBook','KEGG',
    #'Human Metabolome Database', 'ChEMBL', 'ChEBI', 'NIAID','Pesticide Common Names','SMPDB Small Molecule Pathway Database',
    dir.create(xMSannotator.outloc, showWarnings = FALSE)
    adductlist = c(1.00727, 22.989171, 38.963171, -35.012729, 
        -17.002729, 0.0227, 7.01597, 18.033871, 33.033471, 
        42.033871, 44.971171, 64.015771, 1.00727, 11.998247, 
        22.989171, 1.00727, 8.33459, 15.6618, -19.01839, 
        -1.00727, 18.998371, 20.974671, 34.969371, 36.948571, 
        44.998171, 59.013871, 78.918885, -1.00727, -1.00727)
    alladducts <- c("M+H", "M+Na", "M+K", "M+H-2H2O", "M+H-H2O", 
        "M-H2O+NH4", "M+Li", "M+NH4", "M+CH3OH+H", "M+ACN+H", 
        "M+2Na-H", "M+ACN+Na", "M+2H", "M+H+Na", "M+2Na", 
        "M+3H", "M+2H+Na", "M+2Na+H", "M-H2O-H", "M-H", "M+F", 
        "M+Na-2H", "M+Cl", "M+K-2H", "M+FA-H", "M+CH3COO", 
        "M+Br", "M-2H", "M-3H")
    names(adductlist) <- c("M+H", "M+Na", "M+K", "M+H-2H2O", 
        "M+H-H2O", "M-H2O+NH4", "M+Li", "M+NH4", "M+CH3OH+H", 
        "M+ACN+H", "M+2Na-H", "M+ACN+Na", "M+2H", "M+H+Na", 
        "M+2Na", "M+3H", "M+2H+Na", "M+2Na+H", "M-H2O-H", 
        "M-H", "M+F", "M+Na-2H", "M+Cl", "M+K-2H", "M+FA-H", 
        "M+CH3COO", "M+Br", "M-2H", "M-3H")
    mult_charge <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 
        2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3)
    names(mult_charge) <- c("M+H", "M+Na", "M+K", "M+H-2H2O", 
        "M+H-H2O", "M-H2O+NH4", "M+Li", "M+NH4", "M+CH3OH+H", 
        "M+ACN+H", "M+2Na-H", "M+ACN+Na", "M+2H", "M+H+Na", 
        "M+2Na", "M+3H", "M+2H+Na", "M+2Na+H", "M-H2O-H", 
        "M-H", "M+F", "M+Na-2H", "M+Cl", "M+K-2H", "M+FA-H", 
        "M+CH3COO", "M+Br", "M-2H", "M-3H")
    if (queryadductlist[1] == "positive") {
        queryadductlist <- c("M+H", "M+Na", "M+K", "M+H-2H2O", 
            "M+H-H2O", "M+Li", "M+NH4", "M+CH3OH+H", "M+ACN+H", 
            "M+2Na-H", "M+ACN+Na", "M+2H", "M+H+Na", "M+2Na", 
            "M+3H", "M+2H+Na", "M+2Na+H")
    } else {
        if (queryadductlist[1] == "negative") {
            queryadductlist <- c("M-H2O-H", "M-H", "M+F", 
                "M+Na-2H", "M+Cl", "M+K-2H", "M+FA-H", "M+CH3COO", 
                "M-2H", "M-3H")
        } else {
            if (queryadductlist[1] == "all") {
                queryadductlist <- alladducts
            } else {
                if (length(which(queryadductlist %in% alladducts == 
                  FALSE)) > 0) {
                  errormsg <- paste("Adduct should be one of:", 
                    sep = "")
                  for (i in alladducts) {
                    errormsg <- paste(errormsg, i, sep = " ; ")
                  stop(errormsg, "\n\nUsage: feat.batch.annotation.Metlin(dataA,max.mz.diff=10, queryadductlist=c(\"M+H\", \"M+Na\"), xMSannotator.outloc, numnodes=1)", 
                    "\n\n OR feat.batch.annotation.Metlin(dataA,max.mz.diff=10, queryadductlist=c(\"positive\"), xMSannotator.outloc, numnodes=1)", 
                    "\n\n OR  feat.batch.annotation.Metlin(dataA,max.mz.diff=10, queryadductlist=c(\"negative\"), xMSannotator.outloc, numnodes=1)", 
                    "\n\n OR  feat.batch.annotation.Metlin(dataA,max.mz.diff=10, queryadductlist=c(\"all\"), xMSannotator.outloc, numnodes=1)")
    parentres = {
    res <- {
    cnames <- c("", "Adduct", "Query.m/z", "MetlinID", "Mass", 
        "Name", "Molecular.Formula")
    for (adnum in 1:length(queryadductlist)) {
        adductname = queryadductlist[adnum]
        # adductmass=adductlist[as.character(adductname)]
        adductname <- gsub(x = adductname, pattern = "\\+", 
            replacement = "%2B", perl = TRUE)
        # tokenstr<-'A30GCsqF5VkBoHlH'
        mz_seq <- seq(1, length(mzlist), 500)
        temp_res <- {
        for (mzind in 1:length(mzlist)) {
            url <- paste("http://metlin.scripps.edu/REST/search/index.php?token=", 
                tokenstr, sep = "")
            suburl <- {
            suburl <- paste(suburl, "&mass[]=", mzlist[mzind], 
                sep = "")
            url <- paste(url, suburl, "&adduct[]=", adductname, 
                "&tolunits=ppm&tolerance=", max.mz.diff, 
                sep = "")
            # print(url)
            # 195.0877&mass[]=181.0702&adduct[]=M%2BH&tolunits=ppm&tolerance=30',sep='')
            r1 <- getURL(url)
