MakeOutFolder <- function(runtype, maximum, minimum, k = "", out_folder_basename = NA) {
if ( {
name <- gsub(" ", "_", Sys.time(), fixed = TRUE)
name <- gsub(":", ".", name, fixed = TRUE)
output.folder <- paste("max", maximum, "_k", k, name, runtype, "run", sep = "_")
cat("output.folder is", output.folder, "\n")
return (output.folder)
} else {
name <- gsub(" ", "_", Sys.time(), fixed = TRUE)
name <- gsub(":", ".", name, fixed = TRUE)
output.folder <- paste(out_folder_basename, name, runtype, "run", sep = "_")
cat("output.folder is", output.folder, "\n")
return (output.folder)
#' Saving an igraph object as a local graphml file.
#' \code{ConvertToGraphML} saves a copy of an igraph graph object
#' as a local graphml file in the current file directory with the
#' file name containing the current date, a supplied string in
#' \code{}, and the current time.
#' @param output.graph An igraph graph object to be saved as a local file.
#' @param A short, descriptive phrase for the file name of
#' the saved igraph graph object. The user need not include the ".graphml"
#' file extension as that is automatically appended.
#' @examples
#' current.graph <- igraph::sample_k_regular(no.of.nodes = 10, k = 2, directed = FALSE, multiple = FALSE)
#' <- "Practice_Graph"
#' ConvertToGraphML(current.graph,
#' @export
ConvertToGraphML <- function(output.graph, {
cat("Converting graph to graphml file:",, "\n") <- paste(Sys.Date(),, gsub(":", ".", format(Sys.time(), "%X")), sep = "_") <- paste(, ".graphml", sep = "")
write.graph(output.graph,, format = "graphml")
ExportClusterTables <- function(output.graph, {
cat("Saving cluster tables to file:",, "\n") <- paste(Sys.Date(),, gsub(":", ".", format(Sys.time(), "%X")), sep = "_") <- paste(, "_cluster_tables.csv", sep = "")
all.attr <- get.vertex.attribute(output.graph)
this.df <- c()
for (x in 1:length(all.attr)) {
this.df <- cbind(this.df, all.attr[[x]])
this.df <-
colnames(this.df) <- names(all.attr)
write.csv(this.df, file =, quote = FALSE)
ChangeTimes <- function(num, time.convert) {
# ind <- match(num, as.numeric(names(time.convert)))
convert.num <- time.convert[[num]]
ConvertOrigTime <- function(graph, orig.times) {
which.ind <- grep(pattern = "Time", list.vertex.attributes(graph))
if (length(which.ind) > 1) {
stop("Too many time attributes in graph!")
time.attr <- list.vertex.attributes(graph)[which.ind]
to.fix <- get.vertex.attribute(graph, name = time.attr, index = V(graph))
if (length(unique(to.fix)) != length(orig.times)) {
stop("Number of original time points does not match number of distinct time points in final graphml!")
} <- sort(unique(to.fix))
time.convert <- list()
for (i in 1:length( {
time.convert[[i]] <- orig.times[i]
fixed.times <- c()
for (i in 1:length(to.fix)) {
fixed.times <- c(fixed.times, ChangeTimes(to.fix[i], time.convert))
fixed.graph <- set.vertex.attribute(graph, name = time.attr, index = V(graph), fixed.times)
ConvertToPDF <- function(graphml.file, scale = NULL,
which.palette = "bluered") {
pctile.color <- c(0.02, 0.98)
node.size.scale <- 2
min.node.size <- 12
max.node.size <- 24
pdf.width <- 100
pdf.height <- 100
graph <- read.graph(graphml.file, format = "graphml")
out.folder <- paste(basename(graphml.file), "pdf", sep = "_")
cat("Making output folder:", out.folder, "\n")
# get matrix/table of all vertex attribute values
all.attributes <- c()
attrs.colnames <- c()
remember.attr <- c()
for (attribute in list.vertex.attributes(graph)) {
if (is.numeric(get.vertex.attribute(graph, attribute, index = V(graph)))) {
all.attributes <- cbind(all.attributes, get.vertex.attribute(graph, attribute, index = V(graph)))
attrs.colnames <- c(attrs.colnames, attribute)
} else if (is.character(get.vertex.attribute(graph, attribute, index = V(graph)))) {
remember.attr <- c(remember.attr, attribute)
} else {
warning("Unknown attribute type!")
