GetStrata.fn: Get Default Strata

View source: R/GetStrata.fn.R

GetStrata.fnR Documentation

Get Default Strata


Get Default Strata


GetStrata.fn(area = "coast")



A single character value of the area or areas you want to predict to. Multiple areas must be separated with an underscore, e.g., "wa_or" or "north_south". The default is "coast", which provides shallow and deep strata for each state; thereby, covering the entire US West Coast.


Get a data frame of strata for design-based estimates and survey composition data. Several strata are available for different default areas, as well as combinations using "_" in the argument area.


A data frame with six columns,

  • name,

  • area,

  • Depth_m.1 (m; the shallow depth border),

  • Depth_m.2 (m; the deep depth border),

  • Latitude_dd.1 (decimal degrees; southern border), and

  • Latitude_dd.2 (decimal degrees; northern border).


Chantel Wetzel and Kelli Faye Johnson

See Also

This function uses CreateStrataDF.fn to generate the strata returned by this function. Also, see convert_strata4vast function in the VASTWestCoast package that converts results from this function to strata that can be used within the VAST package.

nwfsc-assess/nwfscSurvey documentation built on March 6, 2025, 4:07 a.m.