#' Title batchMS2Score.parallel
#' @param ms1Info the result of extracResFliter
#' @param ms1DeltaMZ the difference of m/z between ms1Info and mgf files
#' @param ms2DeltaMZ the difference of m/z between mgf and database of MS2
#' @param deltaTR the difference of retention time between ms1Info and mgf
#' @param mgfMatrix the mgf mateix that created by importMgf
#' @param mgfData the mgf mateix that created by importMgf
#' @param MS2.sn.threshold The S/N threshold of MS2.
#' @param MS2.noise.intensity The intensity of noise of MS2 spectrum.
#' @param MS2.missing.value.padding The MS2 missing value padding method, "half" or "minimal.value"
#' @param ms2Mode MS2 acquisition mode, 'ida' or 'dia', the default value is 'ida'
#' @param scoreMode The MS2 score mode, default is "average".
#' @param diaMethod If MS2 acquisition mode is "dia", a file save dia method should be provided.
#' @param cores The number of CPU cores when computing.
#' @return ms2ScoreResult
#' @export batchMS2Score.parallel
#' @importFrom snow makeSOCKcluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @import foreach
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata/testData", "ms1InfoTest.rda", package = "MetEx"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/testData", "mgfMatrixTest.rda", package = "MetEx"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/testData", "mgfDataTest.rda", package = "MetEx"))
#' ms2ScoreResult <- batchMS2Score.parallel(ms1Info = ms1InfoTest,
#' ms1DeltaMZ = 0.01,
#' ms2DeltaMZ = 0.02,
#' deltaTR = 15,
#' mgfMatrix = mgfMatrixTest,
#' mgfData = mgfDataTest,
#' cores = 1)
#' @references
#' Tsugawa, Hiroshi , et al. "MS-DIAL: data-independent MS/MS deconvolution for comprehensive metabolome analysis." Nature Methods 12.6(2015):523-526.
batchMS2Score.parallel <- function(ms1Info,
MS2.sn.threshold = 3,
MS2.noise.intensity = "minimum",
MS2.missing.value.padding = "minimal.value",
ms2Mode = 'ida',
scoreMode = 'average',
diaMethod = 'NA',
cores = 4) {
# require("stringr")
# require("tcltk")
# require("doSNOW")
# require("progress")
# cores <- parallel::detectCores()
cl <- makeSOCKcluster(cores)
if (ms2Mode=='dia'){
diaMethodmatrix <- read.table(diaMethod)
mzinmgf <- as.matrix(mgfMatrix[ , 'pepmassNum'])
trinmgf <- as.matrix(mgfMatrix[ , 'trNum'])
ptm <- proc.time()
# progress bar ------------------------------------------------------------
iterations <- nrow(ms1Info)
pb <- progress_bar$new(
format = ":letter [:bar] :elapsed | Remaining time: :eta <br>",
total = iterations,
width = 120)
# allowing progress bar to be used in foreach -----------------------------
progress <- function(n){
pb$tick(tokens = list(letter = "Progress of MS2 score"))
opts <- list(progress = progress)
i <- NULL
func <- function(i){
df.batchMS2Score <- data.frame(MSMS.Exp = c(NA), DP = c(NA), RDP = c(NA), frag.ratio = c(NA), score = c(NA))
batchMS2ScoreRes.i <- cbind(ms1Info[i,],df.batchMS2Score)
ms2DB <- as.character(ms1Info$MSMS[i])
ms2DB <- strsplit(ms2DB, ";", fixed=TRUE)
ms2DB <- strsplit(unlist(ms2DB), " ", fixed=TRUE)
ms2DB <- list2dataframe(ms2DB)
ms2DB <- na.omit(ms2DB)
mzi <- ms1Info$'m/z'[i]
tri <- ms1Info$trOfPeak[i]
ms2DB <- ms2DB[which(ms2DB[,1] < (mzi+ms2DeltaMZ)),]
if (nrow(ms2DB)==0){
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$DP <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$RDP <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$frag.ratio <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$score <- "Can't find MS2 in Database"
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$MSMS.Exp <- NA
else {
ms2ActInRaw <- ms1ms2Match(mzi,tri,ms1DeltaMZ,deltaTR,mgfMatrix,mgfData,ms2Mode,diaMethod)
if (length(ms2ActInRaw) == 0){
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$DP <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$RDP <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$frag.ratio <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$score <- "Can't find MS2"
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$MSMS.Exp <- NA
else if (length(ms2ActInRaw) == 1){
ms2Act <- ms2ActInRaw[[1]]
