
Defines functions plot_logORmat

Documented in plot_logORmat

#' Visualize pairwise log odds ratios (LOR) for data that are available in
#' both cases and controls
#' @details \code{plot_logORmat} visualizes a matrix of values (log odds ratios here). 
#' Cases' values are on upper right and controls on lower
#' left. Log odds ratio (LOR) is at the top of the cell.  Below it, its standard
#' error is in smaller type, using the same color as the LOR.  Then the
#' estimate is divided by its standard error. If it is less than 1 in
#' absolute value, we put a plus (red) or minus (blue) when
#' the Z-stat is between 1-2 in absolute value and put the actual
#' value when the Z is greater than 2.
#' @param data_nplcm See \code{\link{assign_model}}.
#' @param pathogen_display The pathogen vector in desired order for display.
#' It can be of larger length than that of \code{pathogen_BrS}.
#' @param logOR_rounding Rounding number of the log odds ratio. Default is 2.
#' @return Figure of LOR matrix and relavent s.e. and significance information.
#' @export

plot_logORmat = function(data_nplcm,
                         logOR_rounding = 2){
  Y <- data_nplcm$Y
  MBS.case <- as.matrix(data_nplcm$Mobs$MBS[Y==1,,drop=FALSE])
  MBS.ctrl <- as.matrix(data_nplcm$Mobs$MBS[Y==0,,drop=FALSE])
  pathogen_BrS <- data_nplcm$Mname$Mname_BrS
  if (is.null(data_nplcm$Mobs$MBS) || is.na(data_nplcm$Mobs["MBS"])){
    stop("==No bronze-standard data!==")
  # this plotting function will change graphical paramter "mar"; use
  # on.exit function to reset the graphical parameters after we have executed 
  # the function:
  default_par <- list(mar = par("mar"))
  J   <- ncol(MBS.case)
  Nd  <-  sum(Y)
  Nu  <-  length(Y)-Nd
  logORmat    <- matrix(NA,nrow=J,ncol=J)
  logORmat.se <- matrix(NA,nrow=J,ncol=J)
  # reorder the data columns by pathogen_display; the original
  # order of the columns follows pathogen_BrS:
  index_display <- my_reorder(pathogen_display,pathogen_BrS)
  pathogen_name <- pathogen_BrS[index_display]
  MBS.case      <- MBS.case[,index_display]
  MBS.ctrl      <- MBS.ctrl[,index_display]
  MBS           <-  as.matrix(rbind(MBS.case,MBS.ctrl))
  for (j2 in 1:(J-1)){ #case (j2,j1); ctrl (j1,j2).
    for (j1 in (j2+1):J){
      ## cases: (upper)
      x = MBS.case[,j2]
      y = MBS.case[,j1]
      fit = glm(y~x,family = binomial(link="logit"))
      if ("x" %in% rownames(summary(fit)$coef)){
        logORmat[j2,j1] = round(summary(fit)$coef["x",1],3)
        logORmat.se[j2,j1] = round(summary(fit)$coef["x",2],3)
      ##controls: (lower)
      x = MBS.ctrl[,j2]
      y = MBS.ctrl[,j1]
      fit = glm(y~x,family = binomial(link="logit"))
      if ("x" %in% rownames(summary(fit)$coef)){
        logORmat[j1,j2] = round(summary(fit)$coef["x",1],3)
        logORmat.se[j1,j2] = round(summary(fit)$coef["x",2],3)
  #cell.num = logORmat/logORmat.se
  tmp       = logORmat
  cell.num.logOR = tmp
  tmp2 = logORmat.se
  cell.num.prec = 1/tmp2^2
  #   cor = cell.num.logOR
  #   cor.se = 1/sqrt(cell.num.prec)
  circle.cor = function(cor, cor.se, axes = FALSE, xlab = "",ylab = "",
                        asp = 1,title="",...) {
    n = nrow(cor)
    # size of the numbers in the boxes:
    cex_main= min(2,20/n)
    cex_se  = min(1.5,15/n)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 5, 0), bg = "white",xpd=TRUE)
    plot(c(0, n + 0.8), c(0, n + 0.8), axes = axes, xlab = "",
         ylab = "", asp = 1, type = "n")
    ##add grid
    segments(rep(0.5, n + 1), 0.5 + 0:n, rep(n + 0.5, n + 1),
             0.5 + 0:n, col = "gray")
    segments(0.5 + 0:n, rep(0.5, n + 1), 0.5 + 0:n, rep(n + 0.5,
                                                        n), col = "gray")
    cor.txt<- round(t(cor)[,n:1],logOR_rounding)
    cor.se.txt <-round(t(cor.se)[,n:1],logOR_rounding)
    cor.txt3<- round(t(cor)[,n:1],3)
    cor.se.txt3 <-round(t(cor.se)[,n:1],3)
    for (i in 1:n){
      for (j in 1:n){
        abs.std.logOR <- abs(cor.txt3[i,j]/cor.se.txt3[i,j])
        if (!is.na(abs.std.logOR) && abs.std.logOR>1){
          if (abs.std.logOR>2){
    # diagonal line:
  # put texts in the boxes:
  # put pathogen names on rows and columns:
  for (s in rev(1:length(pathogen_name))){
    #   text(-2,par("usr")[1]+0.03*(length(pathogen_name)-s)*diff(par("usr")[1:2])+5,
    #        paste0(s,":",pathogen_name[s]),las=2,
    #        cex=1)
  # labels for cases and controls:

#         n1       <- nrow(MBS.case)
#         n0       <- nrow(MBS.ctrl)
#         J        <- ncol(MBS.case)

# #1. comparing the total no. of positives for cases and controls
# if (eda_options$total_positives == TRUE){
#   ct1 = rowSums(MBS.case)
#   ct0 = rowSums(MBS.ctrl)
#   tb1 = rep(NA,J+1);names(tb1)=c(0,1:J)
#   tb0 = tb1
#   for (j in 1:(J+1)){
#     tb1[j] = sum(ct1==j-1);tb0[j]=sum(ct0==j-1)
#   }
#   barplot(rbind(tb1/n1,tb0/n0),beside=TRUE,
#           #ylim=c(0,max(c(tb1/n1,tb0/n0))+.1),
#           legend.text = c("case", "control"),
#           xlab="no. of positives",
#           ylab="sample frequency",
#           main=paste(eda_options$X_names,eda_options$X_values,
#                      sep="="))
# }
zhenkewu/nplcm documentation built on May 4, 2019, 10:19 p.m.