colnames(all.attributes) <- attrs.colnames
rownames(all.attributes) <- V(graph)
# get x-y graph layout
graph.l <- matrix(data = c(V(graph)$x, V(graph)$y), nrow = length(V(graph)$x), ncol = 2)
# set up color scale
if (which.palette == "jet") {
my.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))
time.palette <- my.palette
} else if (which.palette == "bluered") {
my.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("#1500FB", "#C3C3C7", "#D10100"))
time.palette <- colorRampPalette(rev(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")))
} else if (which.palette == "CB") {
my.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("#0072B2", "#C3C3C7", "#E69F00"))
time.palette <- my.palette
} else {
stop("Unknown color palette!")
color.scale <- my.palette(100)
# set up node size
vsize <- all.attributes[, ""]
vsize <- (vsize - min(vsize, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(vsize, na.rm = TRUE) ^ (1 / node.size.scale)) *
((max.node.size) ^ 0.5 / pi) + ((min.node.size) ^ (0.5 / pi))
vsize[ | (all.attributes[, ""] == 0)] <- (min.node.size) ^ (0.5 / pi)
V(graph)$size <- vsize
# print out one pdf for each attribute
for (name in colnames(all.attributes)) {
# get attribute name and data
attribute <- all.attributes[, name]
if (name == "name") {
} else {
if (name == "size") {
attribute <- vsize
# set up color boundaries
ifelse (!is.null(scale),
boundary <- scale,
boundary <- quantile(attribute, probs = pctile.color, na.rm = TRUE)
boundary <- c(min(boundary), max(boundary))
boundary <- round(boundary, 2)
if (boundary[1] == boundary[2]) {
boundary <- c(boundary[1] - 1, boundary[2] + 1)
if (Inf %in% boundary) {
grad <- seq(boundary[1], boundary[2], length.out = length(color.scale))
color <- color.scale[findInterval(attribute, grad, all.inside = TRUE)]
color[] <- "grey"
fill.color <- color <-
frame.color <- color
pdf(file = paste(name, ".pdf", sep = ""),
width = pdf.width, height = pdf.height, pointsize = 12,
bg = "transparent")
graph.aspect <- ((max(graph.l[, 2]) - min(graph.l[, 2])) / (max(graph.l[, 1]) - min(graph.l[, 1])))
par(mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
plot(graph, layout = graph.l, vertex.shape = "circle",
vertex.color = fill.color, vertex.frame.color = frame.color,
edge.color = "#FF000000", vertex.size = vsize, edge.label = NA,
vertex.label = NA, edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.arrow.width = 1,
asp = graph.aspect)
pnts <- cbind(x = c(0.85, 0.9, 0.9, 0.85), y = c(1.2, 1.2, 0.9, 0.9))
legend.gradient(pnts = pnts, cols = my.palette(20), title = name, round(c(min(attribute), max(attribute)), 4), cex = 10)
remember.attr <- setdiff(remember.attr, "id")
if (length(remember.attr) > 0) {
for (name in remember.attr) {
if (grepl(name, pattern = "Time")) {
palette.use <- time.palette
} else {
palette.use <- my.palette
# get attribute name and data
attribute <- get.vertex.attribute(graph, name, index = V(graph))
cat("options are", unique(attribute), "\n")
num.unique <- length(unique(attribute))
color.scale <- palette.use(num.unique)
color <- rep(NA, times = length(attribute))
for (i in 1:length(color.scale)) {
fix.ind <- which(attribute == unique(attribute)[i])
color[fix.ind] <- color.scale[i]
fill.color <- color <-
frame.color <- color
pdf(file = paste(name, ".pdf", sep = ""),
width = pdf.width, height = pdf.height, pointsize = 12,
bg = "transparent")
graph.aspect <- ((max(graph.l[, 2]) - min(graph.l[, 2])) / (max(graph.l[, 1]) - min(graph.l[, 1])))
par(mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
plot(graph, layout = graph.l, vertex.shape = "circle",
vertex.color = fill.color, vertex.frame.color = frame.color,
edge.color = "#FF000000", vertex.size = vsize, edge.label = NA,
vertex.label = NA, edge.arrow.size = 0.25, edge.arrow.width = 1,
asp = graph.aspect)
if (grepl(name, pattern = "Time")) {
legend(0.875, 1.0, legend = unique(attribute),
fill = color.scale, cex = 10)
} else {
legend(0.8, 1.0, legend = unique(attribute),
fill = color.scale, cex = 10)
PrintPanel <- function(var.annotate) {
level1 <- names(unlist(var.annotate))
level2 <- unname(unlist(var.annotate))
arrange.ind <- order(c(seq_along(level1), seq_along(level2)))
old.panel <- c(level1, level2)[arrange.ind]
panel <- c()
for (i in = 2, to = length(old.panel), by = 2)) {
first <- paste("'", old.panel[(i - 1)], "'", sep = "")
second <- paste("'", old.panel[i], "'", sep = "")
next.i <- paste(first, second, sep = " = ")
panel <- c(panel, next.i)
PrintSummary <- function(env = parent.frame()) {
summary <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 0)), c("Variable:", "Value"))
cat("Printing summary for FLOWMAPR run from FCS files.", "\n")
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("mode (selected FLOW-MAP mode):", env$mode)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("files:", toString(env$files))
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("var.annotate (markers included in this analysis):", toString(env$var.annotate))
if (length(env$var.annotate) == 0) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("panel (full panel including metals and corresponding marker):",
"(no marker names changed)")
} else {
panel <- PrintPanel(env$var.annotate)
panel <- paste(panel, collapse = ", ")
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("panel (full panel including metals and corresponding marker):",
paste(panel, collapse = ", "))
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("var.remove (removed markers):", toString(env$var.remove))
