PLN_ANOVA = function(d,{
R = d$conditionNumber;
count = d$count;
ct = sweep(count,2,d$sample$sizeFactor,'/');
J = nrow(count);
I = ncol(count)/R;
y = array(NA,c(J,R,I));
for(r in 1:R){
y[,r,] = ct[,1:I+(r-1)*I]
condition = as.factor(rep(1:R,each=I));
p.value = rep(NA,J);
for(j in 1:J){
x = ct[j,];
fit = lm(x~condition);
p.value[j] = anova(fit)[1,5];
} = order(p.value)[];
mu = apply(y,1:2,mean);
etahat = log(mu);
muhat = mean(etahat);
alphahat = colMeans(etahat) - muhat;
betahat = rowMeans(etahat) - muhat;
z = etahat - muhat - outer(betahat,alphahat,'+');
u1 = c(1,rep(-1/(R-1),R-1));
u0 = u1 + 1;
ep = 1e-6;
z1 = z[,];
uhat = c(1,-1);
tmp = as.numeric(z%*%(uhat));
vhat = (tmp)/sum(uhat^2);
u0 = u1;
v1 = as.numeric(z1%*%(u0))/sum(u0^2);
u1 = as.numeric(v1%*%z1)/sum(v1^2);
u1 = u1/u1[1];
uhat = u1;
vhat = as.numeric(z%*%(uhat))/sum(uhat^2);
sigma = d$genewiseSigma;
rho = d$rho;
var.v = rep(0,J);
for(r1 in 1:R){
for(r2 in 1:R){
var.v = var.v + uhat[r1]^2*(exp(sigma^2)-1+1/mu[,r1])/I;
var.v = var.v + uhat[r1]*uhat[r2]*(exp(rho[r1,r2]*sigma^2)-1)/I;
var.v = var.v/sum(uhat^2)^2;
sd.v = sqrt(var.v);
stat = (vhat/sd.v)^2;
th = qchisq(1-1e-5,1); = ifelse(stat<th,1-pchisq(stat,1),-pchisq(stat,1,log.p=TRUE));
logfold.change = outer(as.numeric(vhat),as.numeric(uhat-uhat[1]));
sd.logfoldchange = outer(as.numeric(sd.v),abs(as.numeric(uhat-uhat[1])));
d$ANOVA = list(u=uhat,logFoldChange=logfold.change,sd.logFoldChange=sd.logfoldchange,;
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