# Purpose : Converts a SoilProfileCollection to loose records (KML placemarks);
# Maintainer : Tomislav Hengl (;
# Contributions : Hannes I. Reuter;
# Status : pre-alpha
# Note : see also "" operation;
## coerce SoilProfileCollection to "geosamples":
setMethod("as.geosamples", signature(obj = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(obj, registry = as.character(NA), sample.area = 1, mxd = 2, TimeSpan.begin, TimeSpan.end)
# reproject if necessary:
if(requireNamespace("aqp", quietly = TRUE)){
obj@sp <- reproject(obj@sp)
# check for duplicates:
dp <- duplicated(obj@site[,obj@idcol])
warning(paste("Duplicated IDs detected in the 'site' slot and will be removed:", paste(obj@site[dp, obj@idcol], collapse=", ", sep="")))
obj@site <- obj@site[!dp,]
obj@sp <- obj@sp[!dp,]
# estimate thickness in m and depths:
sampleThickness <- abs(obj@horizons[,obj@depthcols[2]] - obj@horizons[,obj@depthcols[1]])/100
depths <- - (obj@horizons[,obj@depthcols[1]] + (obj@horizons[,obj@depthcols[2]] - obj@horizons[,obj@depthcols[1]])/2)/100
# add the time coordinate if missing:
if(!length(TimeSpan.begin)==length(TimeSpan.end)){ stop("Arguments 'TimeSpan.begin' and 'TimeSpan.end' of the same length required") }
if(!any(class(TimeSpan.begin)=="POSIXct")&!any(class(TimeSpan.end)=="POSIXct")){ stop("Arguments 'TimeSpan.begin' and 'TimeSpan.end' of class 'POSIXct' required") }
XYT <- data.frame(cbind(obj@sp@coords, time=(unclass(TimeSpan.begin)+unclass(TimeSpan.end))/2), dtime=(unclass(TimeSpan.end) - unclass(TimeSpan.begin))/2)
} else {
XYT <- data.frame(cbind(obj@sp@coords, time=rep(NA, nrow(obj@sp@coords))), dtime=0)
names(XYT)[1:2] <- c("x", "y")
XYT$ID <- obj@site[,obj@idcol]
## TH: this assumes that the 'sp' slot and the 'site' slot have the same order;
# convert site data to geosamples:
x <- NULL
site <- obj@site
# remove columns that are not of interest:
site[,obj@idcol] <- NULL
## if empty skip this step:
# add the location error:
locationError = attr(obj@sp@coords, "locationError")
if(is.null(locationError)) { locationError = rep(as.character(NA), nrow(obj@sp@coords)) }
XYT$locationError <- locationError
# for each soil variable
for(j in 1:length(names(site))){
ll <- length(site[,names(site)[j]])
observationid = attr(site[,names(site)[j]], "IGSN")
if(is.null(observationid)) { observationid = rep(as.character(NA), ll) }
measurementError = attr(site[,names(site)[j]], "measurementError")
if(is.null(measurementError)) { measurementError = rep(as.character(NA), ll) }
sampleArea = attr(site[,names(site)[j]], "sampleArea")
if(is.null(sampleArea)) { sampleArea = rep(sample.area, ll) }
x[[j]] <- data.frame(observationid = as.character(observationid), sampleid = obj@site[,obj@idcol], longitude = XYT[,1], latitude = XYT[,2], locationError = as.numeric(locationError), TimeSpan.begin = as.POSIXct(XYT[,3]-XYT[,"dtime"]/2, origin="1970-01-01"), TimeSpan.end = as.POSIXct(XYT[,3]+XYT[,"dtime"]/2, origin="1970-01-01"), altitude = as.numeric(rep(0, ll)), altitudeMode = rep("relativeToGround", ll), sampleArea = sampleArea, sampleThickness = rep(mxd*sample.area, ll), observedValue = as.character(site[,names(site)[j]]), methodid = rep(names(site)[j], ll), measurementError = as.numeric(measurementError), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rx <-, x)
} else {
rx <- NULL
# convert horizon data to geosamples:
y <- NULL
hors <- obj@horizons
# remove columns that are not of interest:
hors[,obj@idcol] <- NULL
hors[,obj@depthcols[1]] <- NULL
hors[,obj@depthcols[2]] <- NULL