            parser <- newJSONParser()
            # metlinres<-parser$getObject()
            metlinres <- try(parser$getObject(), silent = TRUE)
            # print(length(metlinres))
            if (is(metlinres, "try-error")) {
                cur_res <- {
            } else {
                for (m1 in 1:length(metlinres)) {
                  metlin_res_m1 <- metlinres[[m1]]
                  # print(metlin_res_m1)
                  for (m2 in 1:length(metlin_res_m1)) {
                    cur_res <- metlin_res_m1[[m2]]
                    # print(length(cur_res))
                    if (length(cur_res) > 1) {
                      html_link = paste("<a href=http://metlin.scripps.edu/metabo_info.php?molid=", 
                        cur_res$molid, ">", cur_res$molid, 
                        "</a>", sep = "")
                      temp_res <- rbind(temp_res, c(mzlist[mzind], 
                        html_link, cur_res$molid, cur_res$mass, 
                        cur_res$name, cur_res$formula))
        res <- unique(temp_res)
        text_res <- {
        if (length(res) > 0) {
            adductname <- gsub(x = adductname, pattern = "%2B", 
                replacement = "\\+", perl = TRUE)
            adductname = rep(adductname, dim(res)[1])
            temp_res <- cbind(adductname, res)
            temp_res <- as.matrix(temp_res)
            if (dim(temp_res)[2] == 1) {
                temp_res <- t(temp_res)
                temp_res <- as.data.frame(temp_res)
            bad_rows <- which(temp_res[, 2] == "1")
            if (length(bad_rows) > 0) {
                temp_res <- temp_res[-bad_rows, ]
                temp_res <- as.matrix(temp_res)
                if (dim(temp_res)[2] == 1) {
                  temp_res <- t(temp_res)
            # temp_res<-as.data.frame(temp_res)
            colnames(temp_res) = NULL
            text_resindex <- c(1, 2, 4:7)
            text_res <- temp_res[, c(text_resindex)]
            text_res <- as.matrix(text_res)
            text_res <- as.data.frame(text_res)
            sernum = seq(1, dim(text_res)[1])
            text_res <- cbind(sernum, text_res)
            colnames(text_res) = cnames
            parentres = rbind(parentres, temp_res)
            # rm(temp_res)
            colnames(parentres) = NULL
            fname = paste(xMSannotator.outloc, "/Metlin_annotation_results_", 
                queryadductlist[adnum], ".txt", sep = "")
            write.table(text_res, file = fname, sep = "\t", 
                row.names = FALSE)
    html_res <- {
    text_res <- {
    if (length(parentres) > 0) {
        res <- parentres[order(parentres[, 2]), ]
        res <- as.matrix(res)
        if (dim(res)[2] == 1) {
            res <- t(res)
        html_resindex <- c(1, 2, 3, 5:7)
        html_res <- res[, c(html_resindex)]
        html_res <- as.matrix(html_res)
        if (dim(html_res)[2] == 1) {
            html_res <- t(html_res)
        # sernum=seq(1,dim(html_res)[1])
        # html_res<-cbind(sernum,html_res)
        html_res <- as.data.frame(html_res)
        cnames <- c("Adduct", "Query.m/z", "MetlinID", "Mass", 
            "Name", "Molecular.Formula")
        colnames(html_res) <- cnames
        fname = paste("Metlin_annotation_results", sep = "")
        HTMLInitFile(filename = fname, Title = "Metlin annotation results", 
            outdir = xMSannotator.outloc)
        fname = paste(xMSannotator.outloc, "/Metlin_annotation_results.html", 
            sep = "")
        HTML(html_res, file = fname, Border = 1, innerBorder = 1, 
            useCSS = TRUE)
        HTMLEndFile(file = fname)
        text_resindex <- c(1, 2, 4:7)
        text_res <- res[, c(text_resindex)]
        text_res <- as.matrix(text_res)
        text_res <- as.data.frame(text_res)
        sernum = seq(1, dim(text_res)[1])
        text_res <- cbind(sernum, text_res)
        cnames <- c("", "Adduct", "Query.m/z", "MetlinID", 
            "Mass", "Name", "Molecular.Formula")
        colnames(text_res) = cnames
        fname = paste(xMSannotator.outloc, "/Metlin_annotation_results_alladducts.txt", 
            sep = "")
        write.table(text_res, file = fname, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
    return(list(text.res = text_res, html.res = html_res))
yufree/xMSannotator documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 12:20 a.m.