ms2Act <- strsplit(ms2Act, " ", fixed=TRUE)
ms2Act <- list2dataframe(ms2Act)
ms2Act <- na.omit(ms2Act)
ms2Act <- ms2Act[which(ms2Act[,1] < (mzi+ms2DeltaMZ)),]
ms2DB <- as.character(ms1Info$MSMS[i])
ms2DB <- strsplit(ms2DB, ";", fixed=TRUE)
ms2DB <- strsplit(unlist(ms2DB), " ", fixed=TRUE)
ms2DB <- list2dataframe(ms2DB)
ms2DB <- na.omit(ms2DB)
ms2DB <- ms2DB[which(ms2DB[,1] < (mzi+ms2DeltaMZ)),]
if (nrow(ms2Act)==0){
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$DP <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$RDP <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$frag.ratio <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$score <- 0
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$MSMS.Exp <- NA
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$DP <- ms2Score(ms2Act, ms2DB, ms2DeltaMZ, sn.threshold = MS2.sn.threshold, noise.intensity = MS2.noise.intensity, missing.value.padding = MS2.missing.value.padding, scoreMode = "obverse")
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$RDP <- ms2Score(ms2Act, ms2DB, ms2DeltaMZ, sn.threshold = MS2.sn.threshold, noise.intensity = MS2.noise.intensity, missing.value.padding = MS2.missing.value.padding, scoreMode = "reverse")
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$frag.ratio <- ms2Score(ms2Act, ms2DB, ms2DeltaMZ, sn.threshold = MS2.sn.threshold, noise.intensity = MS2.noise.intensity, missing.value.padding = MS2.missing.value.padding, scoreMode = "matched.fragments.ratio")
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$score <- ms2Score(ms2Act, ms2DB, ms2DeltaMZ, sn.threshold = MS2.sn.threshold, noise.intensity = MS2.noise.intensity, missing.value.padding = MS2.missing.value.padding, scoreMode)
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$MSMS.Exp <- paste(ms2ActInRaw[[1]],collapse=";")
candidateScore <- vector(mode="character",length = length(ms2ActInRaw))
for (j in c(1:length(ms2ActInRaw))){
ms2Act <- ms2ActInRaw[[j]]
ms2Act <- strsplit(as.character(ms2Act), " ", fixed=TRUE)
ms2Act <- list2dataframe(ms2Act)
ms2Act <- na.omit(ms2Act)
ms2Act <- ms2Act[which(ms2Act[,1] < (mzi+ms2DeltaMZ)),]
ms2DB <- as.character(ms1Info$MSMS[i])
ms2DB <- strsplit(ms2DB, ";", fixed=TRUE)
ms2DB <- strsplit(unlist(ms2DB), " ", fixed=TRUE)
ms2DB <- list2dataframe(ms2DB)
ms2DB <- na.omit(ms2DB)
ms2DB <- ms2DB[which(ms2DB[,1] < (mzi+ms2DeltaMZ)),]
if (nrow(ms2Act)==0){
candidateScore[j] <- 0
candidateScore[j] <- ms2Score(ms2Act, ms2DB, sn.threshold = MS2.sn.threshold, noise.intensity = MS2.noise.intensity, missing.value.padding = MS2.missing.value.padding, ms2DeltaMZ, scoreMode)
ms2DB.DPs <- ms2ActInRaw[[which.max(candidateScore)]]
ms2DB.DPs <- strsplit(ms2DB.DPs, " ", fixed=TRUE)
ms2DB.DPs <- list2dataframe(ms2DB.DPs)
ms2DB.DPs <- na.omit(ms2DB.DPs)
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$DP <- ms2Score(ms2DB.DPs, ms2DB, ms2DeltaMZ, sn.threshold = MS2.sn.threshold, noise.intensity = MS2.noise.intensity, missing.value.padding = MS2.missing.value.padding, scoreMode = "obverse")
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$RDP <- ms2Score(ms2DB.DPs, ms2DB, ms2DeltaMZ, sn.threshold = MS2.sn.threshold, noise.intensity = MS2.noise.intensity, missing.value.padding = MS2.missing.value.padding, scoreMode = "reverse")
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$frag.ratio <- ms2Score(ms2DB.DPs, ms2DB, ms2DeltaMZ, sn.threshold = MS2.sn.threshold, noise.intensity = MS2.noise.intensity, missing.value.padding = MS2.missing.value.padding, scoreMode = "matched.fragments.ratio")
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$score = max(candidateScore)
batchMS2ScoreRes.i$MSMS.Exp <- paste(ms2ActInRaw[[which.max(candidateScore)]],collapse=";")
ms2ScoreResult <- foreach(i=1:nrow(ms1Info), .options.snow=opts, .combine='rbind') %dopar% func(i)
# targExtracRes <- foreach(i=1:nrow(dbData), .combine= 'rbind') %dopar% func(i)
packageStartupMessage("MS2 spectral similarity calculation is finished")
# write.table(targExtracRes, file = "mydata.csv", col.names = NA, sep = ",", dec = ".", qmethod = "double")
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