## if empty skip this step:
# add coordinates:
XYTh <- merge(data.frame(ID=obj@horizons[,obj@idcol]), XYT, by="ID", all.x=TRUE)
# for each soil variable
for(j in 1:length(names(hors))){
ll <- length(hors[,names(hors)[j]])
observationid = attr(hors[,names(hors)[j]], "IGSN")
if(is.null(observationid)) { observationid = rep(as.character(NA), ll) }
measurementError = attr(hors[,names(hors)[j]], "measurementError")
if(is.null(measurementError)) { measurementError = rep(as.character(NA), ll) }
sampleArea = attr(hors[,names(hors)[j]], "sampleArea")
if(is.null(sampleArea)) { sampleArea = rep(sample.area, ll) }
y[[j]] <- data.frame(observationid = as.character(observationid), sampleid = XYTh$ID, longitude = XYTh$x, latitude = XYTh$y, locationError = as.numeric(XYTh$locationError), TimeSpan.begin = as.POSIXct(XYTh$time-XYTh$dtime/2, origin="1970-01-01"), TimeSpan.end = as.POSIXct(XYTh$time+XYTh$dtime/2, origin="1970-01-01"), altitude = as.numeric(depths), altitudeMode = rep("relativeToGround", ll), sampleArea = sampleArea, sampleThickness = sampleThickness, observedValue = as.character(hors[,names(hors)[j]]), methodid = rep(names(hors)[j], ll), measurementError = as.numeric(measurementError), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ry <-, y)
} else {
ry <- NULL
# merge the sites and horizons tables:
tb <- rbind(rx, ry)
tb$methodid <- as.factor(tb$methodid)
# check if the metadata comply with the geosamples standard:
mnames = c("methodid", "description", "units", "detectionLimit")
if(any(!(names(obj@metadata) %in% mnames))){
# warning(paste("Missing column names in the 'metadata' slot:", paste(mnames, collapse=", ")))
tnames <- levels(tb$methodid)
metadata <- data.frame(tnames, rep(NA, length(tnames)), rep(NA, length(tnames)), rep(NA, length(tnames)))
names(metadata) <- mnames
} else {
metadata = obj@metadata
# make geosamples:
gs <- new("geosamples", registry = registry, methods = metadata, data = tb)
setMethod("as.geosamples", signature(obj = "SpatialPointsDataFrame"),
function(obj, registry = as.character(NA), sample.area = 1, mxd = 2, TimeSpan.begin, TimeSpan.end)
## SpatialPoints should be in the WGS84 projection system:
stop(paste("proj4 string", get("ref_CRS", envir = plotKML.opts), "required"))
## this assumes some standard coordinates column names!
xyn = attr(obj@bbox, "dimnames")[[1]]
if(!any(xyn %in% c('longitude', 'latitude', 'altitude', 'time'))){
warning("'longitude', 'latitude', 'altitude', and 'time' coordinates names expected")
## space-time coordinates:
longitude = obj@coords[,1]
latitude = obj@coords[,2]
altitude = rep(0, nrow(obj@coords))
} else {
altitude = obj@coords[,3]
## altitudeMode
altitudeMode = attr(obj@coords, "altitudeMode")
if(is.null(altitudeMode)) { altitudeMode = "relativeToGround" }
## look for location error:
locationError = attr(obj@coords, "locationError")
if(is.null(locationError)) { locationError = as.character(NA) }
## sampleArea/thickness:
sampleArea = attr(obj@coords, "sampleArea")
if(is.null(sampleArea)) { sampleArea = sample.area }
sampleThickness = attr(obj@coords, "sampleThickness")
if(is.null(sampleThickness)) { sampleThickness = 0 }
## look for observation ID:
if("observationid" %in% names(obj@data)){
attr(obj@data, "observationid") <- obj@data[,"observationid"]
obj@data[,"observationid"] <- NULL
## look for sample ID:
if("sampleid" %in% names(obj@data)){
sampleid = obj@data[,"sampleid"]
obj@data[,"sampleid"] <- NULL
} else {
sampleid = attr(obj@data, "sampleid")
sampleid = as.character(1:length(obj))
