
Defines functions computeprob get.stclusters knbinary mergeknclusters slimknclusters

Documented in computeprob get.stclusters knbinary mergeknclusters slimknclusters

##' @title Computes the probability that a model parameter is <=k from inla marginals
##' @description This function will be used to calculate the P(coeficient variable cluster <=0)
##' @param func is the inla marginals of the model parameter
##' @param k is the cutoff
##' @return probability model coefficient <=k
##' @export
computeprob <- function(func, k) {
  idx <- which(func[, 1] <= k)
  if(length(idx) > 0) {
    weights <- func[idx + 1, 1] - func[idx, 1]

    prob <- sum(func[idx, 2] * weights)

##' @title Gets areas in a spatio-temporal cluster
##' @description This function is similar to get.knclusters but it also allows
##' for spatio-temporal clusters.
##' @param stfdf A sp or spacetime object with the information about the data.
##' @param results Results from a call to \link{DetectClustersModel}
##' @return A list with as many elements as clusters in 'results'
##' @examples
##' library("DClusterm")
##' library("RColorBrewer")
##' data("brainNM")
##' data("brainNM_clusters")
##' stcl <- get.stclusters(brainst, nm.cl0)
##' #Get first cluster
##' brainst$CLUSTER <- ""
##' brainst$CLUSTER[ stcl[[1]] ] <- "CLUSTER"
##' #Plot cluster
##' stplot(brainst[, , "CLUSTER"], at = c(0, 0.5, 1.5), col = "#4D4D4D",
##'   col.regions = c("white", "gray"))
##' @export
get.stclusters <- function(stfdf, results) {
  if(inherits(stfdf, "Spatial")) {
    d <- as.data.frame(coordinates(stfdf))
    names(d) <- c("x", "y")
    return(get.knclusters(d, results))
  } else {
    d <- as.data.frame(coordinates(stfdf@sp))
    names(d) <- c("x", "y")
    knres <- get.knclusters(d, results)

    res <- as.list(rep(NA, nrow(results)))

    tms <- stfdf@time

    nsp <- nrow(d)
    ntms <- length(tms)

    for(i in 1:length(res)) {
      tidx <- which(as.Date(time(tms)) >= as.Date(results$minDateCluster[i]) &
       as.Date(time(tms)) <= as.Date(results$maxDateCluster[i]) )

      res[[i]] <- as.vector(sapply(tidx, function(X){
       (X-1) * nsp + knres[[i]]}



##' @title Constructs data frame with clusters in binary format.
##' @description This function constructs a data frame with number of columns equal to the
##' number of clusters. Each column is a binary representation of one of the
##' clusters. The position i of the column is equal to 1 if the polygon i is
##' in the cluster or 0 if it is not in the cluster.
##' @param datamap data of the \link{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} with the polygons
##' of the map.
##' @param knresults data frame with information of the detected clusters.
##' Each row represents the information of one of the clusters.
##' It contains the coordinates of the center, the size, the start
##' and end dates, the log-likelihood ratio, a boolean indicating if it is a
##' cluster (TRUE in all cases), and the p-value of the cluster.
##' @return data frame where the columns represent the clusters in binary format.
##' The position i of the column is equal to 1 if the polygon i is in the cluster
##' or 0 if it is not in the cluster.
##' @examples
##' library("DClusterm")
##' library("RColorBrewer")
##' data("NY8")
##' data("NY8_clusters")
##' stcl <- knbinary(NY8, ny.cl1)
##' #Get first cluster
##' NY8$CLUSTER <- stcl[, 1]
##' #Plot cluster
##' spplot(NY8, "CLUSTER", at = c(0, 0.5, 1.5), col = "#4D4D4D",
##'   col.regions = c("white", "gray"))
##' @export
knbinary <- function(datamap, knresults) {
  clusters <- get.stclusters(datamap, knresults)
  res <- lapply(clusters, function(X, n) {
   v <- rep(0,n)
   v[X] <- 1
   }, n = dim(datamap@data)[1])

  res <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(res), nrow = dim(datamap@data)[1]))
  names(res) <- paste("CL", 1:length(clusters), sep = "")