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("clustering.var (markers used for clustering and distance calculation):",
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("distance.metric:", toString(env$distance.metric))
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("minimum (min number of edges):", env$minimum)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("maximum (max number of edges):", env$maximum)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("subsamples (subsamples for all FCS files):", env$subsamples)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("cluster.numbers (number of clusters for all FCS files):",
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("cluster.mode (which clustering algorithm):",
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("seed.X (set seed value):", env$seed.X)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("name.sort (files sorted alphanumerically by name in algorithm):",
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("save.folder (directory where results were saved):", env$save.folder)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("savePDFs (whether PDFs of FLOW-MAP graphs were generated):", env$savePDFs)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("downsample (whether results were also downsampled using SPADE):", env$downsample)
if (env$downsample) {
if (!is.null(env$exclude.pctile)) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("exclude.pctile (for SPADE downsampling):", env$exclude.pctile)
} else {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("exclude.pctile (for SPADE downsampling):", "NULL")
if (!is.null(env$target.pctile)) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("target.pctile (for SPADE downsampling):", env$target.pctile,
} else {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("target.pctile (for SPADE downsampling):", "NULL")
if (!is.null(env$target.number)) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("target.number (for SPADE downsampling):", env$target.number)
} else {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("target.number (for SPADE downsampling):", "NULL")
if (!is.null(env$target.percent)) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("target.percent (for SPADE downsampling):", env$target.percent)
} else {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("target.percent (for SPADE downsampling):", "NULL")
if (env$savePDFs) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("which.palette (color of palette used in PDFs):", env$which.palette)
} <- gsub(":", ".", gsub(" ", "_", Sys.time(), fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE) <- paste(, "FLOW-MAPR_run_settings_summary", sep = "_") <- paste(, ".txt", sep = "")
cat("",, "\n")
write.table(summary, file =, row.names = FALSE, na = "", quote = FALSE)
PrintSummaryfromDF <- function(env = parent.frame()) {
summary <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 0)), c("Variable:", "Value"))
cat("Printing summary for FLOWMAPR run from dataframe.", "\n")
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c(" (descriptive name of project provided by user):",
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("mode (selected FLOW-MAP mode):", env$mode)
if (!is.null(time.col.label)) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("time.col.label (channel label for timepoints, if relevant):",
} else {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("time.col.label (channel label for timepoints, if relevant):", "NULL")
if (!is.null(condition.col.label)) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("condition.col.label (channel label for timepoints, if relevant):",
} else {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("condition.col.label (channel label for timepoints, if relevant):", "NULL")
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("clustering.var (markers used for clustering and distance calculation):",
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("distance.metric:", toString(env$distance.metric))
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("minimum (min number of edges):", env$minimum)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("maximum (max number of edges):", env$maximum)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("clustering (whether clustering was performed on cells from DF):",
if (clustering) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("cluster.numbers (number of clusters for all DF samples):",
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("seed.X (set seed value):", env$seed.X)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("name.sort (files sorted alphanumerically by name in algorithm):",
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("save.folder (directory where results were saved):", env$save.folder)
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("savePDFs (whether PDFs of FLOW-MAP graphs were generated):", env$savePDFs)
if (savePDFs) {
summary[(dim(summary)[1] + 1), ] <- c("which.palette (color of palette used in PDFs):", env$which.palette)
} <- gsub(":", ".", gsub(" ", "_", Sys.time(), fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE) <- paste(, "FLOW-MAPR_run_settings_summary", sep = "_") <- paste(, ".txt", sep = "")
cat("",, "\n")
write.table(summary, file =, row.names = FALSE, na = "", quote = FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.