## look for measurement error:
if("measurementError" %in% names(obj@data) & length(names(obj@data))==2){
## TH: Only works for a single column data frames!
attr(obj@data, "measurementError") <- obj@data[,"measurementError"]
obj@data[,"measurementError"] <- NULL
## Try to get the times:
if(!length(TimeSpan.begin)==length(TimeSpan.end)){ stop("Arguments 'TimeSpan.begin' and 'TimeSpan.end' of the same length required") }
if(!any(class(TimeSpan.begin)=="POSIXct")&!any(class(TimeSpan.end)=="POSIXct")){ stop("Arguments 'TimeSpan.begin' and 'TimeSpan.end' of class 'POSIXct' required") }
} else {
## try to get the times from coordinates:
if("time" %in% xyn){
TimeSpan.begin = obj@coords[,"time"]
TimeSpan.end = obj@coords[,"time"]
} else {
TimeSpan.begin = NA
TimeSpan.end = NA
## first table:
rx <- data.frame(sampleid, longitude, latitude, locationError = as.numeric(locationError), TimeSpan.begin = as.POSIXct(TimeSpan.begin, origin="1970-01-01"), TimeSpan.end = as.POSIXct(TimeSpan.end, origin="1970-01-01"), altitude, altitudeMode, sampleArea, sampleThickness = as.numeric(sampleThickness), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## observed values:
observedValue = as.vector(sapply(as.list(obj@data), function(x){paste(x)}))
methodid = as.vector(sapply(names(obj), function(x){rep(x, nrow(obj))}))
observationid = rep(attr(obj@data, "observationid"), length(names(obj)))
if(is.null(observationid)) { observationid = rep(as.character(NA), length(observedValue)) }
if(ncol(obj@data)==1 & !is.null(attr(obj@data, "measurementError"))){
measurementError = attr(obj@data, "measurementError")
} else {
measurementError = rep(as.character(NA), length(observedValue))
sampleid2 <- rep(sampleid, ncol(obj@data))
## second table:
ry <- data.frame(sampleid = sampleid2, observationid, observedValue, methodid, measurementError, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## merge the two tables:
tb <- merge(rx, ry, by="sampleid")
## look for description of the methods:
if(ncol(obj@data)==1 & !is.null(attr(obj@data, "description"))){
description = attr(obj@data, "description")
} else {
description = rep(as.character(NA), length(names(obj)))
if(ncol(obj@data)==1 & !is.null(attr(obj@data, "units"))){
units = attr(obj@data, "units")
} else {
units = rep(as.character(NA), length(names(obj)))
if(ncol(obj@data)==1 & !is.null(attr(obj@data, "detectionLimit"))){
detectionLimit = attr(obj@data, "detectionLimit")
} else {
detectionLimit = rep(as.character(NA), length(names(obj)))
## try to generate the metadata:
metadata = data.frame(methodid = names(obj), description, units, detectionLimit, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# make geosamples:
gs <- new("geosamples", registry = registry, methods = metadata, data = tb[,c("observationid", "sampleid", "longitude", "latitude", "locationError", "TimeSpan.begin", "TimeSpan.end", "altitude", "altitudeMode", "sampleArea", "sampleThickness", "observedValue", "methodid", "measurementError")])
## subsetting geosamples:
.subset.geosamples <- function(x, method){
ret <- x@data[x@data$methodid==method,]
if(nrow(ret)==0){ warning("Empty object. 'methodid' possibly not available") }
attr(ret$methodid, "description") <- x@methods[x@methods$methodid==method,"description"]
attr(ret$methodid, "units") <- x@methods[x@methods$methodid==method,"units"]
attr(ret$methodid, "detectionLimit") <- x@methods[x@methods$methodid==method,"detectionLimit"]
setMethod("subset", signature(x = "geosamples"), .subset.geosamples)
.stack.geosamples <- function(x, lst=levels(x@methods$methodid), geo.columns=c("sampleid","longitude","latitude","altitude")){