##' @title Merges clusters so that they are identifed as levels of a factor.
##' @description Given a data frame with clusters that do not overlap 
##' this function merges the clusters and construct a factor.
##' The levels of the factor are "NCL" if the polygon of the map is not
##' in any cluster, and "CL" if the polygon i is in cluster i.
##' @param datamap data of the \link{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} with the polygons
##' of the map.
##' @param knresults Data frame with information of the detected clusters.
##' Each row represents the information of one of the clusters.
##' It contains the coordinates of the center, the size, the start
##' and end dates, the log-likelihood ratio, a boolean indicating if it is a
##' cluster (TRUE in all cases), and the p-value of the cluster.
##' @param indClustersPlot rows of knresults that denote the clusters to be plotted.
##' @return factor with levels that represent the clusters.
##' @examples
##' library("DClusterm")
##' library("RColorBrewer")
##' data("NY8")
##' data("NY8_clusters")
##' stcl <- mergeknclusters(NY8, ny.cl1, 1:2)
##' #Get first cluster
##' NY8$CLUSTER <- stcl
##' #Plot cluster
##' spplot(NY8, "CLUSTER", col.regions = c("white", "lightgray", "gray"))
##' @export
mergeknclusters <- function(datamap, knresults, indClustersPlot) {
  n <- nrow(knresults)
  knbin <- as.matrix(knbinary(datamap, knresults))	
  res <- as.factor(knbin %*% matrix(1:n))
  levels(res) <- c("NCL", paste("CL", indClustersPlot, sep = "") )

##' @title Remove overlapping clusters
##' @description This function slims the number of clusters down.
##' The spatial scan statistic is known to detect duplicated
##' clusters. This function aims to reduce the number of clusters
##' by removing duplicated and overlapping clusters.
##' @param d Data.frame with data used in the detection of clusters.
##' @param knresults Object returned by function opgam() with the clusters detected.
##' @param minsize Minimum size of cluster (default to 1).
##' @return A subset of knresults with non-overlaping clusters of at least
##' minsize size.
##' @examples
##' data("brainNM_clusters")
##' nm.cl1.s <- slimknclusters(brainst, nm.cl1)
##' nm.cl1.s
##' @export

slimknclusters<-function(d, knresults, minsize = 1)
        #Filter by minsize
        knresults <- knresults[which(knresults$size >= minsize), ]

        #Ordering according to the test statistic
        idxcl <- rev(order(knresults$statistic))

        knbin <- knbinary(d, knresults)

        clusters <- c()
        while(length(idxcl) > 0)
                cl <- idxcl[1]

                if(length(idxcl) > 0)
                  res <- apply(as.matrix(knbin[, idxcl]), 2,
                        function(X, clbin){sum(X * clbin)},
                        clbin = knbin[, cl])
                   #Here is where we decide what clusters to remove
                   idxrem <- which(res > 0)
                   idxcl <- idxcl[-c(1, idxrem)]
                  idxcl <- c() #idxcl[-c(1)]

                clusters <- c(clusters, cl)

        return(knresults[clusters, ])

##' @title Extract indices of the areas in the clusters detected
##' @description This function returns a categorical vector that identifies
##' to which cluster a given areas belongs. It is the empty string for 
##' areas not in a cluster.
##' @param spdf Spatial object with data used in the detection of clusters.
##' @param knresults Table with the clusters detected.
##' @return A categorical vector with value the cluster to which area belongs.
##' It is the empty string for regions not in a cluster.
##' @export
get.allknclusters <- function (spdf, knresults) {
  clusters <- rep("", nrow(spdf))

  knclusters <- get.knclusters(spdf, knresults)
  if(length(knclusters) >0 ) {
    clusters[unique(unlist(knclusters))] <- "CLUSTER"
    clusters <- as.factor(clusters)


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DClusterm documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 3:01 a.m.