if(requireNamespace("reshape", quietly = TRUE)){
x.df.lst <- list(NULL)
for(j in 1:length(lst)){
x.df.lst[[j]] <- subset(x, method=lst[j])
x.df.lst[[j]][,lst[j]] <- as.numeric(x.df.lst[[j]][,"observedValue"])
x.df.lst[[j]] <- x.df.lst[[j]][![[j]][,lst[j]]),c(geo.columns,lst[j])]
x.df <- reshape::merge_recurse(x.df.lst)
setMethod("stack", signature(x = "geosamples"), .stack.geosamples)
## summary values:
setMethod("show", signature(object = "geosamples"),
cat(" Registry :", object@registry, "\n")
cat(" Variables :", paste(levels(object@data$methodid), collapse=", "), "\n")
cat(" Total samples :", nrow(object@data), "\n")
# create sp object:
sp <- object@data
coordinates(sp) <- ~longitude+latitude
proj4string(sp) <- get("ref_CRS", envir = GSIF.opts)
cat(" Unique locations :", length(unique(sp@coords))/2, "\n")
le = mean(object@data$locationError, na.rm=TRUE)
cat(" Mean location error :", signif(ifelse(is.nan(le), NA, le), 5), "\n")
cat(" Min longitude :", range(object@data$longitude)[1], "\n")
cat(" Max longitude :", range(object@data$longitude)[2], "\n")
cat(" Min latitude :", range(object@data$latitude)[1], "\n")
cat(" Max latitude :", range(object@data$latitude)[2], "\n")
# estimate the total area covered by the samples:
sp.gc <- spTransform(sp, CRS("+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs"))
Tarea <- signif(diff(sp.gc@bbox[1,])*diff(sp.gc@bbox[2,])/1e6, 4)
cat(" Total area (app.) :", paste(Tarea), "(square-km)", "\n")
## Extract regression matrix:
.over.geosamplesSP <- function(x, y, methodid, var.type = "numeric"){
if(length(attr(x@coords, "dimnames")[[2]])>2){
warning("'SpatialPixelsDataFrame' object with two dimensions expected")
if(!any(y@data$altitudeMode == "relativeToGround")){
warning("AltitudeMode accepts only 'relativeToGround' values")
pnts = .subset.geosamples(y, method=methodid)
## check if it results in an empty set:
stop(paste("Subsetting the geosamples based on method", methodid, "results in an empy set."))
## reformat observed values:
pnts$observedValue = as.numeric(pnts$observedValue)
} else {
pnts$observedValue = as.factor(pnts$observedValue)
coordinates(pnts) <- ~longitude+latitude
proj4string(pnts) <- get("ref_CRS", envir = GSIF.opts)
pnts.t <- spTransform(pnts, x@proj4string)
attr(pnts.t@coords, "dimnames")[[2]] = attr(x@coords, "dimnames")[[2]]
attr(pnts.t@bbox, "dimnames")[[1]] = attr(x@bbox, "dimnames")[[2]]
ov <- sp::over(pnts.t, x)
out <- cbind(data.frame(pnts), ov, data.frame(pnts.t@coords))
warning("Overlay resulted in an empty table")
setMethod("over", signature(x = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", y = "geosamples"), .over.geosamplesSP)
.over.geosamplesRaster <- function(x, y, methodid, var.type = "numeric"){
if(!any(y@data$altitudeMode == "relativeToGround")){
warning("AltitudeMode accepts only 'relativeToGround' values")
pnts = .subset.geosamples(y, method=methodid)
## check if it results in an empty set:
stop(paste("Subsetting the geosamples based on method", methodid, "results in an empy set."))
## reformat observed values:
pnts$observedValue = as.numeric(pnts$observedValue)
} else {
pnts$observedValue = as.factor(pnts$observedValue)
coordinates(pnts) <- ~longitude+latitude
proj4string(pnts) <- get("ref_CRS", envir = GSIF.opts)
pnts.t <- spTransform(pnts, CRS(proj4string(x)))
ov <-, pnts.t))
out <- cbind(data.frame(pnts), ov, data.frame(pnts.t@coords))
warning("Overlay resulted in an empty table")
setMethod("over", signature(x = "RasterStack", y = "geosamples"), .over.geosamplesRaster)
# end of script;
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